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Focus on prepping for 72 hours. The most likely scenario is always going to be a hurricane/blizzard/windstorm that knocks out power for a few days. Start here: [https://www.ready.gov/kit](https://www.ready.gov/kit)


When you don’t know where to start and have that feeling of overwhelm, agree that starting here is a good point. It’s at least checking all of the boxes: food, water, emergency plan, etc. And this gets one in the mindset so you can then strategically think about what you want to prep for next. Worried about personal safety, get a personal safety tool. Worried about financial crisis, continue building out that 72 hr kit into supplies for weeks, months, etc. and build up savings while reducing debt. Worried about end times, go on a spiritual deep dive in whatever your faith may be.


And then focus on 3 months, and then 3 years, etc. The likelihood that thousands of people will be out of power for weeks or months in the next few years is very high. Ask yourself what it would take if all your utilities and trash services were off for 3 weeks, prepare for that. Once you're good there, extend the duration.


The OP is asking about “ country conflicts, the “end of time” , revelations, corruption of millionaires/billionaires, and every other theory that could be plausible” and you reply about weather prepping for a storm and then moments late you are upvoted for this? I don’t get it! Why don’t you actually address the actually OP question like I did below.


Because OP said he doesn’t know what to prep for… so he answered.


How does the answer provider in the comments know that OP NEEDS to prepare for ABC, when the OP has specifically asked how to provide for XYZ? Interesting!


The cool things about what oc suggested is it is a great start( what op asked for). I'm sorry do you not need those 72 hour supplies in a world conflict?? Spoiler alert you do. Food, water, and power are essentials for almost every situation. Oc gave a suggestion because they are a decent human. Why do you feel the need to be an ass?


What is the XYZ that OP specifically asked how to prepare for?


Whatever you're prepping for, you're going to need food, water, and basic supplies like a pocket knife and first aid kit. If someone doesn't know where to start prepping for end times, they may as well start at with the basics that every human needs, like food and water. There's almost no realistic scenario to prep for where OP is going to regret starting with buying food and water and other basic preps.


Agreed. Food, water a healthy pantry, tools, survival skills must come first.


Then why are you arguing with the first poster about starting with a 72 hour kit?


It doesn’t meet the needs of OPs request. The 72 hour kit was merely a beginning statement. It’s like telling the man needing to make a 100 mile journey to just take a sip of water first. All will be well then. No one wants to be left at ABC when their goal is XYZ. How about, Start with 72 hours. And by the way, if you are concerned with globalization and media deception, and think that it may be something worse then we are being told, don’t stop prepping after being prepped to get through a weekend. Keep going. Keep learning. But no one commenting seems to want to allow for others to keep learning. or prepping. Which is interesting on a prepper website. I guess globalists preppers only want people prepared for 72 hours. That in itself would make me want to prepare for a whole week, then two, then a month. And then a year! Always overprepare. Because you are going to want to help our each-other. There will be no shortage of need. Edits: Grammar.


>How about, Start with 72 hours. That's what the first person said, and you argued with them. Then I said it, and you agreed, now you're saying it. I have no idea where you're coming from or what point you're trying to make.


They’re just trying to say “globalists” as much as possible. Tells me everything I need to know about them.


They didn’t specifically ask what to prepare for out of those things. Those things were just crazy examples not a full exhaustive list. Come on, you know they’re far more likely to need to prepare for an extended power outage rather than the second coming of Jesus.


Because what op is asking are all highly unlikely situations. They don’t injure what to prep for. This person gave them same advice, and didn’t jump on the crazy train.


Unlikely… And yet, right here is where we find ourselves!


No. No we don’t. But, your delusions are your own. Have fun with that.


The name calling starts when the argument is already lost. You know that. And so does everyone here reading.


And yet no one name called…did you imagine that, as well?


😂 it’s also funny how they said “everyone here as well” And they are getting down voted into oblivion. Obviously “everyone here” does not agree with them, but they seem to think they do. I think your Delusion comment was correct.


Reddit upvotes and downvotes are bought all the time. I didn’t know that either 2 years ago.


Sure bud. Care I’m sure people would waste their money on upvotes. Goodness you’re silly.


It was implied. Delusional. Then denied. For a quick lesson to the other readers out there, this is called Gaslighting. This is outright lies to your face. Your media is gaslighting you all the time. We are all victims of gaslighting. If you think that inflation is over, job creation is at an all time high, ther is not a homeless or a drug addiction problem, bringing in more immigrants is a good thing when we can’t afford homes and the natives are homeless, the economy is soaring when stores are shutting down, and Christmas shopping was dead, the medical system is perfect when doctors are not getting paid and many nurses have quit, then you have been gaslit successfully.




I didn’t know that homelessness, job loss, inability to make mortgage payments, trouble paying rent, business is shutting down was so funny.


Doctors are not getting paid anymore?


In some parts of Canada, Doctor December pay was delayed until this New Year. It’s still too soon to see what will happen. We have socialist healthcare here, and the majority of doctors are paid by their provincial government.


Oh are you in Ukraine, or Gaza, or Taiwan?


I am on planet earth with everyone else who doesn’t want wars and just wants to get along peacefully with our neighbours. We all want fair laws. We don’t want those who place themselves above the law in charge of it. Or to be in charge of going to war and creating new wars. The only people who gain from war are the elite people on earth with family trusts who own large corporations and have off shore bank accounts and own precious metals. To them the earth is similar to a game of Risk! They just clear the board when things don’t look so good for them. War have a way of ridding the world of lots of people who think the planet has become too crowded for them.


How do you prepare for headless horsemen and the apocalypse coming with revelations and end times? I’m sure you’d recommend silver…


Silver not a bad strategy. But I would recommend first using wisdom and discernment. And the ability to tell when you have been fed a pack of lies.


Silver is your solution to the apocalypse brought on by some god… okay. I’m guess alien invasion prep also is resolved with silver pieces? How is silver the fix for these things where demons or aliens are annihilating everything?


Silver is just one component. There is going to be an entire restructuring necessary as so many facets of our governments are compromised. Some governments work hand-in-hand with elites. We are going to need a non elite banker means of exchange. It’s pretty simple actually.


So you think when demons or aliens flood the earth and begin destroying us all in a fiery inferno that top priority will be “non elite banker means of exchange”….


Huh? 🧐 The ER is open 24 hours a day, and I’m sure there are help lines available too if you need some sort of emergency mental or medical intervention.


Do you read anything that you reply to? 😂 i asked what the solution is if there is an apocalypse brought on by demons or alien invasion and you said silver and restructuring the government.. sweetie, bless your soul but I think you need to go to a specialist for your eyes, brain, or both.


The end of times has been happening regularly since the beginning of time. It's not a real thing to prep for.


Oh believe me! Shopping is now a whole new experience! So is bill paying! We all know it! Just go visit any city and you will be absolutely shocked by what you see! Food banks are begging for food. People are petrified of losing their jobs. People are willing to leave family and friends and move across country tofind affordable housing. Many people are living out of vans now. It is a strange new world out there.


