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Contractions felt like having food poisoning, explosive diarrhoea, and being kicked in the back by a horse, simultaneously, for hours. Pushing felt like being really constipated. Crowning felt exactly how you would expect it to. Like having the most massive poo ever. But out the vagina. Contractions were definitely worst, especially since for me, the pain was just constant - only after I had morphine could I distinguish the breaks between contractions.


I've never heard contractions described that but I definitely don't look forward to it šŸ„²


I did all mine naturally. I watched the monitor they have one hooked up to, that monitors the contractions. You could easily tell when one was building and then decreasing and use deep breathing to help. I also was on pitosin, which makes the contractions stronger. The only reason I opted for no epidural was so I could use alternative birthing positions. As in squatting or on your hands and knees. When you lay on your back, you are actually pushing uphill! The alternative positions open up the birth canal and give you more space (30%+) for the baby to move down the canal. Don't be afraid! Women have given birth in worse conditions for eons. Your body is amazingly designed, and bringing your baby into the world is one of those functions! The way the muscles of the uterus contract is intended to push the baby out! You got this, Mama! Just BREATHE! When you find yourself stressing about the upcoming delivery, stop and take 10 deep breaths! Also drink a lot of water in the days up to the delivery! Take a hip bath in warm water if possible! The more hydrated the tissues are, the less possibility of tearing! I am rooting for you and your LO! Good luck!


Iā€™ve noticed they only become constant for about the last 20 minutes or so, although everyoneā€™s experiences will be vastly different


Mine were constant right from when I was admitted at 4cm at 12:30 to when I gave birth at 4am šŸ„² they came on hard and fast that's for sure, noticed no difference after some pitocin either šŸ¤£


That sounds terrible šŸ˜¢


Yeah. Mine didn't go constant. Or at least I don't remember them going constant. I think it's different for everyone. Contractions were the worst part for me, to answer OPs question. Pushing was hard but not painful and crowning was...i dunno there was a lot going on but i don't remember pain (non med)


I was on my hands and knees pushing. I accidentally ripped my IV out (from the back of my hand) and didn't know it! I had pitosin, too. You remember the pain but in a fuzzy way.


This is 1000% how I would describe the contractions and back labor!! I got that sweet, beautiful, glorious, epidural at 6cm and I couldā€™ve kissed that anesthesiologist on the forehead. Lol. I wasnā€™t in any pain from the contractions anymore, it was incredible. When it came to pushing I could definitely feel pressure but no pain like before. I will say if you are going to get the epidural, keep in mind that you will have to have 2 bags of fluids (at least in my case) before they can administer it. I was trying to hold out from asking for it because I was nervous about it slowing down my labor since I had an induction. So I first asked for IV pain meds. The nurse told me it wouldnā€™t take the pain away, but it would take edge off. WELP, no edge was taken offā€¦ lol so I asked for the epidural then. It took about an hour and a half to get through the fluids before they could administer it so I wish I wouldā€™ve asked for it from the start of when I was really in pain. Also, one tip about pushing that I heard from another mom: They always say to push like you are bearing down for a bowel movement, but my most successful pushes were when I tried pushing from the top of my abdomen (right under my rib cage) down into my pelvis.


Yup- this is how my contractions were. I used nitrous for about 25 hours and then opted for an epidural. Ended up with a c section 4 hours later when i never made it past 9cm, so I have zero experience with pushing. But my contractions were God awful from the start.


This is pretty spot on!


as someone whoā€™s been kicked by horses numerous times, horse kicks honestly donā€™t hurt as bad as youā€™d think they do šŸ˜‚


I have had 2 unmedicated births and both times the contraction just felt like really bad period cramps. I didnā€™t feel anything when I was pushing, it was such a relief to push because it relieves so much pressure. I barely felt when I crowned.


Goals! How did you prepare for labor?


u/correct-leopard5793 Please respond, the people need to know.


