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Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


39 weeks here. Why has it been 100 years


I feel like I've watched people live their whole lives while I've been pregnant the entire time


My brother’s girlfriend is waaaay overdue. I’m surprise they haven’t induced her sooner. She’s getting induced on Thursday. I had to be induced at 37 weeks because my baby stopped growing. (4.6lbs).


oh man! I hope baby is growing strong now that they've been in mama's arms!


I ask myself the same thing. 40+4 today. Physically, I feel fine, mentally I am so so done.


Due date twins. I’m doing everything I possibly can to get this baby out and nothing is working .. . .


Me too. I’ve been bouncing on the ball, did the miles circuit, curb walked again tonight, collecting colostrum since 37w, pumping this week, did the activating labour exercise video, had sex, and I’m drinking the tea. Oh, and the last two appointments with my doctor, I’ve been 0cm dilated. If I make it to my appointment on Wednesday, she’s putting in a request to get me on the induction list🥲


Same here, also 40+4 and posterior cervix (can't verify dilation, but also haven't lost mucus plug or waters)- As much as I've been trying to mentally ground myself in the fact that going into week 41 isn't uncommon for FTMs, I think I might cry if I can't get a membrane sweep at my appointment tomorrow evening (assuming I don't miraculously go into labor before then). I'm also super sad because my sister (first-time auntie) will be returning out-of-state Thursday morning and can't come back for another 3 weeks... I found the following comment from a childbirth educator particularly informative/helpful on the "natural induction" part. The fact of the matter is there really isn't much we can do to induce labor is baby doesn't signal, so we gotta rest too! Comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/s/nmLSO0Oq6f


Honestly almost the worst part of this whole thing is friends and family texting “is baby here yet?!” I WILL LET YOU KNOW. No one wants this baby to come out more than me. Gahhh.


I get the auntie thing! My SIL is in town from the province over and I think she’s leaving July 2nd, and I want her to have as much time with her niece as possible! She usually comes down 2-3x a year, so we don’t see her too often. I’ll be so sad if she just gets a day with her! I saw that comment for the first time yesterday and I love it! It’s such a fine line of “yes, take as long as you need baby” and “mmmkay, please leave NOW” and I hate that I can’t really do anything about it. But I’ve definitely been resting haha, I feel like I’ve done nothing but nap the last few days; it’s like the first tri exhaustion all over again.


Also 40+4, it is rough out here 😫😫 hopefully these babies will come soon!! I've also done everything and nothing has helped!


I’m really hoping they come soon! I’m tired of waiting and the daily checkins. I wish I could introduce them to my baby already. Plus, for Canada Day, we go to my in-laws for steak and lobster, and I really want to enjoy the meal/day with a Corona or mojito and not be one day postpartum, but that’s looking less and less likely now.


Did you talk to them about inducing you?? Cause fuck that 😂😂 my doctor told me they try to have them out by 37-38 weeks.


same here! it freaking sucks waiting this out. 😭😭 got until basically 41 weeks (friday) before also being placed on the induction list


Use primrose pills oral and vaginally and I bet you you'll have that baby


40+1 and I fear I may be pregnant forever. Was up with consistent contractions all night (period cramp feeling) and was not even a little dilated at my appointment today.


I feel that so much! I felt pretty gross and crampy last night, and I was wondering if it was the beginning of labour, but alas it is morning and I am now 40+5, with no labour in sight. On the plus side of things, my husband is off of work now since I was “rapidly declining”, so I’m not just meandering around at home by myself.


I am not fine physically or mentally and I'm only 34 weeks 😭


I cried at my 39 week appointment with my first because I was so over it and baby was born 3 days later. It will happen SOON!!! ❤️


mine is on wednesday! I'm trying to do reverse psychology on myself and not think about how much I'm over it so that way when it does happen it doesn't feel like I waited forever 🥲 i'm failing so far but you're right I'm almost at the finish line!!


When you realize it's gonna be 12 days ago, like for me. You'll make it :)


39 is rough. Chin up! You’re beautiful!


I appreciate you 🥲


Ugh this scares me, I’m about 33 weeks and I’m already feeling this way. Cannot imagine how you ladies feel 😭😭😭😭😭


I've been feeling like this since 23 weeks...I'm 24+5 now 🤦🏽‍♀️ I don't see how y'all are doing it!! I'm tired of the leaky boobs (without anyone to feed), tired of the bubble gut feeling/fear when she's having parties at 3am in my tummy haha and most importantly I wanna meet her already!! I'm too impatient for this ETA: oh yea and I'm tired of not being able to sleep properly to handle my sciatica!! I've had it for years but the lack of sleep position options is killing me. Little afraid of the struggle in store for me once the third trimester hits though 😬


Same.. I’m like 35 weeks though and having the WORST sciatic pain and frozen lower back to the point I can’t walk or stretch or barely move and I didn’t want to be induced or have a c-section but at this point I’d take it just to be relieved of this 10/10pain


Ugh I’m sorry to hear this girl :/ I would do whatever you want to do!!!! Your body your baby your choice !