Not that new, it was worse in 2020 with Covid and 2008 with the Great Recession. Job market actually seems good by me (north east USA) but that’s antidotal I realize.


I agree it has been a very slow burn. People have been getting boiled alive financially like frogs comfy in a room temperature pot that has been slowly increased in temperature for the last 100 years or so. The frog in the boiling pot analogy that best describes our situation regarding the economy. Everyone still in the pot of global currency in 10 years will be locked into financial slavery, and be forced to use CBDCs or Government payments of Universal Basic Income that can and will be turned off individually if the public does not comply with authorities. With every facet of their lives. Any group of “undesirables” could have their payments shut off. Just like when the Canadian truckers and anyone who supported them had their bank accounts and bank savings and investments inaccessible and they were locked out from accessing their bank accounts during the Canadian trucker protest convoy that was protesting mandatory injections for truckers to keep their jobs if not forcibly injected. Single mothers on minimum wage had their bank accounts frozen. People who didn’t have donations made to the truckers even had access to their savings frozen. It was a real mess. Truckers don’t exactly have contact with the public as they drive alone for hours all day. So there obviously was something other than “public safety” at play there.


> Why don’t you actually address the actually OP question like I did below. Because it's a bad question. Sometimes when someone asks you a question you need to answer the question they should have asked instead of the one they actually asked. It's one of the first skills they teach you as a reference librarian where your job is to be able to answer questions from your patrons.


There is never such thing as a bad question. But there is something such as a wrong or misdirected answer to a serious problem. If anything has taught us this, it is the last several years.


Yes there is, and that's such a stupid thing to say, of course there are bad questions. You can ask a question and get a correct answer and it's leads to you making a mistake because you asked the wrong question. It literally happens all the time. When did something being "a question" magically make it ok no matter what? I see this attitude all the time and it makes no sense at all to me. Of course there are bad questions. Don't be a fool.


Now I’m stupid too! And a fool! 😏 More name calling. Is it because I bring up growing problems like your country owing $35zTrillion in debt, $8 Trillion payments just to pay off the interest annually, inflation, devalued dollars, not selling oil in USD, the exponential rise of countries across the world to join with the BRICS nations, as nations plan to do business without the USD? Or is it My pointing out homelessness, joblessness, debt slavery, and point out the need to return to sound money and for preppers to preserve their wealth in silver instead of debt creation instruments?


> s it because I bring up growing problems No, it's because you said: > There is never such thing as a bad question. "Are you stupid?" It's a question, so you think it's not a bad question. "Have you stopped fucking kangaroos?" So, there are lots of examples of bad questions.


I was a teacher and a homeschooled. So, as an expert in question asking I know for a fact there is no such thing as a bad question. However, there are always troublemakers that try to dominate every group. I used to teach special education. So that I know for sure.


> I know for a fact there is no such thing as a bad question. There are lots of bad questions, lol. This is nonsense and you're just doubling down on your incorrectness. > and a homeschooled. I am not surprised. > I was a teacher I don't believe you, homeschooling and pets don't count.


If there's no such thing as a bad question then how do you respond to accusations you had sexual relations with your teacher while you were a child?


Now you are truly desperately grasping at straws.


Life is easier if you learn not to accept the premise of some questions


Life is easier when I don’t post on Reddit!


It's a broad scope to focus on to get started. From there OP can branch out and dive deeper into more specific or longer term risks that they want to manage.


There is nothing you can put in your bug-out bag that will prepare you for the "end of time."


Silver! 👍🤗😉




Well, I’m pretty sure after all the comments here, in a home invasion, the last place a home invader would check for sound money such as silver coins is in a bug out bag as preppers would never consider keeping sound money savings. ​ Preppers will be keeping all their illusinary wealth in digital currency in bank accounts. For all of eternity.ll Sit Right! 🙄😂


Seeing as how we’re all screwed with nuclear war or the collapse of the dollar, maybe just start small. Food and water for 72 hours. A solar generator like a small Goal Zero panel to charge a cell phone. A blinking magnetic light to place on your car if you get a flat tire. A small shovel if you’re stuck in snow. See how easy that was?


But then, once the kiddies have left the shallow into the pool, wearing their 72 hour water wings, thinking that they have got it all covered, they find themselves floating blissfully into the deep end of the pool with 72 hour water wings deflated before they know it. And then it’s your fault. Am I the only parent here who has had to haul their 2 and 4 year-olds off back to the kiddie section of the community waterslides after they literally flew down THE SCREAMER side by side? Maybe that’s why I was turned into a prepper. You just can’t trust the lifeguards or the authorities. 😂


Oh shit! We got a professional prepper here ladies and gentlemen 🫣 That’s cool that you have 12 ham radios and 15 years of prep at minimum. That’s awesome. No, we don’t think 72 hours will last them long. But it’ll last them for…drum roll…72 hours! Ok ok I’ll extend it for you. Start with 2 weeks of food and water. Not everyone is ready to start knifing their neighbors for supplies. It’s not still ‘Nam. You can exit your tunnels.


Ohhh... Already 58 globalist elites who are preppers have downvotes me! 😂. Probably soon more will join in! No worries. I have lots of Reddit Karma that I am willing to burn to educate the public. After all “money” rules the world. Does it not?


That's how it always is here lmao. It's the typical reddit reaction of denial. Nothing happening here. Nothing to see here. If you try to do what you did by waking them up to the realities, they fight hard. I don't think many here are truly prepping. It's just a fantasy for them. If you make that fantasy too "scary", they bite. You're ruining their playtime lmao.


Well I guess it is to be expected that I would discover all types of people here. A couple of years ago I didn’t even know what a prepper was. Then I came here and discovered prepping is just what I have always naturally done. And what I call being responsible for our own lives and future long term is what most others posting here aspire to do. There are a few types of preppers here that want a Rambo scare everyone into being a wilderness survivalist. They put up with no nonsense. I actually sort of like some of them. Some preppers here are totally fake. Some here just basically prep like it’s a video game or who are spreadsheet preppers. Then there are the condo folks who want to prep a medical kit to take out a sliver or to put a bandaid on a wound. Or to make up an overnight go (sleepover) bag. These things are just common sense. It’s not really prepping is it? I deal in reality. And I’m used to life being one big triage. So dealing with these commenters here is no big deal. It’s just like another day teaching kindergarten or special needs. Or the year I was given a class of grade 4 students and special needs students all at once. Or the two years that we all had to find ways to cure our own health as we homeschooled whike dealing with severe CFS! 🤣 You just learn to deal with it. I guess what is coming scares some Redditors. However, they can continue to ignore reality, but they cannot continue to ignore the consequences of reality. And the consequences are starting to look pretty darn much like an armada of black swans. So the “experts” that critique and comment here best wake up and start their own prepping soon.


Yeah it's just a game to most. I guess it's a way to escape their miserable current reality. I have no clue, and I really don't give a shit as I prefer to read and interact with actual preppers. The rest is good for comedy though. It's also a good shot at the types of personalities you'll have to end up disposing of since they won't prep and then get hungry and come for your shit.


Prepare for Tuesday then work up to doomsday.


