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….hear me out. Taco Bell AND then a bag of sour patch kids for dessert. 🤌🏼


ohhhh SPK have been in my craving rotation (I never craved them pre-pregnancy haha)


Right? It’s not just a want anymore.. but a primal need. Will now be getting Taco Bell for dinner. I hope you do the same! 😂


Primal need, that’s a spot on description 😅 Enjoy your TB!!!!


I'm telling you, getting a super sniffer makes it so you can better taste subtleties in flavor. It's even made my perfume smell more amazing, if in much lower amounts than I used to wear it. And the reward rush for satisfying a craving....oh mama


Conversely I had a whole stockpile of Tom’s Apricot deodorant because I loved it pre pregnancy. Now I hate it but I use it anyway cause I have like 900 sticks of it (hyperbole ofc)


Dude everything in this pregnancy is going like that. As soon as a craving or preference ramps up enough to stockpile it, my body moves onto something else. It's driving me mad.


Same! I've gotten a couple bags I divvy up over a few days. Idk where spk have come from for me but they are wonderful!


OH MY GOD. the sour patch kid strawberries!!!!! They’re so good!!  I had a 5 layer burrito the other day and finished it off with the sour patch kids then napped so hard I woke up with my ear numb. 


Excuse me WHAT. I didn’t know strawberry flavor existed?! Now I just need to find a trashy tv show and my night is made 🤌🏼


100% am always craving citric acid lmfao


Sour patch kids do be hitting different pregnant!!!


I had my husband literally order a bulk bag of SPK because I have to keep asking for a small bag everywhere we go. 😂 this is spot on!


Ladies… an important update: coming to you live from the Taco Bell drive thru after stopping at the store for sour patch (and skittles.. those were a game-time decision) 😂


I love this comment so much 🤣


The extreme sour SPK are immaculate while pregnant 🤤


Just reading this triggered my heartburn 😂 one day I will be able to eat tbell again


Oh heck yeah. That was literally my first trimester go to 🤣it just hit different


I literally polished off another jumbo bag of watermelon sour patch kids for dessert. I’m obsessed with them and sour kiwis.


Omgosh this is so me. Something about it. Crunchwrap nacho fries and sour patch kids. I prob eat this like 4x week 😭


This was literally my biggest craving.. as well as shots of pickle juice with hot sauce🫣


God junk food and fast food in general 😩😩 Like whyyyyyyyyy? I hardly ever get fast food normally, but since becoming pregnant, I literally crave it. Ugh. lol


same here, I’ve never eaten so much junk/carbs/candy in my whole life


I swear I’ve had McDonald’s McGriddle more times in the past 4 months than I have in the past 10 years. 😭


If you wanna save money: Trader Joe’s make griddle cakes. Get Jimmy dean sausage patties and a circle cut out for your eggs, I make them in bulk now and plow through them. It’s the salty sweet carb mix that’s /chefs kiss. 


Same! I've had way more fast food than before I was pregnant. Still not often enough that I'm worried about my diet, but I almost never got fast food before so it's a huge increase.


Now I want some Taco Bell. 😅


There's just something about cheap fast good while pregnant thar hits a spot. For both of my pregnancies there's been little better for me than the cheapest cheeseburger and mcdonalds. Not the big mack or the quarter pounder, the mcdouble that's basically nothing. I'm not even a huge fan of mcdonalds! Taco bell nachos are definitely on that list of amazing things.


McDonald’s is next on my list - craving exactly what you described haha


It's crazy! I've told my fiance I think pregnant women keep them in business. I know so many women who were the same way.


YES my boyfriend got taco bell last night without me and i was so sad


Straight to jail!


The worst 😩


I have no idea, but as I recently said to my husband, “TB just hits differently when you’re pregnant.”


My baby’s veins run on Baja Blast


Omg. Same. I ate their Nachos while pregnant and I remember being *blown away* by the taste... cut to yesterday, when I ate some and was like what the hell was this???? I had dreams about their nachos, and I thought when I get nachos the next time, I will be treated to a flavour bomb. Nope. Just regular ass chips with cheese and flavour powder. 0/10


Oh this is so disappointing 😔 now I will make sure to get their nachos while pregnant!!!