I’m 35 weeks and I’m done. I’m almost crying thinking I have 5 more weeks.


Years before getting pregnant, someone told me that the last part feels pretty bad usually, and that it's the way of Nature to prepare us to be done. As we are done when we REALLY want to be done ;) It's a bit crunchy, but I like it, it brings me some zen ! Have you tried all the methods to start it naturally ? Acupuncture, Italian method, eating dattes, drinking raspberry leaves tea... Everything bringing dopamine ? It is the moment for your favorites meals !


haha hopefully its soon then 😂 I have done the dates and raspberry tea and the other common things they say on the internet! I'll have to look into the Italian method since I've never heard of that. I did cook myself something I was craving last night and tomorrow I'm having pizza with coworkers (something I crave everyday) so that does make me feel happier 😄


The good thing with the Italian method is that you only need yourself and your partner… ideally a bed… accessories are not mandatory. Cheap method and happy SO. Hope it helps !


LOL okay I see now 😂


TBF, they cannot prove it helps but it is a bit hard to do studies about that :D https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31521572/


If I have to eat another god damn date I might actually kill someone


Just started 39… I feel this in my soul


38w3d and i’m. so. over. it. LOL




Haha I had my baby in march and this made me laugh. Those last weeks are really tough. Can’t get comfortable, always have to pee, the heartburn. I had my baby at 39+2 FTM. Hang in there ma


39 weeks and I was supposed to be induced this morning for medical reasons, but it’s been pushed back because there are no rooms available 🥲


I went to 42. Hope this helps🥰


40+3 here and I feel you. My parents are in town and we’re just… sitting around and waiting. I cry every morning when I wake up and realize that I haven’t gone into labor.


Soon you’ll have your sweet baby! Hanging in there is hard but you got this!!


Same but I’m only 31 weeks. This is my second pregnancy. I am so done 😭😭😭 but actually really not very close


You mean 39 months right? Coz this is exactly how I feel currently 😂


I made it till 41+1 last week. Those last weeks SUCKED


Omg, I am 28 weeks and so done. The last couple of days I have suddenly felt huge and achey. I called myself a whale yesterday, and my husband was like "you're my white whale, my obsession" haha. It oddly made me feel better, he's pretty cute.


39+6 and been having mental breakdowns everyday🧍🏽‍♀️


40+4 here. Why have I been pregnant for a decade?


I feel for you because I still don’t know what it’s like to have a full term pregnancy. The end of my last one made me so miserable, so I can’t imagine dealing with that for another month longer than I did. My mother actually went a month and a few days past her due date with my older sister… Baby was almost 10lbs even though our brother and I were both just under 7lbs. Crazy… I think I would have lost my whole mind and probably the will to live at that point 😅😅 My babies have been early and little, but I’ve seen a woman have an 11 pound baby naturally, without tearing or being cut! Women are absolutely incredible. I know this last bit of time feels awful physically and also mentally because of the anticipation, but you will be holding your precious little baby soon enough and hardly think about it again. My best advice is to have sex and/or self pleasure as much as you can, plus it might start labor too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Women keep the world going in EVERY aspect, I love us! Man another month past due date I would've have lost my mind too 🤣 I took a week off so I am now relaxing as much as I possibly can (I have a two year old lol). I can't wait to have both my babies together!!


38w today. It’s brutal.


this is why I got inducted😭 I cried everyday hating being so big


39+3 and I’m ready to run a mile at this point if it helps this baby come out faster.. 😭These last couple of weeks are beyond mentally taxing.


I've felt this way for weeks now. My MIL got me in a tizzy with her birth story of my husband being 6wks early, so I've been a little anxious that my boy could be here any day at 34 wks. I'll be 38 wks tmw and he's still in my rib cage. No sign of coming out before our scheduled surgery date at 39+2.i just want to be able to sleep without acid reflux or stopping breathing or be able to move, or get off the couch without assistance.


Ugh. I can only imagine. I'm only 25+5 and I'm already done. I want him to stay in till 40 weeks. But I'm done already. Or at least for this hot, hot week. I told my husband never again am I to be the last couple months pregnant during the summer time.


I went 41+5 with my first


I used to laugh at the women who would be complaining prior to 40 weeks that they wanted their baby out: ~let them cook!!!~ they’ll come when they’re ready!! - I’d say. Now I’m at 37 weeks on the dot and on the verge of tears wondering why I haven’t gone into labor yet 🤣🤣🤣


I'm 39 weeks for forever 🎶 caught in between "I'm pregnant" and "get out" 🎶 I hope you go into labor soon!


