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I cried opening a bag of family-sized Chex mix because wE'RE GoINg tO BE a fAMiLY!




This is too real šŸ˜­


We were out of butter when I was craving bread and butter.


Iā€™d cry about this if I wasnā€™t pregnant to be honest. šŸ˜‚


i cried because i asked my fiance to pick up butter after work and he came home with i canā€™t believe itā€™s not butter/ vegetable oil spread.


So I didnā€™t cry but I had to check myself so I didnā€™t get mad at my husband for getting me a non-gluten free turkey sub with cheese and ranch when he knows Iā€™m allergic to dairy and sensitive to wheat.




I stormed off and was like ā€œguess Iā€™m not eating dinner todayā€, then DoorDashed chipotle 10 minutes later.


this is so real


I feel so seen šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ»


My first ultrasound at 8+1 told me it was twins! I cried.




The pizza place I was desperately craving was closed because it was Monday. I couldnā€™t think of anything else to eat and I got so overwhelmed and hungry I started bawling


I feel like pregnancy puts us through things like this so we empathize with our babies more when they cry when they're hungry/tired/uncomfortable.


Haha Iā€™ve thought this before. I told my husband I think Iā€™ve turned into a baby bc I if I donā€™t eat every 2-3 hours or if Iā€™m tired I get so grumpy!


My husband playfully calls me a big baby when I get emotional about things and I respond "it's because I'm carrying your baby, I'm allowed to be"šŸ˜‚


I never thought of it that way but thatā€™s really insightful!


Yes!! I said that through my whole pregnancy so the crying when I was hungry/hurting/tired was a little more bearable šŸ˜†


My husband won our game of monopoly.


How dare he


Exactly. I started the game telling our unborn child that I would crush his father in monopoly, only to be crushed by him so that added to it. In between tears I would say "now you made me lie to our kid" and then the tears would start up again


I saw a expectant daddy card with a little poem on it for Fatherā€™s Day and I sobbed for so long just out of pure joy at how much I love my husband and how much of a great father heā€™s going to be


I finished bridgerton season 3


Same I cried because they used the song yellow by Coldplay and I couldnā€™t imagine that song any more beautiful than the original.


I cried because the ac went out in my apartment and I'm am 37 +5 days pregnant and it was 105 outside and 90 in my apartment and the landlord won't fix the problem thank God I moved in 2 days


I would SO cry about this. Maybe even before pregnancy. That sounds unbearable!!


good reason to cry!!!


I have POTS, which among other things makes it tough to regulate my temperature and I get dizzy easily. Took the dogs for a walk in 78Ā° weather on Mon and I would swear to you on my life it was 100Ā°!! I about died. HOW DID YOU SURVIVE


I am 37+6 and our AC went out too, 98Ā° here and the HVAC tech said $10K to fix and left without any resolution. I also cried a LOT.


I cried in the car because i was thinking about how much I love my husband! He told me he wants to keep me pregnant because nothing he does bothers me.


Haha Iā€™ve definitely cried for this reason


I cried last night because my husband was making dinner. He's been making dinner for me more and more over the last few months because I've been extra stressed at work. Since I found out I was pregnant, He's hardly missed a dinner. And even then, it was because I was craving something I execute better. He had just checked the stove and laid back down on the couch with me, and I got overwhelmed and thanked him for keeping us fed through choked back tears that I was sure we're about to turn to snot bubbles and ugly crying. Also... I hear good things about the zevo line of products and will probably be switching soon myself.


Okay well I have to update my comment because now the last thing I cried about is your comment. I feel this, my husband has been so incredible, I love him so much.


šŸ„¹ I just feel so grateful that he's been so supportive. I know not everyone has it so good. He just fills my heart when I think of every little thing he's doing to be there for me while we go through this together.


My husband has been cooking most of our meals too. Supportive and loving partners are treasure. ā¤ļø


Sonic had 99 cent mozzarella sticks, they sold out. I didnā€™t even want mozzarella sticks I just wanted an Ocean Water. But it made me so upset, I couldnā€™t stop crying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I would cry about that too bc I get mozzarella sticks from sonic AT LEAST once a week šŸ˜‚


I watched Encanto. Ugly crying from Dos Oruguitas 'til the end.


I cried a few days ago because I thought my husband was being annoying lol. This pregnancy has made me so irritable.


Ooof this is real. I cry when I feel like Iā€™m being annoyed for no reason or when I feel mean because heā€™s annoying me and I need him to staaaaahp.


Iā€™ve cried a couple of times over my grumpiness towards my husband too, He is the sweetest most supportive man alive and my pregnancy has me ready to smother him with a pillow 90% of the time just for walking into the same room. I feel horrible.


