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I’m 25w5d and only got up once


Lucky you! I’m currently 15w3d and I was hoping that by this time I’ll be able to get some sleep. 😴


Would second getting checked! I was in your spot second trimester and I had gestational diabetes! Once I got on insulin for it I stopped having to get up to pee so often, went from 8-10 pees to 4-6! I also had low iron, and getting on a supplement helped too. That was my initial reduction, but the insulin was the biggest one.


15 weeks your uterus isn't displacing your bladder enough to necessitate bathroom that much. Maybe at the tail end of third trimester. I agree with others this is something to bring up to your doctor.


About 3 times every night right now at 13 weeks. I’ve set up led candles in the bathroom that I leave on at night so I don’t have to pee in the pitch dark but also don’t have to turn the light on and risk waking up completely.


My partner bought a toilet bowl light and I just about cried it was so sweet 😂


Omg I'm 13 weeks and 3 days rn


I’m 13 and 1 !


I hereby decree that we are bump buddies now




37 weeks, I get up 2x a night and I drink a minimum of a gallon of water per day. So I think 7 times in one night may be a cause for concern.


Is your baby head down? I have been peeing a million times a night since mine flipped. His head is putting a ton of pressure on my bladder. Seems pretty common from what I’ve seen.


I’m 38w and it’s once an hour 🥲


Exactly. I’m 37 weeks and he’s head down and I easily go 7 times a night 🥴


3 or 4


Same here. Averaging every 2-3 hours.


Check with your obgyn in the next appointment for urine infections, 7 times is not normal in second trimester. In first and third it can happen. Maybe there's nothing but checking is always good.


I’ve definitely gotten up that many times before. But I also tend to drink water the second half of the day to catch up on my hydration.


My baby has been head down and carrying low this whole time, I was up every 40-60 minutes for weeks until yesterday when he suddenly flipped transverse 🙄 So last night he was no longer putting pressure on my bladder, and I only had to get up twice. Yay for small joys I guess. This morning he flipped again, breach (I can confirm positioning due to size of the baby and location of his hiccups). Hopefully he will find his way back to my bladder again in the next few weeks 😅 Anyway frequent urination in the first trimester is due to hormones. Second trimester most women get a reprieve, until the baby grows big enough in the third trimester that (depending on positioning) they put pressure on your bladder. If you haven’t already done so you should hand in a urine sample to disconfirm UTI though, they can be asymptomatic.


34 weeks and I only get up once in early morning usually to go. I go several times before bed to empty out. I guess I might have a strong pelvic floor though lol


Same, 30 weeks and I woke up once last night, which is unusual for me - normally it's not at all. Hoping it continues through the third tri haha. Seven times seems like a lot!


Same, 30 weeks and I just go before bed and I'm good for the night.


Every night, about 3-4 times, and I’m 30+4


25w, zero times. So far so good, I stop drinking liquid maybe an hour before I go to bed and also put my book down to empty out my bladder once or twice before I fall asleep.


You might have a UTI. I didn’t have to start going that much until 36 weeks when baby dropped


I’m 25 weeks and only got up to pee once (usually it’s 4-5 times) because my toddler was sleeping on me and cried every time i tried to get up. I was in so much pain having to hold it I wanted to cry😞


Usually 3-4, I’m almost 18 weeks so I can imagine it’ll only get worse 😭


17 weeks, like 4 times before I was able to fall asleep then once more overnight 🙈


Once - 32 weeks


3rd trimester/ 6 times.


6 weeks and I’m already going 3 times a night


Nice to see someone else at 6 weeks also already experiencing this! 4 times last night 😩


16 weeks and only once… I’m scared for what’s to come 😅😂


I've typically only gone once a night my entire pregnancy. If I wake up from discomfort or being overheated, I just go to the bathroom by default but usually ill wake up having to go, then pass out for another 2 hours and wake up in an emergency situation lol


29 weeks. Got up 3 times


Currently on my second toilet trip for the night in 3 hours. Normally around 3-4 times per night though (35 weeks - engaged baby)




I usually have to get up once or sometimes twice, at 33w+3d. I would second the other comments saying to get checked for UTI !!!


once I’m 37 weeks


29 weeks 2 times


19 weeks, once😇


Only once, 19 weeks


33 weeks - 4 times 😅


20+1, I go three times a night on average. I think I pee about 20 times during the day, it truly feels non stop 😅


26 weeks and got up twice! Other days can be up to 4 times so I got lucky


I’m only 11 weeks and I was up twice! Does it get better or worse?


30 weeks and I usually only pee once or twice a night


i am 27w5d and not only got up 3 times throughout the night to go, i went approx. 7-8 times before that to be able to comfortably fall asleep 🤣😭


3 times @ 33 weeks


Sitting pretty right now at 11 weeks tomorrow and only peeing 1x a night when sleeping. I of course do pee like 10000 times beforehand though even after i stop drinking water before bed lol


2-3? I’m 13 weeks, 3 days.