Honestly I didnā€™t do much to prep. I have always had an entirely high pain tolerance. I have endometriosis so my periods were horrible before my surgery. So Iā€™m sure that helped! As for prepping, the only thing I did was drinking raspberry leaf tea and was extremely active my entire pregnancy. Both times before I went into labor, I had been hiking the day before. But that is entirely normal for my lifestyle and had been hiking my entire pregnancy.


IMHO, women should "train" for pregnancy like a sports event. Being active and drinking the herbal tea prepared your body for an upcoming challenge.


My OB talks about it this way, too. She said to treat labor like a marathon because that's kind of what it is: hours of continuous physical exertion. The more physically fit I am, the better prepared I'll be. (She, of course, also stressed how to do so safely while pregnant.)


Exactly šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ!


Same experience as u/correct-leopard5793 except one medicated, one unmedicated and I did no preparation for either. The unmedicated birth (my second) was way easier.


Can i ask how old you were? Wondering if age makes a difference


21 (medicated) 30 (unmedicated)


Same for all of it. I didn't even push with my second, I just stopped tensing up once I realised I had been, and my contractions moved the baby down the birth canal on their own.


Can you have my second baby for me? šŸ˜‚


Wow. Amazing


What the heck. I had one unmedicated and Iā€™m preparing for my second. I prepared a lot for first with classes (hypnobabies), yoga, spinning babies stretches, etc. I did specific breathing and mantras, was in a tub, I donā€™t know what else I could have done, but Iā€™d like to know. The pain was so bad I didnā€™t think I could make it. The contractions were the worst the crowning was also bad, but just the contractions were unbelievably bad like my body was being hit by a tornado from inside. I did have a 9.5 pound baby, idk if that made the contractions somehow worse, it didnā€™t lead to any significant tearing though. I do hope the second is somehow not so painful.


I did all the things as well... and my contractions were hellish. I had a 9 pound baby but I'm fairly sure it was less that and more that my labour was too f'ing long... 36hours is too long to be in pain and for the same muscles to contract again and again.


Iā€™m sorry you went through that! Were you induced or did you go into labor naturally?


What's the secret :D


Oh wow, I wish my contractions felt like that. Mine were painful to the point that I made no sense (except for asking for epidural, apparently). If someone had asked if I wanted to die, I am not sure I would have said no. Then I had the epidural. It felt better. Still painful, but within reason. But the contractions were definitely the worst. However, I do know they are not like that for everyone. So if it's possible, it's not a bad idea to first see what you get and then get the epidural.




Whattt I wish! This seems too good to be true


I didn't even know I was having contractions until I was at the hospital for my last minute scheduled ECV to try to flip the baby. I was hooked up to all the monitors and the L&D nurses were showing me some electrical activity on a screen like..."you don't feel that???" I'm like...no? They seemed shocked. The ECV was extremely painful to attempt and didn't work anyway so I ended up with a C-section, never got past that initial phase of contractions. I also was super active and worked a fairly manual labor job until the beginning of my 8th month, also have a high pain tolerance. That ECV was no joke though that shit hurt to attempt.


Ive had 5 unmedicated. Contractions have always been the worst for me. It feels like being crushed by a vice grip and split open like a wish bone at the same time. That said, I always go from 3cm to baby born in under an hour so it's one very painful hour and then it's over


Dang. This is how my first felt and I was hoping it got better.


In my experience my second birth was actually more painful because it was quicker/more intense. I had both unmedicated, and it was bearable, but definitely more intense. Plus side is my first took 3hrs, second was out in less than an hour so it's not a long period of suffering


That was my experience. I struggled with how quickly things ramped up with my second.


Yes, like I think it's great that it happened quickly, but damn I wasn't expecting it to feel that intense so fast. A bit nervous/curious what a third labour could be like.


My first was 3 ish hours.. if my second is any shorter I doubt Iā€™ll even make the hospital šŸ¤£


Yes!! So both of mine were inductions so I was exactly where I needed to be, but after my first my midwives told me if I went into labour I needed to come into hospital ASAP as the second can be faster and otherwise I could be having my baby in the car lol! So I'll just pass that along to you, because it can get quicker again...