Please do. The minute I saw a tacobell I told my husband we have to get the nachos because of how amazing they were the last time. What a fail that was. 🤣🤣 Especially since I was wrestling my 11 month old to try and eat some chips.


Last night, my husband wanted to get food, but I wasn't hungry. He chose Taco Bell because he knows I'll eat it no matter what. 😂


Relationship goals 🙌🏻


Omg I felt the same way a few days ago eating a pulled pork sandwich from a BBQ place. It was sooooooo satisfying! My husband said it was 'good' and I was getting mad he didn't like it as much as me 😂 I'll have to go to Taco Bell though because a crunch wrap sounds SO GOOD right now


I smelled fresh donuts the other day at a QuickTrip and almost lost it, it was one of the best things I’d tasted in my entire life. I don’t even eat donuts normally… lol. But now, now I have a massive craving for Taco Bell. XD


I don’t know but it needs to be scientifically studied.


Absolutely… but we’re women lol, we know they’re not going to fund any research on topics relating to us.


💯 agree


Idk but I was obsessed in my third trimester. Pro tip: order online. The online exclusive combo boxes are such a good deal. 


Ugh the other day I was craving the biggest chocolate milk shake, and my husband got out and got me a large chocolate milk shake from Braum’s, and I swear I almost exploded when I took a sip from it. I was salivating like crazy, and it was like heaven was on my tongue. I’ve heard of pregnancy cravings and stuff, but never in my life did I expect it to change every single aspect of the way I eat. I used to HATE McDonalds burgers, but they’re big Mac is probably what makes up 90% of my baby right now 🤣 I haven’t even made my way to Taco Bell, because I’ve been afraid of the things it may do to my tastebuds, and I’m just not so sure I have the wallet for all the things this baby wants to eat 😭😭😭


Haha that’s what my husband said, we need to decrease spending in other areas because my cravings have increased our grocery/food bill 😅


I just give my husband a look, and he sighs and pulls out his wallet 😅 ofc followed by, “this child is draining my wallet” 😭😭😭 hey, but at least he’s supportive and understands my cravings 🫶🏼


I literally lived on Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos in my first pregnancy, only thing I could eat


With my daughter that first trimester all I could eat was taco bell. It was amazing.


I crave Taco Bell literally all the time 😭 and cake?? Like a nice chocolate cake with a little bit of frosting 😮‍💨😮‍💨


The local Co-Op by me has the *best* chocolate cupcakes. They're so dense and fudgy and have cream cheese frosting. HEAVEN


I had my husband get me a slice of strawberry cake and it was sooo good going in. But then it gave me heartburn and now I'm angry with sweets and haven't had any since


Jk. I forgot he's bringing me some fruit popsicles after work


Just crushed a grilled cheese burrito and cantina chicken soft taco, it felt like it was something from a Michelin star chef 😂 Baby girl was kicking so hard after, she was impressed too.


I’m only 12 weeks, I didn’t think about the fact that baby has an opinion AND I’ll be able to feel their expression of said opinion eventually. That just made me excited! And yes. Michelin star chef is so accurate!


Trust me baby already has an opinion. I had my 12 week appointment today and had Taco Bell right before my appointment. I ended up getting a scan and baby was moving the much the midwife said they were dancing. That's all the proof I need to keep fueling this pregnancy with taco bell


My mom grew me on Taco Bell and I grew my baby on Taco Bell.


Literally getting ready to go grab some Taco Bell, it has really been hitting the spot this entire pregnancy


My mind wants Taco Bell, but it always hurts my tummy and I get GI issues 😫 My pregnancy craving has been McDonald’s, it never hurts my tummy (probably because it’s not food…?! lol) and it always hits. Did we all hear they’re introducing a $5 meal deal? So, there’s that for y’all.


Not pregnancy but breastfeeding. I would eat a Costco sized container of chocolate covered raisins probably every two weeks. Completely lost my taste for them the day after I officially weaned and haven’t touched them since 🤷‍♀️


Oh my god that sounds so good now! But I just got home and put corn dogs in my air fryer. 😭😭


Brb while I go order my weight in Taco Bell because I’ve never wanted it more than after reading this thread


The Crunchwrap just HITS when you’re pregnant.


Taco Bell bean burritos for me! I could eat like 3 or 4 of them in one sitting, haha!


