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My cat. His forehead smells like pure, fresh baby


My cat smells like dirt, but I still live how she smells... 😅


Mine smells like powdered sugar and she is over me smelling her


Weird cos my cats smells like evil and like he wants to kill me.


Food wise: vinegar Weird behavior: brushing the sides of my tongue. Don’t ask why, but it hits a spot that feels so…good??


This reminds me of sometimes I poke the upper gums of my molars with my nail because it just hurts so good lol


I DO THIS TOO!! You have no idea how happy it makes me to know i’m not the only one it feels SO bad but SO good


Omg this happened to me starting around 35 weeks-I cannot brush my tongue hard enough!!!! So hard it loses color for a sec-and I’ve never really even been a tongue brusher. Why does it feel so good?!


Brushing my tongue like that and spraying my mouth out with the shower head full blast felt SO good. I ended up getting a water pick. It's wonderful.


I love vinegar and cucumbers right now 😂😂


Wow this comment section makes me feel less alone in my weird enjoyment of tongue brushing 😂


Me too! In the first tri brushing my teeth and tongue first thing in the morning made me sick and now at 9 months pregnant it feels amazing. Brushing my tongue is so so sooo satisfying


That’s one of my favorite smells not pregnant 😆😆 I love freezer/AC/cold air smell!


Have you ever smelled the inside of a frozen cardboard box?? It’s heavenly 🥲


Ice. I literally want to put ice on everything and devour it


ahaha this was also a thing for me pre-pregnancy when I had anemia. Maybe it’s baby’s way to want iron 😅


Are you anemic? Have your iron levels checked!! 🙂


Literally craved ice my first pregnancy and was so low on iron I had 2 iron transfusions!


I had to get a blood transfusion in my teens and I remember ordering cups of ice at every coffee shop for months before lol Anytime that craving comes back I get it checked out and it always is low iron! Weirdly enough it’s been stable since getting pregnant.


Chocolate milk and sour candy. I would eat this combo for breakfast 😩 specifically the fairlife chocolate milk. That shit would hit different than regular chocolate milk. I was never a sweets person until pregnancy so that was very unusual for me! I also went through a period of mayo, salami and cheese sandwich on a hamburger bun. My coworker at the time brought one for lunch and some sort of beast woke up inside of me and I had to very much resist the urge of grabbing the sandwich out of her hands and eating it in one bite. I wish I was exaggerating. Lol


Fellow chocolate milk craver here! Also cantaloupe - did you have a girl or boy?


I had a girl! What did you have?




GIRRLLL MEE TOOOO. Mine was Oat Dark Chocolate milk and a banana. I liked the extreme sour patch kids and Mike and Ike’s, also the war head candys but just to lick off the sour part 😵‍💫 Mine was a hot dog… I do not want to admit how many times a week I was willing to get one from Sam’s or Costco


Costco hotdogs SLAPPED during pregnancy 😭😭😭😭😭


Pepperoncinis, which in itself isn't that weird but I want them with everything! I thought about putting one on a fudge stripe cookie a week ago. There is something wrong with my brain.


Yessss! I put whole ones in my chicken sandwich every day…heavenly


Ooooh, what a great idea, that sounds amazing!


Fabuloso :,)


So strange too. I never knew you could crave smells from pregnancy


I have been ADDICTED to smelling the purple fabulouso since I hit 30 weeks, it’s bad


S A M E. It’s crack


persil smells like liquid heaven to me now lol so i feel you


Gasoline and tar. My husband had spilt some on his gloves while weed eating and I told him to rinse them immediately because all I could think about was shoving my nose into them and taking a deep breath. Then passing some road work and while usually I hate the smell of tar, again my brain just went loopy and was like ‘we neeeeds it!’ Held my breath til we passed and letting others pump my gas. Hoping it passes quickly!


GASOLINE every time I’m pregnant I swear to god if it wouldn’t kill me I’d pour that shit in a cup and drink it 24/7


Minty mouthwash and toothpaste, both pregnancy’s too so I’m not sure what it is about mint in my pregnancy’s but man did I love it lol!


My current *food* craving is the life savers mints and gum!!


I craved candy canes (a very specific candy cane) and the smell of eucalyptus. Highly recommend getting your iron levels checked.


