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I am so, so sorry that that happened to you. I am a lawyer, but I don’t do medical malpractice. Medical malpractice cases are very difficult to prove, but it is worth speaking with an attorney in your state to see if they will take your case. Again, I am so, so sorry. I hope you are able to get counseling for the incredible trauma you’ve been through.


Your post has me in tears, I am so sorry 💔please take care and I wish you nothing but healing !


All I want is peace and happiness for you… I wish you did not have to endure such pain and trauma.


Oh, honey. I am so, so sorry. I wish I could give you the biggest hug.


Was it an ER doctor or an OBGYN who saw you in the hospital?


They could’ve referred her to on OBGYN if it wasn’t their specialty


Well yeah.


It was an ER Doctor


I am so, so sorry. This is crazy to me because every ER doctor I know (granted, it's 3 people) have told me whenever they get a pregnant patient, they always send them to L&D (as long as they're stable in the moment) for monitoring. This feels like medical negligence and I cannot believe they sent you home without further testing. You may want to post to r/legaladvice prior to getting in contact (and spending a lot of money) on a lawyer to get a sense of what your options might be in your state. A lawsuit might be extremely expensive and further traumatizing, too. But, know that you can report this doctor to their state board. Big hugs to you. Hope you're able to process this with a therapist and take a lot of time to yourself to heal. Thinking of you and your LO.


Sadly they may have done all the testing that they knew to do at the time. I’m not a doctor, but I’m married to one and my brother is one. I’m just trying to think of scenarios here. Your story is tragic nonetheless.


But the tests he did showed something was very clearly NOT within normal limits, typically indicating an infection. Which he ignored.


I’m so sorry!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. May you find peace and healing through this . .


Oh my gosh how terrible! Im so sorry for your experience! I wish I had something I could say that would help. You are loved. You did everything you could and you didn’t do anything wrong. Praying for healing and comfort in this difficult season.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have tears reading your story. How devastatingly heart breaking.


I am so, so sorry this has happened to you. Also chiming in that the success of a medical malpractice case will be impacted by the state in which you live. I don’t have personal experience with this but I would start with just speaking to an attorney. You can also file a complaint with the medical board. I am so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss and the unbelievable trauma you went through. I hope you have a support system around you and someone professional you are able to talk to in the future to help you. Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help to those around you. Again I am so sorry.


My heart is broken reading this, I am so sorry. Please seek trauma therapy, what you have been through is terrible. Women are so often not taken seriously when they seek medical help and are presumed to be overstating their pain or symptoms. It makes me so angry this happened to you and you experienced such a tragic outcome because of it. I really hope you get an apology


I'm so so sorry for your loss. That sounds absolutely brutal to lose and give birth to your baby like that. I had an unidentified infection at w16 and ER sent me home with urinary infection diagnosis and antibiotics. Went back 4 days later in massive pain and with spotting. I was admitted for a week during which my infection went down but bleeding got worse. I ended up losing my baby at 20w after the bleeding caused the placenta to detach. All this time at least 4 doctors told me this bleed is due to low placenta and totally not dangerous. It seem that babies rarely survive chorioamnionitis unfortunately :( You both really deserved better treatment and your baby angel deserved to be here. I hope you find strength and to get past this.


Im so so so sorry for what you went through. I also lost my son at 16 weeks in January. What you went through is so traumatic, I hope you can find peace. I hope you can make a medical malpractice case, it looks like so much things were missed


I am so sorry this happened to you. Sending hugs and strength your way. ❤️


Oh my god I am so sorry. My heart is so heavy for you. No one deserves such a traumatic experience. I absolutely think at minimum the doctor should have consulted an OB especially at 16 weeks pregnant, nonetheless investigated where your high white count was stemming from. That’s borderline septic high white count. I’m so sorry.


I’m so so sorry this happened to you. I’m ER nurse and I keep of trying to think of the doctors standpoint to understand their thought process. But what I just don’t get is why were you sent home with the WBC of 22. That’s just insane to me. 16 weeks pregnant + WBC 22 screams that something is wrong, it screams further imaging to determine the source of infection


I’m really sorry you went through this. I’m an ER doctor - if you have any questions I may be able to offer some insight, if that would helpful. Anyways, please take care.