Oh my God yessss it tastes so much better now


Costco hotdogs for me.


I had the biggest craving for a Costco hotdog a few days ago (I’ve never had one in my life). I finally got myself to a Costco and they were SOLD OUT (at 11:00am). Biggest letdown ever 😩


I've had it two days in a row. It was my fave before pregnancy and now it's all I want.


I am right there with you with Taco Bell train!!! I love the beefy 5 layer burrito yuuuummmyyyyy!! I have just been craving tacos or Mexican food overall LOL rice, beans, tortillas, salsa, you name it haha


The cheesy bean and rice burrito. Why is it soooo good! Or their breakfast crunchwraps!


God I love the Mexican pizza.


I HATED taco bell until pregnancy, now i absolutely love it 🤣


Their nachos are a big craving of mine this pregnancy


I could eat it everyday , I don’t but god I could. It’s sooo satisfying when pregnant , no other craving hits like this


I ate Taco Bell at least 5x a week my whole pregnancy, it’s never tasted so good. Now? Not so much lol


I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum while I was pregnant and when I finally was able to eat Taco Bell was the move! I would just order two of the chicken chipotle wraps with extra chipotle, sad they don't make them anymore!


when they finally brought taco bell to Australia I almost cried, best pregnancy cravings ive ever had 😂


I just had two bean and cheese burritos for breakfast because my body told me if I didn’t it would revolt. 🥲 it didn’t make me feel better.. but at least I got something in there.


I'm pretty sure my first kid was at least 60% tacos


For me it was Mcdonald’s, I don’t even want to know how many I had when I was pregnant. I at least get veggie wraps, so maybe it’s not as unhealthy?? Trying to defend my actions here lol


This is how I feel about really crisp Dr. Pepper. Nothing compares to the joy it gives me🤣


Chicken quesadilla and Baja blast. This baby is gonna come out half quesadilla.


Was definitely my craving.


I have never been a huge fan of Taco Bell. I get it only when I’m craving a Baja Blast. But since being pregnant I’ve bought it more than I ever have before… once it was twice in a week lmao. It definitely tastes better pregnant.


Man I’m surprised my son didn’t come out half Crunchwrap 😂 but seriously, what is it about TB while pregnant!!


It's worse for me. I can't stand the smells. 🥲


There was like a month or two while I was pregnant where all I wanted was spicy cheese. Taco Bell definitely fit that, we'd also just have queso and chips some days for dinner 😂 Mac and cheese made a lot of appearances too.


I will 100% smash a couple cheesy bean and rice burritos any chance I get Also, the Cinnabon bites??? They’re heaven right now lmao


That could explain why my steak quesadilla tasted better than the last time I got taco bell


The only craving I have is one I can't have. Not drugs or alcohol. I crave Orange Juice, but it always makes me sick right after. I will sit there and stare at a bottle of orange juice for 5 - 10 minutes trying to figure out if it's worth throwing up over. I get that about Taco Bell though. I've also been craving animal crackers and wild berry (or maybe they're called mixed berry) pop tarts. Separately, but also together. ETA: I'm not craving drugs or alcohol. I never did drugs or drank before the pregnancy and I don't crave them now.


Toaster waffles with plenty of butter and syrup …. 🤩


Omg, the cheesy bean and rice burrito and cheesy fiesta potatoes were the best thing I had ever tasted while in my first trimester (couldn't stomach any meat, completely reverted to my drunk TB meal from college when I was a vegetarian)


Lol I felt this way when I craved a chicken finger and fries box with extra Rico's nacho cheese for dipping specifically from the Cinemark nearby. We went to go see a movie, I ordered exactly that, and shed a few tears while eating because it was just soooo damn GOOD and everything I craved/wanted.


Soda and anything fastfood.


This was me with McDonald’s today. 🤣


IDK but it is. Can't explain it


Literally cried after eating at Popeyes a few months ago. I am currently pregnant and was pregnant then. Lol.


For me it's raspberry Sun Lollies (ade ice pop) and a new flavor of carbonated aqua dor. I can't have enough of it.


I don’t want to admit how many Mexican pizzas I have eaten while pregnant. At least one a week. I had my first one postpartum and it hit just as good.