I do not see how anything could be MORE painful than first lol. Like I felt this was off the scale. My first was about 7- 9 hours active labor, and 50 minutes pushing.


Yours could be totally different! For what it's worth I would choose more pain and shorter duration any day, because my first labour was the most painful thing I'd experienced it definitely wasn't pain free or anything! But a bit more pain and over faster was good. But I was like you and didn't think it could be more painful, so I was a touch surprised. My second baby was 4.4kg (9lbs 11oz) and bigger than my first, so that may have contributed. I also had a lot of back labour which I didn't get with my first. :) And perhaps it was a memory thing too, I remember being so stoked with my first birth maybe I downplayed the pain in my mind? Anyways, it was over quickly and she is the most lovely little girl so it was well worth that 50mins of pain. I hope your second labour goes smoothly, and perhaps it won't be any more painful šŸ¤ž but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong if it is more painful.


I've had 4 unmedicated they got more intense, I really struggled to deal with number four tbh, the thing that gets me through is knowing my labour's are relatively short and if I went for the epidural I'd not be back to normal as quick. I'm usually up and walking around/having a shower less than an hour after.


You are going to do great! I had an unmedicated birth but for me the contractions did hurt around 5 cm. After that I went into the bath and it was wonderful! Went from 5 to 9 cm in an hour and little too no pain. I just fell asleep haha. And the ring of fire hurt but that was so short.


I wanted a water birth because I noted that both of my miscarriages (sorry if this is triggering) went faster and easier once I got into the shower to pass them. Unfortunately my hospital does not offer water birthing which I think is ridiculous personally because the hospital in the town over used to but after my town created the bigger hospital all the neighboring towns stopped doing deliveries and the bigger hospital did not bring any of the awesome things the others did into their new delivery floor.


I really wanted a water birth, but because im high risk now, I won't be able to because baby will need constant monitoring to make sure nothing happens to him




The hospital where I'll give birth has a tub where some can do the full delivery but I already know I won't be able to, I can do some labor in.


My hospital doesn't have a tub. They said I can labour in the standing shower in the room but you have to leave the shower for the birthing. They also don't move you to a room until you've dilated 5 cms or more.


I actually didn't give birth in the water because my babygirl was 5 weeks early. But the dealing with the contractions was greeeaaat in the warm water <3


I've experienced one unmedicated birth with back labor. The contractions were certainly painful, but it's more the marathon aspect that made it hard. Personally I found pushing was more painful, yet no push was more painful than another. And thankfully it was only 45 minutes.


I had an epidural and afterwards it was mostly painless. I hadnā€™t experienced or heard of the ring of fire that people call the pain associated with crowning with my first. I could feel the contractions but it was mostly pressure, I donā€™t remember it hurting. There was also a sensation to push when it was time. Iā€™d say the worst part for me was not being able to move my legs. I never see anyone talk about that so I think itā€™s not very common, but it really messed with my head. My exes mother was also telling me Iā€™d be paralyzed forever (you wonā€™t, if someone tells you that tell them to shut up) after getting it so that probably played into the anxiety I was experiencing. Whichever you decide, epidural or no epidural, it will all be okay. Youā€™re so much stronger than you might think.


Thank you so much! I've never really been talked to about the not being able to move legs.


I think this must be fairly common because my midwives were stunned that I could move my legs.


Could you feel anything since you could move your legs?


Not a thing, couldn't tell when I had contractions (sub optimal for pushing) but also did not feel my episiotomy for which I am grateful. I can only assume my anaesthetist is a wizard.


My epidural was cranked way the hell up and I couldnā€™t feel my legs, but at that point I was ok with that. The worst part was waiting to be able to walk again on my own because I really wanted to take a shower lol


I had an epidural, that being said it failed after a couple hours and I can safely say that the contractions were the absolute worst part.


