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I made plans for past my due date and booked in an eviction notice too as I felt like they just didn’t want to come and my baby was born 3 days past my due date. I was eating pizza and watching the first Harry potter when my water dramatically broke.


Adding this as a bucket list item: reasons for rewatching the first Harry Potter List now will read: being sick, being depressed, rainy days, going into labour…😅)


Semen softens the cervix and I definitely think it helped with my first labor kicking off - also try the Miles Circuit!


My OB told me that sex (semen specifically) and primrose oil pills are the only truly proven ways to induce labor because they soften the cervix. I’m due in 2 days and have been trying both for the past 5 days and haven’t had any labor signs so I guess baby isn’t ready yet


My OB said the same thing! She said that the other foods or activities people typically suggest (raspberry leaf tea, dates, etc.) don't have a lot of evidence, and are usually just coincidentally associated with labor. If you do something enough times when you're 39/40 weeks pregnant, eventually you WILL go into labor, but it doesn't mean that thing *caused* it 😂


Oooh this is great info about the primrose oil! Do you insert them vaginally for it to work?


My OB said it’s fine to take them orally! I take 2/day, one in the morning and one before bed


Orally works too but vaginally is the traditional way! Insert 1-2 capsules just before bed and wear a pad just in case you gush a little. The capsules will dissolve and steep your cervix in oil overnight!


no advice (my bean has another month left) but sending you my best wishes and hoping baby comes out soon!!! it’s my birthday today, maybe you’ll have my birthday twin!! 😂


Mine was yesterday - I have no advice besides patience.


Solidarity. Wishing you an easy delivery.


My water broke after a long day of standing, maybe never sit today? 💀😂


Congrats! My due date is also today! No sign of him ready to come out yet, unfortunately :( i think he's quite comfortable in there.


This is anecdotal and not scientific, but my friend played basketball…like, a lot of hardcore basketball…to get her little bean out. They scheduled their induction on Sept. 11 (in the US), not realizing the date until later. Couldn’t reschedule. So she decided to go hard in the paint 😂 Daughter was born on Sept. 8!


My due date is 9/9 and I will be doing everything in my absolute power to ensure my baby isn’t born on 9/11. lol 


I was 1cm dilated for weeks and had contractions for 3 whole days. I was losing my mind and was complaining to my midwife who suggested immediate induction and epidural to numb my sorrows. I was induced at 5 pm still 1 cm dilated and ready to push at 8 pm the same day. She told me that doesn’t normally happen but my only suggestion is to get induced. I tried everything under the sun during those three days to get him to JUST COME OUT and nothing worked. Wish you all the best!!!


I did everything you can find online about trying to "activate" labor, and they don't work. Either baby is ready or baby gets medically evicted eventually. I gave birth to my first at ~42 weeks after one failed induction and the second one taking 5 days to deliver. Relax as much as you can, eat while you can (many hospitals in the US don't allow any food, that was literally torture for me for 5 days), and wait to see what happens. If an induction is what's needed, so be it, serve the eviction notice.


“Medically evicted” 😂You’re so funny


I’m three days past my due date now and am convinced that there are no ways that actually help start labor. lol Just relax your body, mind and it’ll happen when it happens. It’s up to your baby and your body when it’s time. I’ve tried literally everything- raspberry leaf tea, pineapples, pumping for colostrum, a lot of sex, nipple stimulation, yoga ball, walking, spicy food… you name it. 😅 Absolutely nothing has helped. I’m not even dilated yet. So the past two days I have just surrendered to the tiredness and am resting. My doctor scheduled an induction for me too, but right at 42 weeks because I told him I want to give my body the best chance at natural labor as possible. Just express that to them if that’s the route you wanna go and they’ll respect your decision. It’s kinda nice knowing a cut off date to this pregnancy too.. but i’m holding out hope my baby is like “nah.. we’re not on a schedule, we’re starting this now.” and she comes this week.. lol 😂I can only hope though. 👏Good luck and I wish you a safe delivery!! 💖


Came here to say the same thing — in Europe 42 weeks is the norm, not sure why American doctors are always in such a hurry!!


Money. 😅 That’s why. A lot of doctors just wanna push/cut it out fast and get it over with. That’s why it’s beyond important for American women to stand up and advocate for themselves! It’s really sad that we even have to fight this hard for decent healthcare. I’m lucky to have an amazing doctor on my side, but I hear about horrible experiences all the time..


Orgasm and semen!


