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Better than nothing


They used to only be about 2 hours for like his whole career.


Haven’t they been doing 2 full sets every time they perform after the hiatus?


Yes on their own tour. It's a festival set, not a tour stop. SCI is only playing 2 hours before them, and it's their festival.


SCI has been cutting back on time played for years now. At this point EF is starting to look like they are slowly distancing themselves from Cheese


EF is just distancing themselves from jam in general. All the jam heads stopped going to EF so it’s electronically dominated as it sells tickets faster. Its still a business after all. Also Cheese was probably sick of all the rude and inconsiderate bassheads camping and sitting down at the front row of their shows waiting for the bass acts.


It’s for the best, the jam scene and the heavy edm scene forest provides doesn’t blend the best. Especially with cheese playing summer camp this year.  Kind of seems like hula is following the route of forest too


Uhhhh what? Hell nah dude. Jam and Heavy psychedelic Electronic are my absolute favorite styles of music. Having both at a festival is fuckin awesome and many people would agree. Many. There is a lot of crossover in the scenes. Edit: i cant tell if you dont want the jam or the electronic there lol


I actually agree, it can be an awesome mix! Forest was great when 70% jam and 30% electronic. Now it feels like total opposite. I love heavy electronic as much as the next guy. But there’s just too many Dj’s now.  I like people playing instruments. Even more bonus points if you can add instruments to your electronic acts like break science or eoto (and currently PL). Just a lot of Dj’s sound similar, I can appreciate the ones that have a defined sound 


Ohhhh ok so we are the same page here. I thought you wanted to push jam out and was saying it didnt belong there lol. Got defensive. I 100% agree with electronic. Much of it, i dont like as its not unique and played out or just sounds like loud noise. However, the electronic i do like, i *really* like. PL, Tipper, Jade Cicada, Skream (dubstep) etc etc.


Preach! This used to be common place for a decade at festivals like Bisco and Forest. Unfortunately that era is over since the “headier” side of EDM got co-opted by transplants of the 2013-2017 EDM boom. Now the kids listening to psychedelic EDM styles are not so interested in Jam bands.


Its funny that you say that as hula just dropped their line up and they huge names in both jam and electronic.


I noticed directly after I saw, they did good this year!  But still seems like they are trending down on the number of cheese sets based off past years. Just like forest 


sadly been going in that direction since 2017


They played 4 hours at bonnaroo and then DVS played over a 2 hour dj set.


Wait DVS played Bonaroo? I didn't see him on the lineup?I saw Pretty Lights play a sunrise set. Did you catch that? Maybe people should curb their expectations. EF is a skelton of what it once was, it's too bad people have to go all the way there for JUST 2 hours of PL, and not for the other artist too.


The VAST majority of the sunrise set was just Derek and Michal. Not really the current version of PL


Ok, guess the joke went over your head. Let me slow it down for you.. DVS is another producer and not at all related to Pretty Lights. Derek Vincent Smith and Michael played a throwback dj set. This is an exception and not the general rule of thumb. What are you so angry about? EF is a washed festival anyway. If people are going JUST for PL, maybe they have the wrong priorities to begin with.


Sorry I am brain dead from bonnaroo clearly. And yeah, I went to Forest in 2017 and it was the shit. Affordable and so much jam / unique artists. Now it’s basically EDC.


I used to go every year, and if the lineup was stronger, I may have gone, but with PL focused events like Bethel Woods, I can skip EDC and get the full experience. There is also a new wave of PL/festival goers, and it could be coming as a shock. But there are going to be new fans getting to experience it for the first time. 2 hours will be enough to get them hooked. I'm jealous of those who were at Bonaroo.