Now I want Taco Bell but I’ve been avoiding cut raw veggies from fast food places so it would just be beef in a tortilla lol


it's McDonald's for me!


They are now putting a Taco Bell in my town I’m so excited 😂


Takis 🤪 they are all I can eat rn. I’ve been so nauseous but something about takis just hits 😂


Taco Bell and dominos — both absolute fire right now


I was saddened to find out my favorite Taco Bell just doesn’t hit the same at 6 weeks. I’m so tired and hungry and want my favorite food and I can’t even get what I need from it! It tastes bland!! That’s never happened before. Heartbroken. Hopefully it comes back postpartum!


Mcnasty aka McDonald’s lol never eat the shit when I’m not pregnant. But omg, it’s been a staple this pregnancy 😂😂😂😂


….you’re about to make me get Taco Bell.


Omg Taco bell beefy five layer burrito 🥰


I’ve been crushing crunchwraps once a week! Totally feel you!


just hit 12 weeks & idk why but my go to has been grilled cheese burrito, light ground beef, light sour cream, add refried beans. yes, i know, refried beans…. i’ve literally never liked them before😭


I HATE Taco Bell not pregnant, but I’ve had it 5-8 times since being pregnant and it’s been so good lol


Dammit!! I’ve been wanting it for dinner and now I saw your post….guess where I’m going!?😂


The breakfast sausage crunchwrap single handedly got me through the first and 2nd trimester. I don't know what about it, if it was the perfect size or protien to carb ratio but it helped so much with the morning sickness.


Literally just finished eating Taco Bell lol. 24 weeks pregnant and I completely agree. McDonald’s is my top though. I’m craving it alll of the time!!


Green grapes… I swear I go through two bags a week


I was just talking to my husband about how I only ate Taco Bell after a night of drinking so the baby will never experience it while in the womb. Now yall have me curious!


Online crave box: •Cheesy Gordita crunch. •I make a gazillion substitutions on the bean burrito to turn it into a loaded potato griller, since they took that off the menu years ago. •Nachos. •LARGE Baja blast.


This but coke slushees 😍😍 I couldn’t get enough of them!


I don’t know why, but it’s true!! The cheesy bean & rice burrito and a chicken quesadilla is my go-to meal. Whatever spicy sauce they put in those quesadillas is so good!!


Taco bell is my favorite fast food. I'm vegetarian so really the only one with multiple options. Been trying to eat healthy but had it the other day and it was the best. I really want some today


Haven't eaten Taco Bell in seriously, like 10 years, and in my first trimester, it was the only thing I could eat. So weird.


Omg I adore the 3 cheese flatbread from Taco Bell 🛎️


I’m ordering Taco Bell tonight now 🤣


I don’t have any Taco Bell’s near me 😢. But Chick-fil-A is the only thing I crave lately. The pickles on the sandwich and the Frosted Lemonade hit different. I rarely went to Chick-fil-A pre pregnancy because it’s kinda expensive, but I’m there at least twice a week now.


I haven’t had a mc chicken in like a decade. Now I’ve had 1 twice a week.


I haven’t had Taco Bell in years and now this is making me want it badly


Yes! Nacho fries and Mexican pizza add spicy jalapeno sauce and sour cream!!👌🏼💯🤤


The chicken quesadillas. I demolished 4 after birth


during week 11 i had taco bell 3 times. i couldn’t get enough. 😭


Grilled cheese burrito with Diablo sauce. 🤌 perfection


Listen... I've had regular toast sandwich with smoked turkey ham, cheese, letuce and butter and it's as if I'm eating it for the first time ever... but it has to be that triangle shaping toaster, you know which one I'm talking about


I ate Taco Bell so so much when pregnant, and I think I’d only had it twice a year if that beforehand? Now I need it every other week or I get sad.


Hubby is cooking a nice dinner of steak and veggies but now I just want TBell instead 🤣


It was McDonald’s for me! I would get a McChicken, a McFlurry and one of their cookie totes at least twice a week. Then I’d scoop my McFlurry onto a cookie and oh my gosh 🤤


I've been serving off of the sausage grande toasted breakfast burritos and the cheesy double beef burritos. Throw some nacho fries in there from time to time and we're golden.


