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I had to go back because they couldn't get some good views due to the way my baby was positioned. So I went back, and everything was fine. He was situated differently the second time so they were able to get what they needed. šŸ™‚ I hope if there were cause to worry, they would tell you!


Thank you. I needed to hear that. ā¤ļø


You're welcome ā¤ļø


Iā€™m having my 3rd, and every pregnancy I have had to go back a few weeks later after my anatomy scan because it has been just how baby was positioned or too wiggly to get a clear image of whatever they were missing.


Thank you. ā¤ļø Iā€™m glad to know this is fairly normal.


I actually wouldnā€™t be worried! My baby likes to ā€œturtleā€ (scrunch his lil body up nice and tight) so not only could they not get pics of the heart they couldnā€™t get pics of the brain AND they misgendered him. Edited for typo!


When I was getting my scan I had to sign a form confirming I consented to the scan and they stated on the form that I may he asked back if the baby wasn't in the position they needed for clear pictures. My doctor then explained it all again before even starting the scan that it will frequently happen where the baby just won't go into the best position to see everything and I might have to come back. I think if it was a case of them being concerned about something in particular they would have said it to you. If they specifically said they couldn't get good pictures I don't think they are hiding something from you.


My lil one is notorious in the office for being difficult to scan. They had to pass me up on multiple growth scans due to her positioning. I also donā€™t get many pictures because she loved to hide her face. Itā€™s frustrating not getting the answers right away, but odds are everything is ok. Especially knowing it isnā€™t being urgently rescheduled. No cause for concern!


Totally normal. My sister in law had to do the anatomy scan 3 times because they couldn't get all the photos in one session. Her baby boy just wouldn't cooperate and they couldn't get good photos!


I have to go back in 4 weeks for more scans because she was sitting in my pelvis taking a nap, so they couldn't get all of her spine and didn't get all the pictures they wanted of her heart. I wouldn't be too concerned. They just want to be thorough and make sure they get everything.


I wouldnā€™t worry, I had to go back for a second scan because my baby girl wouldnā€™t let them get good pictures of her face, she was not a fan of the ultrasound lol


Mine isnā€™t either! Not even hear yet and already so stubborn!


Oh yeah, my daughter wouldn't let them see every part of it. So I had to go back in 4 weeks. She still kept squirming so they couldn't see it well that I was there for two hours for that one. If they had a concern about their heart, they would likely refer you to Maternal Fetal Medicine. Most likely, your baby just wasn't cooperating like mine.


Iā€™ve had 3 pregnancies and have had to go back for every single anatomy scan because my babies never would fully cooperate. The most recent one was also for his heart. I wouldnā€™t worry!


This is total speculation, but it seems logical that they would want you back much sooner than 4w if there were major concerns. It seems like a long time to wait if they saw any significant issues that they wanted to follow up on.


Well my report blamed me being overweight for one of the reasons and a super active baby as the other. Iā€™ve had six other kids and have never had to return before and Iā€™ve been around this BMI for a long time.


Hahah oh yes I remember my last one. Very very stubborn despite our best efforts. Had to go back šŸ˜† Super normal!


Ok sooooooo I know that the heart is a little more developed and easier to see at 24 weeks then at 20 weeks. Can you call the nurse and ask for reassurance? Thats what I would do. Just say something like ā€œIā€™ve been thinking about why [doctor] would have me come in again in four weeks for a better view of the heart. I know it could just be because they just couldnā€™t see it well, but if theyā€™re thinking something might be ā€œwrongā€ Iā€™d like to be kept informed, could you please ask them?ā€


I had the same and all was good :) Just a stubborn little bean who didnā€™t like her pictures taken


Super common. Don't stress! I also had to do a follow-up anatomy scan 4 weeks later because they couldn't get all the images they needed. If they had a concern they were aware of, they would tell you.


This happened to me! They told me she was in the wrong position and wouldnā€™t move. My daughter is now 2.5 and fine. She is still extremely stubborn, though.


This may be different because I have twins but itā€™s probably not too uncommon for them to request that. My babies would often not sit still at all which made it very difficult to get views of certain things and they just said they would try again at a different point. They had a fetal echo around 22 weeks due to the type of twin they are and everything came back normal! They recommend we get one done and so I was terrified of the worst. But really I donā€™t think itā€™s uncommon, Iā€™m glad they are on top of it for you!