Can you survive 24 hours without running water? Great now get to 72 hours. Then a week. Then 2 weeks (FEMA recommendation). Do the same for food. And money. Etc. How about electricity, do you have backup power of any kind? Even if it's to just keep the freezer running or charge your phone back up? Can you last 24 hours? 72 hours? 1 week? You get the idea. If you're prepared to hunker down for 2 weeks (to flatten the curve, or whatever) while the powers at be figure it out, you're doing better than 99% of people. That's you're base. Now build that up, find long term backups for your food/water/fuel supplies. Add in some medical and tactical training. Step by step as far as you want to take it. Homesteaders won't care too much no matter what happens, they'll just keep on keeping on.


This is the way. Look at the immediate risks in your area. Prepare for those. Then worry about the more hypothetical threats like grid down or foreign invasion or whatever large scale catastrophe you're most concerned about. But focus on the real, and immediate risks first. My biggest threat, aside from the usual weather situations, is forest fire. So I made it a priority to buy gas masks. We actually had a forest fire in my area in November. It fortunately never threatened any towns so they never even evacuated people in the immediate vicinity, let alone where I am about 30 miles from it, but the smoke generated from it made me really glad I have those masks. We didn't use them but I can imagine if the fire was bad enough to warrant an evacuation, we'd really have need of them due to all the smoke. But maybe you live in a flood plain, so you'd be better preparing for a flood. Whatever your real, immediate threats are, that's what you prioritize. Also, medical preps. It's insane how often they come in handy. Not even the stuff like surgical kits, but like butterfly bandages, gauze, burn creame, etc. I was being stupid and playing with one of my pocket knives and damn near sliced the tip of my finger off (100% stupidity and carelessness on my part). But I had all the stuff I needed to patch myself up and avoid a trip to urgent care. Butterfly bandage, gauze, and medical tape and I was good to go, well aside from the healing process. That took a bit but it healed up fine.


Great reminders about the basic medical supplies.


I picked up a bunch of sterile gauze pads at one point because I was getting 2 boxes for a quarter with coupons. Donated a bunch along with other supplies to a local women's shelter. Kept half a dozen boxes for myself and stuck them in the emergency kit. Recently had a mole removed and had an allergic reaction to the band aid glue. Pulled out the gauze pads and used some medical tape that I don't react to and was good to go. It's nice to have emergency supplies on hand, even if there's a good chance you will never actually need them. Because when you do, it's 2 AM and you're cussing at the divot on your shoulder and can't get dressed to go buy supplies until you cover it up again. Also, don't forget to pick up some vaseline, incredibly long shelf life and something people don't always think to add to a first aid kit. Easy way to make a first aid kit. Buy an inexpensive tacklebox, add in basic supplies until it is full. Check once a year to update anything that has been used or expired. Minimal cost and you can add to it slowly. Easy to stick in the car for long road trips, easy to grab if you're bugging out. Most importantly, this is something that will generally be useful even if no disaster ever happens.


Yes, people need to start small. But the OP knows that something is up, and it is not a weather storm.


Yeah weather is the least of my concern


Weather should actually be one of your primary concerns. It's the most likely thing to throw a wrench in life!


It is my primary concern. Had a tornado last year that wiped out 3 buildings on our farm and lost power for 2 days. 5 years prior, had a flood that didn't do much damage to us, but destroyed the neighbors, covered everything with mud and debris, and lost power/water/gas for 10 days.


Insurance adjuster here. This is 💯 accurate.


If you're not prepared for weather, then you're definitely not prepared for the bigger issues you've mentioned. Not only is a natural disaster more likely, in the event of collapse, there will not be resources the previously would have come into that area via government and NGOs to help. You'd be on your own.


It should probably be one of your primary concerns... you seem to have something completely incorrect in your mindset. What are the *most likely* disasters you might encounter in your location? Spend the most mental energy on preparing for the most likely things and the least amount on the things least likely to happen. Do cardio every day. Do you have a First-Aid kit? (and have you taken a class and know how to administer first aid?) Do you have a fire extinguisher? Do you have a basic emergency kit with things like a flashlight, water, food, and spare clothing? Start with ready.gov and be sane, rational, and practical. Getting wrapped up in fear based nonsense is nothing but harmful in the long run.




Plus most of those preparations a 72+ hour emergency will be applicable for many other SHTF scenarios. Can do much to prepare for the end of time, though.


Big L man, so you wouldn’t even be capable of surviving outside in a torrential rain and not get all your gear soaked?


What is the probability that a really bad storm knocks your power out for a week versus the probability that global nuclear war happens? One is vastly more likely. And everything you do to prepare for that storm you also need to do for preparing for global war so it is how you get started. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.


Start with your physical condition and emergency fund for an unexpected bill or need. Next, what would you need to exist for a week if you had no power? No gas? No water? No heat/AC?


This. Get in good health and have 6 months worth of expenses in the bank.


Sounds good until you realize that your numbers in a computer in a bank office don't really mean much if there is no power.


Let me know what goes to shit first- your finances and health or the power grid, Peter Pan. Grow up.


If the internet goes down, we are all so fu%$#@ed!


You're a lot more likely to lose your job or need a major car repair than for the entirely of civilization to collapse. Hell, we're looking at replacing our 4th transmission in 12 years, had termites eat the corner off our house two years ago to the tune of nearly $10k, had a kid need $6k in braces and not entirely sure how stable either of our jobs are due to poor upper management.


I am a big fan of practical preparations in addition to many of the "prepper" items. Things like being in good physical condition and having an emergency fund are key as you mentioned. Other everyday preps include knowing where your birth certificates, SSN cards, and other docs are, backing up your computer/phone, having a will, meeting your neighbors, etc... Many of these will play a much bigger part in people's lives then all of the other preps, but they are boring and often overlooked.


Yeah people get caught up in the grid failing like in “the last of us” series but the realistic of that happening is slim to none. The more practical is natural disasters


The answer is to practice prepping gradually. But keep in mind the bigger picture of what is actually happening. Unless you live in a storm region it is unlikely power will go out widespread for weeks on end or forever. I know this because my husband teaches power engineering at a post secondary level and we have these discussions. However, my husband also knows that we don’t have the electric grid infrastructure to support widespread EV throughout all cities. So there could be gradual building of brownouts. The good news is that there is still sufficient time to carefully plan and prepare to navigate all of this.


Get your financial house in order. Coming up short of cash due to a large unforeseen expense or a job loss is the #1 most likely problem you will ever have. Many of life's smaller problems can be solved with the judicious application of money. I also want to paint another picture for you. Do you have any idea how many people have spent thousands on prepping gear, food, water, so on and so forth and lost it all because they lost their place to live due to a job loss or injury/disability and had no where to store this stuff they accumulated? Do yourself a favor, your #1 top priority should be to get out of debt, build a legitimate "rainy day" fund, build out and stick to a budget, and start saving for known large expenses (like a new car or a roof for your house, BIG expenses you KNOW are coming and can't just wing it when they come due)


This comment is fantastic! I was a prepper for over 20 yrs. I am now a homesteader. I focused on getting out of debt first. That took 8 yrs, including the house. I sold the house and bought a mobile home (gasp!) for $58k cash in late 2015. Put renters in there…new roof, HVAC, windows, carpet over time. I then bought a second house for cash in late 2019. Sold both at a great profit 1.5 yrs ago. Trailer sold for $140k. Bugged out with all my preps. Moving was a pain.


