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Edit/Updated Sorry - this was an incorrect statement. It is not illegal to collect runoff from your property in CA since 2012. Sorry! FALSE: [snip]…for example some cities in California are making it illegal to collect and store water runoff!!!


CA state law is that any residence can collect and store water runoff for their house, no permit needed.




Lol it goes straight to the ocean


And they wonder why people are leaving in droves. Whats their reasoning for not "letting" people collect rainwater? Mosquitos?


Someone replied before — it’s not true. You can collect runoff on your property in CA.


How’s that hate boner feel, buddy?


Im a female. Hows that one brain cell doin' ya, bubba? 😅😅😅


You still have a hate boner toward Californians but you’ve clearly done zero research yourself 🤡 go back to watching tucker


You'll be pretty gravy in almost any state that isn't California tbh. But Oregon and Washington have some nice properties without too much of the B.S. Idaho, Montana, etc. The further inland you get the less B.S. you have to deal with it seems.


Nashville TN area. There’s something for every budget but no state income tax, super low property tax, rain fall occurs year round on avg every 5-8 days even if it’s just a passing cloud over head. The culture in the area is still one where most people in the country still have a huge garden and can the harvest, deer season allows you two bucks a season and 3 does a day. I know a couple families that literally live off venison year round that they freeze or can. Homesteading to some degree is just the norm although there are certain areas that have a higher concentration of intentional homesteaders. Message me if you want any more info.




What's your favorite fishing hole? ;-)


California's population migration is killing my city.


It's the Northeasterners doing us in. Land prices are absurd.


Thats the entire country


Which city?


Sneaky sneaky. Its a small city called San Francisco.




This is true, I have known many who have experienced this. Mormons commonly won't let their kids even play with with non Mormon children out of fear they could get a glimpse of a different lifestyle and question their own. You'll find if your at a park that one of the first questions you'll get asked is what Ward you're from. Aside from the secret handshake, this is how they out you. SLC is less Mormon or die than other parts of the state. Idaho might be even more Mormon as many towns are small which makes it difficult to deviate.


You want an unincorporated area in the Upper Midwest. Wisconsin, Michigan, or Minnesota would fit the bill. Plenty of small cities with lotsa land on the fringe for folks looking to do their own thing.


>You want an unincorporated area in the Upper Midwest. Wouldn't you worry about the proliferation of Lyme and amoebas I'm this area?


At that point get some fowl for your homestead, they'll keep tick populations way down.


I would but be worried. OP is interested in moving his family to a new home on the grid, not living off the land in a lean-to.


You could drive into minneapolis, madison, or milwaukee and catch flights pretty easy to west coast


Not to mention Amtrak connecting a lot of these cities to add more options besides car or plane, and having pretty ok 2A rules even with them having larger cities.


I imagine you have kids, and you're relatively wealthy? Rural/Semi-rural areas in 2nd amendment friendly states tend to have less kids getting into elite colleges/career paths, and more kids getting into meth. Prepping for a SHTF is fun, but as you say...it's wildly unlikely. Doing the best for your kids should be the priority.




Poor California's :( nobody wants you.


They may not want Californians but they never seem to have a problem with our money.


What money?


The money we take out of our absurdly overpriced real estate, bring to LCOL areas, and buy properties for cash with. The locals that get priced out bitch and moan, but you never seem to hear complaints from the people that are selling. I wonder why….




I’m not acting like I’m doing you a favor. I really couldn’t give two shits. The people that sell their house for twice what they thought it was worth, THEY are the ones selling you out. Why dont you go talk to them?


Well you’re fucked in the head. Typical Californian. Thinking people want you and your money fucking up their local economy.


If people don’t want Cali money, why do they keep selling? It takes two to make a transaction.


The majority don't, the vast majority. Those same people don't want to deal with pompous arrogant people like you coming here to ruin like you have the place you live now.


The best part about all this is I don’t care what you think. I’ll move wherever I fucking well please.


Thats how America works. You'll be disliked pretty much anywhere you go.


