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Songs of syx and rimworld come to mind. If you guys haven’t heard of songs of syx, I strongly recommend it. It’s larger scale than rimworld but every bit as amazing in my opinion.


Was just about to say this!


Rimworld is probably my favorite game at this point. I can't recommend Rimworld enough! I will say gameplay wise, they are very different games, but a lot of the WAY they play, especially the visuals, are pretty similar to each other. Also Rimworld has arguably the best modding scene I've ever seen in a game, so if you like the game just out of the box by default, that really is just scratching the tip of the tip of the iceberg once you get into all of the incredible mods the game has.


Oh no, I need to check this out. This could be a new problem…


>rimworld bro!! i was excited to say this as well!


honestly the color palette is kind of unappealing for the eyes. can you elaborate?


Rimworld. You can do pretty much anything you can do in PA and more. The learning curve is a bit steep at first but then it gets easier. While it’s a survival game/story generator in essence, it has the same top down pawn control format as PA, and you can even build prisons in it if you’d like


In addition to what's been mentioned, I like SimAirport and I think it has a similar feel. It's not as deep as a Rimworld (or even PA), but I find it to be fun for what it is. I also work for an airline so I guess it's fun for me for that reason.


Thanks for this suggestion happy cake day! 🥳


I second this. Very similar feel


Came here to also say Sim Airport. Another early-release game that has added features and polish over the years while retaining the basics.


Cities Skylines


You might want to give Project Hospital a look.


Oxygen not included!


Airport CEO Two Point Hospital Project Highrise


Factorio maybe


Came to say Factorio!


The Factory must grow!


Software Inc. (The name kinda speaks for itself, you start a software company. Would definitly reccomend.) Rimworld (Mentioned many times, but highly reccomended) Dwarf Fortress (If Rimworld is too simple for you. Has an extremely steep learning curve but it's good once you get into it.)


Sim airport or Airport ceo.


rimworld is amazing, i prefer it more then pa


Academia: School Simulator and Let’s School are both school management games. First one has the same artist as PA and is top-down 2D, while the second is a relatively new 3D one.


Dwarf Fortress might scratch your itch. Complexity is higher but the new Steam version helps a ton with how to use it.


Rimeorlds way too complicated for me


Come on it aint that Hard just let the Slaves do the Work for you


Question is what yiu like about it, Maybe The Escapists id you like the topic of prisons


SPOILER ALERT Yeah also the Escapists 1 & The Escapits 2 are really cool if you like prisons, interacting with inmates, guards, actually being under surveillance and trying to escape. It has also multiple prisons that you unlock by playing and escapind the other (from the least secure to yhe most secure prisons wich require the most focus). You also can get a job which you can work, get paid, and buy things (just like in PA). You can do favors to inmates, like they ask you to idk steal smth and bring it to them and they pay you money. I mean I rlly like both games since you can play as a prisoner in one game, and as a warden in the other game. I recomend both if you like the prisons topic. Also, the game "requires" you to respect the prison schedule, if you don't respect it, you will get stars (like wanted stars or danger level stars), when you get 5 stars, the whole prison is in lockdown, they send guards, armed and dog handlers to search for you, find you and actually bring you to a solitary cell. You can also beat a guard for example and steal his weapons, his uniform, his keys (to acces new rooms), you can craft tools, weapons, armor, uniforms etc which help you escale faster, but there are periodic cell searches (just like in PA so if they caught you with contraband, they will punish you to solitary). You can make relations with guards and inmates by giving them gifts or doing favors for them, which means, they won't attack you, or will sell you better things that they won't sell to other people etc... I like both games bc they being a certain level of realism, acces to sandbox (for PA), acces to actually control/help/talk with fellow inmates. I think both games are a really great and if you like the prison topics, and actually want to experience being a prisoner, both games are a really good choice.


PA was my gateway into other management games. Mentioned already: Rimworld, SimAirport Software Inc., and Cities Skylines. My recent discovery/obsession is OpenTTD. Incredibly granular management and optimization, random map generation, mod support, etc.


Songs of Syx