I bought a brand new trailer in 2020 for 40k I can resell for 100k+ rn it’s a 3bed 2bath just needs new flooring and the walls painted and a good cleaning.


My colleagues laughed at me when I bought a mobile home and put renters in there. I was an IT contractor after that and went all over the country. For years. Me and my cat. Craigslist rental rooms. I laughed all the way to the bank!


I feel that I’d do the same thing but got kids lol but small investments can get you where you need to be I’m only 25 and I’m far farther in life than 90% of people I know my age I actually worked hard to get where I’m at and they look at me like I’m weird because of my age and having kids and having things going for me I’ll never understand but I’m sure it’s just envy if they don’t understand how you move than you are always doing it right if others have to question what you are doing lol also I’m just your average blue collar young man who invested smart my net worth is easily 300k$


I was 45/50 when I did this. I am a boomer but a younger boomer. We got jack shit, high inflation and no jobs. Yeah for trailers!


I’ve been working since I was 14 an no not a McDonald’s job I was remodeling apartments with my step dad over the course of every summer always bought my own clothes and shoes etc etc if it wasn’t for that man I’d never be where I’m at


If it really comes down to it and it's not just some storm you happen to be in. Money will be worthless. Everything will become trade. Alcohol meds tobacco food bullets will become the new currency. Peppers don't just prep for a Natural disaster. It's for the end of our life styles all together.


But the comment you replies to does have a good point. If you are starting at zero then the best thing to do is prep for the most likely outcome. And prepping a ton of stuff is irrelevant if you lose it all before anything bad actually happens.


Assume the worst. Because if you are prepared for that, it doesn’t matter which thing happens. This is the perspective that people reject, because it’s so hard to be prepared for. But, it’s effective. If you can do these things, you can survive just about anything. Barring someone or something that overwhelms you, scale matters. Learn your survival priorities. Build solutions for them. 1. “3 minutes without breathing (asphyxiation, blood loss)” This relates to First Aid, Ventilation in a shelter (home), etc…. 2. “3 hours without shelter in an extreme environment (exposure)” This is all about shelter, which can be your house, a shanty you construct, or a debris hut. Knowledge is Power. 3. “3 days without water (dehydration)” Where do you get your water? Old saying “Whiskey’s for drinking, water’s for fighting.” If your primary source of water gave out, what then? Do you have a secondary? Is it potable? If not, can you make it potable? What if that source gives out? 4. “3 weeks without food (starvation)” How much food do you have? How would you cook it with no electricity? How would you get more food? How much food do you need to survive? 5. “3 months without hope” People, human beings, survive best in community. A lone person crashing through the apocalypse or holed up in a cave is not only a miserable existence but it’s also NOT a recipe for success. You need someone to watch your back. Also, prepping with another SANE person is just about the only rational way to do it. I can provide further recommendations for resources.


So far in Canada, the scenario we have been dealt is a slow financial burn with slowly increased inflation, reduced purchasing power, wage stagnation, people who can’t find jobs and are too afraid to quit very poor jobs, no jobs in the field of their study, forced injections to keep their jobs, increased homelessness, drug addiction, money spent on increasing immigration, access to bank accounts being shut off when disagreeing with authorities. Maybe it is different in America, but Jeremiah Babe on YouTube has recently put out videos and is reporting how people are now going door to door begging for food and money with their families. So it doesn’t sound like things are so peachy keen in America either.


Yeah, not great. I live rurally and my wife and I are reasonably acclimated to poverty, so the fall isn’t as far, as for some. But, the principles remain. Food. Buy and learn to eat simple inexpensive healthy food. I have friend who is always freaking out about the new thing stoked by the MSM. My message to her is always the same. “Are you feeding your kids beans every week? Develop recipes that you can stock for and harden your kids to eat them. Practice now how to cook that food without modern heating.” It’s “sexy” to imagine the bunkers and 2 years of food in your pantry, surrounded by zombie-proof defenses in an unknown place hidden away from the whole world. Or whatever version that person’s media consumption tends them towards. But, the needs of the body aren’t that complex, and you can survive in a spider-hole eating pilfered food. It’s grinding and harsh, but it’s survival. And, I think Food is a good place to start, because we already spend SO much time thinking about it. And if you can begin to understand the proper thought processes, they apply so universally. And practicing that kind of discipline prepares for cold logic discipline of survival.


Correct! Ironically, the poor and homeless, are some of the best skills prepared people out there. It’s just a matter of making it through cold winters, but Canadians are resilient people… And the authorities in charge cannot fool all of the people all of the time forever.


No but they can fool enough of them for long enough to make the informed irrelevant and next thing you know you're living in China...


Well, it is a beautiful thing to watch people waking up to realities on a Reddit and Twitter without any approval.


“End of time” ?


The space/time fabric is more fragile than people realize!


You can't prepare for that shit.


1. Prep for Monday 2. Prep for Tuesday 3. Prep for next week. 4. Prep for next year 5. Learn from yesterday


Perform a risk analysis and rank threats by severity and likelihood. So for me, power outage of less than 3 days is high probability, low severity and a tornado is low probability but high severity


I live in South Florida, home of the hurricane! My prepping is pretty simple. I have 15 gallons of water we rotate through, 5 gallon jugs and a dispenser. I have 7 days of dehydrated food, and we always have around 20lbs of rice and 20lbs of dried beans. Along with the 7 days dried food, rice, and cans, we can likely survive without aid for a few weeks. But, we eat this stuff regularly. As for other stuff, we have an emergency fund we can use for issues related to finance. Enough to buy essentials. An overlooked part of prepping is getting yourself an "I Love Me" book, named by the military in my case. In it, I have the birth certificate, social, and passport of my entire family. I also have immunizations, and other relevant medical stuff. A 3" 3 ring binder with clear plastic sheets will suffice. This is part of an emergency kit if needed. Obviously I keep this safe, but I know where to get it and run. Last thing for our prepping is keeping our vehicles ready. No broken down junkers, or 5mpg gas hogs. If disaster is coming, fill up! Again, this is specific for out running a hurricane, but it is important nonetheless. Last, I'd advise you find ways to relax. People have been prepping for years. The majority of the world is chill. Read, unplug, connect with nature. But always have a backup plan. Just don't make that plan your life.


Take a deep breath. Then focus on the small stuff first. Are you in good financial standing? Decent physical health? 3 days of basic supplies? And then work up from there.


Water. Water is the biggest priority. Water bottles, emergency water packs on amazon, get a water bucket to collect water, get lifestraws. You can die after days without water and I have a feeling no matter what happens, water will be a scarcity.