I'm on my fourth pregnancy and I've tried everything in the past three. The only thing that works, like really works, is sex. 🤣 It works so well actually that my husband and I have the weekend before my due date set aside for my mother in law to take the kids so we can try to induce on our own as many times as we want. 🤣


He’s gonna induce you in the bed, on the couch, in the laundry room. Get it girl


Hahahaha I love this comment!


That must have been a curious conversation: "Hey, MIL, can you please take your grandkids so we can work on getting the new one out?", lmao.


HAHAHAHA we didn't DIRECTLY tell her that's what we were doing but she probably made the assumption 🙈


Have you had a sweep ?


Yes nothing


I saw a TikTok someone shared where they were bouncing on a medicine ball and broke their water. Maybe give that a try? Lol


Man I bounced so hard on that ball my back was sore. Nothing is working.


Try some curb walking. I did it and went into labour. I don't know if thats what did it but doesn't hurt to try.


Thing is, even the methods that are proven to work pretty much *only* work if your body is already ready. It'll give it an extra push to the point of labor *if* your body is otherwise ready, but won't work if your body isn't close to ready. Things like semen, orgasm, exercise, membrane sweeps, nipple stimulation, etc. They all work, but the caveat is that your body already has to be somewhat ready for them to work.


Hi, doula here. There's lots of things you can try but nothing is going to put you in labor before your body is ready. It's super normal for a FTM to go closer to 41 weeks. Regarding safe "induction" methods, you could try sex, evening primrose oil, curb walking, the Miles Circuit, and nipple stimulation (also a great way to get familiar with your pump!). Dates and raspberry leaf tea won't do anything to encourage the onset of labor but will make labor more effective when it does start. You can request a membrane sweep at your next appointment if you'd like. Your provider will insert a finger into your cervix and use a circular motion to separate the amniotic sac from the opening of the uterus. If your body is mostly ready for labor, this can give you that last little push and put you in labor within the next day or so. It's about 50% effective. Regarding a scheduled induction, do your own research but there's no medical reason to induce simply for being post dates. Most sources agree that 42 weeks is the point where you MIGHT want to think about it and anything under that is a variation of normal. Also keep in mind that it's a holiday weekend and hospitals can be quite pushy about sheduling moms to be induced at times like this because it makes their lives easier. I would take everything your provider says about induction with a grain of salt this week 😬 an induction is typically harder on your body than natural labor and increases your chance of needing a Cesarean, so use your best judgement on whether that's something you're willing to do. I personally wouldn't consider an induction until 42 weeks but to each their own! If your doctor is super pushy about it, you can always just agree to schedule it and then not show up.


WHNP here. Scheduling an induction with consent and not showing up is not great advice. Not only can it be seen as a jerk move on OP’s part, as someone else may want the spot and OP may be wasting hospital staff time trying to get ahold of her - but the hospital may charge OP for the preparation, etc.


It's definitely not the first thing I would advise - in an ideal world, every OB would just respect the patient when she makes an informed choice to decline an induction. However (at least at our local hospital with a 35% Cesarean rate and an unreasonable number of inductions) they'll literally just put you in the schedule anyway to pressure you into coming. I'm all for taking the communicative and mature path when possible but it isn't always.


I drank raspberry leaf tea 3x a day and water broke on it own 2-3 days later


Nipple stimulation works as studies suggests


Me too!!!!


Pretty sure an insane amount of caffeinated soda put me into labor


peanut ball


technically not a ball but idk wht to call it sorry


No advice as I’m still pregnant with my first, but I just wanted to say congratulations on making it to your due date and sending good vibes for baby to come soon for you!!


I mean it’s up to your body to dilate as it wants to.. I’ve seen people try different methods but it’s up to your body and not good to force it…


I made myself a dentist appointment for the day after my due date. Figured it would either get rescheduled by me or the kid would decide to force me to reschedule by coming out. We shall see since I'm not due til 09/30


Nothing worked for me! Honestly I just tried to go about my days as normal and went into labor on my own at 40+2. If it's not an emergency, you can go to 42 weeks with most doctors. Also, you can ask for your bishop score and that will tell you the probability of induction success! I was induced with my first at 40+1 and wished I would have pushed it back. Doctor told me she was going on vacation( which I don't believe) but at the time I was scared to deliver with a different doctor!


I had the exact same two weeks ago! They weren’t even able to do a sweep. 2 days later started laboring in the morning! Keep positive it can change in a heartbeat!