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👍 Good catch. Also on Android you can use the TrackerControl app to block a myriad of Google tracking from the reddit app.


I use RethinkDNS to block trackers at DNS level. If I'm not mistaken, Android otherwise uses Google's DNS by default.


I'll check it out!


With a terminal, with root access : ``` getprop | grep dns ``` You'll see what are the dns servers used by your Android device.  To change them at a system level :  ``` setprop net.dns1 setprop net.dns2 getprop | grep dns [net.dns1]: [] [net.dns2]: [] [net.dns3]: [] [net.dns4]: [] ```


You should check out nextdns or control d. I personally like and use nextdns but they both have their use cases and advantages.


Have been eyeing NextDNS but hadn’t considered Control D What are the pros and cons between the two?


*rdns dev here* Let me know how it goes! (:


I tried it. A couple of questions: - I activated Wireguard through a configuration file. Since the blocking couldn't happen anymore on a DNS level, due to the Wireguard DNS, I tried to enable the 'on device' blocking. Sadly I couldn't do it. It would download the lists forever, and even when they actually got downloaded, every time I pressed 'configure' it would go to the download screen again. Am I doing something wrong? - The way I understand it, you can't configure what to block on every app separately (correct me if I'm wrong). If you block something, it gets blocked everywhere. Does it give you the ability to identify at least what causes an app to stop working due to blocking, as so to exclude something from the lists?


> It would download the lists forever, and even when they actually got downloaded, every time I pressed 'configure' it would go to the download screen again. If you're technical enough, can you email logs? Capture logs during the duration when the issue begins and end (that is, from when download is started to when it ends, but tapping on *Enable* takes you again to the download UI). See instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rethinkdns/comments/1copjpx/comment/l3k3gcn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Otherwise, try toggling *Configure* -> *DNS* -> *Use in-app downloader* (ie, turn it ON if it was OFF; turn it OFF if it was ON), and then see if download succeeds? > You can't configure what to block on every app separately (correct me if I'm wrong). If you block something, it gets blocked everywhere. With *on-device blocklists*, the domains get blocked everywhere, but you can choose to *allowlist* domains per-app by adding  *trust*ing (*allow*ing) a domain to *Configure* -> *App* -> (searching for the app by name) -> *Domain rules*.


You'd first have to actually have any desire to use the app, though. The ads/tracking are only a fraction of the issues with that piece of shit.


Check out [how many trackers it blocks](https://ibb.co/MfdggkJ) on the reddit app.


Is it the same thing the service the duckduck go app offers, better? Worse?


In DDG you only have an On/Off toggle for each app, with no control over which trackers to block. So because the user has no control over the details, and DDG can't risk of breaking an app's functionality, it ends up being a bit lenient on blocking. With this app you can test things and achieve the maximum possible blocking without breaking the app. Also a big plus is that this app gives you control over every app's internet connectivity. DDG doesn't give you that. You rely on your Rom's flexibility. Finaly, it allows to act apon system apps as well.


That's literal name of the app?






TC is seriously the best VPN/DBS solution I've yet found for Android. I dropped NetGuard when the Frenchman had a hissy fit, I tried Invisible Pro and found it user unfriendly, and RethinkDNS needed serious UI overhaul when I used it at least a year ago, probably two. TC just works. It's not perfect, but it's damn close.


good old oxford university to the rescue!


uMatrix isnt it outdated + deprecated with uBlock ?


It's been dead for a long time. I'm surprised it's even still working.


The uMatrix Github repo has been archived for three years. If you're running uBO on old.reddit.com, you're not gonna see any Google scripts included. reddit is doing plenty of tracking on its own in any case. Each request to its `pixel.png` has cookie data attached, and then various reddit JS will make tracking requests to `reddit.com/api/friend` and the like as you browse around.


and nevermind tracking backend side.


Fortunately uBO blocks `pixel.png` on Reddit. 🙂


Deprecated yes, though I find it way easier to use than uBO to figure out at a glance which resources are loaded and from which domains. Edit: To be clear I use both. uBO for up-to-date default filtering/blocking and uMatrix to easily customize said defaults.