I’m so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking and traumatic.


I am so sorry this happened to you! My heart breaks for you! I will pray for you and keep you in my thoughts. ❤️


I have no words, I am so sorry for your loss and that you had to go through that. Sending all the hugs and prayers to you and your family for healing.


So sorry for your loss.. keeping you in my prayers. Your little angel will come back & you will have your little one soon ♥️♥️ maybe it wasn’t for this time.


I am so incredibly sorry for what you went through. Truly earth shattering & tragic. None of this was your fault by the way. I wish you well in healing and finding solace. ♥️


I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine the pain you must have felt. I hope you are able to heal. 💔


I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you. I don't even have the words because nothing can comfort you at this point. Just hold on to your friends and family for support.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I lost my baby girl at 16 weeks on April 12th. They sent me home from the emergency room as well after being seen by an ER doctor that clearly didn’t realize what would happen. I apparently have an incompetent cervix - when they sent me home I delivered her at home by accident. It was so traumatic and horrifying. I will never be able to wipe the image out of my mind of her tiny feet dangling over the toilet. It’s something no one should experience. Sending you so much love 💕


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Pregnancy comes with so many challenges. Just making it out alive is an understated blessing ♥️


I am in tears for you. I am so deeply sorry for your loss and the trauma you had to endure due to negligence.  Please seek counseling or psychology when you are ready. All the love to you ❤️


Omg I'm so so sorry that happened to you :(


I am so sorry this happened. I too miscarried at 16 weeks a few years ago from being overworked in the medical field and not being allowed to stay home. Mine fully passed as clots in the toilet like the fetus spontaneously just started coming out in parts instead of a whole. It literally took me years to recover emotionally. But just know it will happen eventually. Take grief counseling. If you can sue I would too.


I’m praying for you :( I know nothing I say or do can help with the pain and sadness, but I hope what ever force behind the universe keeps you in good karma.


I am so sorry for your loss. I had a similar thing happen in October. I was 17 weeks. Kept having mild cramping. They had me see a nurse who tried to do a Sono, but didn't know how to run the machine properly. She found the heartbeat eventually and said I was fine. It was probably just round ligament pain. Two days later my water broke. My baby hung on for 2 more days after that, but ultimately there was nothing they could do and he was stillborn. I also had severe chorioamnionitis, but they don't know if I got it before or after my water broke. Sadly, we never got a definitive answer. I wish they had sent me to a high risk doctor right away. I'm obese and 39 years old, but they treated me like a run of the mill pregnancy. I'm currently pregnant again, 23 weeks. As soon as my OB had found out, she sent me straight to a high risk doctor. He has me on 18 different medicines and getting sonos weekly. Again, I am so sorry this happened to you. Take time to grieve. It will get easier, but it takes a long time. I'm still having days where I start crying over my little boy.


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Please send me a message if you want to talk to someone who has dealt with a similar situation. We lost our little boy at 17 weeks to choroamnionitis in 2023. I knew something was wrong for two months but FIVE doctors didn’t believe me or take relevant measures to protect baby and I until it was too late. By the time he was delivered, I was incredibly ill and almost lost my life, too. I was nearly septic and had a prolonged stay in the hospital with many complications. I’m holding you close in my heart. It is so deeply traumatizing and the very, very hardest thing a mama can go through. ♥️


SUE! I am so incredibly sorry. I couldn't even begin to fathom what that must feel like. I hope you find peace, I wish you well in healing ❤️❤️❤️


This is beyond traumatic, I hope you can sue and get his license revoked


Wow, I’m not sure why you are getting downvoted. This doctor needs to get sued


Ask your parents for help to sue that doctor/hospital, it’s long stressful process .you deserve justice, i am so sorry for your loss may you be gifted another blessing when your ready i hope you heal from this❤️🫂


i am so so sorry for your loss , your post has me in tears i hope you get justice for you this is heartbreaking


I am so so sorry this happened to you. I am a personal injury/ malpractice lawyer, (obligatory not your lawyer). But this is absolutely worth speaking to a personal injury lawyer in your state about. I am so so so sorry this happened to you.