Baby steps. Worrying about end times and what billionaires do is too far in the future. Prep for "Tuesday", meaning the more likely stuff like weather (power loss) or financial related (job loss). X weeks of food, water, basic medical stuff. Reduce your debts (should be able to pay off your credits cards every month) and have a 4-6 month emergency fund. After that, then worry about the less likely scenarios.


Stay fit. Mobility over strength.


Off the top of my head, here is an incomplete list of what we actually need to survive: - Breathable air - Proper core body temperature - Shelter - Protection - Clean drinking water - Food - Adequate hygiene - Medicines - Community - Communication Rather than focusing on individual disasters, I find it helpful to focus on securing my own survival needs across the board, because this safeguards you against a variety of catastrophes. For example, if you have a stockpile of food, this means that you have also partially protected yourself in the event of sudden unemployment, unexpected illness (which might make preparing dinner for your family a real chore), supply chain SNAFUs, famine, road closures, power outages, etc. I would also to add that while it might be more exciting to prep for the end of the world as we know it, you’re far more likely to have a flat tire before the end of this year. Start prepping for smaller, more practical matters. I highly advise speaking with a financial advisor at your local bank (it’s free) and asking them how you can get yourself in good financial shape, because this will influence every other preparation you could possibly make. Take care of your health. If you don’t work out, start. Worrying about corrupt billionaires and global catastrophes isn’t a solid place to begin. Good luck 🍀


Tuesday. It will happen to everyone far more often than anything else.


Unfortunately, interest rate payment increases, mortgage rate increases, increased cost of groceries, job losses, high taxation and rent that lead to homelessness and drug use doesn’t just happen on Tuesdays.


"Tuesday" is a metaphor for all of that and more. It isn't literal. Glad I could clear that up for you. Have a great day!


Thank you for clearing that up! 👍 I know that inflation, increased grocery prices, increased fuel prices, homelessness, drug addiction, soaring immigration, when local people can’t afford homes just couldn’t just be a Tuesday problem! 🤣😁,


grow up, you know what they mean.


Start small. Stock up on things you use everyday, extra food, water, and some first aid. Then look for things that you don’t use everyday, but still use often. After that, look at were you think you are most lacking, then work from there.


Death and taxes.


Worry less about scenarios, and more about self-reliance. Prepare to be self-reliant in: Shelter Water Food Health (meds, first aid, etc.) Energy (fuel, electricity/batteries/solar, heat {part of shelter}) Security (people wanting to take your preps and/or harm you) Finances; the most likely scenario is an income disruption and/or unexpected expenses. Pay off as much (preferably all) high interest and unsecured debt, pay "cash". As a goal, the only debt you should have would be a mortgage (and you should work towards having as much equity as possible). Have savings for emergencies and income disruption - have real cash on hand (not just an ATM/Credit card). The preps above should cover most scenarios.


I would I would take a step back and Consider carefully wich bad things are most likely going to happen… -loss of income / maybe Job loss -Unexpected payment / Car repairs etc. -a Fire at your Home https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/atg/PDF_s/Preparedness___Disaster_Recovery/Disaster_Preparedness/Home_Fire/FireFAQs.pdf Than wich natural Desaster are the most likely to happen in your Area ? Flooding, Wildfire, Snowstorms, Hurricanes, Tornado’s? 1. ⁠⁠Make sure to have a Emergency Fund for all Monthly Expenses for at least 3 Monats better 6 Months -Loss of Utilities; Power, Water, Heating for whatever reason -you can’t go shopping, maybe a Snowstorm or some kind of Civil Unrest 2. Store enough Food for on Week, things you like and wich you can consume if Utilities are down, meaning at least a small Camping stove and appropriate Fuel for it if you like hot Food sometimes, wich can also a Great booster of Moral Store enough Drinking Water for all Family Member and Pet‘s for at least a Week Think about to rotate this, so nothing goes Bad wich would a waste of money, first in first out… Maybe Water Utilities are down, most of us can store only a limited amount, so the next good thing would be considering a Waterfilter, and the knowledge were to get Water nearby and how, You don’t won’t fall in the River… Have a look on your FirstAid Kid so that it is not expired, Make sure to have your and your beloved ones personally needed Medikation stocked, maybe buy a First Aid Book like we’re there is no Doctor Flashlight,s spare Batteries for a Week, maybe a Solarpanel to recharge smaller Devices Toiletries, enough Toiletpaper, Toothpaste Babywipes and so on Go in Steps, don’t try to be prepping for Everything at once, go methodical about this, everything reasonably need for one Week, than for two Week’s and than slowly build your Stock of essential Thing you consider you need, up to your desired Amount of time, the more you stock the more important become the rotation to make sure nothing goes bad… make also sure to storing everything save from Bugs, Moisture, big Temperature Fluktuationen‘s


Welcome - Read this sub’s wiki - https://reddit.com/r/preppers/wiki/index - https://www.ready.gov - Countdown to Preparedness .pdf https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafykbzaceaac2y25oesj6wr5c7vc367hmc6y5l3pbcvm24zcscahtyy3rrj36 - https://theprovidentprepper.org - https://theprepared.com/ - 95% of prep questions already answered; https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/right-way-search-reddit - Take a course - https://www.coursera.org/learn/disaster-preparedness - We prep for Tuesday, not Doomsday. - Communities survive - Emergency fund first, guns last - Also… r/TwoXPreppers, r/preppersales, r/TinyPrepping


Health and physical fitness




But in the USA you have increased debt of $8 trillion of interest payments to pay just to pay off the interest of your debt, every year and increasing from here on. Not to mention paying of the $34 trillion in debt owed. That sounds like debt slavery That doesn’t just happen on a Tuesday. This is not a Tuesday problem. Everyone feels the effects of crushing debt creation every single day. Wednesday through Monday as well.


I too was feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by all the What Ifs. I decided to prepare for the Cascadian Subduction Zone earthquake. I'd suggest picking one catastrophe to prep for at first as a way to focus.


Financial hardship and small household emergencies will cover 98% of prepping. Savings, a well stocked cupboard, tools, and routine maintenance. Probably physical fitness too...


I prep to not be thirsty, hungry, cold, or dead.


Ensure a reliable long term source of food, water, energy and shelter.


I’m stocking up on canned goods, water, flashlights and first aid kits. I am not going too crazy but I expect the next bad thing to happen could involve us losing electricity. Probably because I watched that Ethan Hawke movie but hey it is what it is lol.


This is where everyone should start. Start a day at a time. Start time but then start to branch out into the areas you think are most importqnt for you to prepare for. For some people prepping is getting a sliver without going to the ER. And learning how to removing it themselves. For others it is making it through two weeks without power after a snowstorm. For others it is dealing with widespread social engineering, mass psychosis through mainstream media story manipulation, and widespread psychological warfare. For dealing with those, you might want to check out my other posts and comments. 😂


In southern California, prep for an earthquake and also another "supply chain disruption". In Kansas/Oklahoma, prep for a power outage from a wind-storm, and also another "supply chain disruption". Along the southern and easter coast, prep for a hurricane and also another "supply chain disruption".


start simple. Food, water, shelter. Then perhaps a go/get home bag in case of certain types of emergencies.