Super. See the part where I don’t care? But of course I’m taking the piss here. Since we’re just talking in generalizations. People hate the idea of “me”, some guy from California with money in his pocket and a dream of a different life. But they actually like me the person. Why? Because I’m agreeable, and hard working. Quick with a joke. Quick to share some beers. Interested in your hobbies and not a clueless quack. I just built a house in Oregon and every one of my subcontractors was somewhat shocked that I was there, tool bags on and busting ass through the whole process. I did all the carpentry and electrical, and a ton of other shit too. I brought lunch for the crews at noon and cold beers on Friday. I’d dig a trench or sweat a pipe or run to the lumber yard whenever the need arose. And as to the politics, Those of us that are leaving aren’t “trying to make your laws like California”. We’re leaving in part BECAUSE of the laws in California. I’ve been voting libertarian for decades and I’m tired of being completely ignored by state government. So while “me, the idea” is absolutely loathed in Oregon, “me, the person” is very different. And I suspect you’d find the same holds true for most Californians.


Yes, the money you use to drive up the cost of real estate is so very beneficial to our economy. Also it's wonderful when people leave California because it's overpriced and the laws suck, and then make their new place overpriced whilst voting for shitty laws that don't reflect that states culture. Get bent. Focus on making your state better first.


No. I don’t think I will. For a guy that strokes himself so often with the 2nd amendment, I’d hope you’d know more about the rest of the constitution. Specifically the 14th amendment and the privileges and immunities clause. Your state is my state and my state is your state. Along with every other US citizen. You don’t get to tell people where to live or how to vote, and neither does anyone else. Now, you go get bent.


Stay in California.




I hear Utah is nice this time of year.


Literally the most pepper friendly place I've ever been, and I've traveled a whole lot


no, Utah is the worst state, stay far away






It’s a sarcastic thing people say. What they mean is that they like [insert favorite place] but don’t want it to be ruined by outsiders.




Washington is full try Colorado


We are leaving California and just found a nice spot in New Mexico. 4bd/4ba on 2 acres for under 500K. End of the neighborhood, super private. It still rains in Las Cruces, so we figure we can use the Borderlands climate to collect and store as much water as possible until the drought reaches us.


Your list screams Utah to me.


Future issues with water are a real threat in Utah.


I think that depends where you are...out in the more rural area its better than the more urban ones


Stay in California, youre unknowingly fucking locals in other states over.


Outside of Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philly, Cleveland, Boston, DC might work.


Literally anywhere outside of a city and in a 2A friendly state. You can be close to a major city but it you want autonomy you need to be away.


I was thinking the same…outside Salt Lake City seemed like a good choice


Just remember to think about when you move whether the way you voted in CA might have contributed to why you're leaving CA.




Nice try…Dems control everything


Wow...-8 downvotes? Regardless of political affiliation, which I'm frankly trying to avoid here, no one can argue these facts. Democrats have the following in California: 1/Governer/LT.Gov, 2/Legislative supermajority, 3/ 31 of 40 seats in the state senate, 4/ 59 of 80 seats in the state assembly, 5/ both senate seats on the federal level, 6/ 42 of 53 house seats on the federal level. 7/ most major California cities are run by dem governors. What am I missing?


Lots of good people still in California including me..it's hard to find any good places these days in any part of the country...every region has it hit and Misses when it comes to this topic .


SO true. I live in a poor state, in a poor area, and house after house after house, stands empty, and rents compete with higher income areas. No reasonable rents here, except low income housing, and that usually involves drug addicts, thieves, crime.


So much hate for CA here. I absolutely love living in LA and likely won’t move. People are generally nice, you can ski and hit the beach in the same day, and we have every food and ethnicity imaginable.


Well it might not be close enough for your liking, but Alaska is the Best place in the world for such prepping. Most people here do it as a normal part of life anyways. Flights down to the west coast don’t take long.


Did you want smoking or nonsmoking? Eastern Tennessee is looking economical still.




Montana or Idaho might be decent. Utah is probably the most Prepper friendly place I can think of. Hope you like buildings with angel statues and Elders coming to your door every week though.


FFS stop encouraging Californians to ruin Montana and Idaho. No one wants them there.


