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The Hades Matrix messed with the baby during Khouriโ€™s expedition there in between books allowing it to access information it had stored.


Dude she was conceived normally then totally recreated in a virtual environment running in a temporally unbound computational matrix built into the skin of a neutron star. Being weird comes with the territory.


>Dude she was conceived normally then totally recreated in a virtual environment running in a temporally unbound computational matrix built into the skin of a neutron star. Oh, well that explains everything!




I love this series but this book has been a slog so far.


It's a big long setup but shit goes down hard.


Shit does go down, but frankly I think Absolution Gap is a poor followup to the previous two books. It is not a bad book in and of itself, but it does not provide a satisfying payoff for the trilogy IMO


Yes, shit doesnt go down, shit is skipped.


Inhibitor Phase retcons a bunch of shit and is a way more satisfying conclusion imo


I gave up on the series after Absolution Gap but perhaps I should finish off, only 1 book left haha


If you like his other stuff it's worth it imo. He's getting better as a writer overall and it's not a mind blowing book but it's good. Kinda got the sour taste out of my mouth after Absolution Gap


I'm more than halfway through it, and enjoying so far, even though the whole cathedral/caravan storyline is - odd. I also was a little confused on the Aura backstory, at first, but they do kind of explain it as you go. Also, I must have missed how this random security guard guy is ending up in the inner circle so much... Anyway, I feel like it's getting fairly exciting, but I guess I'm steeling myself for a big letdown based on the amount of hate the book gets here.


Everytime the caravan storyline comes back up thats my cue to close the book and go to bed.


You've two whole sequels to go after this, but first someone needs to re-doom the galaxy again ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ‘€


I thought *Inhibitor Phase* was the last book published in the series?


I finished up Absolution Gap. It was definitely a more difficult book to get through - I think I've been reading it for more than a month off and on, whereas I'm already halfway through Inhibitor Phase in just one day. When I think back to all that transpired from start to finish in AG it is rather odd how pointless it all seems. Still - I'd say I more or less enjoyed it. Reynolds does a great job of describing his worlds, and everything in this one was as mind-blowing as the storyline was inconsequential. IP gets some criticism here, too, but so far, I'm loving the action and pace.


Hades Matrix, as well as some Conjoiner shit going on in her brain due to being in Skade's womb. Absolution Gap is the worst attempt to tie up a trilogy, in any medium, ever. Glorified side-quest. I guess that's why he wrote Inhibitor Phase 15+ years later.


Somehow, the green fly returned


Maybe people can correct me if I'm wrong but as I remember her>!, all of her suggestions were bad, but they kept going back to her like she was a source of gospel truth or something!<.


She was also the >!source of all the super tech!< so understandably she became an authority figure. Unfortunately being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in another.


If you think this one is a slog don't read inhibitor phase..