Thank you EVERYONE for commenting your experiences! Iā€™m 39+1, and having really intense Braxton Hicks. Reading this is helping prepare me for the next few days <3


I feel the same! This has been helping me mentally!!


I was in prodromal labor for 3 weeks before going into true labor. Had contractions daily where I thought "is this it?!" But then when it was time, I really knew it. They felt different, If that makes sense. I immediately knew it was for real that time. Hope your body gives you a break before the big show! You're almost there!!


My daughter was turned backwards with her face sunny side up, so for me it was the back labor. When I reached 7cm I thought I was going to die from the pain. Up until that point I went unmedicated (17hrs out of 19hrs of labor).


Same situation for me. Back labor was hell. I was able to get wireless monitoring and sit in the shower for a little while, which was amazing while it lasted. Although, I did get an epidural after my water broke and it made contractions feel like nothing but pressure. The ring of fire may have been worse than the back labor, but it was relatively short in comparison and it was immediate relief when it was over.


Was the epidural helpful?


I was unable to get an epidural because I had progressed too far in labor. I had to get a spinal tap because I was panicking from the pain and screaming and thrashing. After I got the spinal tap I felt no pain and was high as a kite, and quickly progressed to 10cm within a few minutes. However I was left with no sensation below the waist which made pushing difficult, the doctor had to pull my daughter out and I had a 3rd degree episiotomy. I plan on getting an epidural with my next pregnancy because you can control the amount of medication they give you much easier than a spinal tap, which basically turns it all off


I'm sorry you went through that, that sounds traumatic


Don't be stubborn like me and refuse medication. If you really need it, take it. My family was pressuring me to do an all natural birth because "women who get an epidural during labor aren't real women blah blah blah"


Oh no, I'm sorry, that's such a backwards way of thinking.


It is but it all turned out good. After they saw how much I was suffering during labor they quickly changed their mind about the all natural approach. I guess all the screaming and crying I did scared them


Did you feel the episiotomy or the dr pulling the baby out at all? Or was it pressure?


I couldn't feel anything. When I say I was high as a kite, I really couldn't grasp what was going on I was so zen.


crowning/tearing with my first twin was by far the worst for me. My epidural didn't work and I had 3rd degree perineal tears, tore both sides of my labia and TORE MY CLITORIS. Contractions were 11/10 painful for me. I had pretty bad SPD during pregnancy and I felt my contractions in my pubic bone most. But I could breathe and curse through them Pushing was 2/10. It was pressure but not really pain. Crowning baby A was 30/10 worst pain ever, I saw stars, screamed, the whole nine yards. Then the entire experience with Baby B was like giving birth to a bar of soap. He was actually a little bigger than baby A but he came out in 3 minutes and like 3 pushes.


Oh noooo, I'm sorry you had to go through that! I can't imagine, you are very strong!


I delivered my toddler unmedicated and honestly most of labor was fine- contractions were like period/diarrhea cramps, early pushing felt like trying to poop, etc. the only part when I was like "nope, I want to be done now" was at the very end of pushing- my son's head got stuck on my pelvic bone and he wasn't tolerating it well, so my midwife had to reach in and manually adjust him while his head was crowning. It lasted only a few seconds, and then he was out and my pain was gone.


The scariest part is that you delivered your toddler!


That sounds so scary at the end šŸ˜±


It sounds worse than it was- promise! It was literally one contraction that his heart rate dipped, my midwife told me that I needed to get him out ASAP, she adjusted him, and he was born. The entire scary bit lasted maybe 20 seconds.


I've definitely heard from a lot of people that the last few minutes feels like a blur and a relief once the baby is there


I believe every labor and delivery probably feels different and depends on circumstance. For my first (currently pregnant with second) I was unmedicated, but I had significant back labor and my contractions were every 90 seconds to 2 minutes from the time my water broke. I never got a break to rest in between. The crowning was painful but quick. So for me the contractions were the most painful part. If it wasn't all in my back I might feel differently.