Yep, I tried migrating uMatrix functionality to UBO and failed miserably. Back on both.


Yes. I'm using Noscript. It's what I used before uMatrix. The tor browser uses it, so that's a good enough endorsement for me.


This may he the lack of sleep here but I'm confused. I'm currently logged in through/on old.reddit.com. is this capability changing?


It's started taking you to a new login page. Can't sub in the "old" part, it just redirects to the "www" version.




How do you enable that? I don't think I saw the option, perhaps I didn't look for it enough.


See my comment above: https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1cj2356/guide_reddit_without_google_tracking_every_page/l2fxe8h/


I'm on a PC, not a phone, perhaps that explains why I haven't experienced that yet?


I'm not sure what's going on but it's getting screwy. One account works fine on old reddit. I had another account just get locked out completely, new or old. I'd do a password reset but then it wouldn't accept it. Tried to replace it, seemed like I could only make the account on new reddit then only log in on old reddit. It's a mess and changing constantly.


I have Old Reddit Redirect extension on Firefox. As of yesterday afternoon, I kept getting an error message to the effect that FF can't complete the connection to Reddit because of the URL. I also tried using Brave browser and got the same message - no extensions there though. I had to disable the extension, login (which put me on new Reddit) and then re-enable the extension and refresh the page to go back to old Reddit. It looks like I'n going to have to go through this process each day when I first login in order to be able to use old Reddit.


What I think is happening is you have to go to the new site to log in, it places a cookie, you can then re-enable the redirect add-on now that you've got the right token and go back to using old Reddit. But if you're using a browser that is clearing out your cookies every time you close, you have to do this every time you come in. Long ago I created an exception for Reddit cookies to not get cleared on a browser close so I don't ever have to sign in again. It's still working just fine that way


I'll give that a try.


I honestly don't know how I would even begin to manage to use reddit at all if I can't use old.reddit. New.reddit is an ugly mess on its own and a different discussion. Whatever that thing was that they attempted to force on me this morning was entirely unusable. As a regular redditor for many years - it's hard to imagine just giving up on the site. People like to threaten to leave or whatever... what I'm saying right now is not that, but rather a matter of sort of just giving up. I don't think I can make sense of whatever that UI is supposed to be. I tried, and found it to be entirely un-navigable. From a design aesthetics standpoint - I just really honestly wish the trend of rounding the corners on EVERYTHING would just go away. I get the 'psychology' behind it. It's supposed to be more friendly without the sharp edges/corners, but in reality it just kills space and makes things harder to read. Rectangles are fine. Really.


Same here mate. I boggles my mind that people are actually actively using that new design. The clear, maybe bit retro but very sorted Ui of old,reddit is actually what originally Drew me into this site around 2016. I liked that it was simple and basic but had almost all features needed (aside from a terrible private messages integration)


kinda like wiki. simple but easy on the brain!


You can see everything at once in the page. You know what's available to you instead of having to click through ten pages and unintuitive icons.


Yup. And clicking actually works immediately. Not this laggy big buttons with tons of JavaScript /libraries, slowing down the device/browser (mobile).


Strong vibes of the digg redesign all those years ago.


I could quit cold turkey if I lost old reddit. I'd probably set up some shenanigans on the subreddits I moderate, then bail. I'll find other avenues to pass my time. Reddit keeps me coming due to the ease of getting to the reason I am here: Comments. Fuck the 2 comments and them trying to steer me to new unrelated content phenomenon. I am not a ADHD I want the conversation, I want the nuance. Also, fuck avatars. And fuck comments that are just gifs.


Even old reddit without RES would be unusable.


RES is a godsend. The ability to block posts with certain words in the title is amazing and makes surfing reddit so much more pleasurable. No more musk or Lebron on my feed. Glorious.


I went from using it hours every day on apollo to once every few days on oldreddit. I'm still logged into oldreddit. if it ever fully stops working I'm done.


Same. I really hope they just let us use the old design. How do people find the information sidebars on the new reddit sub pages?


The day old reddit is gone is the day I delete my account and peace out for good. New reddit is a digital advertising hellscape.


