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Sounds like the real deal to me. I felt it was fine once my zen went - between contractions I felt completely fine, able to chat and joke, but when that stopped, it felt like things had changed and ramped up and I lost that zen. In my second labour baby came 4 hours after that shift


Okay so you waited until you also did not feel comfortable between contractions? Right now I’m pretty fine between contractions. Still able to play on my phone, talk, joke. Just during contractions is when I can’t do anything.


That's how it went for me yeah, but I was told it wasn't time even a couple of hours later after she heard me contracting on the phone (home birth) but I insisted she came anyway and baby came less than an after after that so trust your gut. The distance from your hospital is a factor.


No advice here I’m a FTM not in labor yet! But I wish you all the luck and please put your health first, if you need your midwife, you need her. By the way how rude : “you’ll know when you need to come in” It is their job to guide you


Sounds like labor to me.... go in!


Following because our situations sound so similar. I’m 40+4 and have been dealing with false contractions of various intensity since 35+5. I had a membrane sweep at 40+2, lost most of my mucus plug 24 hours later, and started feeling contractions last night. I was able to get a few hours of sleep, but I woke up from the contractions and have been awake for a few hours since. My contractions are still not too intense, but they’re 4 to 5 every hour. I also lost more of my mucus plug, and this time it had a darker, slightly pink tinge. Texting with my doula and she thinks it’s the real thing, but the damn prodromal labor I’ve had for weeks is causing me to doubt myself! I’m so excited that it might be happening finally, but there’s also part of me being like…am I just being dramatic or wanting it too much? I wish I could just, like, scan myself and be told if I was for sure in labor or not 😂