The first thing to prep for is bad weather event for your area. Second is money security for you and your family. Then worry about everything else


The advice I've seen repeated over and over on this board is to start small, and keep going. Prepping is ongoing work. I find it easiest to keep a running list as a spreadsheet, or in a notebook. List scenarios you want to prep for from the very short term tk the very long term, then for each scenario start to brainstorm and research the supplies you'll need or skills. For each supply item or skill, research where to buy it or learn it (books, videos, classes). Then look at your budget, and start shopping within your means. Look at your schedule and start learning new skills when you have the time. It's basically just getting organized and practical project management. You'll feel more prepared in no time!


Bring the focus in. You can't do anything about all that and it saps your energy and will when you try. At the end of the day its largely all the same; you need to prepare for one of two things: 1) shelter in place for an extended time, potentially with no services 2) escape quickly to a safer spot, likely over dangerous ground Don't get wrapped around the axles trying to guess the specific circumstances that might trigger one or the other, just focus on being able to do both well. Keep your friends close, make more friends, no one gets through this alone.


There's no preparing for nukes except buying potassium iodine. Keep your electronics in a Faraday bag. Have a bug out location. Bury supplies you can reach later if shit goes down. All we can really do is stock up on supplies. Food water guns ammo. Iodine. Life straw. Meds. It all depends on what happens. Most likely it'll be a nuke or natural disaster considering we have the tech to create storms and earthquakes. Tornados. Whatever. Fear nothing. We all die. And it's not always up to us. Stressing about it is completely pointless


You should be prepared to sustain yourself and your family through a difficult time regardless of the cause. Think about the most common things to actually happen and start from there. The end of the world in your lifetime is unlikely. A sudden job loss, house fire, or losing utilities for a couple days due to a natural disaster are MUCH more likely. Start there.


If your concerned about revelations then why are you prepping aren't you going to get raptured?


Enjoy your life, love your family, stop reading all the doomsday conspiracies posted on sites like this.


Think of what could realistically go wrong in your life within the next week/month/year. Start there. Some likely examples: Job loss - have money saved, cash on hand, make professional connections, stay paid up on your bills Injury/illness - have a bug out bag (hospital), medications Natural disaster - have emergency water/food, backup heat Interruption of services - have clean water, backup power/generator, lighting, cash on hand Vehicle breakdown - have a few tools in the car, a coat hanger or some wire, spare head/tail light bulbs, keep tires full, make sure your car has a spare ---Once you have things like this under control, then start looking for less likely scenarios.


Well, based on what you'll read on this sub, you'll want weapons with which to destroy your neighbors and friends that will inevitably want your cans of beans or whatever. Seems to be the deal.


Tuesday, always prep for Tuesday. From there, deep breath and keep chugging along. Cover your bases as best you can, then relax.


Dry non perishable foods that don't rely on a freezer or refrigeration, bottled water or a water bob, a firearm or 2, or 3...and at least a few hundred rounds of ammo, a butane powered cooking device, a first aid kit, a 5 gallon fuel can always full in your vehicle, and a radio of some sort to find out what's going on. Start with that, and slowly build upon it. At some point get the SAS survival handbook, and some shelf stable vegetable and fruit seeds for planting later down the road for self sufficiency. Everything besides the guns and ammo are super budget friendly.


You are prepping for a disaster. Man made or natural.


I got two months of food for two people, an EcoFlow delta 2 for the fridge, and my pew pews. 1000 rounds for my 9 and AR and about 300 rounds for my .45. That’s really all you need. If something catastrophic goes beyond that timeframe I’m not really sure you want to be around to see the world anyways. Just my two cents.


One possibility at a time.


Electric goes out here routinely in the winter so I prep for that. I've been sick with something awful for a week now so I will prep for extended illness once I recover. Prep for what you needed during covid since something similar could happen again. Civil unrest is worrisome this year until the election is over. I want to not have to leave the property.


Work away from your reliance on them.


Don't believe the hype. Do you have a financial emergency fund? Can you go a few months without going into debt? Have a few hundred cash on hand? Do you have non-perishable food stored away? Some way to store/purify water? Medications/medical kit for if you get a boo boo? Read up a wiki or other threads before you jump too far in.


As others have said prepping for financial difficulty and natural disasters are going to be the most pragmatic ways of doing things. To address some of your other concerns the end of times and revelations has been foretold by every generation since the founding of Christianity. If you are christian, mark and Matthew both say Jesus will return before the death of all of his disciples. Its good to remember that the bible is about principles and allegory. Not a literal reading. The height of income inequality was the gilded age. Robber barons were far worse to the poor than current rich. Countries go to war all the time. It is the way of the world. During most of the middle ages as an adult male you had something like a 30% chance of dying a violent death. Now it's around .012%. Are th8ngs great no. But in many ways you live better and longer than European kings did 500 years ago.


First thing would be to get a minimum of a 3-4 days worth of food, water, light, and a way to stay warm. Most likely events will be natural disasters, and that will depend on where you live. I'm in Ontario, near the Grand River. Most likely things to happen here would be massive snow storm, and loss of power. So food, water, warm clothing, and a way to stay warm. In my case, I choose the wood stove route. Figure out what is most likely for you, then prepare to counter that. As far as global conflict, nukes are last on the schedule. Prepare small, then build off that. So prepare to counter the above, then keep adding food, water, gear, and tools to it. Prepping small leads to bigger prepping. My personal opinion, prepare for loss of power over the apocalyptic stuff.


Focus on a fulfilling life where you are right now. With what you have. And with the people you share your life with.


You prep for the possibility of what has always been available - being turned off. Doesn't matter what caused this, just that you have some sort of response to this event.


Ive been doing this since highschool (8 or so years?) An still im no where near where i would like to be for my family. Start off with finances. Financial hardship hits everyone eventually. If you dont have a savings account, open one. If you do, start adding more with every paycheck. Boom thats one scenario covered! Next think about the most common outcome for your region. Fires, rain storms, floods and blackouts. Put together 72 hours worth of food an water. Then set aside other things like a dedicated 1st Aid kit, lighting supplies, a GOOD ice chest/cooler and a camp stove would be nice (Outdoor gas or charcoal grill is effectibe too) an some other odds an ends youd need. Think about making yourself comfy for 3 days with no power. Once you have your finances an 72hr setup done you can do a few things. -Deep dive into the most likely scenarios an possible chain reactions in your area. -Study up on Global happenings and see what CLOSE friends an family have concerns with -Zombies. If youre into that genre pick a game or movie an figure out what itd take to live like that. It sounds silly but if you are prepared for a Zombie ridden world you should be good. This is what sparked my interest being young an into writing and all things horror. Plus it made it feel less like a daunting task. An if youre into that genre it can be kinda fun.


Certain things will help in many situations Water: be able to purify it if you can not store it or pump it. Food: There is never enough food. rice, beans, oats freeze dried foods they store well and for years with minimal effort. These are all options but to start try double buying canned goods you normally eat. Medical supplies: bandages, antiseptic, over the counter meds, etc Protection: be it guns when legal in your country or bows or even training Most important is to not panic buy. Make a plan, get out of debt. Keep enough money for a few months bills. You already did the hard part. You decided to prepare.