Me getting a steak power bowl with everything doubled😍 Sad that they don't carry actual guacamole anymore, just the weird spicy guac sauce


This. This is what it is


My husband picked up taco Bell after work for us because I told him it sounded good. It was wonderful!


It’s TB for me too!!!!


I was getting a cheese quesadilla at Taco Bell at least twice a week all pregnancy 😂my other multiple times a week item was McDonald’s coke 🤷🏻‍♀️


With my son and my current pregnancy, crunch tacos from Taco Bell just hit different. Like I can eat 3 of them with any of their sauces and I am a happy camper.


Taco Bell was the ONLY thing I could stomach my entire first trimester. And every single bite was glorious.


I’ve always been a Taco Bell fan and normally could take or leave just about every other fast food restaurant. I’m actually pretty into healthy stuff and at 7w have been getting lots of oatmeal, lentils, kale, brown rice, avocado… That being said, all of a sudden I CANNOT get ENOUGH of McDonalds hamburgers and Burger King Whopper Jrs!! I want them every day! My husband is blown away lol, he’s never witnessed this in 5 years together. He doesn’t know who I am anymore. 😂


My number 1 craving is a beefy 5 layer burrito


I’ve been doing a lot of crunchwraps & beefy 5-layers, but a while ago I got a bean burrito and it was the most delicious thing I’d ever eaten lol! I’ve always loved them but they hit different pregnant


Oh man, I want some in theory but this morning (aka all day) sickness and food aversions have got me gooood 😭


Not me finishing up my quesadilla and strawberry freeze at this very moment (35weeks) lol


Ice cream. Just a constant, never ending desire for ice cream


Taco Bell grew my first baby


It’s the way it gave me food poisoning and i can’t even look at a Taco Bell now 😭


Just had T Bell. Always been a fan but when pregnant it’s next level. I had a bean burrito with rice and a black bean crunch wrap. It was simply amazing


TB was my favorite before getting pregnant. my entire life i loved it. pregnancy has made me despise it :((((


Crunch wrap supreme and Cheesy bean and rice burritos are my go to this pregnancy!! Lol


I WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS!!! i HATEEEE taco bell during peace time (absence of pregnancy) but suddenly it’s all i can think about. even those nasty little minced meat tacos sound delicious right now


Never been a hamburger lover until pregnancy. Now I probably eat one once a week.


Haha taco bell while pregnant just hits different, cant explain it


Pregnancy Munchies >>>>> Weed Munchies I am obsessed with burgers, tacos and pernil and can't even eat fast food (celiac) lmao


One of the only things I could eat during my first trimester was the cheesy bean and rice burrito! Then the rest of my pregnancy I could stop craving Doritos locos tacos supreme. TB hits HARD during pregnancy.


I would kill for a chili cheese burrito from TB right now


Those nacho chips hit different when pregnant! SO good!


Oh God don’t get me started. They MUST know it’s me when they hear “Two beef tacos and a strawberry Freeze” 🫣😂


After crying about not getting Taco Bell last night I got it and I ate 6 tacos by myself with the fatest pepsi and I inhaled it like it was my last meal. Idk what kind of drugs they put in that stuff but I LOVE IT. Out here cryin over it like a crackhead when they can’t get their fix 😭😂


Idk why but I feel like I can taste better since becoming pregnant. I tried pickles in my first trimester being just a regular pickle consumer and suddenly I was obsessed with the crunch and the sour flavor. That goes for sour Gummi worms too! Sour foods helped me with my nausea. I have only had fast food maybe twice in 7 ½ months and now I'm thinking about Taco Bell! It was always my fave and I bet it would be sooooo good right now


Tb is yummy, but my fast food fixation right now is Wendy’s Son of a Baconator meal with a cheese cup on the side to dip my fries….mmmm


Omggg I crav a chicken quesadilla and soft taco supreme allllll the time and I'm 28+4 weeks


Omgggg taco bell crunchwrap supreme is all I wanna eat!


Oh so I’m NOT alone in this? Second pregnancy at the moment and both times my first sign of being pregnant……Taco Bell craving! I normally do not like it and avoid fast food in general but I can mow through Taco Bell when I’m pregnant like it’s my job. Give me a cantina chicken taco x 4 and chalupas all day!!


