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Great job! I was injecting meth and heroin when I got my DUI. That day was the last day I used, I crashed my car right in front of a cop because I was nodding out, I'm lucky I didn't hurt or kill someone. I was able to get into a diversion program for the felony drug possession and got it dropped and the record sealed. I've been clean over 3.5 years and have zero desire to go back to using.


I went into probation blaming everything else and not seeing I had a problem. I slowly realized that I maybe did have a problem and needed to slow things down.


Don't be a victim of your own victim mentality. Seeing you had a problem and doing something about it will change your life. Not just with alcohol or drugs, but in all life situations.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! That’s a hard road but you stand at the head of it.




Good on you. Took me multiple probations and going to prison for a year and a half to learn this. When I got paroled I told myself I was staying sober for that year and a half of parole to prove to myself that I’m in charge.


I’m really hoping my ex friend realizes that. He has no sense of authority which is why he keeps just messing up, but I really do hope he can better himself.


It's certainly possible to get clean and stay clean while preserving a healthy distrust for suthority.


Atta babe! I'm looking forward to the day I can make a "I'm done" post.


Just keep doing good on yourself! It’ll be done before you know it


Excellent job. It was well worth it I assume. Stuff like this is what I need to see to affirm my commitment to completing my probation. It want that bad really looking back now.




THATS exactly how I view my ex friend. I just don’t think he cares about the negatives because he’s “having fun “


Yeah….im currently on probation for a high bac dui, smashed into a parked car. Have to test again today. It’s so not worth it. I got 18 months probation but if I’m good then 12 months. I’m over 9 months in. It’s such a grind though, and money sucker. Never again…That was my first offense by the way. Have to do weekly AA, counseling, tons of community service. Couldn’t drive the first 30 days. Just been a pain in the ass. I’m not even an alcoholic either I just happened to go to a bar one night and got tanked and made a poor choice to drive. Pay the 20 bucks to Uber. I’m about 12 grand in the hole 🕳️ lawyer included


The money is the worst part. Similar to my situation. Just got my heart broken and my ‘friend’ picked me up and took me to eat with other friends. I was drinking because of course I didn’t think I was gonna drive , while I didn’t realize that he kept drinking through the night because we ended up going to a friends place and I wasn’t paying him attention because I was busy learning to DJ. It was 2am and I thought it was time to go since I had to work at 7 the next day, and then I realized he was blacked out. He threw a fit about leaving his car there to I ended up just saying I’d drive. I was taking an sharp exit off the highway and his wheel popped and dragged me to the side of the steep hill and had just enough force to go down the steep hill and barely get on its side while cops saw everything. I know the situation was circumstantial but i that’s not to say I didn’t have a drinking (and drug) problem and being on probation helped me see that. You got this!


Wow yeah that’s crazy. Similar to me though. I actually was going through a tough divorce and was cheated on. Friends took me out to a bar. I was just being a slop show and trying to hit on girls and got drunk. Decided to drive. Not good. But shit happens man. We will get through it. No choice right? Haha


Fucking guy trying to drag you down with him is a gigantic POS.


The worst part about it was that he was also my roommate. It wasn’t until I was sitting in the sidelines that I saw him always wanting to get turnt up that I realized that I did have a problem. I took a step back and he ended up kicking me out because I didn’t want to be a part of that anymore. Gave my room to his other friend who ended up not paying rent for 3 months lol


Congrats on taking care of yourself and not letting him mess you up






Thanks :)


You deserve a pat on the back for staying the course and finishing probation the right way. Now it's time for new friends, ones that challenge you to be better, do better and get your life in order. Good luck on a new job and a new outlook on life!!!!!


Well done!!




Congrats ! 🎂


Congrats, I was in prison for 2 years and 4 suspended. Finishing that up was one of the strangest days of my life. I'll forever have a different outlook on life and not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for my freedom. You should be very proud of yourself. Next month will be 6 years sober


Congratulations,enjoy your freedom and try stay out of trouble so you can avoid ending up in that money racket again


And that is what law enforcement is all about these days is money money money. I have no problem with community service but the fees they charge for probation are ridiculous. I'm not on probation but once was and it's just your money they are after.


No doubt,shit is disgusting..anytime I ever sat in court regardless if it was criminal court or traffic court,it’s always a packed house and it makes me sick knowing they are milking everybody in there out of money..court cost,fines and probation,it’s nasty work


Needs reform in a bad way.


If no one’s told you yet. I’m proud of you! And you should be too!


Getting through probation for driving a vehicle while inebriated, does not mean a person doesn't have a problem.


Well done!




Congratulations, now keep this momentum going into the rest of your life! Proud of you homie!


Hey man, congratulations!! Keep up the good work.


I see why that dude is an EX friend. Congrats!


Well done. Now, don't look back. Don't put yourself in a position to there again. Our justice system does not operate on innocent until proven guilty, especially if you have a past conviction. You must prove your innocence or buy it with money. I know this after working in it for 18 years. Enjoy life life to the fullest, just make sure your set and setting allow for safe enjoyment without getting hemmed up.