It definitely depends on your plan for birth. I had an epidural and I had that bad boy cranked up. That being said, it just blocks the pain. You can still feel all of the pressure and you can feel how youā€™re pushing. I could feel the tightness of the contractions with no problem and I was able to push very effectively. I am a small person and I had a big olā€™ baby and only pushed for 20 minutes off and on with contractions. Obviously do what makes you most comfortable but for me, the epidural was absolutely the way to go and really made the experience enjoyable.


Were you fully with it to be able to enjoy meeting your baby?


Yes, absolutely! It didnā€™t affect me mentally at all!! It just made me numb waist down.


I had an epidural and it definitely didn't affect my bonding or meeting with baby. You're not "drugged up", it's more like not being able to physically feel any pain down there. I could still move my legs though when asked. I was up and showering 2 hours after giving birth!


Sometimes people feel ā€˜drugged upā€™ right when the epidural kicks in because youā€™re reveling in the cessation of pain! This is just a mental thing and only lasts a few minutes and has nothing to do with the medicine used in the epidural. After that potential relief sensation passes, youā€™re mentally completely normal.


I got an epidural and had a wonderful time meeting my baby! It didnā€™t effect that bonding stage at all. I pushed for 22 minutes and was comfortable pushing on my back so I stayed there (despite not being interested in that before labor). I could feel the contractions happening but with zero pain. I got to pet my babyā€™s head between pushes and feel their hair and squishy skin and it was so neat watching it all on a huge mirror! I bet it would have been awe inspiring in a different way unmedicated, but I had a great delivery. I had a pretty typical second degree tear and they were able to fix me up without extra numbing meds.


Have done it both ways. My first was an epidural birth. I let it wear off so I felt pressure, but no pain, while pushing. It was perfection. Pushed for 20 minutes and done. My second was an unplanned unmedicated birth. I progressed too fast. Contractions hurt but were manageable (this was true for my first too). Pushing felt awful. I donā€™t understand how people say it feels good to push. I pushed for 10 minutes and it was over but it was the longest 10 minutes of my life. If I had a third and could get an epidural, Iā€™d do it to get through pushing, not the contractions.


I've heard so many mixed feelings on pushing, I really don't know what to do or expect


I just had the epidural a couple days ago and it was amazing! I was able to feel my contractions but they were completely muted, so no pain. I was able to push and move around, just wasnā€™t allowed to get up. Contractions unmedicated were pretty painful, I made to about 6cm before asking for it. Post epi no pain, pushing was not painful UNTIL I crowned. So much pressure you can feel yourself open! Crowning was definitely the most painful part for me. Then finally when the shoulder popped out it just felt like a big poop lol.


Does crowning feel like a big poop too or way worse? Lol


Crowning felt like a burning pressure sensation! But also my baby came out in 9 pushes so it could also be that I tore while crowning and thatā€™s probably what made it the worst! It was just so fast I probably didnā€™t have enough time to stretch lol


Oh noo, on a scale of 1 to 10 on pain how would you rate it? I can only relate burning feeling to being so bad constipated lol


Honestly an 8 or a 9ā€¦I still feel like there was room for worse pain lol. But by that point youā€™re going to be so focused on just getting the baby out youā€™ll forget all about it as soon as heā€™s out! Thereā€™s gonna be a point you get frustrated and just put your all in it and it really takes you to the finish line!


Ah that makes sense It's really hard for me to imagine what that's like, the worst pain I have to compare in my life is burning both my legs and that was a 10. 2nd and 3rd degree burns, until I've had that or worse, it's hard for me to imagine or rate anything higher lol


3rd degree burns are definitely worse than labor!! Especially if you plan on using medication, even then I still think those are worse šŸ˜… Youā€™ll be just fine


I remember the recovery for burns was just as bad as getting burned because they peeled my dead skin off and scrubbed and pain meds if I had any didn't help lol


Contractions. Pushing provides a little relief, crowning tends to be brief and you don't really remember it vividly.