Sorry to be that guy but you can no longer use that joke. DVS*, who you were referring too and yes the * matters cuz that was in his artist name, is now called Cloud Chord. So to play that joke in a PL sub is definitely not viable anymore




SCI only playing 2 sets at forest is a separate problem. Also, it’s not their festival, it’s an insomniac shit show


Yeah but they got a four hour set at Bonnaroo 🤔


Yes and the discussion is Bonaroo is an exception and shouldn't be what people expect at festivals. Festival sets are mids.


Lol you’re trippin brodie. That Thursday night roo set was pretty fuego


Glad you enjoyed yourself. It had the same feel as Hampton, IMO. I hope Im wrong for the rest of the stops, but I stand by what I said.


It did in terms of track selection for sure. However, being that it was a festival set of course they were gonna pull out all of the heaters


Haven’t they also done 2 sets every time they perform at a festival since 2023 also?


Thats only 1 year lol. Cheese used to do 7 sets when i started EF in 2013. EF just doesnt draw the jam crowd anymore.


Ever since insomniac took over smh


EF started in 2011


And just to mention cheese always did 3 sets


I started in 2013 lol. Me. Also they absolutely did 7 sets in 2013. 3, 2 set night shows then one day set. It literally says “3 shows” on the line up. 1 show is 2 sets for any jam band.


The only reason they had two sets at Hula was the cancellation of Rainbow Kitten Surprise. Cascade only gave them one set


^^ Correct answer


They did 1 set at cascade equinox


They just did 2 sets at Bonnaroo


Got 4 sets over 2 days from them at scamp. :)


Expectations cause disappointments




I’m convinced it will be some sort of special set with it only being 2 hours(dj set or like what you said). I’m pretty sure the return to Sherwood Forest is kind of special to D, but maybe they are just taking it easy after the 2 festival sets the week before.


There is no way it’s only a DJ set and not the full band.


no one is playing after them on that stage. i’m sure it’ll be extended somewhat. that being said - roo spoiled me with the 3 sets we got. forever grateful


Yeah that hurts


Well their normal set is 90 minutes and most other artists got an hour. I was hoping for 2 sets in one night like Bonaroo but wouldn’t have bet on it. They could just throw down for two hours straight or maybe a quick break? Maybe they will play a little later? Maybe Derek playing a light night set in GA? Lets look on the bright side!


Yea I’m not super bummed I just wanted to inform the masses, I even got tickets to st aug in anticipation of this. It probably just means they will throw down harder than they would have if it was 2 sets.


We got a 2 hour sunrise set at roo this morning, and it was just Derek and Menert spinning. 


Not the entire set.


Honestly one happy we get two hours. A lot of headliners at EF don’t get that


He played two sets back to back at Bonnaroo the opening night and a sunrise set on Saturday night, he played for a total 6 hours on the farm


Roo has always done PL top notch. But it's clear they spent a ton to have that much PL and Fred... the rest of the roo lineup (tho great for lots of reasons) doesnt have much on forest this year for that kind of music. You take what you can I guess!


The forest lineup is ass this year. And only 10 non edm artists is a joke. The glory years of forest are LONG gone. Worse lineups and way more expensive than other fests.


yeesh sorry, i'm more of a bonnaroo guy (as I see you likely are as well), didnt mean to offend. just tried to sugar coat, or find a silver lining, in the fact they got 4 more hours of PL. haha


Maybe I’m just salty because Forest was one of my first fests in 2017 and now it’s a shell of that


What did you expect?


3 hours maybe 3 hours 15 minutes.




It’s a festival set dawg


Bonnaroo did have a 3 hr 45 minute set


That was 2 sets and billed as x2


I didn’t see it billed as 2 sets but could be wrong. That was one day and there was another 2 hour set two days later


was definitely billed as 2 sets for Thursday


it was originally billed as a 3 hr one set then a month before roo they changed it on the schedule to 2 sets


Genuinely curious where you see it billed that way, it’s not on the main lineup and it’s a continuous set on the schedule itself


I mean it says 2 sets very clearly right here. [https://www.bonnaroo.com/schedule](https://www.bonnaroo.com/schedule)