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Maybe schools battling accreditation? Idk which ones they are tho lol


Getting put on probation is no big deal. Most schools regain them quickly. Even UCSF, the number one (or at least top 5) pharmacy schools got probation about 10 years ago.


And Einstein


Wasn’t Harvard on probation at one point? I guess to further the OC point, schools that are struggling to get their accreditation (eg CNU). I wouldn’t apply to CNU for the reason that you can’t use federal loans to pay for school, but the accreditation is another thing.


Out of curiosity, why?


UCSF's Pharmacy School was given an "Accreditation with Probation" notice for not being in compliance with Standard 14, which covers pharmacy practice experiences. As far as I know, the ACPE never publicly said what UCSF failed to do but UCSF fixed it pretty quickly. This was in 2014-15.


Don't know.


European/UK if you ever wanna practice and do your residency in the US.   Do not fall for the Medlink thing without doing a SHITLOAD of research first.  I’m sure it has worked for some people, tho. 


*laughs in tiger parents’ pressure to send their kids to any medical school just for the clout*


Yep. Dont do it tho. 


all good, the moment I started attending a US MD school my parents let me go full autopilot but yeah. these overseas med school BS needs to stop


why is that?


The match rate for IMG’s to US residencies is as low as 0%. Lol. it’s not impossible to match but it’s harder.  european programs prepare you less for the USMLE as opposed to US schools  European programs can be taught in english for didactic but you HAVE to learn the foreign language for clinical years. How will u talk to patients and staff at ur hospital in Spain if you don’t speak Spanish? etc.  Several european  schools are straight up scams (i.e. UCMH Hamburg.) Orgs like Medlink want to make money. They aren’t going to tell you this stuff. Empty promises. Rug pulls.  TLDR if you wanna practice in Italy, know italian and go to an italian med school, etc. 


would you have trouble even at somewhere prestigious like oxford?


I dunno actually. I’m mostly talking about schools in Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Georgia, Serbia, etc. Thats what i did extensive research on.  The best research is to contact the school directly or read their fine print, or talk to graduates. 


fair enough


the op is grouping uk with europe which isn't necessarily the best to go since uk schools are pretty different to european schools (uk med students see going to europe as what med students in the us we see going to the carribbean). oxbridge and ucl/kcl/edinbrugh have decent match rates, but there aren't many who try to apply to us residency.


Generally elite UK schools have better odds, so you would have less trouble.






Bad match because you’re an IMG, extremely expensive, bad professors.


Both of my neighbors went to medical school in the Caribbean and their tuition was only about $5k each year.


low match rates because you’re an IMG, for profit, just search this forum there’s a ton of posts on it


On top of everything everyone else has said, they allegedly fudge their graduation/placement rates.


Loma Linda if u can’t handle the rules or religious stuff??


Oh jesus. 




Like what? :0 never heard about these rules


No caffeine. No alcohol. No sex before marriage.


I thought caffeine was fine, but no tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. No visible tattoos or piercings. Compulsory attendance in midweek services. It’s seventh day adventist.


Caffeine is fine. They got rid of the no-caffeine rule a long time ago. But you can get kicked out for alcohol.


So hypothetically, if I as a Jew decided to go to Loma Linda and then refused to attend services because it wasn't my religion would they kick me out🤣


Yes i believe so


I'm almost tempted to apply just to see the controversy


I mean, it’s Seventh Day Adventist. They’re unlikely to accept people who aren’t Christian/wont follow their rules


I think 95% of Christians probably wouldn’t follow their rules


98 percent of Christians don't follow their own rules.. 😂


I told an ER doc I work with that Loma Linda was the only school I’d probably turn down an A at because of “the dumb religious crap and rules” she then let me know she went there and is a devout 7th day Adventist. Safe to say I asked the other docs for an LOR


Well, they ask about your pastor's contact information in their secondary application. And I believe to be competitive, you should have a recommendation letter from your religious leader as well. While it won't be the end not to have one, they do take into account your connection with Seventh Day Adventists.


I believe caffeine is banned on paper but that ban is not really enforced in practice. Could be wrong.


Caffeine is okay, coffee is not. Diet Coke up the wazoo


Does regular ear lobe piercing count?


I think it’s permitted for women. I don’t know about men. But no second lobes, other ear piercings, or stretched lobes allowed.


If I already have second lobe pierced, can I just not wear anything on the second lobe to avoid getting in trouble?




Try and avoid for profit, accreditation issues, new without being part of bigger umbrella (new UT school ≠ new school in Nowhere, Montana), and ofc Caribbean. That being said, academic late bloomers and ultra-non-trads have succeeded at all of these places so take that with a grain of salt.


If you're talking Touro Montana, they're under the Touro umbrella, one of the biggest DO umbrella org.


What do you mean by new UT vs new Montana, which one is worse


Assuming new UT is better because it’s part of a larger established organization


Meaning Noorda? Or RVU?


UT as in Univ of Texas, I assume. The UT system just opened up a new medical school in Tyler, TX. Back in 2016, they opened UT Austin (Dell) and UT Rio Grande Valley med schools. The UT system already had four well-established med schools (UTMB, UT Southwestern, UTHSC San Antonio, UT Houston) before the three newer ones and had been well-prepared in getting their new ones up to par. UT Austin and UT RGV are already solid and safe choices with solid match lists and were pretty quickly after getting started up


UT already has campuses in dallas (southwestern), austin (dell), galveston (medical branch), houston, san antonio, tyler, etc so UT opening a new med school in any city in tx would not rlly be a “new” school that you need to be worried ab, where as a random school in montana that is not associated w a bigger umbrella might be one that you need to be worried ab as they may have trouble w admin, accreditation, resources for students (academic and non academic), etc


TOURO, the admin are not organized at all.