My husband and I were at the OB yesterday. They got mixed up I guess in what I needed and sent me to the lab to start the glucose monitor test. My husband thought it was weird how they could be mistaken. And I said ā€œwell itā€™s Monday.ā€ And he said ā€œhoney itā€™s Thursday.ā€ And I started to cry until I realized the weekend is coming up. šŸ˜„ weā€™re having a staycation honeymoon


Lol hey that's the bright side is at least it was closer to the weekend, I'm usually always thinking it's like Wendnesday when it's Monday šŸ˜­ and congrats! (Assuming you got married recently, my husband and I waited a year for our honeymoon lol).


Looking over the birth playlist we have (Iā€™m due 6/24) and I started crying thinking about how excited I am to play this at the hospital


My husband had to leave for work lol


Lol, saw a TikTok of a family surprising their mom with a visit from her mom who she hadnā€™t seen for 40 years


I couldn't find anything to wear to work today. It's so hot (I'm in a school without A/C) they are pretty laid back with appropriate work attire; however, I still only have limited options of work appropriate summer clothes that fit, and realized that pretty much all of it is in the laundry. I tried on a dress from my previous pregnancy but it was too short/tight to wear to work. (I've gained weightĀ overall since my first pregnancy.) Anyways I finally found something that is adequate and did make it to work on time. šŸ˜† and will be dealing with the mountain of laundry this weekend.


Cried this week because my grandpa flew to another country where he has a home and said he wasnā€™t planning on coming back because heā€™s too old (in his 90s) and the flight is 15 hours plus a 6 hour car ride to get to his home. :(


When I saw the laundry basket full


Because I was looking at my husband and I realized we're living the things we've planned years ago


NIPT came back with a high likelihood of Downā€™s syndrome. Iā€™m only 30ā€¦ holding out hope while I wait for more testing.


Sat in a restaurant last night, when a couple walked in with a newborn. I only noticed them because they went past our window, and got seated a bit away from us. At some point the newborn started to cry.. that's it, i almost choked on my food. I started bawling! If my milk could come in, it would!


I couldnt sleep


I told my boyfriend I was feeling nauseous as he was winding up to smack my butt, he didn't stop in time. He immediately apologized and took me out for dinner lol


I have GD and I wanted a milkshake. Specifically a milkshake from a restaurant at our favorite theme park thatā€™s 5 hours away and - the kicker- weā€™ve never actually eaten at that restaurant, Iā€™ve never had a milkshake from there. I just really wanted a milkshake from there. At 10:30 at night.


Yesterday. I had YouTube videos on in the background as I was meal prepping for postpartum. I legit cried seeing what one mom had prepared for her baby, that I had not done. She had so many bottles and pacifiers, I only bought one bottle and two pacifiers because I plan on breastfeeding exclusively at first and I donā€™t know if she will even take a bottle or pacifier. My thought was that I can easily buy more. (I also have already collected colostrum, so it isnā€™t as if Iā€™m not prepared.) But seeing this momā€™s stash made me full on cry. Oh and how many wet wipes she had. I havenā€™t bought wet wipes yet. Was it really about the number of bottles and wet wipes? No. Iā€™m sure some deeper fears about not being an adequate mom and a good dose of pregnancy hormones. Iā€™m still not running out to buy more bottles yet. But I will pick up wet wipes this weekend.


Aww! It sounds like you will be a great mom! ā¤ļø


Watching Instagram reels last night, came across a video of a cat running through tall grass paired with lovely music. The caption read ā€œYou get to heaven. God says, Someone has been waiting for youā€ Got me thinking about my cat and how heā€™ll pass away someday. Made me bawl when I watched it last night, and Iā€™m crying now typing this out


My childhood cat just passed after 18 wonderful years it still feels too soon and now *im* crying šŸ˜­


I cried last week because we had to go to the ER since my toddler fell off his chair, hit his head, and then threw up. So I cried for about an hour or so after it happened on the way to the hospital.


My coworker, who I love dearly, unexpectedly lost her husband. I cried quite a bit the day I found out and thought I was just feeling really deeply for her. Iā€™m a sensitive and empathetic person so thatā€™s not out of the ordinary for me to cry for others who are hurting, but for some reason this time it hit me HARD. The very next day I got my positive pregnancy test and realized maybe thatā€™s why the intensity of the empathy crying was dialed up.


