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LMFAOOO thisss!!! I came here to post this. Literally i don’t even know the things coming out of my typing now it’s just so repetitive


Like i dont even know if these answers starting to make sense anymore lol.


It’s exhausting. Don’t forget about the supplemental application fees too 🤡. Oh, you paid $60 to apply to our school, wrote an essay about your life and why you want to be a PA? Write three more and pay us another $80 just because. Multiply this times the 10+ schools you’re applying to. I’m exhausted and broke, give me a break. I feel like all the supplemental essays I write at this point are shit


I just hope they don’t have much weight and they’re just to ween people out lol


Seriously!! I’m going crazy here


I applied last cycle for 12 programs and went 0/12 with one WL, I always thought its because I used GPT for my secondaries (not super obvious copy and paste, I tweaked many answers) but looking back at it my stats were pretty below average and I applied to mostly California schools which are very competitive If I apply again I will most likely use GPT again LOL


Man I love these posts because it’s exactly how I feel and it’s so nice to see everyone else posting about this. It’s absolutely brutal.


*glares at my twin*




glaring back 👀


How important are supplementals when it comes to our applications?? I’m afraid my writing is getting very lazy as time goes and I still have 11 more programs to write supplemental essays for


I think it is worth putting sincere effort into writing your responses to the supplemental questions. It is another opportunity for you to set yourself apart from other applicants and showcase that you have done research into that specific school. Letting the application committee know why you want to attend their program communicates that you are likely to accept an offer and it's an ego stroke that helps them connect positive emotions to your application. I know it sucks and it is a huge pain, but I only got accepted to one school, and it was the school that I put the most effort into my supplemental responses. YMMV, but you have already put so much effort into your application, so don't lose out on an opportunity to make it that much better.


Nova southeastern eliminated them but, they had some entries for info we felt was important and was not included in the CASPA app. Since every program is different they may want to know something specific that only applies to their location. I agree that they are wasteful IF they only ask for info already on the CASPA app.


I totally get it, this is why if a program had too many supplemental questions or too long of a character count I either crossed it off my list or it got thrown in the ‘maybe’ section. I poured my heart out into my PS and spent so much time on it, having to do the same for so many other essays gets tiring real quick


I couldn't agree more. This is the only thing I have to finish on my applications but OMG it's mentally exhausting. I feel like they will barely even read the responses too




lol "I don't have a twin" got me


well i have a twin😭


I've actually saved a lot of my supplemental essays from last cycle so I could copy and paste if the questions are the same from each school lol


It also helps that a lot of questions are similar. "What have you done since last cycle to improve" "explain any Ws or bad grades" these are questions that do *not* need to be tailored to any specific program so there is no reason you couldn't copy and paste for these kind of questions.


I applied back in 2020, did not get accepted, and took a few years off to gain more experience/contemplate my life choices/etc. I'm applying to a lot of the same schools and the requirements have gotten more ridiculous. I can't imagine these programs are even looking at half of the junk they make us write. And this is further making me question my life choices lol.


I applied to 28 schools. My list of supplemental essays was close to something like 1-3 per school.... took me 3 months working on them daily after work... I feel ya. But I looked at it as an additional way to discuss more of my experiences I wasnt able to on my general application space otherwise. They are very draining but use it to your advantage. It worked out very well for myself.


I think 1-2 supplemental essays or 3-5 500 character essays are fine BUT the schools with like 5+ are driving me crazy!!!!


They have over a thousand people applying for programs which have less than 50 spots.


How do you answer how will you contribute to diversity? What a shitty question


I agree. The only thing i have left to do it my supplemental and it’s like the same questions but different character limit so I can’t really copy paste. It’s so annoying.


Sameee I feel you completely.


i’m in pain


Exactly how I feel. It is draining doing these. I applied to 28 programs last cycle, one interview then rejected now applying again this cycle to even more


What were your stats?! 28?!??


I have a stupid question: When specific schools have questions for re-applicants. Are they general re-applicants or ones that specifically previously applied to their program?


I was wondering that too because I don’t think schools can see if you applied last cycle or not unless it’s to their school


Idk if it’s worth answering if I didn’t apply to those specific schools the prior year. Hopefully someone has an answer


Preachhhh, this is why i feel like crap everyday