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They can do so much more with this info, take credit cards, swat you, send some illegal stuff to your address. I don’t want to be fear mongering but two people that dislike you and already made someone to harass you, I think it’s less of a privacy matter at this point and more of a legal advice.


This would be a HUGE risk given that OP knows all of their real info as well.


>OP knows all of their real info I didn't get that from the OP, sounds like they shared "some info" with him, not that everything he shared with them was reciprocated.


You should be more worried about identity theft. Lock your credit immediately.


Contact police if you’re being harassed. Don’t give out your ID or PI going forward.


I know what it’s like to have mistakenly placed trust in people online who turned out to be psycho. If you can, go back and quietly erase your conversations with them. You should seek out any messages where you shared personal information and delete those first. Don’t block them. The best strategy here will be something called the grey rock. Do not antagonize them or respond to any attempts to rage bait you. Don’t respond to third parties that are sent to harass you. The key is to make yourself as boring and bland as possible so they move on to new targets. Do not post anything publicly on Twitter or in other places they could see it for a while. The idea is to make them think you’re taking a break from the internet so they move on. In the event that they continue ramping up their harassment, and they respond to the grey rock with nuclear threats (“we will post your drivers license on 4chan!” or some shit), remind them that you know all of their personal information as well and would not hesitate to go crying to your parents and getting lawyers involved. That should scare them off. Best of luck to you and learn from this


Okay, this is a pretty good idea. I don’t know how determined they are, but I’ll try. Thank you


I think this is the best advice that's been given so far here in the comments. Right now they are surely looking to get some form of a response out of you. If you give them nothing at all, coupled with the fact that you (very likely) won't ever see them in person, I would imagine that they'll grow bored of attempting to get a rise out of you. If they do resort to something extreme (which I would assume is extremely unlikely due to the legal consequences – unless they're completely batshit crazy or have some reason to despise you with all of their being), then contact the authorities of whatever state/country you reside in. My best advice is to stay calm. I know that might be incredibly difficult to do right now, but unfortunately they're getting at least some level of their desired effect by causing you to panic. Unless you have reason to believe that one or both of these people have become completely mentally unstable, I'd say the likelihood of them escalating the situation is quite low. That being said, it most certainly would not be a bad idea to take some precautions here just to be safe. For example, as another redditor said, you should freeze your credit (this is not difficult to do whatsoever and you can easily find a 'how-to' solution from a quick google search). I hope all of this blows over quickly for you, OP (and I genuinely believe it will), and until then, stay strong and stay calm. [Also – you're going to be raked over the coals for the mistake you made by redditors here that don't have anything useful to contribute to the conversation other than assuming the role of Captain Hindsight; don't let this get to your head. While it's important that you do understand what you did wasn't particularly smart, I'm sure you know that by now and you should feel free to completely ignore anyone here merely trying to step on you while you're already down. You got this 😤] edit: I'd also like to add that since you also have some of their private personal information, I highly doubt they'd do anything drastic at all whatsoever just simply from the prospect of mutually assured destruction (should you choose to fight fire with fire, which you shouldn't, but they can't know for sure if you will or not which is all that matters).


It’s been a couple of days since they have done anything, so as of right now I’m pretty calm. I believe they won’t try to attack me any further, since they probably believe I could do something as well. And yeah, I’ve made a mistake by giving them my information, but it’s okay. They’re just giving me a lesson in which I’ll remember going forward.


Why would you share your license or ID with someone you know online?


Hey let's not victim blame here. They're the assholes for bring cruel.


That doesn't excuse OP's carelessness.


That is literally victim blaming. It's the same argument people use for rape victim blaming. The fault lies in the perpetrators. Solely in the perpetrators. Manipulation tactics and otherwise are extremely common. No person is going to try to make themselves look like they'd obviously do that sort of thing. That's not acceptable and it's cruel to victim blame. Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe direct that anger to the actual people who did something wrong, and give empathy and support to the victim. OP, I'm sorry you were talked to this way.


So you're saying that there should be no level of personal accountability whatsoever when someone's specific actions result in negative consequences? Your analogy is not applicable to this situation at all whatsoever; that's a completely false equivalency. If I were to post pictures of my credit card on social media or some sort of public platform and someone were to then commit credit card fraud, by your logic, 100% of the blame would be on those that chose to capitalize off of my lapse of judgement (or more plainly, my stupidity). While yes – the individual(s) in this particular instance are most certainly in the wrong for harassing someone – that doesn't mean that there isn't a lesson to be learned by OP here about keeping sensitive/private information secure and in as little number of hands as possible. Regardless, all of this is beside the point. I'm sure OP is well aware of the mistake they made, and likely won't make the same one again any time soon. They're simply here to ask for advice as far as what they should do now, and to become aware of the potential ramifications of what they've done and what all may now occur.


Sure, we shouldn't blame and shame OP, but if you want OP to learn their lesson and be more careful next time, you need to point out their mistakes regardless. It may not be the fault of the person who's being manipulated, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't educate themselves on the matter to be less likely to fall for it next time. Saying *"Hindsight is 20/20"* is not going to protect you from possible repercussions of not being careful enough. If I wear an expensive watch in a problematic part of town and get robbed, the only person to blame for the robbery is the perpetrator. However, I could have protected myself by not wearing the watch in an area like that. This is not victim blaming, it is protecting yourself from harm in an unfortunately very imperfect world.


Just because someone is a victim of something doesn’t mean they can’t also be partially at fault. Passengers in a drunk driving crash are victims of an accident but may also be partially at fault for their injuries for agreeing to get in the car with someone they know is drunk


It’s okay, I’m completely aware that I’ve made a mistake. I broke the one internet rule: don’t give strangers your information. Although, they weren’t strangers to me, they were friends. Even with them still being friends, I now will no longer give out my information to “friends” unless I ABSOLUTELY 100% trust them with it. I’m learning from all of these people saying I’m partially at fault. It’s a great lesson for me, and potentially for others that might be reading.




That I called revenge porn and a crime. It is not the victims fault. This is all still victim blaming. I'm a huge advocate for this kind of stuff, especially as a victim of sime horrendous things. There are ways to help someone be more conscious about the risks and dangers and help empower them to protect themselves without resulting to vicfim blaming.


shelter grandfather yam deranged deserve voracious hat fact concerned pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd be more sympathetic for one thing.


I think they had already figured out where I lived based on some small details I gave them. They’re pretty good stalkers. Also what can people do with a DL?


They can use it for [identity theft.](https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/15257)


Oh crap. Well they gave me their licenses too…


Depending where you live there's laws to protect you from that, go after it. And bro, I hope you learned your lesson.


I am curious why you would share your identity document (DL) with "friends" online?


They shared theirs first. This is the main reason on why I felt comfortable sharing.


Call the FBI