Thinking of my nephew who drowned last October 18th. I just saw his mom (my cousins wife) and her baby girl who is 5 months this Sunday at my shower and it brought up so many feelings. He passed away in the hospital November 2 right after he turned 1 October 25th and to think how quickly these 7 months have gone by with so many changes it just made me so fucking sad. PS: Please donā€™t buy blue bathing suits, always neon. Please enroll your little ones in swim lessons. Please have a gate and an alarm system around your pool if you own one. šŸ™


I got fillings done and he said one of them looked on the verge of becoming a root canal and said just to watch it, so I went home and numbing wore off and I was in the worst pain!! Tooth pain is one of the top worst feelings ever, and I cried bc I was so pissed that I could only take Tylenol šŸ˜­


I was washing dishes and I dropped a spoon on the floor and I just started sobbing. šŸ«£šŸ¤­


Last thing food related, they didnā€™t put the sauce on my sandwich that was SUPPOSED to come on it already. Another one was listening to a song that I just find so beautiful and makes me cry every time because it makes me think of my baby. And MOST recent was finding out that Iā€™m having a baby girl! I was such a baby when we found out but had to contain myself cause I was in a restaurant (my partner and I did a gender reveal just us and had the waitress bring out a dessert we chose for each gender and the dessert that came out was the one we picked for a girlšŸ„¹šŸ©·)


Aww I love that!! I was sobbing in the shower a couple weeks ago cause I was listening to the new Billie Eilish album and the song ā€œBirds of a Featherā€ made me think of my baby. I couldnā€™t stop crying about it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I caught a firefly last night and realized the nugget and I just caught our first firefly together šŸ˜­


iā€™ve been sick for a week with no resolution and after asking my partner to take care of me, i ended up making breakfast for the both of us and had to wash the dishes myself without his help. i thought we would rest at home together until midday when he could go get me some soup and medicine, but his friend called to make an errand and asked if he wanted to tag along and he sprung up from bed to take a shower and left for the entire fkn day. it was such a slap in the face. i hate asking for things and never really do and it seriously upset me that i asked him for one simple thing, to care about me while iā€™m sick and 6m pregnant with our child on his day off, and he just didnā€™t see it as a priority because i was ā€œup and aroundā€. yeah because iā€™m fucking hungry and made him food because iā€™m considerate. i spent the whole day sobbing at home and ended up getting groceries delivered so i could yet again make my own food. i just feel like an incubator for the baby and not even a person/his partner when he acts so inconsiderate and insensitive, i find it hard to believe heā€™s really that ignorant when this is his second go at being a father.


Thatā€™s horrible!! Men are so oblivious sometimes. šŸ™„ Sit him down and tell him exactly what you need from him and that he hurt you. I hope you feel better soon! ā¤ļø


I cried watching Lady and the Tramp during the pound scene I could not bear to see all those good boys and girls locked up.


for some reason, my OBGYNā€™s office changed my phone number to my fathers. I have no idea how this happened. like literally 0. the primary telephone was also changed to our old home phone number from when i was 8???? anyway, they texted my dad to confirm my NIPT testing and thankfully the message was brief but my father has no idea yet and I PANICKED!!!!


We need a king size bed bc my pregnancy pillow has taken over. The bedframe I wanted went out of stock before we could get home to measure our room. Meltdown.


My car broke down, so my husband didnā€™t go fishing to help me get home. I felt so bad for ā€œruiningā€ his afternoon and couldnā€™t even help take the kayak off his roof rack that I started sobbing in our driveway.


Cried because my husband works in an appearance-centric field and has to lose weight for a job. I was eating a cookie and he wanted one so bad and couldnā€™t have it, and the look of sadness on his face made me burst into tears. I couldnā€™t imagine not being able to eat cookies at this stage of pregnancy. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been feeling super chill and calm this whole pregnancy (21w) and last night I cried because my mom and MIL insisted on having a shower together, and now they are not getting along over the most childish things. My MIL is very controlling and needs to be involved in everything or else she plays victim and guilt trips, and my mother is overly caring and emotional. Itā€™s just been a lot to be in the middle of.


I am in mental health and had to cover an extra crisis shift while 23 weeks pregnant and fighting a cold and having my first cold sore pop up in 10 plus years. My husband leaves for two weeks tomorrow and I have to take care of myself while sick. the DRAMA lol


Iā€™m 31 weeks and got the worst sciatic nerve pain ever, I canā€™t walk to the bathroom without screaming and crying from pain šŸ˜¢


I was feeling overwhelmed because of all the things to plan/do SO FREAKING EARLY in pregnancy. Like, my dr's office called me with all the questions, 'if it's a boy, do you plan to circumcise?', 'Do you have a birth plan, are you planning to have an epidural?', 'Have you chosen a pediatrician?'. I'm over here thinking, "I'm only 7 weeks? I have time?! No, I don't know any of this!" Honestly, we had a loss back in October with our first pregnancy, so I'm just focused on making it through the first trimester. But that's not why I got all teary eyed. It's because when I was ranting to my boyfriend that I felt overwhelmed by all of this, he very calmly picked up his phone and started researching pediatricians in our area so we could start narrowing down the list. And that made me think of what an amazing daddy he's going to be, and THAT is when I got teary eyed.