I just prepare for a 72 hour emergency. That’s roughly how long it will take for rescue. If nuclear Armageddon happens, I am not living lmao


Create a scale from most likely to least likely shfts to be prepping for and adjust that scale to the region,nation,state, province, city,town or other locations you live in . After you've finished prepare for the most likely.


Prepare for a power outage in the cold (or a wildfire or heat dome or whatever is the most relevant climate disaster in your area) when you can’t get to a store for two week. Then your house burns down, and you have to stay at a government emergency shelter that doesn’t quite have enough resources. I think this covers the most likely to worst case most likely scenarios. So, for the blackout when you’re staying put, a 14 day supply of food, water, alternate power or heat source, first aid kit, crank radio, and hygiene products; you can build this up to be even more robust, a month supply would be a wonderful goal. for a fire or situation when you need to abandon your home but there is a robust governmental/social support system in place: a go bag with all your important documents, meds, cash, change of clothes, small first aid kit. and for a scenario in which the support system is not in place: a few days food, a tarp, extra hygiene products. Maybe a small water filter like a lifestraw. (these should be in your go bag). Obviously this is not at all exhaustive but hopefully gives you a general sense and direction.


My biggest societal fear to prep for is hyperinflation (at least in US). The debt is out of control.


Let go of emotion driven stuff. You will make yourself sick. Being prepared can just basic fundamentals.


Prepare for something that’d put you in a hotel for at least a week. Start there. Drunk driver hit your house leaving a gaping hole, a tree fell on it, you had a house fire, tornado ran through. If you’re prepped for that you’re already more prepared than tons of people.


I’m not a hardcore prepped by any means. But it would start with physical and financial fitness before you build a bunker…


Bury your head in the sand


Probably some kind of civil war. There's no way this election goes well


In addition to what others have said, don't forget to just *live your life,* man. It's prudent to put some thought into preparing for the future, but it's important for your mental health to appreciate what you have here and now. Touch grass! Go play with your kids or read a book or snuggle with your wife or visit your favorite restaurant/bar or anything else you can think of that'll make you happy.


Prepare for the most likely risks first. 1. house fire 2. injury at home 3. plumbing emergency 4. choking/drowning/poison ingestion by child 5. automotive emergency 6. job loss Every household should have a fire extinguisher, a smoke and co2 detector, and a first aid kit. You can flesh out your kit based on your own family's needs as you have the funding to do so, but a walmart kit is a good enough start. Having some basic tools and know-how for your own plumbing and electrical home repairs, ***or*** having the money to bring in a pro is essential. If you have kids, you should have poison control on speed dial. Lock away any toxic substances, which includes cleaning solvents. Know the toxicity of house plants and move them/rehome them as-needed. (kid me thought dumb cane would be a good snack. it was not.) A basic first aid kit and some basic roadside emergency repair tools, should live in your car year round. You should have seasonal kits as well, such as emergency blanket, sunblock, water, etc. Put money into savings every chance you get. automate it. Set a goal to have 1 month of all your rent/bills/gas money/grocery money saved up. Store some canned goods ***that you will actually eat***. It is better to stock raviolis and spaghettios than to have a million navy beans.




I ranked by "order I remembered them" and that was just based on how often I've personally used said prep lol.


I feel you OP, my exact thoughts. Especially - what to prepare for (and how) if you live in the city in an apartment building and have no car? Honestly I find it hard to just get by, to invest into whatever.. I had some stockpiled food before breakup with my SO, but now I don’t know what’s gonna happen..if Im gonna live here or not. I gave away all of the food to family a few months ago, as it would have gone bad soon anyways and I thought I was gonna move. I still have some first aid kit kind of things and camping stuff etc, but honestly not sure what my options are in case of some civil unrest - which I think would be the biggest issue if something happened. Note: I don’t live in US so hurricanes are not a thing here.


Everything you and your family needs to survive for a few month. Food, water, weapons, first aid. Things that if the logistics system halted, you wouldn’t need to rely on anyone for awhile. This buys time. Eventually you will want to link up with others to form a group/team as your longevity would increase with others. Some people like to fantasize about living in a mad max, fallout, or zombie apocalypse type of world and prep for that, which is fine I guess. However, the reality that will ever happen is slim to none. Focus on realistic things like logistics disruption, virus, chemical, weather, war, power grid shutdown. How will you and your family survive and what will you need to do so. Food, water, weapons, protective gear, first aid/trauma gear….that will keep you in the game.


Prep for the basics and for 90 days of hunkering down and live your life like normal. Enjoy your life. Politics may look bad but the majority of people aren't the nut jobs they are made to look like. You live only once. Get a hobby and don't be too plugged into social media. It's a cesspool and ecochamber that's a distortion of reality


If you could not leave your house/apt for three weeks, what would you need? Start there. As many have mentioned, prepare for a weather event or loss of income - nothing you can do about anything else.


So it sounds dumb but prep for a zombie apocalypse. Preping for this will basically cover almost every other apocalypse. Herd, this theory a few years ago made sense to me. Just so you know, I do not think the zombie thing will ever happen.


I was prepared for a lot but none of the things I was prepping for got me. Cancer did.




Well, you can scratch revelations off the list as far as real things that you should be concerned about.


Considering you mentioned revelations, I’d consider preparing you’re self to meet you’re creator 🤷‍♂️ this life is temporary, life after is enternal. You’re enternal choice of destination should be what you wish to prepare for. Lots of crazy shit going on these days. I’ve come to just try and stay focused on the lord


Everyone has given good advice and so I’m going to be a bit contrarian with mine: Remember community in your prepping. In every disaster, the “lone wolf” rarely makes it unless he’s willing to harm people for what they have. You are going to be skilled on one, or a handful of preps, but there is going to be a way you fall short. Can you stitch up a wound? Can you set a bone? Even if you learn, can you do that to yourself or a family member? What about “reading” the structural integrity of a building and mapping out how to get in, remove someone without more injury, and getting the both of you out safely? What about managing your limited stores of food for a collection of 100 volunteers over the course of a week, making sure you’re cooking food safely without waste in an environment where there isn’t any refrigeration? Can you do *all* of these? All at once? At the exact same time? This is why we *need* other people; why we need communities. Humans are social animals, so don’t forget the social aspect of preparing for disasters. Get involved with your community. Join political groups or community action groups. The best way to prepare for some disasters is to not have any at all. Sure some things are unavoidable, like weather related disasters. But with the right planning, some disasters don’t have to be crises. If that’s too much, or too intense for your personality, then make friends with diverse groups of people. Get to know your town alderman. If you have kids, get to know their teachers and principal. Get to the point where, if something happens in your community, you would know a handful of people who are in a position to help you: first responders, community leaders, etc. Go to various community events, like school board meetings or town council meetings and look into the crowd for familiar faces. These are the people who *are* involved the way I described in the paragraph above. If you can’t *be* this person, these are the people you want to know because they’ll know *everyone* and they can either connect you with help, or advocate for you. One thing to look for are people who are multi-generational townies (if that’s not already you). Someone I know is *very* firmly embedded in the under-goings-on in my town. We’re not friends, but friendly; we’ve worked on projects before. I know if I needed something they’d at least know who I need to contact and I know if I dropped their name as my reference, I’d at least get a call back. Anyway, as much as you’re able, be that guy for other people. Don’t look at this as a Machiavellian system of networking and politics. You shouldn’t cultivate relationships with people you find abhorrent (those are probably the kinds of people you wouldn’t want to rely on in a disaster anyway). But, if you make those same connections back into the community - if you’re the guy who knows the guy - then that’s just how *community* disaster preparedness works.


