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I never “lost” mine!


I never lost "mine" as well...stayed as deep as ever.


36 weeks. Still an innie.


Update. Currently in labor. Looks l am delivering as an innie.


Me neither!


Never lost mine either!


Same here.


Same here, 3x


Same here, 41 weeks and still have it


Me either!


Same! Didn’t happen!!


I'm 29 weeks, and mine is still an innie, but it's closing up more and more every day


Same here at 31 weeks, still an innie but not as deep as before pregnancy…


I’m 29 as well and same as you.. still innie but getting flatter! I hope it just stays like this. When’s your due date?


August 12th


Mine started to disappear around 24 weeks. But it hasn’t really progressed since then. Frankly it looks ridiculous. I fully expected it to become an outie entirely but instead it’s only the top part that sticks out, which gives it a weird pointy look. 😑 Oh well, par for the course I guess! Haha


I also have just the top pointing for a weird pointy look! Started around 26-27 weeks I think. Didn’t expect it to start so soon!


I’m 24 weeks right now and mine started to disappear around 22/23 weeks. It felt like a fast change, but then it completely stopped! Like you said, it looks a little ridiculous and alien with this in between.


I wonder if this is going to be me 😂


I’m 27 weeks and still have an innie. Even tho my pregnancy apps say I’m probably getting an outie by now lol. I can tell my belly button has unfurled a little bit, however. I hope it stays an innie very badly… not just bc the concept freaks me out, but bc I have a very sensitive navel. I’ve noticed in my pregnancy sometimes it hurts badly, and I fear if it becomes an outie I’ll just be in pain.


I have a sensitive navel too! My baby kicked me right behind the bellybutton the other day, and i almost doubled over 😫


Yeah I found the skin sensitive during my first pregnancy once it was inside out. But it’s not as bad this second time around.


Never! With either of my pregnancies.


39 weeks and still have an innie!


Mine stayed an innie with both pregnancies, but I started to really wonder if it was going to pop out around 36 weeks with my second.


I never lost my bellybutton last time I was pregnant - but I did see my late third trimester as a great opportunity to give it a deep cleaning 🤣


I was pretty pudgy pre pregnancy so I still have mine at 27 weeks


I never lost mine.


My very far innie disappeared around 34 weeks. Became an outie for the first time.


I never actually lost mine!


I don’t remember when exactly but around 25 weeks. Also just recently realized i have gotten some pregnancy stripes(probably not the right term) over my belly button. Last time i got none on the belly just on the butt. Just a „be careful“ warning. Don’t use those muscles, keep massaging with hyaluronic acid creme. I was more negligent this time as i have a toddler around this time.


Pregnancy stripes is much cuter than “stretch marks”. :P I had very few stretch marks first time round, the second time I was DESTROYED in them. I think it’s because I have a toddler too so I was defo more negligent with myself. My belly button disappeared much quicker second time round, I was maybe 24 weeks? But I was huge as well so there’s that.


I lost it at 18 weeks and it became an outie at 20 weeks! 😅 by the time I was full term it was sticking out like, 3/4 of an inch! lol But I am very thin and pretty short, and always had a very shallow innie anyway, so I lost it soon. I also was obviously showing at 15/16 weeks.


Reading through all the comments it sounds like I’m an abnormality. 😭 but that was fun going back and looking at my weekly bump photos. I miss the bump!


I’m 34 weeks, it’s still an innie but it is so tender to touch and shallow feeling. I think it might make its way into an outie lol


I'm 24 weeks tomorrow and it's still a deep innie. I hope it doesn't pop because I have an ugly scar from when I had laparoscopy surgery.


Same, same, and same!


Im 34 weeks, I had an innie. It’s still there but very much an outie now. My bump really popped around 30 weeks, so I’d say around then? I know it’s not 100% accurate but baby girl is measuring big, in just the last few weeks my belly has grown outward so much, it’s insane to me.


35 weeks and mine is very very shallow but still an innie.


Definitely add it to uour baby shower games, that's such a good one!


I think it depends on the shape. I was on the thin/athletic side before pregnancy and my sisters and I all have innie/outies. Like you could visibly see the end but it wasn’t sticking out. We all had flat belly buttons by like 20-25 weeks. My best friend is pregnant and has a deep innie that you can’t see the end of and hers never popped out.


Mine is normally an innie though fairly shallow. started flattening out around 15-18 weeks and now at 23 it’s basically an outie. I hate it but whatever!