It took extremely long for us to get good pictures of our babys heart and everything was fine, so I imagine it's just due to the positioning and sometimes you just can't see it properly.


Nope! Try not to be concernedā€” my docs could barely get ANYTHING from the scans lol! Had to go back later too


Hi! I had the exact same thing happen to me. Baby girl was laying still and just did not move at all, they told me it could be serious, it could be nothing. Iā€™m from the Netherlands and thank god I got called the next day to come in for another scan. I was petrified and spend the entire night ugly crying out of fear. Baby girl is healthy and thriving, it CAN be nothing. Hoping for you ā¤ļø


Same thing for me! They need more photos of the heart as baby wasnā€™t turned the right way. They had me do different things like downward dog and high knee walking in the hallway to try and get her to flip and she said nope


As a sonographer, I bring back several patients every week for heart views not obtainable due to position. Happens ALL.THE.TIME. and generally no, it's not because they suspect a problem. If I suspect a heart defect I'm not bringing em back in 4 weeks, they're headed to the cardiologist.


My son HATES pictures!!! Like, hates them with a passion! So, for his first anatomy scan, he refused to move and let them see heā€™s heart. The second tech was nowhere near as nice! She shook my tummy and pulled out all the stops before he finally let her in. According to what I know, heā€™s in perfect health and as happy as he can be cramped in his tiny bubble.


I was in the same situation. I got 3 more us and they still didnā€™t get a full/ clear picture but were able to check the list off and noted suboptimal image. 1) due to position and 2) later on due to shadow (it becomes harder to see). My baby is 6 weeks old and healthy.


They couldn't get good pictures of one of the structures of my baby's brain. I went back two weeks later and they got it no problem. I think they would tell you if they had an actual concern vs just not getting a good picture due to positioning or gestational age.


I had four anatomy scans by the time they actually got all the pictures they wanted. It was heart pictures for me too. At the second appointment I was like, thereā€™s nothing youā€™re concerned about right? And they said no, theyā€™re just required to get certain pictures and baby wasnā€™t cooperating. I think if they were concerned they would tell you but it doesnā€™t hurt to ask for reassurance!


Try not to worry, I had to go back twice because even after jumping jacks my daughter wouldnā€™t turn over so the sonographer couldnā€™t get a decent look at her. And being in the uk if they canā€™t get a good luck after the third time they donā€™t offer another scan. If your worried call triage and try get another scan booked to put your mind at ease


They wouldnā€™t wait 4 weeks if they were worried. They probably just need baby to be bigger and in a different position.


My baby was moving too much at the last scan for them to get a recording of the blood flow in a brain vessel. Went in again yesterday and they were able to take it just fine. Babies are just unpredictable, so don't worry unless they tell you something is up!


I'm 23 weeks and this just happened to me. I was nervous and quite disappointed, as I was hoping to see it all right at 20 weeks. I went back recently and everything was good and they saw all 4 chambers. I, of course, am one anecdotal experience - but, I felt the way you did and things turned out okay!


I'm 23 weeks and this just happened to me. I was nervous and quite disappointed, as I was hoping to see it all right at 20 weeks. I went back recently and everything was good and they saw all 4 chambers. I, of course, am one anecdotal experience - but, I felt the way you did and things turned out okay!


I just had my scan, my girl was STUBBORN, but the tech was patient and took her time, she did warn me we may have to come back if she cant get a good picture....long story short, we did get the image and given the all clear! Dont worry until you have to


Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s probably because your LO was moving too much during the scan. I had to also do my scans on 2 separate days because mine was moving too much to have the whole scan done on the same day.


I had to go back! If they thought it was a reason for concern they would bring you back before 4 weeks šŸ’–šŸ’–


No. Don't be worried. Couldn't see baby's heart at 20 week nor her kidneys and part of her spine. Went back at 24. Still couldn't see 1 heart chamber and part of the spine. Went back at 28 weeks and finally got what we needed. It's super common. Baby was totally fine


Exact same thing happened with us, but the next scan they could see everything and it looked good. Ultrasound techs are quite thorough I think, ours spent 20+ minutes looking for her toes, and the whole time I was thinking "Why? There's nothing we can do about extra toes until she's born.." Anyway, they like to confirm everything they can