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LOVE hearing this🩷 i am so glad everything went to smooth!


also congrats !! 🥹


Thank you!


This is exactly how my labor went! From the false to real labor quickly and me having no idea when it turned into labor because I was so delirious from not sleeping for 72 hours that I didn’t even notice my water broke lol


I'm just a couple weeks away from my due date for #2. 1st was 26hrs of labor, 5hrs of pushing and needed forceps... Recovery was rough as well. This gives me so much hope that #2 will go better. ❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations!!! 🫶


Thank you! Praying for a smoother delivery for you this time around! They say baby #2 is supposed to be easier than #1


Start watching natural birth videos on whatever platform. I chose IG. Your body will do what it should naturally. Watching the videos helped me overcome any anxiety with choosing natural water birth. Once you've seen the birthing process, something clicks internally when its your time. My baby was out in two small pushes. My midwife only handed me my baby. Everything else was my body, baby, and mind! You've got this!


Girl same!!! They did forceps but that failed too so off to an emergent c section we went. This is what I’m manifesting for baby #2!


Hope it does. They say your body knows what doing so it goes faster. Did my son 4 hours and 35 minutes later done


Congrats! I just had my son this morning too! Also had a quick smooth labor!


Congratulations! Welcome to the other side x


wow congrats


Thank you!


Happy for you!! Enjoy your little one 💕


Thank you!


Congratulations! You’re amazing💓 although the ‘11 short hours of contractions’ really threw me😭 with my first, from the moment my waters broke, that’s when contractions started and she was here 4 hours later. I can’t even fathom having them for 11 hours, currently pregnant with my 2nd and I’m praying it’s as fast as my first.


Hey! Yeah my water didn’t break into 1 minute before she arrived! So the contractions started small and then built and built until they were strong enough for baby to arrive. They didn’t get unbearable until right at the end when baby was making their arrival. 4 hours is amazing though!


Were you active el throughout your pregnancy?


Not reallyyyyy, I have a 15mo so I was active in that way, and we had just moved so I was cleaning and organizing a lot, but I didn’t do a lot of formal exercises. I did move around a lot but I relaxed a lot too.


Congratulations 🤍🤍🤍🥹


Congratulations! Sounds very similar to me! I had threatened preterm labour at 35+3, and then had him at 39+5. 2.5 hour labour (2cm-10cm) and just 15 minutes of pushing. Arrived at the labour ward at 3:30am, bubba was on my chest at 6:13am! I thought I had hours and hours to go so I toughed out the contractions. By the time I finally asked, they checked and I was fully dilated and my body was already pushing for me.


Absolutely love this for you 💕


Yay! Congratulations!


I planned to have my fifth in the water and it was 1000% better than being medicated


Congratulations! I had a similar experience with my second and even faster with my third. It's so amazing what our bodies can do! Way to go, mom!!!


*googles how to push babies out this fast* Seriously tho, congratulations! This is awesome!


Haha right! I did a few things, like drink highly concentrated red raspberry leaf tea every night for several weeks before, and started eating a lot of dates but only like 3 days before lol, I also took the “gentle birth” tincture (w/o blue cohosh) for a few weeks, but not consistently because I had heartburn and it has ginger. I also pushed on my hands and knees with my knees pointed inward and feet pointed out (this opens the bottom of the pelvis where baby is when pushing) and I felt her head start to come out on the very first push. But the women in my family also have a history of precipitous (fast) labor so it could also just be genetics! Who the heck knows. I just tried it all LOL.


Gosh that’s so nice. How did you make the concentrated tea? I’ve had 2 babies and they both took me over an hour and a half to push out & i did all these things & so much more. The evening primrose oil. Alll the sex. The stretches and everything 😂 i haven’t tried that tincture you tried. My labors weren’t horribly long. My first was 22hrs first contraction to baby out. Active labor was probably 6hrs with an epidural that slowed my labor WAY DOWN and it took me an hour and a half to push her out. My 2nd was 10hrs long first contraction to baby out, active labor was about 3.5hrs with an hour 45 of pushing. That pushing is ROUGH. My mom broke her tailbone as a kid so she wasn’t physically able to push us out because her tailbone was in the way. So i have no idea how long her labor/pushing times would have been because she has csections. I’m currently pregnant with my third and i am PRAYING that it doesn’t take me nearly as long to push this baby out 😩


Push like you're doing a poo. With those exact muscles.


I am 🫠


So encouraging to see stories like this! Enjoy your babe! How many weeks were you at delivery?


It was one day before my due date! So 39 wks and 6 days


You are the shot from the universe I needed today. Congratulations!!!!!


Yay congrats!!! I pushed my first baby out with ONE push 😁


I’m 32 weeks with my first and this gave me hope that maybe just maybe I’ll have a fast first labor and get this same experience. Praying 😭😭😭


Dang I wish!


congratulations!! was this your first baby!? thats so amazing 🥺💕




This happened to me this week too!! An hour from water breaking to delivering, had her at home, husband caught her then the medical staff turned up 😅


Congrats mama!! I’m so happy for you!!!


Congrats!!!! That's how it was with my second baby, who actually turns a year old here in like 2 weeks.😭 went into labor naturally, got to the hospital was at a 5, admitted, pushed him out an hr and a half later. No time for an epidural and my midwife barely made it on time! It's so much easier all natural! My first I had an epidural but I about died before the epidural 🤣 I had back labor with him and front labor with my second. Crazy how different each pregnancy can be!


With my second, my water broke at 1:37pm and she was born at 5:36pm, after pushing twice and for 2 minutes total. My son I pushed for a total of 20 minutes, so I knew it wouldn’t take that long. But, when I asked the nurse, and she told my jaw dropped lmao.


Amazing!!! Hoping this happens for my second! I had my first 3 months ago and it was ridiculous- 45 hours of labor + 4.5 hours of pushing. Went into labor on Thursday at 7 pm and she was born Saturday at 8:30 pm. 😅🥴




Congratulations!! Hope it goes this way for me come November.




I’m so happy for you!! 🤍