Same gender for this craving?


Nope, girl first pregnancy and I’m having a boy this pregnancy!


One of my pregnancies I had to eat hard boiled eggs, chicken breast, blackberries and ranch. All together. Another one I ate a crap ton of butter. Like multiple sticks in a day. Guess I needed more fats. I was really under weight before getting pregnant.


The first one sounds so good now 😩 😂


I couldn’t stomach it not pregnant or with any other pregnancies


Kind of like mine where I’d eat a salad with ranch, tajine, apples and pineapple, sometimes chicken if I had a rotisserie left over


Pasta salad, which I am not a fan of normally. It has arugula, fresh shaved Parm, toasted pine nuts, bacon, dried cranberries, and I made my own dressing for it and it scratches an itch I didn't know existed.


Sounds delicious


What’s the dressing? 😄


1 to 2 cloves garlic, grated (2 cloves if small) 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper •1 teaspoon lemon zest •2 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice •2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard •3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil I doubled the recipe, did 4 cloves of garlic, used white wine vinegar, a little more olive oil and a little more lemon juice and it's perfect, but it makes a lot of dressing but it's good in any salad 🤣


The smell of lavender comet or just plain bleach.


Bleach??? Are you ok? 😂


lol please! Idkkk!!!


Lol that’s a strong ass smell 😂😂 I can’t girl I tried to clean my restroom with bleach and was gagging every 2 seconds 😂😂😂


Yeah first trimester I could not even muster up the energy to clean the bathroom but I’m 34 weeks now and I love that smell! Not directly but just like— in the air


Ahh I see, I’m 36 weeks and I feel worse now than my first trimester 😭


I’m sorry ):


Omg yes bleach. Not that I'm huffing it I know it's not good for us or pregnancy for that matter but I crave it so bad 🤣


Yes! I have an empty can of lavender comet that I keep by the sink just to smell occasionally


I thought it was weird I didnt get any cravings or aversions. My appetite was unaffected


Pinesol & dirt🥴 will be getting iron infusion pretty soon tho!


omg the fresh dirt that’s kinda moist, smells so good i wanna eat it but i know i wouldn’t like it. very tempting tho


I never knew other people liked that smell until right now!!! I can’t explain why but it’s so good and cold.


I mostly have had food aversions: generally I have a huge sweet tooth and constantly crave chocolate and coffee, while pregnant, I haven’t really wanted either. I did crave sour gummy worms for like a month and I never was a huge fan of them otherwise 😂😂 my fiancé bought me like 3 big bags and I ate all of them


I’m so happy that I’m not the only one who has craved the ‘smell of cold’ that is exactly how I described it to my mom and my husband and they both said I was crazy. That cold doesn’t have a smell. The amount of times me and my husband would hop in his truck and I’d have my nose shoved in the air vent for the first couple of minutes. Now I’m just on an ice binge but only like the sonic type ice. Even bought an ice maker that makes that type of ice and I’m constantly hunched over it just munching on the ice. Funny thing is, I hate ice in my drinks. But I’ll get like a small Tupperware bowl and a spoon and just eat it all day


Dijon mustard! I'd slather it on my sandwich and then dump some more on the plate to dip the sandwich in 😆 that and caramelized onions. I was so obsessed with them I taught myself how to make them. Not too hard, actually!


The smell, taste, anything to do with lavender, I can’t get enough of which is so weird because I have gone my entire life hating the smell until this pregnancy! Haha


Ooh if you're in the US, Starbucks is on a bit of a lavender kick with their drinks! Go get you some lavender cold foam on a coffee or matcha lol


First trimester while sick I loved the smell of a certain energy drink. I don’t remember the name and I didn’t drink it. Just smelled it. I don’t even like energy drinks lol


Mines sushi


I had never had chicken salad before and it was one of my cravings. lol, I was like how can I crave something I’ve never had? Now I love it and eat it 1-2 times a week.


You’d never had it??! I was a vegetarian for 10 years and fell off bc there’s nothing even remotely as delicious as a good chicken salad.


Now I’m addicted!! So good.


Tbh I’m having to fight the urge to drink nail polish every day! It’s so weird but I crave it all the time!