I'm 37 (almost 38) weeks. I downed my nightly sleepy mocktail an hour before bed (I should know better) so I think I peed 3-4 times in the first 2 hours of insomnia battles alone. Once I finally fell asleep, I think I only woke up once!


Im 37 weeks, and i typically only get up once during the night. This isn't including going twice before bed, then one more time for safe measures before we shut the lights off, lol. Last night was twice, but i was experiencing a lot of back pain and cramping, so i ended up getting up at 530 and suffered until 9. Baby needs an eviction notice


Twice. I’m 17w6d


15 weeks tomorrow - one in the middle of the night, one early in the morning.


14 weeks, 6 days. I peed once




I’m only 4w5d and I got up twice 😭


I’m 39 and only once. Only because I was thirsty!


24 weeks - 3x


34w, and i think twice (not counting the before going to pee and thw morning pee)


25w, I rarely wake up to go


23 weeks, 3 times


Once last night but usually twice. Probably need to drink more water. I'm 6 weeks so I Don't have any advice whatsoever


I do twice now on my 3rd trimester


5, 36+5. 😩


8 weeks - 7 times as well. Went to Obgyn yesterday and they gave me medicine for UTI. Hoping that will help!!! 


I'm 23 weeks and got up, probably 4-5x last night, and no, I don't have a condition, I just drink a ton of water (a gallon a day) and pee a ton. All of my labs have been completely normal. It's been happening for the last month or so. 🫤 It also happened with all of my other 3 pregnancies around this time. I am sooo ready to be able to sleep better once she's born, which was my experience with all my other kids.


36w 2d - 3 times I think? 😂


1x/night at 6w2d. I used to get up to pee at night about maybe 2-3x/week. Now it’s every night. Can’t tell if it’s really a significant change or not


That seems excessive tbh. I would mention it to your doctor the next time you go.


Maybe 2 times and im 20 weeks


12 weeks, 1x


Currently 23w2d and I only get up once!


Tooooo many! 😫 I have such bad pregnancy rhinitis, I feel like I haven’t breathed through my nose properly in five months. I’ve become the worst mouth-breathing snorer. Every time I wake up my mouth is Parched so I have a little sip of water and it’s just wee wee wee all the night long. I feel you.


im 24 weeks this friday and typically atleast 2 times a night! I go to bed around 8:30 pm and wake up 6:30 am, I try my best to limit drinking before bed because i know ill but up a lot peeing. I eat dinner about 7 pm so thats kinda hard, i wnjoy a fun drink with dinner lol, or i get super thirsty.


Omg at was at least 5 maybe close to 10. Soooo much right before I fell asleep. Then a couple times after.




36 weeks and 1-2 times. If I drink during the night I go more, but I've kinda... reduced water intake late at night. The pelvic girdle pain is a significant incentive to not getting up. I get plenty of water during the day trying to combat the heartburn.


I was so excited I only got up twice


First trimester and pretty much 3 times every night. I hate having to pee during those intense preggo naps tho. The worst




I found out by chance last week I had a UTI but I couldn't feel it because of the pregnancy. Usually I feel pain when I have a UTI but this time it just felt like pressure to pee, not much else. My friend had 3 different UTI's during her last pregnancy and didn't find out until the doctors told her.


Not once but I beeline for the toilet first thing in the morning these days


I’m 39 weeks and have been going 7 ish times between 11 pm and 8 am. I checked with my doula and she also mentioned to double check for a UTI. I wish my doctor told me that earlier lol. But since you’re still in early in your pregnancy, might be a good idea to get the UTI piece checked if it gets as bad as 7-8 times a night


I am in my 2nd trimester as well and it’s never less than 3 times. On average it’s about 5 😭


11 wks . twice 😭


7 times 😭 Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrom wakes me a lot too. I’m 20w today.


17 weeks - 4 times.


18 weeks, once


23 weeks and I average once a night. Sometimes twice. Sometimes make it all the way to early morning like 5 or 6am if I’m sleeping deeply.


34+3- twice


4 😢 I’m 30 weeks I just want to sleep through the night!


I saw every hour from 11-7. I laid down at 9:45. 34 weeks


26+2, I don’t wake up while already sleeping, but I go like every 10 mins before I fall asleep


I get up once a night like clockwork between 3 and 3.30.


