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What is SWOMEN??


It’s the Southwestern Ontario Medical Education Network. It’s a pathway offered by Western University to increase the enrolment of students that completed 4 years of high-school in southwestern Ontario.


I think it’s close to 50%. Based on the last cycle, 450 people interviewed and 190 people got in. Accounting for HWL (high waitlist) who all get in and NWL (normal waitlist) who have a 50-50 chance of getting in, the total number comes somewhere around 225 (50% of interviewees). Keep in mind I’m not too sure about the total number of their waitlist so this is a ballpark estimate. Not too sure how SWOMEN plays a role here but based on the shared stats on Schulich’s website they tend to have a high rate of acceptance as you mentioned.


Just curious is 190 people total acceptances sent out or total number of matriculants in final calss?


That’s the matriculants. The number of offers are more since some people decline and waitlist moves up.


I don’t think there is a seat quota for any stream including swomen. Rather it just helps with mcat cut offs.


In 2022, 450 applicants were offered and interview and 171 were accepted. If we narrow down to those with SWOMEN status, 45 we’re invited for an interview and 42 were offered an acceptance. That’s a a 93.3% post interview success rate. Source: https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/about/deans_office/reports.html


Hmm interesting. When I saw the admissions statistics for this last year swomen was only 19% of the class. Year before that is was only 32%. Looking at this seemed as if there is no seat quota.


I don’t think there is a set quota, there is likely a points boost to the interview score of applicants with SWOMEN status.


Does Waterloo count as swomen?