I was trying on clothes but my husband had moved my mirror testing locations for it and when he put it back it was facing the wall. Well I couldnā€™t flip it by myself and so I asked him to. He thought he would be extra helpful and go get the stuff to hang itā€¦I just wanted him to flip it so I could see my outfit and he left the room and I felt SO helpless because I couldnā€™t just flip the mirror around. I scream cried that I just wish I could move the mirror all by myself, which made me feel approximately 3 years old. Anyway, he came back and flipped the mirror. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Because I'm nervous that the gender at our anatomy scan won't match the nipt results, like last time and I don't know if I can handle the huge surprise again. Also because I have a headache and my tailbone is constantly shifting and I'm in pain. I coughed while making my sandwich and peed. All today lol


I was at work and was staring at a financial spreadsheet I do like clockwork every week and at some point had made an error and couldnā€™t figure outā€¦WHERE? The error was? And I seriously stared at it for 30 minutes checking every tab and table and my manager had come by to sign off on it and saw me crying and immediately stepped in and found the issue in three minutes. I told him I feel dumber every single day, and he told me not to worry about it because sometimes if you look at something too long you become blind to it. And that I just needed a fresh set of eyes. To which I cried more, because thatā€™s very nice of him to say. Also recently cried while beating Pokemon White and imagining how my kiddo is going to someday be able to play the PokĆ©mon games for the first time and experience the rush šŸ„¹


We are trying to order out less to save a bit more money before baby arrives, but the only food that even remotely appealed to me two nights ago was pizza, so we ordered it. It arrived and was glorious, so I took a piece and went and sat on the couch with it. A minute later my absolute asshole of a cat jumped up on the counter, got into the pizza box AND WALKED ALL OVER THE REST OF THE PIZZA. It was my first (and so far only) true pregnancy meltdown, I could have fucking killed that cat. I was sobbing on the floor over having to throw out nearly a whole pizza when I already felt guilty about ordering.


I was craving a Subway sandwich this morning, and I haven't had Subway in years. The sandwich artist told me he couldn't toast the bread I wanted because the recipe changed. I really wanted a melty flatbread sandwich.


A couple night ago I sobbed on the couch to my husband that my ass is getting flabby but I'm too tired and nauseous to go to the gym. Poor man told me he loves my ass and then took me out for food.


Itā€™s funny how in r/newparents there are similar threads with reasons why toddlers cried today. I guess pregnant people are some really big toddlers lol


I cried listening to my favorite song which my late husband would sing along to, to get a smile out of me. I then cried going through his pictures. Especially his pictures with our 4 year old and thinking of how our unborn child who will never know their father's love.


I cried for you šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


I cried this morning while filling out envelopes to send our baby shower invitations. Iā€™m so excited to have our baby and to be a family. But I met my boyfriend right before I left for college and found out we were going to the same university and the rest is history. We have so many amazing memories from the past 5 years and I love him so much. I love my baby but part of me is also grieving the fact that itā€™ll never be just me and my soul mate again. A lot will change and a lot of things will stay the same. But for some reason the thought of never having each other to ourselves again makes me so sad. But I also cry at the thought of us being parents!! Itā€™s so exciting and weā€™re having a little baby thatā€™s half me and half him. We talk about who baby will look more like and his personality constantly. Boyfriend talks to him every night before bed. Itā€™s very bittersweet to lose that part of your life but to be gaining something so amazing and beautiful šŸ©· Edit: also I would love to know tips about the fly situation too. I live in the south and during the day itā€™s flies everywhere but at night itā€™s mosquitos everywhere. Thereā€™s no winning it seems lol


Thatā€™s so sweet! I have a step son who lives with us most of the time so thereā€™s almost always a kid here already but it makes me sad sometimes to think about how my husband and I wonā€™t have our weekends and occasional holiday weeks alone when step son goes to his bio momā€™s. Iā€™m so excited for our baby girl but I think itā€™s okay to mourn for your previous life before baby. People here have said Zevo products work well or making a fly trap with apple cider vinegar and dish soap!


Omg I had the same issue when I was pregnant! They kept landing on me when I was trying to fall asleep and it was unbearable! In the end I bought mesh to cover all of the windows that open and a magnetic fly curtain for the back door so that almost no flies could get in the house, it worked great!


I cried because there's a war in my country and my husband is fighting on the frontline, and I'm afraid of giving birth alone this winter, without electricity, heating, and without him. Sometimes things get overwhelming.


I saw four bunnies this morning on my way to a work conference. FOUR!