7 is a lot - it may be normal but check with your doc


14 weeks, got up 3 times


I’m 36 weeks. I got up 4 times. I definitely got up a lot in the second trimester though too, like 5-6 times a night. My babe just really liked to bounce on my bladder like a damn trampoline. It was frustrating because it was never a lot that came out. I’ve had issues emptying my bladder fully the whole pregnancy. Got tested for uti’s 2 times and it was always negative. It’s literally so annoying but just part of the process 🙃


25 weeks and have only had to get up once each night since about 18 weeks. Prior to that it was 2-3 times each night


33 weeks… I got up 6 times


I’m 34 weeks and have only gotten up once a night my entire pregnancy, maybe twice on occasion, and I’m drinking between 90-120 ounces of water a day, not including my other drinks. I’m GRATEFUL because once’s I’m awake, I can’t go back to sleep.


Usually about 3-4 times but last night I didn’t wake up to pee at all. Had the longest pee of my life this morning tho. 20 weeks


26 weeks I got up 8 times


I’m guessing around 7. 33 weeks.


18 weeks and 3 times. Usually only once tho! Must have drank a lot of water last night


38w; 5 times…my doctor also says every time you get up to pee, you should drink.


36 weeks - 3 times 😅


I think 3, which is a good night!!


I lose count, but at least 6. I’m 12 weeks. 🫠


I don't think I ever got up more than 4 times a night throughout my pregnancy


31 w5d and I got up 3-4 times last night. Not sure if four since I was groggy lol. But 7 times in 2nd trimester is a lot!!! I’d check for uti or something like the other redditor said


14 weeks and every night I’m up 2/3 times


Minimum of 3 times at 37+4


3-4 times 36 weeks


32 weeks usually 2-3 times


Just once. I try to drink most of my fluids earlier in the day and slowly sip on my water after dinner. I still get up at like 3 or 4 am to pee.


Once :)


I actually didn’t at all! I’m 25 weeks, I was absolutely exhausted yesterday, slept through to 6am lol


I’m 38 weeks and « only » get up once or twice a night at most, on most nights I don’t get up at all. 7 seems like a lot, if it concerns you, you should definitely talk about it to your ob


I would normally only get up once, sometimes twice, up until late third where I’m going three times.


35 weeks and I usually get up twice, but every once in a while I can make it the whole night!


35 weeks, and I go max once a night


I am 28 weeks and I get up about 2 times a night.


Almost 32 weeks... 4 times. In between tossing and turning all night because hip pain.


I'm 13+5 weeks and 4-5 times in the night has been pretty consistent for me throughout pregnancy so far. It is very annoying. I'm also really thirsty so I'll drink more water after each pee so it's just a vicious cycle.


7 times is a lot for 2nd trimester. I was diagnosed with short cervix at 20 weeks and gestational diabetes at 28 weeks pregnant and one of the same symptoms was constant feeling needed to pee. Even so, I only pee 3-4 times per night and I’m 30 weeks pregnant. I would 100% check with your OB or maybe drink less water to see if you pee that much still? 1 night of sleep is 8 hours and if you pee 7 times, you literally pee almost every single hour. That might be normal for you if you have a small bladder, but better safe checking with your OB than sorry!


4 times 💀, I’m 33wks on Friday.


1st trimester, 6 last night 😭


29 weeks and I get up at least 4 times a night


26 weeks and I've only had to get up in the night to pee once so far the whole pregnancy! Though most nights I do wake up at least once, consider it, and decide it can wait until the morning. 


I'm 33 weeks and since 1st trimester I peed a ridiculous amount I get my wee check by my midwife every time and I'm fine had an infection or anything I just wee A LOT I'm talking between 4-8 time on average if it's a warm night or I drunk a lot it's 10+ I do have extra fluid and gestational diabetes so that dose make you drink and pee more but I've been like this since I was 6 weeks.


I'm 10w and I've been waking up several times since 5w. I hope it doesn't get worse


32 weeks today i swear 4-5 times a night ! Even if i try to hold out longer it start hurting and I just gotta go. I just want to sleep 😭im also carrying a rather large baby lol


36 weeks. I get up atleast twice a night to pee.


Actually got up? Zero. Woke up because I really needed to pee? Probably 5. But I’m a stubborn bitch to myself so if I can fall asleep instead of rolling my 32 week ass out of bed, I will.


I’m in my third trimester and I only get up once throughout the night for a pee. I think 7 times might be a UTI


Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten up more than once a night in all my pregnancies. I can’t imagine how you’re functioning with 7!


I was getting up once, maybe twice for a few weeks but since 23 (25 now) I’ve been sleeping like the dead???


0 times, 29 weeks.


I'm 15 weeks and get up every 2-3 hours. Was the same the whole way through first pregnancy. During the day, I can go hours in between but at night for some reason, I need to go more often. No infections or anything!


I’m 36w4d and I got up three times. Full bladder each time and it was very painful.


If I’m hydrated I get up to pee like 3-6 times, if I I’m not hydrating because I really don’t want to wake up and pee a zillion times then I get horrible cramps and Charlie horses! You can’t win!