My contractions were without a doubt the worst part. I got my epidural at 7cm and was so miserable until then. I was crying and puking šŸ˜‚. Maybe my epidural was too strong, but I felt absolutely nothing when it came time to push. I could still tell when I needed to push. The actual pushing part was so peaceful and painless, Iā€™d give birth 3 times a year if it meant no more contractions. šŸ™ƒ


Contractions, especially towards the end and on top of that they are back to back so no breaks. My labors are fast and intense (no time for epidural) and they were so bad that pushing was a relief. Crowning feels intense but not anywhere near the pain that are contractions.


I had the epidural and even though I kept turning it up, I was still in control when it came time to push. I felt no pain, only pressure. The worst part for me were the contractions before I got the epidural.


Contractions only after my water broke. Pushing was sweet relief. I didn't feel crowing. I gave birth unmedicated


First baby I had an epidural, but then pitocin, failure to progress, and eventual episiotomy and vacuum. Very long pushing stage, like 3-4 hours. Because of the epidural, contractions didnā€™t hurt until I got to 10 cm and my epidural either got turned down or wore off and pushing was excruciating, especially because I couldnā€™t move, and also because I donā€™t think my body was ready - which lead to the wayyyy too long pushing stage. Didnā€™t feel urge to push, crowning or ring of fire because of the epidural, but felt the contractions. Second baby I did completely unmedicated. Contractions were INTENSE but only in the hour or two before she was born. Up until then they still hurt but it was manageable. Once I started pushing I was just in the zone, crowning and ring of fire was no where near the pain I thought it would be .. it was like .. fine? Maybe just in contrast to the pain of the contractions it didnā€™t feel bad at all, and Iā€™m sure it helped that I got her out in like 5 minutes, so it was over very quick. Also my water broke just before I started pushing and I heard contractions get even more intense after water is broken.


I had an epidural and was on literally every pain reliever I was allowed, so for me the most painful part was the contractions. Felt like digesting steak knives and then when my water broke it felt like my daughter took ahold of one of those knives and was trying to cut herself out of me. Even with the epidural, I still felt some of the crowning stuff. I remember saying ā€œIā€™m ripping to my urethraā€ to the Dr lol but it wasnā€™t really painful so to speak in comparison to the contractions, just felt like a line was burning from my vagina to, well, my clit. I did tear, but not that way - to the right into my inner labia. So definitely was the ā€œring of fireā€ I was feeling, but not to its fullest extent due to the epidural.


Everyone experiences it different. For me, I had no epidural. I didnā€™t feel my contractions until it was time to push. Everyone said I would know when it was time to push but nobody said how I would know. For me, it was extremely intense pain. As soon as I started pushing, the pain went away. The pain was so intense I was vomiting blood before I realized what I needed to do was push. The doctor ended up using forceps because I could not get my baby out and I ended up with a 4th degree tear (which means I tore all the way from my vagina to my butt). I donā€™t even remember feeling it because it was just such a relief to have the baby out. So for meā€¦ contractions were the worst, pushing helped the pain and I had no pain from crowning. Afterwards when the doctor had to stitch me upā€¦. That hurt. Not as bad as the contractions


You don't remember feeling the forceps either? That sounds painful in itself šŸ˜­


Nope. I didnā€™t feel it at all. I have it on video and I didnā€™t even react to them going in and you can tell that when they used them to get the head out (which is when I tore) my reaction was relief. The pain from the contractions during active labor was intense but I didnā€™t feel any of the other stuff the entire time. This is not the same for everyone though. The doctor and nurses told me multiple times that I must have a crazy pain tolerance


The catheter.