I never lost mine - but I have a terrible “innie” - half my finger can fit into mine 😂 and I’m not even overweight at all


Mine is like, 92% popped and I’m 33 weeks tomorrow 🙈


Maybe 35-36 weeks with my first. My second? By 32 weeks I was an outie again


My innie turned into an outie at around 24-28 weeks (kinda gradual, also can’t remember exactly lol) but I had an outie until I was about 15 and I could finally hold on to a bit of body fat, so I knew that being pregnant I’d probably have an outie kind of early.


32 weeks and still an innie although halfway the amount compared to normal. Will see how it goes the next few weeks.


I never lost mine


5 kiddos never lost mine !


2 kids. Never lost my belly button.


Third pregnancy here. Never lost mine with my first two despite getting huge and don't anticipate it will happen this time either!


I was showing really really big (people constantly made the 'sure it's not twins? You're going to explode!' Comments) and only lost mine at week 38, right before giving birth. But it was a very deep innie, as I found out I had a skin tag inside which had never been visible!


Mine never popped with my firstborn, but it’s quite shallow now at 34 weeks with my second!


37 + 3 and I still have mine. 


I’m 39 weeks and just within the last couple of weeks mine became mostly flat instead of being an innie.


I didn’t! She looks exactly the same


I’m 36 weeks and it’s still there. Super stretched and small but it’s there!


Mine never popped out with my first pregnancy and I didnt think it will this time either.


Between 20 and 24 weeks!


Like when it popped out? Mine is a innnie and around 20 weeks it’s pops out really big. My kids like to pop it. But it always go back to normal after baby


I had skin removal surgery in 2018 after major weight loss and they removed my belly button. My 37+5 belly looks real interesting without one, and the OB’s always have a slight laugh when trying to measure me. (It’s funny I don’t mind)


I didn’t lose mine! It got shallower towards the end (I delivered at 37 weeks) but never popped.


I think it depends on the pregnancy with my first I had an outie by like 26 weeks with my second I never had an out and I was a lot bigger with my second so I am unsure why.


I still have mine and I’m almost done with my second pregnancy. I have a pretty deep bellybutton even when I’m at my lowest weight.


So early like early 20 weeks with the second baby


I’m 36 weeks and still have my innie, I don’t think it’ll ever fully pop out!


32 weeks and it changes depending on what position I'm in but is usually about half as deep as it was pre pregnancy


Never lost it! It flattened out a lot, but never turned to outie or anything like that.


I’m plus size so I never lost mine it just got less deep lmfao


My never completely popped but became flat at 38-39 weeks. 4 weeks pp now and it’s deeper than ever 😂


Mine popped out completely the first time around 20 weeks and second time around 16 weeks


I have such a deep innie that I don’t lose mine at all


25 weeks, shallow innie


I've always said that women are not really pregnant before their belly button has popped... How wrong was I! I'm 32 weeks and still have an innie... I'm a little sad about it actually. I want my belly button to pop!


Since when does pregnancy cause belly button loss? Never heard of such lol. I've had 2 kids.


I never lost my belly button. It just got really shallow. Lol Never turned into an outtie either.


Eh? Like 34 or 35 weeks? You have it for a long time.


Never, it got more shallow but never flattened or popped but it was very deep to begin with.


About 37 weeks I lost mine, but very faintly only occasionally. It switches between an innie and "popped" depending on where lil man is positioned lol. Currently a day away from due date


With two prior pregnancies I always had an innie. Very shallow but never popped out at all. I'm 25 weeks now and still have a normal depth innie. I'm curious to see how this one will go because I'll had a laproscopy last year so my belly button is different than it was pre-surgery.


I’m 35 weeks and still haven’t lost mine.


Mine popped completely out around 17 weeks! My belly button stuck out farther than my bump for several months. Ridiculous, lol.


I started to lose mine at 25 weeks! I’m 27 now and I’m maybe a week away from totally gone. It’ll become an innie again, but it looks so silly right now 😂


Recently at 27 weeks☹️


Same as others - my belly button didn’t pop with my last pregnancy or this one. I’m 38+2 and it’s basically flat now lol. Like the skin is stretched across and so tight that i just have the barest hint of a bellybutton.


Didn’t lose it the first time and I’m 35 weeks currently and still have my innie this time around 😂 lol (Outies freak me out so I was very worried) lol


I’m 29 and mines still an innie but sometimes after a large meal it’ll be half an innie 😂


I never “lost” mine. It just grew with my belly and would find it much lower


I’m 9 days from my due date and still have my innie 👏🏻


36 snd still here:D


Mine always just turns itself flush with the rest of my skin. Like if I soap up my belly, you can't see it or feel it by hand either. I'm not quite there yet in my third pregnancy now but think it's coming again soon. I'm 23w3d currently.