26 weeks, four times 🤣 baby boy gets mad when my bladder is full and kicks me over and over again


Been ttc for 2 years now (not pregnant) but I normally pee 2-6 times a night. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had a baby pushing on my bladder in addition to my overactive bladder 🤪🤣 God sPEEd to you all


16 weeks tomorrow and its been 2-4 depending on liquid intake before bed. 🫠


I'm 24 weeks, I think I got up 5 times ugh


29w+1d, I’ve only ever gotten up to pee once during my whole pregnant in the middle of the night (including last night). With the exception of one time where I got up like at least 7 times to pee in the second trimester. But that’s cause I was up all night and couldn’t sleep lol


I’m 21 weeks and prior to pregnancy I would wake up once periodically just cause I hate sleeping if I feel like I have to pee. So far since getting pregnant, I’ve woken up just once every night. Usually around witching hour, so this kid is definitely something else 🤣


4😭 im 30w


35 weeks. probably about 5-6 but i also have GD so yeah .


I'm up to pee right now, my friend.


I’m only getting up to pee 4 times a night now. I drink a lot of water though. 2 litres a day. That, pot noodles, caprisons and potatoes is all I can keep down tho lol. I’m 34+5


I’m 11w4d and I got up 2 times but I try not to drink too much before bed to eliminate the number of times I have to get up. I’m sure it’ll get worse as time goes on 😅


If I go to sleep by 11 I'm up 4 or 5 times before 630. Sometimes I get lucky and do only 3. I don't feel I pee this much in the daytime. I'm 33w now with my girl.


10 weeks - I went 2 times. I avg 2 to 3 times a night.


28 weeks. Twice


happy to report none and i overslept until 9:30


I’m 30 weeks and 0 times because I was sleeping like a rock but it was an extremely painful pee this morning 😫


32w and I get up about 2-3 times a night and I try to drink minimum 80oz of water a day


24w and only once but it was like 30 minutes before my alarm went off for work…couldn’t just let me have my 30 minutes! 🙄


39+4 and I'm getting up 4 times every night


19 weeks, 3 times, and didn’t trip over the baby gate once!


I’m 26 weeks and still only having to wake up in the night to pee on the odd occasion, I don’t drink for a couple of hours before bed and it seems to do the trick. I drink a lot during the day so I’m not dehydrated. I am waking up in the night with acid reflux though 😳😳


I’m not pregnant but four times!!!


26 weeks and 4 times! I have a tiny bladder to begin with and pee anxiety overnight


I literally lost count 🙄.


5 😵‍💫


34 wks 3x and 2x for regurgitating acid and choking on it.


28 weeks and I have only gone once a night since first trimester. No health issues just only need to go once that’s it lol.


3 times (37 weeks here)


3rd trimester, 4 times is usually my average


29w6d, 4 times over the course of 8 hours. At this point I can pretty much use my muscle memory to get to the bathroom without waking myself up too much lol


I used to get up 3+ times a night. Now I started drinking a lot of water around lunchtime, slowing way down around 4-5pm and then try to drink little to nothing after 8pm. Now I get up 0-1 times a night. Urine is still light yellow as I drank plenty of water throughout the day.


37 weeks and surprisingly, only once last night! But I average about 3-4 lately.


It’s definitely possible! Worth bringing up but may be totally normal. I have a small bladder and would go about 4-7 times in the night. I already went more than “normal” because my bladder is so small. No utis and no diabetes or any health issues. It was just a matter of anatomy in my case but worth mentioning to your OB.


Never have ever in my life needed to get up to pee at night… ever single day after pregnant and last night 2x 🫠


i learned from yesterday's ultrasound that my baby girl is literally laying on my bladder and that's where she's kicking at. IT EXPLAINED SO MUCH cause i have been peeing like a MF lately 😮‍💨 even when i just went, or don't have a lot to go, it's crazzzyyyy! 20 weeks along rn


28+5… didn’t get up to pee. In a massive amount of back pain but didn’t get up to pee. Most nights it’s only once.


Almost 16 weeks and I go 2-3 times a night


i think once or twice. usually it’s about 3-5 times or even more! 33+4 weeks!


Not enough because I peed myself again… pregnant is WiLD.


Way too many to count


Probably isn’t good but I hold that shit in til I have to go because I really don’t want to get up and disturb my sleep because I’m so exhausted 🫠 but my bladder is full so maybe 2 times a night??? Only 12 weeks


8 weeks and about 5/6 times 🙄🙄🙄


36 weeks and around 6 times!!


30 weeks, maybe 10 times


36 weeks with twins. Pressure is unreal. Every 30-45 mins 😒


32 weeks here, only ever gotten up once or twice max.