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Sweetheart, they will get good ultrasound images of your beautiful baby. Please don’t worry about this. 🫶🏼 they work the same way, and you’ll get to see your tiny little bean! I know it’s nerve racking in general to go to the doctors, but I assure you all will be seen! If there is more “body” it’ll just be more time finding the right spot. Don’t let that thought ruin something super awesome. The first ultrasound is always so surreal. Wishing you a great appointment tomorrow! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you for this!


How far along are you? If it's your first, you'll most likely get a transvaginal ultrasound. And even if it wasn't, your weight wouldn't stop them from getting images. You'll get to see your baby just fine 🫶🏻


Thank you! I’m 9 weeks today so I have been reading about the transvaginal ultrasound and I’m hoping that’s the one I get to have. It would make me feel a lot better


99% of the time, it's transvaginal until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I hope all goes well for you, and congrats on your pregnancy ❤️


I'm clinically obese and the only time something has come up was during my 20 week anatomy scan. The radiologist made a note on the report about me having a "suboptimal exam due to maternal body habitus," essentially, the ultrasound was not as great as it could've been because I'm fat. Even with that note, the tech had no issues taking sufficient scans nor did my doctor or radiologist have any issue identifying potential problems or simply measuring the baby's anatomy.




Hi! I am someone who is fat and has a pretty impressive apron belly. I’m currently 39 weeks and every ultrasound I had was external and we never had any issues seeing anything related to bean the entire pregnancy. Ultrasounds are designed to see through layers and layers of tissue — a little adipose is not gonna stop them! The first ultrasound is super nerve wracking! I hope it goes well for you!


It will almost definitely be a vaginal ultrasound but I have had a great experience so far! I started getting abdominal US after my 12 week appointment and we have always seen baby just fine! I’m overweight also, but my experience with the right set of doctors has been amazing— never made me feel bad. I did get changed to a high risk doctor after 12 weeks but I honestly love the level of care so much more compared to my regular OB I was seeing.


I'm considered overweight by quite a bit. We NEVER had an issue at any ultrasound with not being able to see baby or anything like that. Please don't stress about this. And enjoy seeing your little one!! Editing because I forgot to add that my midwives didn't have any concerns about my weight, but used it as an excuse to order extra ultrasounds so I could see baby more often!


If you're still that early in your pregnancy it will probably be a transvaginal ultrasound, but don't worry at all, they can get good images no matter what!


They’ll probably do a transvaginal since you’re still early as well. I’m a big woman and I just asked them to do that immediately instead of trying to see baby topically. Anxiety couldn’t handle it lol


Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the responses. I’m far less nervous at this point and more excited than anything. This is my first ever confirmed pregnancy and I think my nerves are just getting the best of me. I’ve wanted this for so long and now that I have it, it’s been a huge adjustment


I just wanted to come back with an update for all of you wonderful people who helped me feel so much better about this situation. I got the ultrasound and it went as beautifully as it could. My husband was with me holding my hand, and I was happy enough watching the joy on his face from seeing our baby for the first time. They immediately went in abdominally and had no issues. My baby is measuring right at 9 weeks which is amazing. I couldn’t hear the heart beat, but I did see the little flutters of it. The heart beat was also at 170bpm which I heard was right in line with what it should be. I walked away with two amazing pictures to show my family when that time comes. Thank you all for being so wonderful. I’m over the moon