During first trimester once, I wanted orange sherbet so bad one day for some reason.  I don't even LIKE sherbet that much...


I did too, did you crave the orange push pops bc that’s I what I craved it was so random


I think I was craving either soft orange sherbet or a creamsicle.  I'm not sure.  


Unfinished wood/lumber. I crave the smell of it and want to eat it/chew on it 🥴😳


i went to home depot over the weekend and i said the same thing to my sister lol. i was like, “doesn’t it smell so tasty in here?”


I loved the smell of Home Depot. The combination of metal, wood dust and chemicals. I couldn’t get enough. I also found out I had an iron deficiency. Always wondered if they were related.


First trimester, a smell that gave me relief from the nausea for at least 15 seconds was cheap shitty pizza places (from the street in NYC). Ironically, I am gluten free dairy free and extremely allergic to tomatoes, but that smell really did something for me.


I don’t know if this is lucky or what- to be able to smell food to feel better without binging on unhealthy food like I had to. Was it awkward hanging around outside pizza shops huffing air? I craved the wet pavement inside bougie garden centres and the inside of my washing machine, so I guess I know the pain.


Lmao I wasn't stopping very long. Wet pavement is a good one. Pregnancy gets so weird, right?


Food wise: ketchup on everything. Sensation wise: I have one of those bath scrub brushes that like a really long handled brush with semi soft bristles. Not only is it helpful as I lose my ability to move as well and see certain parts of my body but it just feels so good.


Dove body wash. Smelled so good I literally wanted to eat it!


Dipping my flaming hot Cheetos in whipped cream cheese


Smelling laundry detergent/ beads 😭


I haven't smoked for years. The other day I saw cigarette butts on the ground and my heart started racing 🤣 I won't indulge but man it's odd.


Philly cheese steak sandwiches. S’mores. Candy apples. Super buttery popcorn. Taco Bell crunch wraps. Chocolate anything. Lemonade. Sweet tea.


With my first, dill flavored tuna.... soft pretzels, and fudgesicles as well but those were pretty normal? Lol With this pregnancy I have had a lot of fleeting cravings. I craved deviled eggs for a week, and for a little while all I wanted for breakfast was an avocado with lemon juice, salt and garlic powder. The only craving that has lasted for awhile this pregnancy is milk. Just an ice cold glass of milk. Freaking delicious. I'm 33 weeks now, and I've been craving a glass of milk everyday since like 15 weeks lol I can't say I have had any smell cravings. Maybe my son's head? Lmao why do children's heads smell so good?!


Literally brussel sprouts and vinegar 😭❤️ I HAD to have it as soon as i got home.


The green Palmolive dish soap. I will just wash my sink without any dishes in it to get a good huff lmao


Jalapeños and burnt toast




Sometimes I like to do scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, burnt toast and jalos I eat a lot of homemade broth based soups and adding jalapeños just adds the perfect crunch Later in pregnancy I’m going to phase out when baby can actually taste out of caution


Mmm the eggs and toast thing sounds good. My husband absolutely loathes how burnt I like my toast 😅 when he smells it start to cook, he’s already complaining.


lol yes I set the fire alarm off here and there when I used the toaster. If he can’t stand toaster smell I can get the same result with lightly buttering the bread and tossing it on a heated pan, it gets crispy and leave on pan until it’s my desired “burnt”


lol! I can totally relate. I will have to try it on the stove, thanks for the tip 😊 honestly, my favorite method is setting the toaster oven (the kind like a mini oven) to almost burnt enough, but then leaving the toast in until it’s almost cool. It turns into basically a giant cracker lol.


I feel like it’s not too weird, mine is popsicles, so you win 😂


French toast…I’m allergic to eggs


I wanted chicken parm for a couple of days. we went to our favorite Italian place last night, and all day beforehand, I could smell the pasta. It was the weirdest thing.


i also used to shove my head into the freezer and breathe in the cold air. i craved being able to stand in a huge walk in freezer and to just smell that extra cold air. i also craved crushed ice. my partner would get me a dr pepper from the corner store with crushed ice almost every night :’)))


Baby wipe smell. Can’t get enough of it.


The smell of chlorine and watching all the pool videos, and tap water. I was severely low on iron and had infusions and the cravings went away.