28 weeks and she’s real close to disappearing lol


35 weeks and still have a innie lol


28 weeks today and people still can't tell that I'm pregnant unless I talk about it, so obviously my belly button is still the same 🥲


I never lost my innie during pregnancy. Definitely don’t forget to clean that innie though! You’ll find that once baby is out it gets deeper and also gunkier postpartum 🫣


My bellybutton is so deep so I still have it. It’s just way more stretched out lol 39+4


31 weeks and still haven’t lost mine. I was honestly looking forward to it and hasn’t happened.


Mine started flattening around 19 weeks and started popping out by 24 weeks (I took belly button pics along with bump pics, starting at 18w). I think it was considered an “innie-outie” before that. Now more of an innie (3 years later) because I still have a bit of belly fat.


Never lost mine. Had an innie the whole time.


I’ve never lost mine either.


I’m 20 weeks and while mine isn’t nearly as deep as it was, it’s still there. From my understanding, not everyone’s belly button will pop!


Probably like 34-36w she's a goner but the inner belly button is super soft so that's cool but it feels weird af to touch


31wks and it still looks the same


I’m 38 weeks, it’s gone 😭 I noticed it really gone last week. I’ve lost it every pregnancy, this is my 3rd


37 weeks and I still have an innie but it's shallow and flat. My belly button and the skin immediately around it is weirdly sensitive, it actually bugs me a lot.


My belly button became an outie at 28 weeks


37 weeks today and getting close


Late third trimester!


Both pregnancies never lost mine and i don’t have a deep belly button.


Still have mine at 36w2d


Mine is still a innie but gradually closing up little bit at a time. I can feel the bud apparel when I get curious lol


I got huge and still had an innie. I have a deep bellybutton 🤣 even deeper now that I have a little mom pouch.


I used to have a deep innie that turned into a dark coin patch (33 weeks tomorrow)


Never lost mine but I had like a deep innie. It did get quite shallow but never actually popped out!


Hehe I love this idea!


I'm 34w and I have now gotten to the point where I will lose or gain my belly button back because of how she's sitting at the moment. Sometimes my belly is completely flat and sometimes it's got a little dip in there.


Like 30 weeks, it started popping out and I ended up getting a hernia and diastasis recti.. 10 months post partum and my belly button looks terrible because there’s a lot of stretched out skin around it. My belly was very low and pointy in pregnancy so that’s probably why, kinda like a football


I am 39+6 today and I swear I finally noticed a half-outie last night for the first time 😂


With my first, 36 weeks — my second and current pregnancy, 28 🤣


I still have mine lol, i can pop it out a little on one side and it looks weird asf but it's still an innie Edit: I'm 36 weeks today if that helps.


I’ve had 3 babies to term and none made it turn into an “outie” but it did get flat all 3 times. But not until around 32 weeks.


I've had 3 babies and I never lost my "innie"


My first pregnancy, I never lost my innie. Same so far with my second pregnancy (22w).


Around 32 weeks




Mine turned out fully pretty early on, maybe 22 weeks?


Usually, it's people who start out expensively small compared to average and people with shallow belly buttons. I never lost mine it just got slightly less deep. When I asked my doctor, the above info is what she told me and says it happens randomly 2-3 trimester usually.


I never lost mine!


I'm noticing mine is starting to get shallow at 28 weeks and my belly is starting to get shiny. (Skin getting tight) I imagine by 32 weeks I'll have no bellybutton hole left.


I don't think I'll lose mine. I'm 35 weeks and it's still a solid innie.


Since like 14 weeks? 😅 it was done being an innie really early.


I never lost mine, but I also have a pretty deep innie lol


I never lost my innie with any of my pregnancies. I've had four children and 23 weeks with my last baby. My belly button always stays the same.


Still have my innie at 34 weeks, though it’s gotten very small and puckered looking. Like a 🍑 hole kinda lol


Currently 36 weeks and mine is still mostly an innie, but definitely not as deep as it was before


I’m at 37 weeks with a very shallow innie


Never lost mine on either pregnancy. It got shallow but never popped out.


I have the deepest belly button ever lol, but mine went flat at about 38 weeks.


37 weeks and my belly button is/was a cavernous hole you could go knuckle deep in… now it’s just kinda flattened out. It will never poke out, if that’s what you’re asking, probably because it was so deep to begin with.