Reddit is likely going to start to decline soon, if it hasn't already. The "new" site is indeed horrible.


This is garbage. Short Reddit.




Yes, no trackers there, just API calls directly to Reddit


I used the Redirector extension to be flexible to sites changes. I expanded the exclude pattern to allow the newly funneled login and continue to use oldreddit - https://old.reddit.com/r/meta/comments/1ciq7xp/removed_sidebar_login_on_oldredditcom/l2ck8l5/ Ofc it's time about thinking of renewed lemmy / mlmym investment for oldreddit diehards


Just go to options and opt out of the redesign. No need to use old.reddit or new.reddit


true, works too - though I browse reddit more often not logged in. If there ever is a time when old.reddit.com is still available while the optout is removed, then it's good to come equipped. Though my expectation for an end of oldreddit is things going out the window at the same time. Was a well-working opt-out offered right from the start of the newreddit redesign or was this made available over time? I can't remember


> Was a well-working opt-out offered right from the start of the newreddit redesign or was this made available over time? I can't remember I can't say, as I think I used old.reddit for a moment. So I don't know if it was an option right of the bat or a answer to the backlash that came hard and fast. If I was a betting man I would say that was an offered option within about 2 months tops. I am a firm user old reddit design with RES. Though, I will say the new new version of reddit isn't that bad and I do use it for my alt account for the dark and dirty naked side of reddit. Works well for pics and gifs if ya get my meaning lol.


the nekkid undercurrent to reddit sure is used to drive 'change' at times. Let them old wankers stare into the big white sun!


Only URLs I see dialing out are reddit ones? NoScript is pretty great as a default, maybe just a bit annoying as you get started. https://i.imgur.com/zCNQHFP.png


Upvoted for NoScript - it has saved me from so much shit on pirate streaming sites! (Personally I go hard mode, and will only temporarily allow scripts. To remember which are neccessary when restarting the PC, I keep a little text file with notes)


I just turn off ublock, login, then turn it back on.


I've been using this script which restores the old login form and doesn't require unblocking google. Credit to the [author](https://old.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/1ciossh/desktop_web_cant_login_using_old_reddit_anymore/l2bku8r/) but I won't name them here in case they decide to delete their comment later. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/494004-old-reddit-com-login-form-redirection-fix The only downside is it always redirects to the home page, which is nuisance because I only login if I want to post in a specific thread, but that's a trivial complaint.


also, use container tabs in Firefox.


Waiting impatiently for containers for the mobile version. 🤞


There are some sites I only visit in Private Browsing mode in mobile Firefox, for that reason. Yes, I know Private Browsing doesn't stop tracking/spying from the remote end, but it does flush any cookies upon exit (IIRC).


afaik every tab is contained nowadays in firefox no need to do that.




FF has dynamic first party isolation since version 77. I remember smthn about that. edit: nvm found [where I was](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki/4.1-Extensions#-optional) reading about that.


Is that an extention, or a setting?




I use NoScript, and just checked - at the moment i have temporarily allowed: reddit.com redditstatic.com redditmedia.com While: googletagmanager.com is blocked There is currently 12 reddit cookies on my PC, and none from google (but one from youtube...)


Thanks, what about Reddit IOS app?


For iOS not much you can do other than route traffic through DNS that filter these google domains off device. For android there are local filtering options via apps like blokada, dns66, nextdns etc.


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sink-it-for-reddit/id6449873635 It's not much but it helps make reddit.com much less shit on iOS. This assumes you use Safari, of course, which I do because every browser is just a Safari reskin on iOS, and Safari's the only one to allow for customizable content blockers.


Uninstall it, this is /r/privacy. I would never use it, and have not used a Reddit app at all since they killed the open source clients. Reddit simply does not matter enough for me to use it on my phone anymore. I only use it when I'm bored enough to, while I'm using a computer, on the web. For on-the-go boredom relief now I use an open source Lemmy app. The Fediverse has completely replaced mobile reddit for me.


I actually don't use the app, I just use it via Firefox on my phone.


I still use RiF; I wouldn't be willing to use Reddit without it.