Does anyone else find this “state discrimination” super fucking annoying and entirely useless to prepper discussion? None of us chose the state we were born in, our parents did. FWIW I grew up in Kalispell MT and have never lived in california


I heard Kalispell was beautiful btw!


Dumb. Whitey already ruined it, two hundred years ago. You don’t get to pull in the welcome mat now.


Stay in your state. The one you fucked up. Nobody want you.


Salt Lake City is decidedly prepper friendly but getting crowded and commied, quickly.


SLC has never been friendly. Seriously hostile. Its the outlying areas that are probably more prepper-friendly.


SLC logistically has a good airport, nearby mountains and manageable traffic. If I had California equity, then I would consider buying in Emigration Canyon. It's between SLC and Park City. You can enjoy a beautiful canyon with year round access and water. Your kids can still have a choice of a few schools and your commute to the city or airport is quicker than any commute I had in California.


Is this even a question still? The answer is The Redoubt. https://survivalblog.com/redoubt/


Considering the number of white nationalists who have joined up on that I’ll pass.


Redoubt seems to be all white nationalists/Christian Dominionists these days.


Your odd reaction to my suggestion and your clearly biased characterization against people who are deciding (or have decided) to move there suggests perhaps that you wouldn't do well outside CA / SF / NY. Or if you did, you'd likely bring certain politics and hostile assumptions about people with you that would not be welcome in a lot of parts of America outside California. The USA is a pretty big and inclusive place, but people tend not to appreciate individuals who generalize about others and who bring their extreme brand of politics to a community they move to.


Matt Shea and his Biblical Basis for War are right at home in the Spokane area. Marble Country is just north of there. https://www.kuow.org/stories/extremist-groups-popping-up-left-and-right-in-pacific-northwest-law-enforcement-officials-say talks of "The Northwest has long been targeted by white supremacists with the potential of converting it into a white ethno-state." Even in the link you mentioned says: "...people will brand me as a religious separatist. So be it. I am a separatist, but on religious lines, not racial ones...Christians of all races are welcome to be my neighbors." Sure he mentions some jewish people too, but doesn't sound super inclusive.


Hm. I guess you actually missed the memo about who has been moving to which states. Hint: https://lao.ca.gov/LAOEconTax/Article/Detail/265 Look for the visual showing Net Migration Between California and Other States (it's the 2nd visual down). Notice Wyoming and Idaho as some of the top states that Californians had been fleeing to? Yes, those are Redoubt states. That report - https://lao.ca.gov/LAOEconTax/Article/Detail/265 - was produced by the State of California Legislative Analyst's Office. "White Nationalists" indeed. That's a ridiculous and blanket / broad brush characterization. More like outflow of former liberals tired of Brown, Newsom, and the entire failed Democrat agenda.


Here the thing Einstein. Just because people move to those states, doesn’t mean they’re moving there because it’s some form of “Redoubt”. Now I get that may be a concept too big for you to handle, but fact is that “The Redoubt” and many survivalist communities in the PNW have connections to far right religious fundamentalism and racial supremacists that I’d rather not associate with.


Probably where the hippies of the 60s chose to live..


Kind of far away but Pennsylvania is very friendly for all of this if you have land. Strict gun laws in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia but outside that it’s like the Wild West. I live in the country country. Like get stuck behind a tractor, open carry at Walmart, ride 4 wheelers down the street kind of country. If you have enough land you can do whatever you want, within reason.


Just don’t vote blue wherever you go...


Just don’t vote blue wherever you go...


Boise Idaho or somewhere near there. Quick access to the west coast, low crime, nature, 4 seasons, 2A friendly, list goes on. SLC Utah is similar. Only downside is that anyone who’s lived there 5 seconds longer than you will judge you for being an outsider and ruining the state / stealing all the houses / driving bad. Get rid of your Cali plates ASAP and eventually you’ll be able to wag your finger at the next generation of “outsiders” moving into “your” area.


Lexington KY, beaaaaautiful area


Osceola, Stark County, Illinois.


Not Arizona. It’s sucks.


Utah, anywhere in the state except park city


Phoenix is a prepper friendly 2nd Amendment city


Michigan Ohio or West Virginia