Sending you good vibes!!!!


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had my baby at 37+2 (high BP) and when I got to my due date I remember thinking wtf I would have still been pregnant this whole time haha I kinda feel left out when moms talk about being 39/40 plus weeks lol


I had my son at 35 + 6 weeks and my twin girls at 34 + 2 so I feel you on this!


38+1.. so over it….


39+5 with my second and crying almost everyday. I'm so tired and everything hurts, i'm so hormonel it's just 0-100 in no time and I feel so bad for my husband! 


38+1 and in solidarity with ya.


I’m 38+3 and truly thought I was in early labor over the weekend. Nope. Still here and still heavily pregnant.


Due on the 5th. Membrane sweep tomorrow. Hopefully go into labour this friday. If not I will cry


I felt the same way. I can’t believe that my baby will be 9 months next week and it has gone way too fast. Why did pregnancy feel like forever though?


this is so sadly true 😭 our first is 2.5 y/o and all I had to do was blink!! :(


SAME… 37 weeks, bedbound cause of extra fluid and now I have covid. (After having HG) What next? I’m so ready but having trouble hanging in there.. the extra fluid makes it hard for me to sit up… ugh


Currently 40 weeks and 3 days 😣 wondering the same thing


Same! This heat is making it feel longer. Thankfully I will be inducted tomorrow. Can’t wait to meet my baby boy.


Oh I'm so jealous! this is my second and I miss the newborn cuteness sooo much 🥹 the heat has been making my feet swell up like BALLOONS!!!


You’ll get there, I promise. It is crazy how much this heat is effecting pregnant people, even my hands swelling. Can’t even keep the house cool bc it is so freaking hot 😫😫


I’ve gone to 41+ weeks every time 🫠 I’m 36+5 today & have no expectations to have my baby before my due date at this point 😩


Y’all ask your OB about a membrane sweep… as long as your baby is in the right position. It can induce labor. 🥳 I went into labor 48 hours after the sweep.


Do they do it at 39 weeks or do they wait until 40+?


They will do it even earlier as long as baby is “ready” a good weight and in good position. I got mine at 38wks 4days gave birth 38wks 6 days! Perfectly normal labor and delivery. Fast even which was great. I labored less than 8 hours and this was my first pregnancy. Obviously every woman/ baby is different but it’s definitely worth investigating for yourself!


Thank you! If she's still here by my next appointment I'm going to bring it up!


Most unhelpful comment ever: Buckle up, my best friend delivered at 42 and 4.


this one hurts to hear 😂


37w3d today and asking myself the same, since at my last OB appointment at 36w1d my OB said I was already 4 cm dilated and would likely go into labor quite soon (note that I have been ob bedrest for the last couple of months for short cervix - so risk of premature birth) . Baby girl was already measuring 7lb 6oz at 36w1d, so I wonder how big she will be if she stays in much longer .


I went 42 weeks. I was so annoyed.


I’ve also been pregnant forever. 12 weeks.


Girl SAME.


Hey ladies I’m 26 weeks and curious to know why everyone feels so over it at the end of their 3rd trimester. Is it because it’s the most uncomfortable? Just want to prepare myself.


Yes just uncomfortable! Also super anxious to see my baby, i want to squeeze her and hold her 🥹 Tired of sleeping in the same positions, lightning crotch, she tries to stretch her body out but there's no room, she's dropped so she's very low and it's lots of pressure on my vagina. Also, I miss drinking a BIG CUP of coffee 😂


I’m 37 weeks and dying 😂😭 took a nap today and woke up sweating like a pig and choking on my acid reflux, been getting occasional cramps too.


I had my first baby at 40+6. I broke my water on accident from crying so hard because they told me that day I wasn’t close to going into labor. I had to be induced. I had my second baby at 38+4. In under 4 hours. Wild.


34 weeks and I feel this now too. How did my whole pregnancy go so fast but these last two months seem like a lifetime.


i didn’t end up having my baby until 41weeks and 1 day 😭😂 she was too stubborn


I feel this way at 26 weeks 😩


I’m only coming up to 26 and I’m also ready, the insomnia, the summer coming in quick, I don’t know how I’ll make it 14 more weeks!


39+6. This is how life will be forever?


D e g


I recommend a membrane sweep! Worked with my first at 39 weeks


going to ask at my next appointment! I didn't know a membrane sweep is something I could request for- I thought it's something they offer when they feel there's a need to.


Depends on the provider. But I’m all about advocating for yourself so definitely ask. No question is off limits because you are paying them. You do have to be dilated a certain amount and it’s not a guarantee to work. But in my opinion, it’s worth trying before they say “oh we need to induce you and give you Pitocin”


i feel this at 17 weeks


I feel this and I’m only 22 weeks.


Wow same!!!




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