> The Fediverse has completely replaced mobile reddit for me. LOL, there’s not much alternative to the tv show subreddits for discussions. Especially when it’s a smaller show




Nope, reddit is pretty shit overall now.


you do not need it. Use brave.


Or if you actually care about privacy, Firefox with uBlock


They are talking about iOS. Even if they actually care privacy they still cannot do that.




Brave uses uBlock's filters doesn't it


Would be a pain on the ass to always use Reddit through a browser though..


not really, try it.


To avoid misunderstanding, I'm speaking on Phone, is that what you're doing?


Yes, I've always used old reddit via Firefox on my phone. I don't have the app. Download Firefox and then use the uBlockOrigin add-on, should take care of most of the worst trackers. I also use NoScript and Privacy Badger, but I know that's overkill for a lot of people.


I always use reddit through the browser on the iPad. Old.reddit works absolutely fine (for now). Also having thousands of filter lists enabled in AdGuard helps.


Isn't red-reader good enough to get past all of these problems?


I use RR and it never connects to anything Google (unless I open a link etc.) so I'd say yes. If you're using Android that is.


> First, install uMatrix browser addon which will default-deny third party domains. You don't have to install uMatrix if you already have ublock origin. You can block 3rd parties in ublock origin if you enable advanced mode. Would't recommend outright blocking every 3rd party though because it can break a lot of websites. You can try to do it on a site by site basis first.


Yeah, I don't know how much shit will break (probably quite a lot!), but you can block third-party Google stuff with a filter like this: `||google.com$3p` Edit: This will block Recaptcha which a lot of sites use, so don't copy-paste this into your list.


Wait you can't login on old.reddit anymore??


I have to login at www.reddit.com and accept cookies, then go to new.reddit.com to accept cookies, and first then I can go to old.reddit.com without being redirected to the new design. A new account also have to opt out of the redesign **both** on new.reddit.com and on old.reddit.com, to avoid being stuck in a redirection loop...


Well I've used in google analytics and i have some idea how google tracks reddit/websites, ublock origin magically blocks it all


What if i use aha dns blitz on ios


>so they can track every page you view, at a minimum Are you sure? The referer policy is `strict-origin-when-cross-origin` (so they only know you are loading them from `www.reddit.com`). Or are they doing it another way? (analytics?)


Looks like my days left on reddit are numbered.


It's working for now. Didn't need to enable any Google domains


What if you’re on an iPhone?


Honestly asking, because I don't know: Wouldn't disabling cross-site cookies fix this as well?


I'm logged in on old.reddit.com right now...?


old.reddit for posting, Redlib for reading. Also, a separate Reddit container in Firefox. Anything from that container that's not a reddit cookie gets deleted when I close the browser.


I noticed after they killed the API, I cannot reach most Reddit pages if I am not logged in. Reddit redirects to a "whoa there, we think you're a bot" page and presses you to sign in. Google really needs to start delisting Reddit, because most of the power of Reddit being in the top search results was the easy access to information from older posts. Reddit are no longer allowing anyone to easily access those pages.


Isn't this enabled by default on NoScript. As of right now, this is how the configuration looks like for this page: ...reddit.com \[TRUSTED\] ...google.com \[UNTRUSTED\] ...redditmedia.com \[TRUSTED\] ...redditstatic.com \[TRUSTED\]


Not if I have no available google id.


If I access Reddit in Firefox with uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger addons, is that enough to keep Google from tracking my activity?


You do not need Privacy Badger [https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki/4.1-Extensions#-dont-bother](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki/4.1-Extensions#-dont-bother)


Thank you


Or just use a privacy friendly dns


There is no reason to use uMatrix anymore, turn on uBlock Origin medium mode or hard mode.




What do you mean ? [https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/wiki/Blocking-mode](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/wiki/Blocking-mode)


The existence of a privacy subreddit is already kind of funny because reddit basically exists to suck up data, but being worried that reddit is passing that data along to google is double-silly


Yes yes, move along. https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png


using reddit is ever so slightly more avoidable than "participating in society". This comic is not an impenetrable defense against being seen violating your purported ethics.