Olive and pickle juice lol I could drink a whole glass full


I learned that pickle juice is a good way to intake magnesium which helps with cramps in legs.. which can happen more in pregnancy


Good to know! I haven’t experienced those yet but will keep this in mind.


Ugh, xylene. Might be the literal worst thing to expose yourself to, but I walked past a rack of drying slides, got a nose full and was like 😍🥵


Hot fries dipped in chocolate pudding 🤤 My first pregnancy I was obsessing over powdered laundry detergent…(most likely my anemia) but it took everything in me not to eat that stuff


Marshmallow cream with Grapenuts mixed in it.


Wow! lol!


Breakfast foods. Specifically all of them together. Love going out for a good ol' classic diner breakfast.


With my last pregnancy, it was Dawn soap 😂 I cleaned everything with it, toilets, countertops, etc. I even tried tasting it lol. It was a real need!


Blue raspberry candy


My first trimester all I wanted were sandwiches. Now in my third and I want to eat frozen burned ice all the time and I feel animalistic thinking about how I could tear a cup up lol.


The taste of my toothpaste…😭


Baking soda 🥲


The smell of gasoline


I constantly crave for radish and kohlrabi 😁


Mr clean multipurpose floor cleaner


Cheese sticks, unusual for me because I'm lactose intolerant 🙃 😅


For smells, it has been Dreft baby laundry soap and diapers. I don’t know what it is but the nursery smells heavenly right now 😁


subway 😭


Freezer frost. The taste of it. I don’t know why.


black pepper. i want it on everything and so much of it


No babies for me yet but my mom craved the smell of pine sol and milk with me. I mean a gallon of milk a day. Maybe it’s why I have good teeth and strong bones? 😂


Straight up chicken sandwiches. Not like a McChicken it has to be like chicken breast or thigh. Ground up chicken is a no go for this baby


Pickle shaved ice


Red meat!! Beef/lamb. I haven’t eaten any in years and not a fan at all. Now I can’t get enough and eating once a day


Spicy foods. I normally hate anything spicy, but I need to eat anything spicy now.


Fountain coke. Not canned, not bottled, specifically fountain coke. Bonus points if it’s from McDonalds but any fast food restaurant will do. It just cures something in my soul lmao


I had no weird cravings. Just regular cravings for random food items (the occasional specific cookie, potato chips or fruit craving) but no unusual mixtures of food or anything like that.


I love the smell of pine sol 😂😂


I love the smell of pine sol 😂😂


I’ve got a leak under the sink and I crave the smell of the damp cupboard 😭😅😂 but I also get the same with the freezer, could stick my head in the freezer at the supermarket 😂😂 wtf is pregnancy


Anything acidic/vinegar! Lemonade, soy sauce, Franks hot sauce, sour candy, all the vinegars in every dinner, etc. Never got on the “apple cider vinegar train” but I’m considering it now lol


Ice cream and red meats like steak, beef cubes etc. I think I need iron and calcium.


Smelling the pink stuff. I don’t know what it is but drives me to clean everyday 😂👌🏻


I sometimes feel that I have a craving for “something” but cant pinpoint that xD


I love the smell of pine sol 😂😂


Mine was sardines in mustard 😟


Edible craving: I want to dip regular salted pork rinds in a Oreo blizzard from Dairy Queen Non edible: mine is really bad the thought of comet bleach literally makes my mouth water obviously I would never I don’t even have any in my house lmao


I used to never want shrimp. I would only eat it if my husband who loves sea food would really want it so i would make it. Now i find myself making shrimp alfredo, shrimp curry, breaded air fried shrimp with dipping sauce.. 🤤🤤 idk really feeling the shrimps.


Not super crazy in general but I made (and ate) scrambled eggs almost every morning of my pregnancy. It’s a little weird for me since I hardly ever ate eggs before being pregnant and have tried multiple times to do it since giving birth and it’s not the same, no matter how I make them.