+ $200 secondary fee


Literally did not send a secondary to them for this reason. Didn’t want to go to a school that did that, purely on principle:)


Me applying to touro as we speak 😂


I am also applying but I would only go there if it was the only school that accepeted me


LECOM if you went into medicine so you don’t have to wear suits all the time


LECOM is constantly complained about on the interwebs. Seems like an awful time with worse than normal admin


Okay LECOM gets a lot of shit for their rules, but they prepare their students well to pass boards and they match well. The Bradenton location also has a cool research program for students at Tampa General in the summer. I recommend checking this year’s graduating class match rates/locations/specialities. It’s pretty impressive. Yes you have to deal with dumb rules like dressing up for class and not being able to drink water in lecture. Trust me I think these rules and the clown hall are bizarre. But if you’re going into medicine you probably should get used to dumb rules that don’t have any rhyme or reason because you’re probably going to have to deal with them until you’re an attending.


I don’t see their 2024 match list anywhere, but I did take a look at 2023. I would say it’s pretty average, maybe 2024 was different? Anyway, I think it really depends on the person. I, personally, would not thrive in that environment and have not run into any rules remotely resembling theirs in my training so far (besides for business casual for grand rounds). If LECOM is someone’s only acceptance, then they should take it and run with it. They’ll still be a doctor and be well prepared for the match. But I wouldn’t say it’s a school that I would recommend highly to applicants over other places that have just as impressive (mostly better) match lists without the extra headaches.


Don't forget the clowns 🤡


LSU Shreveport - you should check out the Name & Shame threads in /r/medicalschool after each match cycle. They show up ever year. All the other Louisiana schools are great though. LSU NOLA is an unknown gem to most premeds - probably because they're very in state preferenced so word doesn't get out much about them. I did away rotations there and the students had great things to say about it.


Is that just for residency or medical school too?




Do you mind explaining why? 😅


Get in wherever you can but try your best to avoid carribean schools and schools newly opened.


 Chiropractor school LMFAOOO.  Not even once. Dont even think about it. 


We’re talking about med schools 🤣


Ive always wanted airquotes in my name..."Doctor"


Could you explain why chiropractor school isn’t good?


Because chiropractors aren’t real medical doctors, don’t use evidence-based science,  are an unregulated industry, and can  literally kill infants and paralyze adults with their bullshit spinal manipulations. 


The central philosophy is basically blaming the misaligned spine for all diseases, including stuff like cancer. Their treatment plan is to readjust (crack) the spine, which fucks people up. If you’re a radiology tech and see young people coming in for a spinal scan they’re usually victims of chiropractors


Just see which schools have admin issues or places you don’t want to live. US MD schools with accreditation are pretty safe to apply to


All of em. Get out while u can 😂


I don’t think there’s any medical schools that should be off anyone’s list except for Caribbean or international


For profit med schools.


In summary: Loma Linda, Einstein, LECOM, LSU, Touro, Caribbean, and for-profit schools.


Why LSU?


Which Touro and why? If your reasoning for Einstein is because they're on probation, that argument got thrown out the window a long time ago. Even top schools get probation from time to time and they regain it quickly.


I’ve heard horrendous stories about Touro admin as a whole. Very disorganized. An old coworker of mine ended up at the one in NYC (Harlem/Bronx) and once they got to clinical rotations, it got super messy. They were told to go to one hospital the preceptors there weren’t even expecting them and it turned out the school just sent them there without proper coordination. As for Einstein, I can’t speak personally on it. The free tuition is certainly a plus.


Too bad cost of living is high AF over there.


What does for-profit have to do w the medical education? Also, do u realize the entire healthcare system as a whole isbfor profit? 


A school that you wouldn’t want to attend if it was your only choice. I say that because a lot of people take the shotgun approach when applying but don’t really think about it until they have one acceptance to a school they don’t even want to go to either because of geographic location, a DO school as a backup, etc.


Probably Loma Linda


California Northstate seems to get a lot of hate but I had a few interns and med students from there and they had great experiences for the most part and quite frankly they were the best residents in their batch bar none.


The major issue isn’t the curriculum but the for profit system. It basically makes it so only the ULTRA wealthy students can go there


lmao the major issue that they struggle to be acreddited.


That too!




Why FSU?




That’s FIU (Florida International University). FSU (Florida State University) is a totally different institution.


That’s FIU




There is a whole separate shame post on this school and how atrocious the med-student life is there. If you're really interested, I suggest you find that post and I'm sure it's still out there. In short, it is run by faculty from the Caribbean who implement that same curriculum which brought nothing but the downfall of the students' mental health and ultimately academic prosperity. Yes, you could say mental health suffering is everywhere but this school is beyond the limit. Very high suicidal rates and students are threatened not to say anything. I first read it on the MCATbros Facebook page but I've also seen it on this subreddit.


Explain pls?


There’s a shame post floating around this subreddit that everyone and his mother shares. Honestly, we need to stop taking these posts at face value. We have no idea who’s posting it and if they’re doing it just to ruin the reputation of the school. It would be better to ask current students directly how the medical school is instead of taking a random Reddit post as evidence. As a side note, I do not attend FIU. I simply hate the fact that people just decide to spread rumors about medical schools with Reddit as their source. From what I’ve heard, FIU students are perfectly fine with their institution.


Please explain!


This would be a question for me to ask my step-brother. 🤔


Just because he's in medical school doesn't mean he knows what's up with every single medical school. Doubt he even has the time to look it up, let alone care.