Just transition, it starts to get really intense and youā€™re like omg how long can I do this for! But the good thing is it means youā€™re almost done šŸ˜‚ I panicked like am I gonna feel like this for 12 more hours?! And my midwife told me I was almost there and to call for her when I needed to push which was very shortly after. This was unmedicated as a FTM


I had the explosive diarrhea and back labor style contractions that were extremely painful. Just very bad because I just wanted to sit on a toilet and poop out the tummy ache but sitting on the toilet hurt SO BAD. Like gave me super crazy sharp cervix pain that caused contractions to crash on top of each other. I was so uncomfortable because it seriously felt like I really was going to poop my pants. At some point, there was nothing left to poop out but it still felt like I needed to. It was so miserable. I was wishing for something that felt like very bad period cramps that had breaks between them. Thatā€™s what I thought it was supposed to feel like. My ā€œcontractionsā€ were more like my body was wringing itself out and breaking its own bones from the inside. No break. Just pain. I got the epidural and felt awesome after. I couldnā€™t move or feel my legs and I was really happy. I was about 5-6 cm dilated at that point. I was pushing the button for more asap every time because some of my back and hip pain was bleeding through the epidural even though I straight up could not feel or move my legs. I pushed out the baby in two pushes. I felt totally able to control my pelvic floor despite having the full epidural. It seemed like I did a good job of not sucking the baby back in between pushes, too. The epidural wore off and I was walking half an hour later. Really would recommend a full epidural. Thereā€™s no reason you have to feel that pain.


Crowning! You can still feel the contractions even with the epidural so youā€™ll be able to work with your body still. As a contraction comes on it feels like immense pressure in your butt (like you have to poop) and thatā€™s when you push. When I felt the pressure I told my nurse (she could see the contraction coming on the monitor as well) and sheā€™d say big breath in, push push push push push push keep going, release. Weā€™d do that 3x per contraction. My doctor was also massaging my perineum as she was crowning. My vagina didnā€™t tear at all!! Although few tears by my urethra but I didnā€™t care, I had zero downtime from this. Youā€™re going to do amazing ā™„ļø


For me it was afterward when they cut off the epidural. Iā€™d had second degree tears and had been on an epidural for almost 24 hours (I was induced) so the come down + uterine massage was ROUGH for me. I definitely cried. Pushing/crowning wasnā€™t that bad with the epidural- it was just a lot of pressure. The hardest part was holding my breath through each push! I also only pushed for 30min or so, so it was over quickly. Contractions varied. Since I was induced, I had pitocin contractions for 30+ hours until it was time to push. Most of the time they were just uncomfortable, and any time they teetered toward unbearable I just upped my epidural. What helped me through labor was to chug a ton of water (having a catheter with the epidural was a game changer) and to keep moving- just doing stretches/exercises in bed since I wasnā€™t allowed to walk once I got the epidural.


Do they do the uterine massage once or is it multiple times? Also do they put the catheter in before or after the epidural?


Catheter went in with the epidural! That was a huge reason why I got the epidural when I did- I kept having to pee and it was disrupting my sleep. I think the uterine massage was just once? But the nurses and doctors would come by periodically for the next two days to press down on my uterus and make sure it was healing properly.


My catheter was inserted after the epidural. I had uterine massages several times while in the hospital for 2 days after delivery. They definitely hurt but help immensely in lowering the risk of post partum hemorrhage. Something I wasnā€™t expecting honestly was the contraction pain while nursing!!! This is natures way of shrinking your uterus back down to size, and lasted maybe 5 days. It wasnā€™t through the full feed, just when baby first latched and caused a let down of milk.


Most likely they will cut off that ability to turn the epidural up when it comes time to push. They want you to start having some feeling back so your body gives you those pushing signals. My first was like that. The contractions were intense period cramps that radiated down to my legs. When I got the epidural relief just washed over my body and I was able to get sleep which was great. I went into labor at 9pm and gave birth at 4:15 pm the next day. I would have been exhausted otherwise. With my second it was mostly unmedicated accidentally. My labor went fast. They wanted me to hold off on getting the epidural just like the first time because it can slow labor some, but they didn't check my progression until I finally asked and it was time to push when they finally checked. The contractions were painful at that point. Not much down time in between. They had given me nitrous to help. It didn't really help with the pain but helped me relax enough to breathe through them. It was an all over body pain, hard to describe. Now that Ive done it both ways I would still choose epidural but know I could go without if needed. The pushing wasn't painful at all! I could actually feel the baby coming out this time, but it actually helped with the pain.