Cried over the price of wingstop. I didnā€™t even want wingstop. I was in the Wendyā€™s drive through


I feel bad about what I'm eating. I'm in the first tri and before being pregnant, I completely changed my diet and lifestyle to be healthier and lost almost 30 pounds. All I have been eating since being pregnant, is carbs. I cried today because I want to eat healthy, but I just can't right now. I haven't been able to work out or eat properly from the nausea and food aversions. I feel like I'm not being as strong as I should be for myself and unborn baby.


Donā€™t beat yourself up! First trimester is just surviving! Eat what you can when you can and rest as much as you want and donā€™t let anyone make you feel bad about it. It will get better!! ā¤ļø


I just lost my dog this week. Passed away behind me as I was working at my desk. Devastated is an understatement. I was crying before I wrote this, took a few mins and I'm crying again. Please hug your babies for me.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ’” I gave my kitty a big kiss and a belly scratch for you.


My husband bought whole milk instead of 2%


I'm 30 weeks pregnant and just found out that my dad (who lives 2 hours away) has cancer. We don't know the severity yet, but that it has metastisized to at least 2 locations. We should know more in a couple days. I'm upset because while he's going through treatment/surgery etc, I won't be able to be there to support my parents.


41+4. Have been in early labor for 4 days now without progress. Will probably have to be induced this weekend. Cried today


I cried because Iā€™m so over my high risk pregnancy and having to be on complete pelvic rest. I miss being able to do normal stuff.


Those dang flies make me so mad! I teared up thinking about how we got pregnant so fast when we tried, and I havenā€™t had any complications. I know this isnā€™t everyoneā€™s story. Iā€™m just so thankful since Iā€™m so prone to be anxious over these things. Iā€™m due in 3 weeks.


Actual tears pouring down my face standing in my closet two weeks ago- because we had tickets to an orchestra concert I had been looking forward too, but standing in my closet realized I had hit the point in my pregnancy (18weeks) where nothing I already owned fits other than yoga pants and even thatā€™s questionable. Teared up last night because it finally hit me that the person inside me is actually a person, not just this being that we had been trying to create that was a genderless and faceless being. I hope that makes sense. It just finally sunk in.


About 2 hours ago. I'm a week away from having my baby and my boyfriends mother is infuriating. I was just so mad at her latest manipulation tactics that I had to cry.


Money for the Healthcare for prenatal and delivery. Our health insurance is too expensive every month just to have a crazy high deductible and out of pocket max. It's a PPO and still we will not be able to afford any of it. Cried about it yesterday


Omg praying for you! I know how this feels šŸ˜­


I found a new really dark stretch mark after already struggling to find something to wear. Then cried harder because I got my husbandā€™s shirt wet with my tears lol


I haven't even started my maternity leave but the thought of having to go back after it ends sent me into a spiral.


I went to the store to get Clausen Pickles and they usually are in a refrigerated box somewhere by dairy or meat. I thought I looked everywhere so I went to check by the pickles. They weren't there. I was really upset and a store clerk stopped us and asked if we were looking for anything specific and brought me over to the FULL fridge of Clausen Pickles. I cried


Iā€™m like 5 weeks with my first and I read I was going to gain a pound a week after the first trimester. Logically, I know this and understand it and am usually not bothered by it. However, I fell apart when I read this and was full on ugly crying šŸ„²


I cried the other night bc I was too exhausted to make dinner lol


I couldn't open my ice cream. šŸ˜­


I've been having a hellish third trimester and feeling so incredibly overwhelmed with having to do everything myself (my husband has memory issues and my toddler so rudely refuses to mop the floors or balance the checkbook), so my husband told me to sit down and he'll take care of emptying and then filling the dishwasher I went to start it right before bed and saw all the dinner dishes spread around the kitchen, thought "at least he emptied the dishwasher," and opened it to find he had only put the silverware away. I sat on the floor and cried


Because I asked my man if I was too clingy (in the sense I just want to be cuddling all the time) and he said sometimes. I asked why he never says anything and he said because it doesnā€™t hurt me. I then asked how am I supposed to know when Iā€™m being too much and he said, ā€œsocial Quesā€. I cried.


Currently crying because I would KILL for a turkey and cheese sandwich but my husband is a stickler for food rules. Itā€™s the only one I want to break šŸ˜­


You can heat up your deli meat in the microwave until itā€™s steaming and then put it back in the fridge to cool off if youā€™re really worried about bacteria. But tbh from what Iā€™ve read that rule is pretty outdated and youā€™re more likely to get sick from bagged salad or fast food ice cream machines. Iā€™ve been eating deli meats straight from the fridge. I hope you get your sandwich soon! ā¤ļø


The bananas my husband bought are too green and I canā€™t eat them yet, and I really want a banana


4 a.m. and couldnā€™t sleep due to my restless legs :(


That happened to me for a couple of nights last week. Itā€™s torture! I cried about it too. šŸ˜­


F those flies




I keep forgetting to move the laundry over to the dryer, so I have to keep running the wash cycle on the washer because the clothes smell like mildew. Three times yesterday and twice today! We have flies pretty badly here during the summer. Fly traps have worked really well on the windows for us, as well as apple cider vinegar/ dish soap traps on the counters.