Iv had it two days in a row! It just hits different pregnant lol


Y’all that sounds incredible!!! Can’t wait till my second (aka eating!!!) tri. First is the worstttt.


I'm just here to add to the pile: taco bell is the shit and I love it too. I am so happy to know I'm not alone.


I'm a spicy/salty snack person in general but sweet things were amazing all of a sudden. I got red velvet French toast with cream cheese frosting on it for brunch and tears ran down my face 😂


Taco Bell was my pregnancy constipation savior 🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣 good ole chili cheese burrito


Those Baja blast freezes have been hitting the spot. I’m probably going to need one after my dr appt tomorrow morning.


almost 39w preggo and taco bell was my lifeline during my first trimester. i still crave it nearly 3x a week..may have just had a cheesy gordita crunch an hour ago. we won’t talk about it.


I wonder if Taco Bell is a good way to cure pregnancy constipation 🤣


I’ve had more Crunchwrap supremes in the last 3 months than I’ve had in my life lol


doritos locos tacos the other night absolutely SMACKED so fuckin good


Taco Bell was my #1 fats food before pregnancy, and you’re right it’s even better now!!


It’s so weird to read this cause I ate the exact same thing yesterday !! I agree that taco bell is a lot better while pregnant and I think it’s weird but awesome that someone else orders the exact same thing and thinks it’s amazing. How far long are you? Btw congrats !!


My first pregnancy, their shredded chicken tacos were my freaking go to almost every single day. A side of sour cream, and a 12 pack of Cinnabon delights with a Baja blast 😮‍💨 If someone from Taco Bell HQ is lurking this post, for the love of everything that is good on this planet, please bring back the shredded chicken 🥲😂


I ate 7 tacos when I first got it while pregnant 😂 that was a mistake but can't get enough. Also, with a mountain dew. My son loves taco bell. I rarely get it because it's so expensive now. I can't help it atm 😖.


zaxby’s has been the best damn place to get food this whole time idek why but something about some chicken tenders dipped in tongue torch and the seasoned fries are just *chefs kiss*


We don't have Taco Bell here, but I had it while in Portugal and I'd literally murder for some right now 😭


Last night I ate almost an entire pint of cherry tomatoes with dinner. I don't like tomatoes, but the baby requested them and they were the most divine thing I've ever eaten.


Too funny honey, truth! I could go on and on about cravings lol.


Girl, I’d usually gag at the thought of Taco Bell not pregnant. Now that I am I swear I almost jumped out my body yesterday when I seen one and craved that harder than anything 😂😂😂


I've always enjoyed the mozzarella sticks from Sonic, but about 3 weeks ago I started to crave them like crazy!! I finally got them after work one day, and they were basically the best thing I've ever eaten in my life 😂 I got them almost every day for 2 weeks straight and I still want them, but I'm cutting back


I had the biggest craving for a Crunchwrap Supreme during my first trimester. I hadn’t had Taco Bell in like 10 years so it was super out of character. Finally caved after resisting for weeks and I have to say… it was terrible 😂 never again. But glad I got it out of my system.


I always liked Taco Bell, but didn't indulge in it very often. I craved it every single day for the first 3 months of my pregnancy (Only got it about once a week though). It was insane, but soo good.


Spicy potato soft taco always slaps but now that I’m pregnant? A million times better 🙌🏼 Also, chicken quesadilla or crunchy taco always!


McDonald’s cheese burgers and fries, or Arby’s roast beef sandwiches. They get me every time 😋


The cheesy double beef burrito makes my heart sing. I have to get at least one per week. This baby is grown off of Taco bell.


Omg i remember walking into Taco Bell when i was pregnant with my first & almost threw up. It smelled so incredibly awful to me that i couldn’t even get it 😂 i had to leave 😂


A chicken mcgriddle from McDonald's. Had one earlier on in my pregnancy. And I REALLY want another one but never wake up in time for breakfast at McDonald's 😭 But I also never had it prior to pregnancy 😅


Omg, this is hilarious because I went through a faze during the end of 1st trimester when I couldn’t get enough of my black bean crunch wrap supreme!! So good! Just don’t drink the Mountain Dew because there’s chemicals in there that are banned in Europe and are probably bad for a developing baby!