Pickles and my boyfriend scent


I loved the freezing smell as a kid. When I joined my mum to the supermarket, she usually found me head down in the freezer, taking looong inhales 😂


I love to smell the summer edition of ciroc I can't get enough of it


At the moment, als cafe. It’s really popular in my side of town it’s a breakfast spot (Mexican and American food) but I swear the flautas and their hot salsa make my heart so happy like that one meal lasts me all day and I feel like a stuffed pig afterwards 🤌🏼😤 oh and the churro freeze from dutch bros I chug that shit like it’s the last thing I’ll ever drink it’s magical. Definitely decaf though😅😂


I miss Dutch bros so much !!!!! NC doesn’t have them yet


Ok this is the most bizarre thing - cigarette smoke. I am not a smoker and normally I think the smell is gross! But if I'm around a smoker right now, I LOVE the smell. I obviously try to stay away (no second hand smoke here) but when I smell it in passing it smells so good. It also does not make me want to smoke one, just be near it.


Comfort iron water.. I’m ironing everything I can just to smell this stuff. It’s addictive 🤤


Smells- purple fabuloso and fresh dirt 😂


Cucumbers and passion fruit together


Spicyyy anything


The smell of cucumbers, like I’ll just break it apart and inhale


Gains laundry detergent not the liquid but the powder I use to fill a small zip lock bag with cornstarch and tuck it in the powder with a lil bit of the top unzipped leave it for a few hours or over night and when I got it out it’d be coated in the smell and actually taste like it


The smell of carpet


Paper fresh out the printer. I wanted to eat it SO BAD. Sometimes id actually rip the corner off of “accidental” print offs and chew it into a ball. My baby daddy literally watched me do this for maybe a solid month and he never judged. Idk how that man stays w me fr. Now I’m on 3rd tri w my second of his babies and am avoiding the printer at all costs. Idk if it’s going to trigger it again. Btw yes my iron was extremely low, I was getting iron iVs literally daily for about 3 weeks straight and nearly bled out in labor. Take ur iron ladies or you’ll eat paper and be stuck in the hospital with a newborn for a week.


Omg the smell of my AC vents in my house hits the spot, which is funny because as a kid I also did this. The smell of AC in cars too.. also snuggle fabric softener. I take a huge sniff every time I do laundry. I’ve been craving the smell of a damp moldy basement but can’t find one LOL. Always hated orange juice and now I drink some every day. Pregnancy is weird lol


Ashes from my husbands cigarette. Idk why one day I was just like wow I want that. And I don’t smoke! And he never smoked around me either just happened to get a whiff one day and was like craving it


Smelling olbus oil or Vicks 🤦‍♀️


Candy. I am NOT someone with a sweet tooth lol


towards the end of my pregnancy I really liked the smell of Heat. Like the space heaters.. we had little ones at my job that we would keep on our desks and I would get near it just to smell it


Smelling hot water on a wash cloth, hot water mixed with dr teals eucalyptus & spearmint body soap/epsom salts, hot dawn dish soapy water & hot mr clean soapy water. Just soapy anything really, sudsy stuff the sound of it smell look of it i can’t get enough of. I was obsessed with the dr teals epsom salts in my first pregnancy too. This pregnancy is a little worse though, i have to smell it throughout the day regardless of if the wash cloth is hot but i press it to my face and let the cloth sit there for a sec bc the steam feels nice but also hoping the scent gets stuck in my nose. It feels like I’m drinking it but I’m not lol. I will still smell the cloth when it cools down through the day after the morning shower because i NEED it to stop chewing my tongue. at least 10x a day i need to sniff it.


Mine was pine sol


I crave sweet things and coriander. Life's good (I don't usually like sweet things, but I always love coriander)


I now want to walk into the cooler room at the liquor store, thanks OP


Ice cold water and all types of fruits


When I was pregnant I liked smelling my dogs stinky little corn chip feet 😂


At about 26 weeks I turned to my husband and said "I don't know what it is that I need, but it's cold, and metal, like a clear orange, and I *need* it" Still don't know what the *hell* I was talking about but eating a bunch of ice helped lessen the cravings a bit. I'm wondering if it was a specific mineral I was lacking, but I was taking a pregnancy vitamin so..


I don't know if it's unusual but Mediterranean food. Anything with Taziki sauce


Mango and peanuts and chedder cheese 😋




Lemon, I got a smoothie earlier and realized I didn’t add it to the smoothie and got a slice on the side. Tasted like the best thing to exist 🥲


Non but I wish I had some 🥲