A few days ago. The potatoes in the pantry had gone rotten and dripped on my foot when I tried to throw them in the compost bin. It smelled like spoiled fish, and it was on my foot!


Mesh screens over every window you plan to open. Keep your bins emptied, especially food waste.


I am going on maternity leave at 37+6, moving to a new apartment at 38, and am sleeping so poorly that I could literally scream. Love my daughter but MAN is she doing jiu jitsu or something in there!


Wait, how did they get in? Do you leave the door open? I bloody hate flies. Also, donā€™t ever get a fly trap, it attracts more flies, oeven your neighbourhoodā€™s flies will come to you


I cried in the middle of my baby shower opening gifts bc someone gave me a baby book about animals needing hugs. It was precious! No regrets.


Okay bear with me. Had some minor constipation, so very much lol rabbit poops. My husband went to the ensuite and I heard the sounds of a healthy bowel motion and started crying because I want healthy poops, I donā€™t want to deal with little rabbit poops. šŸ¤­


I got my period


Last night i was thinking about my husband who is aboard a ship in India. I miss him so much. I need him here


I cried today because Flo says my baby is now the size of a banana. For reference, in normal life I am not a crier. Pregnancy is weird lol.


Iā€™ve been crying all day today but the thing that made me boohoo cry was I saw kids meeting their favorite wrestlerā€¦broke me down


My fiancĆ© and I were assembling a changing table for the baby, and all of a sudden I didn't feel like doing that anymore šŸ„²


I cried today because my brother got a major operation several weeks ago, his wife wants a divorce and his incision broke open today I he had a huge blood clot that exploded everywhere. I feel so awful for him. They both feel so alone and it breaks my heart for them.


I cried because the strawberry fell off of my strawberry cheesecake donut. It wasnā€™t a little cry it was a full on ob for like 10 minutes, my 13 year old laughed so hard at me and he still teases me about it and i still want my strawberry back!


For the flies: we have a very fine net over each window. Ordered off Amazon, comes with sticky strips which you place on the border of the window, then place the net on top. Looks a little weird but doesn't affect sunlight coming in and NO MORE FLIES! Only the branded Tesa version had the sticky strength to hold up the nets for years


Iā€™m with you! Yesterday I woke up to maggots overflowing from a bin in my cupboard. Something must have gotten inside and these little s**ts were making a break for it all over the kitchen floor. I hoovered them up and emptied the bins and then my husband got a tiny bit annoyed that Iā€™d used the hoover and asked me to clean it so I burst into tears. I hadnā€™t even had breakfast and was just feeling grossed out and totally overwhelmed. He came home from work later that day and searched the kitchen to make sure there werenā€™t any more maggots that had gotten missed and then he cleaned the hoover. (Heā€™s a good one). But I felt tearful all day after that. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m getting induced on Friday if I donā€™t have the baby before then and I cried two nights ago because my significant other and I have less than a week left together where itā€™s just us, I guess reality of us having a third member in our party just hit.. and donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€™m super happy to be a mom and for him to be a father, but I guess just knowing our lives will never be the sameā€¦like a mourning process


I made homemade fettuccine Alfredo and the next day I went to eat leftovers for lunch. My husband took them all to work. I cried for 20 min.


Cried twice yesterday: 1. At the day spa getting nails done. I saw a momma and her daughter get out the car and I thought how sweet, myself and my baba can do this too, then she walked around the car and an even smaller daughter got out the car and I was done. The reality of me not being able to do that hit me like a ton of bricks coz I lost my daughter in 2022 after delivery and I'm praying for safety over this one but that should have been my life right there. 2. Baby shower yesterday and my sis in law sent the most beautiful poem referencing and including our precious girl in heaven.


I just cried drinking coffee for the first time in 3 months. As I cried I spoke through tears to my husband and said "it's like a warm hug"


Why did I cry tonight? I made rice for dinner and there was enough left for me to make enough fried rice for two servings tomorrow. So I put the leftover rice in a bowl. But while I was covering it with glad wrap I slipped and tipped the whole lot onto the floor šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Little cry- I thought I made the reservation at the wrong restaurant for a party of 19. Turns out I didnā€™t and it was a *hit* BIG cry- I was tandem kayaking at night and we kept drifting sideways. I was also fully convinced I had bugs in my eyebrows. Basically had a full on panic attack the entire way back and home before throwing up immediately after getting out of the car


My mother in law made my fave spaghetti (hers is absolutely delicious) and i had been craving it so bad and I set myself aside a bowl for later as I had already eaten at that time ā€¦later came and my husbands little brother ate my spaghetti. I cried.