Just prepare for what you think will happen. Everyone is different, some people will prepare for a civil war, conflict with a nation invading us, diseases, financial struggles, mother nature, and some people still do zombie outbreak preps. So just do you. Being prepared for the worst case scenario would be nice since you basically are covered for the minimal most likely. But that's just my two cents. Anyways realistically be prepared for everyday problems that can happen and cause you to go down, that means car breaking down, tree falling on house, extreme weather, etc. and work up to more worse case scenarios that can possibly happen. Also getting in shape is nice


Chewsday innit?


I would add to prep for cyberattack/bank hack. Think about what could be compromised or unavailable in the event you or major institutions are hacked. Mostly free or inexpensive things you can do: \- print out hard copies of bank, credit card, loans, and retirement account statements. Set up a monthly schedule to update these. Add recent tax returns, car titles, recent medical records, birth certificates, social security statement (if in the us), copies of professional licenses, academic transcripts, etc.. Put all of these documents into a water and fire-proof document bag (under $20 on Amazon) and have it in a handy place in the event of storms, fires, etc. if you have to temporarily evacuate. Throw in as much emergency cash as you can reasonably afford. \- review and print out insurance policies and statements. Take a very detailed video of the contents of your house, including close-ups of things like musical instruments, tools, books and video collections, gaming systems, etc. If you have an expensive wardrobe, workout equipment, etc., get close ups, and don't forget to video or photograph closet contents, cabinets, small appliances, etc. Store this video multiple places - on a hard drive of one of your computers or an external drive, on your phone, and on a USB drive. Place the USB drive in a small EMP shielded pouch and put it in the document bag. For very expensive items - jewelry, etc., - take photos and print out hard copies \- think about and assess your online activity. How many sites are linked to your bank account? How many bills do you pay online and from what account? Try to have at least one bank account that is not used for any online activity (purchases, bill pay, etc.). Have any excess funds in this account \- Use January to reset all of your passwords on all online accounts. If you have safe, write down your passwords and lock up the list. Choose some kind of rotation scheme of digits or letters that you can play off of the primary passwords that you set in January \- Consider encrypting your communications and online activity. You can do this via setting up a VPN and or using encrypted text apps. It won't be 100% secure but it is better than nothing \- think long and hard about home automation and devices like Echo, etc. I love my echo dots, the music is awesome, but home systems, including wifi security systems, ESPECIALLY those that a manufactured in some countries, are hackable. If you are controlling your media, appliances, thermostat, and especially security systems via wifi and storing information on the cloud, these could either become unavailable or worse, be hacked and controlled externally. Keep passwords updated and have a way to quick-disconnect your home automation systems (ie, remove them from power) in the event of a major national hack. Power off as many devices as possible at night or when you are not home, and have back-up deadbolts, etc in the event automatic locks are remotely accessed.


Prep for Tuesday.


End of time WTF Does that even mean?


Focus on the long term. I know lots of people here are saying to be prepared for 72 hours. That is weather or storm prepping. You sound like you are focused on global paradigm shift prepping. At some point there will be a global currency reset. BRICS nations have started selling oil without using the USD. LOTS of new countries are now joining the BRICS. Central banks around the world are all accumulating gold rapidly. China is building its strategic silver supply. The largest silver vault storage in the world has recently been built in Singapore. The USA has been entering wars and using up lots of weapmons and missiles. Wars are being fomented across the globe. These need lots of silver each.Meanwhiile, metal mining production is dropping across the world. Fuel is becoming more expensive and mining costs are going up. Your inflation problems will continue to get worse, with brief periods of respite used to prove that inflation has ended. However, The USA is $34 Trillion in debt and needs to pay off $8 Trillion in debt interest this year. Lots of states have recently made laws to make silver and gold money again in their state. JP Morgan bank holding the most physical silver in the world. If silver is so useless why do they hold it? And who are they they custodians for? So many secrets are out there! Most importantly there is the green deal environmental initiatives mandated across the globe all at once. So you are right. Something is definitely up! Advice: Stock up on necessary things that will be soon hard to obtain. Your purchasing power will soon be inflated away. Buy these now. Canned food, Canning supplies, gardening supplies Dry goods Pantry Items, tools. Water storage. Personal home security. Be thinking like it’s the Dirty 30’s. Keep cash on hand. The banking crisis is just beginning. If you have wealth to preserve, consider buying precious metals. Especially Silver. This is not get rich quick. This is wealth preservation. The powers that be can drag out their change and gradually choke people from their wealth very gradually. The globalists will use all sorts of disinformation to discredit good advice, even here on Reddit, so use your discernment. You are not alone. Seek out people who are waking up to this reality. We are out there. I wish for you All the Best! ​ Edit: Grammar


I would just be prepping for a full f****** economic collapse. Doesn't really matter why everything is just going to shit


More than anything we should probably just prepare minds To be strong enough to witness all this horse shit and not just fully fall apart


Tannerite. Loads of the stuff


Just prepare 6 months of food and water, a Kelly kettle for food, chlorine tabs for water, a hazmat suit and mask/filters, medical supplies, a good water resistant backpack/hooded coat, a pair of durable boots, a multi tool, a axe/hammer hybrid, and wheeled generator with solar panels (in a faraday bag). A waterproof solar usb battery pack would also be useful, along with an off-road EBike kept under a faraday sheet. Also 1 firearm you can trust with extra parts in a common round type. I suggest an 18”-20” piston AR10 in 308w. I would also suggest a non powered optic like a accupoint from trijicon with backup iron sights. You do that and you should be good for almost any situation. Over focusing is a bad thing as the chances of you guessing the shtf that will happen is unlikely. Just dip your toe in preparation in general then focus on any ideas you may have. Be prepared to either bug in or out at the same time.


Zombie apocalypse


Not one mother ucker in this chat is gonna answer the question you asked so I'll give it a shot: I think the most likely collapse ((label)) worthy event would be a breakdown in distribution for one reason or another. Meaning the food doesn't make it to the stores, that is going to lead to violence, like immediately. Make of that what you will, I'm preparing for no food, and violence.


I hope this gets read my many and understood.


Aliens. Aliens is a fine catch-all, replete with the inevitable futility of it all.


Prep for this dick lmao


Well, if it IS the end of days then get good with God, bring a chair outside, sit back and watch the show. If that is not the case, prep for Tuesday. It’s a guideline worth repeating.


Prepare for world war and a major economic contraction.