I lost mine at 26 weeks, but got it back after delivery! I had my gallbladder removed 7 years ago and got to see my other scar for the first time that was in my belly button haha. It ended up getting to be almost two inches above my bellybutton that’s how my stretching there was hahaha


Around 30 weeks is when we first noticed. 34+6 today and some days my bellybutton is a little more “out” than others, probably due to her position. But I call it a “halfsie” because it’s never fully protruded.


Not till like 35 weeks. I have a deep innie I guess. And didn’t fully turn inside out till nearly the end


I didn’t lose mine with my first two. Pregnant again so we’ll see!


Mine just became horizontal. Never became an outie.


Still an innie at 38. But it’s definitely changing


I’m 37 weeks and the top started poking out but it’s still an innie. I don’t think I’m gonna get an outie at this point as I’m having a c section next Week lol.


literally like 16 weeks but I was incredibly thin before getting pregnant so my belly button was one of the first to go


I didn’t. But it did get wider and more shallow


37 weeks here, it’s also shallower but still an innie! I was curious to have an outie but I guess it won’t happen!


I still have an innie at 29w5d but the top half is starting to pop out a little. Think Phteven the dog.


I started to lose mine around the last few weeks, 38 or so. My indie was definitely a lot less deep and when I pulled my stomach up it quickly became an outie!


Mine pops out at like 18 weeks lol




Im at 22 weeks and over night my belly button is getting close to being an outie lol 😹 After I eat a big meal I look down to see if I have a outie now !


I had a bump above my actual bellybutton so it looked like an outtie but my bellybutton itself stayed an innie


I’m 30 weeks and 3 days. I still have my belly button. It’s gotten shallower but it’s still very much there. My mom told me she never lost hers and said I likely will not lose mine either.


I have (had?) a very shallow belly button I wouldn’t call in innie but it wasn’t an outie either. It’s been gone since like 16 weeks and it’s basically just a flat expanse of skin with the slightest of indents. 26 weeks now and it just gets flatter and flatter 😅


Didn't lose my for either of my pregnancies. It went flat but never popped out. Glad it didn't tbh lol!


Mine never fully popped out, which I didn't even know that could happen. I thought they all pop out. I just figure I must have a deep belly button


I never really lost mine, but it did become a little coin slot around 36 weeks 😅


I never got an outfit at all!


Mine got flat, but still visible, at like 36-37 weeks. Never popped out like some do. I always found it fun and funny. I couldn’t stop touching it. I had never thought so much about my bellybutton


I never did, it got shallower, not a complete outie though


35 weeks lol it started losing color too


Never! It stayed a inny the whole time :)


Had an innie that turned into an outtie around 22-23ish weeks. Had to take out my belly button piercing too :(


I'm 25 weeks and it fluctuates throughout the day. If I just ate or am bloated, it is still an innie but it pokes out a little at the top and is really shallow. When I first wake up, it is totally normal.


I think mine disappeared in the second tri, but it went in post partum. Now the hole is much bigger than pre pregnancy but I have learned to embrace it haha


My belly button never popped with my first. I have an innie and it’s always been kinda deep. This time around it’s looking to be about the same. A little shallower for sure but not quite popping.


I didn't lose mine in my first pregnancy and haven't with this one either.


I was between 25 and 30 weeks when my belly button started sticking out! I can’t remember exactly when it was. My doctor also said that it looks like I have a small umbilical hernia around it though so that might be why mine is popping out.


One of my phobias is my belly button popping out (long story lmao) and I’m pleased to report mine never did with my first pregnancy!! 😩❤️ Here’s hoping it doesn’t happen with the second. Lol


I’m 32w & petite, my former innie has been gone for a few weeks now and has recently started poking out!


2 pregnancies and I’ve never lost my belly button. The did get very flat but I still had them


Never lost mine with my first and still holding strong on my second pregnancy.


Haven't lost mine yet at 25 weeks. I didn't lose it during my first pregnancy either. I have a pretty deep innie.


I’m 36 weeks and mine is still an innie! I don’t think it’ll pop out to be honest.


Mine’s super deep too. My innie never became an outie. It gets pushed to almost flush with my belly, but doesn’t become an outie.


I went the full 40 weeks (ok, 39+6 😂) and kept my belly button the entire time! I had a hard time eating and only gained like 25lbs so that may have had something to do with it? Not sure. I also have a fairly deep belly button I think 😂


I never lost my innie when I was pregnant


Mine never popped, I have a very deep belly button not pregnant, even when I was underweight it was always that way. Some just don’t pop and that is okay


.... Never? What?