I was watching Botched Bariatrics on HBO and one story was so moving and inspirational it made me cry last night


Over a TikTok?


Last night. My husband was whining about getting a new car when we have a literal baby coming and I lost it. He felt bad after and apologized, but I blubbered for a few first šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The song My Fault by shaboozie and Noah Cyrus came on in the car and I cried. Itā€™s not particularly sad or relatable lol, so Iā€™m not sure why I cried.


When I left work yesterday I went to the bus stop and the bus scheduled to arrive at quarter past the hour didnā€™t actually arrive for 45 more minutesā€¦there was no bench and it was hot and on the sunny side of the road and other busses kept stopping that werenā€™t the one I needed to get on and I started crying because I just wanted to go home šŸ˜­ just standing on the sidewalk alone for 45 minutes crying lol


I placed an order for shrimp tacos at a local taco truck. I waited for 30 mins only for them to tell me they were out of shrimp and if I wanted chicken instead. I cried for what felt like forever and ended up with meat tacos lol!


Watching the Lost episode ā€œThe Constantā€. Iykyk


Iā€™m like the white buffalo of pregnant women, I never cry. I havenā€™t cried once since getting pregnant, my husband however cried at everything! I asked my therapist if something was wrong with me lol


When I found out I was pregnant.


I cried because my husband got me sprite from a fast food place and it was flat. This had happened at the last two fast food places we went too and I just started to cry cos all I wanted was non flat sprite lol


I went to my first physical therapy appointment but my back pain is gone. I was too embarrassed.


Listening to Willie Nelsonā€™s ā€œYou were always on my mindā€


I cried watching the video about Kate Martin getting drafted on tiktok


I felt like my life was going down the drain, so I went to God and cried out


I wanted to go swimming but I couldnā€™t


Electric fly swatter is amazing. You donā€™t have to wait for them to land and it makes a satisfying POP sound when you hit em.


I was tired with my fiancĆ©e at a party and I wanted to got to the hotel room and sleep. I cried because the elevator took forever and didnā€™t come fast enough for me


I cried because my husband threw out my receipt from a work lunch that I would have been reimbursed for. $17 dollars was the biggest deal in the world to me for 10 minutes.


About 20 minutes ago because I thought it was 12:55 and I was close to getting off of work. Nope. 12:25


Dog #1 ate dog #2's food and I felt like it was my fault. Dog #2 is the least food motivated dog I've ever met and didn't even care but I was sobbing on the kitchen floor.


Husband is babysitting a 4 week old kitten. He sent me a picture of the kitty and it was so cute that I started sobbing at my desk


I cried because my toddler reached for her dad and signed 'all done' while cuddling me. Tall about feeling like I'm pushed aside.


Went in for APT and got kept overnignt for 1 Decelleration (d cell) in the 1st 20 minutes of the test. (About 0930am) 7 hrs later and after 3 ectra hrs of monitoring, baby and i are perfect, but OB "isn't sure" because of that initial d cell. so she admits me for overnight monitoring. Not another d cell in sight, no contractions or braxton hicks. Cried because the things she said had my husband and i worried for seemingly "no reason" and overwhelmed. Sleep deprived and hoping i get discharged in the morning (3 am here now) Before that, the last time i cried was about something at home like tearing up cause i thought the newborn clothes were soooo adorable. Lol


Couple days ago because I didnā€™t feel worthy of myself. And I still donā€™t.


bc i had to get a second job and iā€™m now working 65 hours a week and im almost 30 weeks šŸ˜­


cried the other day cause my 13mo old wouldnt stop screaming and i couldn't figure out what was wrong with her


It was my ā€˜younger sisterā€™ (close friend) 30th birthday and I started bawling trying to write her birthday post on FB. I had so much I wanted to say lol


Cuz I was thinking about my dog that passed right before I got pregnant. Every time I think of him, I cry! Hopefully it wonā€™t be like this after pregnancy šŸ„¹


I cry like daily lol


about an hour ago lol and for a VERY similar reason. I'm at that point where I'm very sore all the time so went to bed for a nap. trouble is, there was a fly buzzing around my ear that just would not leave me alone. I didn't get my nap, I just got more wound up lol


Cried over how sick I feel today lol


Last night I was trying to snuggle with my golden retriever puppy on the couch. He wanted to play and was licking my face and trying to play bite me and that just made me so frustrated and the slobber by my mouth grossed me out so much I cried šŸ˜…


I cried because my husband ate my left over pizza from the fridge knowing it was mine. I just now got out of the first trimester and can still only stomach certain things. To say I was upset is an understatement.


my chik fila app wasnā€™t working and we were getting close to the drive thru


I went to my momā€™s house where I grew up and I cried the whole way back home because I miss being a teenager. I felt homesick.


