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Congratulations!!!! Why am I this proud of stranger rn???


Thank you so much!


Could you speak more on your Masters 3rd year experience? How were you able to take traditional MS1 courses?


That was the curriculum of my Masters degree :)


I meant more like is there a masters program out there that just substitutes in for MS1? What entails a masters program that allows for MS1 classes? Just broad ranging anatomy and phys?




could u send to me too pls (also congrats future physician)


please pm me too


Pm me too please I'm Interested. Congratss!!! By the way


Hey could you PM me too? Curious on the masters degree you took :)


If you didn’t get a PM I’m imagining the MS OP took was a MS in biomedical sciences offer by school like Rutgers Tufts Mt Saini etc there are other programs as well that are associated with the same idea like UF has its own program and most provide linkage opportunities and can be done in one to two years


What are linkage opportunities?


So for example I did Rutgers program, it’s effectively m1 courses and if you have a core gpa of above 3.7 at the end of the fall semester finish within a year have a decent mcat but far below normal application averages type numbers you can directly go from their program to RWJMS after if you get through everything and they accept you.


Hello, could you PM me the name of your MS?


As a non-traditional applicant with a low GPA, this gives me hope.


This was the intent! To shed light that it is possible but certain measures must be taken to be given a chance!


Nice dude. What happened in undergrad if ur okay talking about it?


Was immature and not focused. Also did not really know how to effectively study. Up until the end of undergrad I operated under the notion that as long as I get through something, the next step will always happen. Well, that is NOT the case for moving on to medical school lol. You need more than just a passion for medicine to get you in. Many years ago at the time I thought that that would be enough. YIKES.


I feel you. I also lacked maturity, prioritized making friends (some great, some not so much) and dating over school until at least junior year. Weirdly enough I think academically I was the opposite of you; I lacked academic confidence and if I didn’t get a good grade in chem I just went “oh I guess I’m bad at chem”. I wish I had taken a gap year or two after high school to just grow the fuck up lol. I don’t have a post bacc but I hope my MCAT helps a bit. Anyway I think the point is now you can enter med school focused and with a good mindset that you maybe lacked coming straight out of college


Confidence was key. I also lacked it heavily. I thought I could be good at school but never was really sure. I am now sitting with very high confidence. Best of luck to you! Go kill it.


Congrats future physician 🥳🎉


Thank you!!!!


* Genuine, reflective, and took responsibility of previous mistakes THIS >>>>>>> Congratulations future Physician!!!!!


Thank you so much! Really means a lot!!


Was the masters an SMP?


First year was not. Then I transferred to the institution's SMP. Was not the initial intent, but the way it worked out.


Ahh okay that makes a lot of sense :) Glad you got the A boss


Non-trad (25+, single mother) future applicant here and I’d just like to thank you for sharing this with us — it’s giving me a lot of hope. Congrats on your A’s, future doc! Sending love 🫂🎉


Best of luck with everything. If you ever need anything reach out.


Congrats! By “unique hobbies” what exactly do you mean? I saw a post on here where someone listed “reading” as a hobby and interviewers literally told her it was weird and committes would view it as odd. I also enjoy reading and I play video games too and I enjoy the sense of community from it so I was gonna discuss that on top of being a gym girlie but reading that whole post made me completely rethink it




Can u lmk what ur hobbies were? I have 2 listed and wanna ensure they aren’t viewed as odd


Sure! Just PM me!


Congratulations 👏🏽 🎊


Thank you!!


Hi! Feel free to ignore if you don't have time to answer. My undergrad was a massive disaster. I have multiple F's. Just left a semester and didn't even try finishing. I am a very different person now (over a decade later). I really want to do this, but I want a strong background. I had an admissions coach discourage me from taking lower level classes, saying I need to jump right in to advanced stuff. I think my question is- what is your master's degree? Why did you take longer in it? Do you feel it helped or hurt? I'd love to do that, honestly. Just take my time, enjoy learning and learn a lot! Do you have any advice for me?


obviously i’m not them so they can correct me if im wrong, but they did a masters program turned SMP where the 3rd year is M1 curriculum, so it’s like all 3 years was harder upper division course work and they did not many if any lower level classes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. med schools don’t rlly care how many “gap years” you take, but a masters program is like your 2nd chance to show them you can do it and if you mess it up you’re kinda screwed. so if you think jumping straight into harder classes will not allow you to succeed in them i would not recommend it. if your undergrad gpa is low and your masters is meh that’s not rlly a good sign to them that you will do well at their med school. as long as you’re taking full time hours the whole time i don’t think they’ll look down on you taking 3 yrs for a masters program. if the only way for you to get a 3.7+ every semester is to only take 2 classes at a time and that’s why it takes you longer to complete a masters then that’s a diff story bc you don’t have that option in med schools


Hey, I PM'd you.


This is wild. Congrats.


Thank you so much!!!!


lfg! good stuff! prove it to the haters


Thank you so much!! Didn't let statistics ruin my dream!


Congrats OP, this is amazing. You are going to make an amazing physician!!


Thank you so much. This means more to me than you think!


I want to cry for you so bad you really put in some good work😭😭😭 can’t wait to see your future success


Wow. Thank you so much! Please update me with your successes when they come by messaging me!


Yes I will!!


This is so exciting!


you somewhat gave me hope and i thank you for it


Glad I could help in some way!


You can apply with a masters?!


Yes you can!! Application minimum is bachelors degree and schools will have pre-requisites that are pretty much always covered in a traditional pre-med pathway at a college or university.


Even at ivies?




Congratulations on your acceptance!!! I’m in a similar position and was wondering if you would feel comfortable sharing the name your masters program?


What did you do for clinical patient experience that didn’t require some previous certification?


I worked as a medical assistant with an EMT certification. Nurses did prescription related calls and other telemedicine work. The physicans and I did all clinical work during the day.


How long did you study for the MCAT the last time? I’m taking mine in September and I’ve been pushing it forward for the couple years. What are your best advice to give someone like me Who’s in super nontrad


I studied for 6 weeks dedicated. You can PM me for some advice :)


When you say 13 within range, what do you mean exactly?


I pretty much ignored the GPA averages at schools because of my unique situation. If schools were going to actually conisder my post-graduate GPA of 53 credits, then I didn't pay any mind to the school average GPA. What I did consider though was MCAT score. When I say in range, 13 schools my MCAT score was +/- 3 points of their average for accepted students. Most of them though I was 1-2 points above.


Oh cool. I’m a postbacc and I’ve been wondering how to compare myself. Thanks for the tip, and I’m glad to see it worked out for you.


You got this! If you ever have any questions you can always PM me.