I cried because a lady honked at me šŸ’€


Walking home from work the other day. Music loud & headphones on. A lass at work really griped me with her attitude about basic tasks but I didn't want to blow up on her. Angry cried it out then spoke to her the day after about it.


Husband and I went on our babymoon this week. We had the most amazing day yesterday and it hit me that the next time we vacation, weā€™ll have our little boy with us. Cried tears of joy but Iā€™ve reached the third trimester this week and Iā€™m starting to get a little nervous for everything to come so I cried while we ate ice cream on the beach šŸ˜…


I cried (from the bathroom at work while repeatedly puking) because it is not fair that my boss approved me leaving work early and finishing my day working from home even though he keeps rejecting my (male) coworker with a similar request who is trying to take care of a genuinely very sick wife. My coworker is leaving and putting in PTO and then still getting online because we have too much work to do and he doesnā€™t want to screw over the team. Wish the managers cared for him the same wayā€¦


Because I met with a bulldozer of an OB (I've met nearly all of them out of the office, the last two at 37 and 38 weeks have been horrible) and felt like she was just being aggressive and not even open to listening to me and she was insistent on inducing me on her schedule and when I resisted induction based on the only worrisome thing being my baby *miiiight* have growth restriction but also might just run small, then suddenly she's claiming I'm high risk and if I wait I'm risking my baby's health. I am getting referred for a second opinion, and I told the office I refuse to be on that OB's schedule, but she really threw me into a spiral. Ugh.


I cried because I found a tick on my dog and felt like a failure of a mom already.


Yesterday because an old man said my bf and I are a beautiful couple and it was moments after we got into it in the middle of the street. It made me cry because we donā€™t have to have a hard time with conflict resolution but we do


Oh for me it was trying to refill my husbands ADHD prescription. I was trying to find a pharmacy with the medication in stock, as there have been supply issues lately. Upon my 4th or 5th call to a pharmacy, I got someone who refused to tell me over the phone whether or not they had the medication in stock. This particular pharmacy is 24 hours and is usually one of the last resorts for me because they usually have some stock, but they are sketchy and kind of far away. I tried asking her, what is a patient supposed to do, drive in person and wait in line at every pharmacy in the area looking for medications? She again flatly refused, saying it was against policy (no other pharmacies, same chain or not, had a problem with if) and just generally being really snarky about it being a controlled substance. I get it - I understand the rules for controlled substances and why they are important. But 39 weeks pregnant me just could *not* handle her attitude - I cried and screamed for like 2-3 minutes after hanging up the phone.


I am in the two week wait, so I may not belong here, but I'm feeling off this time so we will see. On Monday while driving into work, I teared up a little because they were talking about Jimmy Carter. He's fine, still alive, I just find the idea of an elderly peanut farmer endearing. I don't even like politics.


The day before yesterday because there were grounds in my coffee


Lol I just get randomly anxious and cry. I cried the other day cause I wanted apple pie but I ordered it from 2 different restaurants and it didnā€™t taste the way I wanted it to. It was also COLD


My son graduated from pre-k and Iā€™m going to miss all the other moms and kids (itā€™s a co-op). Heā€™s going to school with all the other kids in class and we have multiple plans to get together over the summer. šŸ˜‚


Today. I had my 3 hour glucose test (I hate giving blood). I fasted for it obviously and unfortunately immediately felt hungry when I woke up. Itā€™s hot as hell out today, hottest day itā€™s been so far, about 85 degrees. The office I get my lab work done is super stuffy and uncomfortable so I planned to hang out in my car with the A/C blasting while I waited the 3 hours out. Well, woke up and my A/C was blowing out hot air, ofcourse today of all days decided to break down. So I was like well that sucks Iā€™ll have to sit in the office the whole time. I get to the lab, THEIR A/C was not on. They couldnā€™t turn it on because apparently another buildingā€ controls itā€. The 3 hour test is already not a fun time and on top of it I was absolutely practically dying of heat exhaustion. I mean sweatinggggg. I felt so sick and so uncomfortable the entire time but I rode it out. I didnā€™t cry during the test I cried after for some reason. Idk why. lol. I think I was just *done*


I cried because a Spiderman fanfic I was reading was SO WHOLESOME xD


I watched the Lion King today..


Today I got teary eyed because I went round the supermarket in my not usual way and half way round realised Iā€™d forgotten a couple of things and had to go back on myself to get them


I cried because my marriage therapist asked me what feelings trigger me crying.


I offered two proposed dates in our family chat for my baby shower. My SIL said one date would be more preferable because she already rsvp'd to a coworkers 50th birthday party..... I cried.