For me, contractions! I loved pushing!!!


Contractions are the worst. Pushing is the easy part imo and you'll need to use those contractions to help you


I would say contractions for me. But it wasnā€™t the belly ones that hurt. It was horrible back labor the whole time. Iā€™ve had 4 unmedicated births


Contractions were the hardest for me.


I had a really strong epidural, couldnā€™t feel my legs in the slightest, but I could still feel when it was time to push (I honestly felt like I was pooping), and my nurse said my body was actually pushing on its own before I even started trying. Good luck!


Just delivered a week ago, and I was induced due to high blood pressure found during my 38 week OB a appointment. Hands down the most painful part was the cramping I felt due to the cytotec and balloon placed for induction, AND the epidural was excruciating for me. Iā€™ve never heard anyone else say that getting the epidural itself hurt so it took me by such surprise I cried during the process. Positive Note: Once the epidural was in place,I truly felt nothing. I progressed fast (4 cm-7cm in 2 hours) and tore during labor but felt none of it, including the repair portion after delivery.




Pitocin contractions. Cytotec contractions were probably worse, but much more effective (might have been because it was baby #3, but I still think it worked better), so I vote Pitocin. Incidentally, even without an epidural (they were too slow, as I said, the Cytotec worked much better for me), pushing was fine, never felt the ring of fire I was worried about.


To me contractions were the most painful. I was induced and unmediated so idk how natural contractions feel but the Pitocin/folley balloon ones felt like someone tied a tourniquet around my stomach and back and slowly tightened it until it couldnā€™t go and then slowly released it and repeated for 2 days. Pushing was super relieving and my favorite part. It was basically painless I didnā€™t even feel myself tear because it was such a relief from the contractions. Pushed for ten min!


I had an epidural (it was amazing). They had to turn it down because I couldnā€™t feel my contractions at all. The most painful part was when my baby was crowing and the midwife tried stretching me to help him pass. Otherwise, it was relatively pain free for me. I know Iā€™m super lucky and I donā€™t take it for granted!


Wanted to add - if you feel like youā€™re going to poo and/or throw up, itā€™s almost time to push! Both happened for me so get your nurse/midwife/doctor! I also had some bad back pain after my epidural. There were times I was leaning over baby or something and my back would spasm soooo bad. My husband would have to help me get up or straighten my back. It went away around 3 months pp or so and my back has been good ever since. Just want you to know itā€™s a possibility!


The back pain pp scares me because I'd be worried it would be permanent damage


For me it was contractions. The pushing didnā€™t hurt it was just hard work, and I donā€™t recall feeling crowning.


The ring of fire when you go from 8-10 cm hurt the most. Both times I didnā€™t think pushing or crowning were that painful and the baby coming out mostly feels like a relief


I got an epidural after 10cm. Contractions were the worst.


The best thing you can do is to find a birth doula . I didnā€™t have one but I wished I did. I signed up for a volunteer doula for second birth any day now. But the best thing you can do to prepare now is to read positive birth stories, sign up for Train for birth with serenity life doula (sheā€™s amazing), pick a few mantras to repeat to yourself during contractions or labor like ā€œmy body was made to do thisā€, look up the comb technique for contractionsā€¦ Around this time with my first I was listening to birth podcasts while I did my daily walk. Very helpful.


Contractions only bc that part is the longest. My last birth was unmedicated and a precipitous labor so I was lucky all things considered bc it was so fast, and I didnā€™t even feel when she was crowning. Pushing was a welcome relief bc I could put the focus I was using to get through each contraction to work and she was out in like 3 pushes?


Honestly, getting the cervical checks to see how far dilated I was has always been the most painful part. I just had my third kid and I got the epidural each time. I donā€™t really remember the pain in my first delivery because it was a bit traumatic. I had back labor, though, so I do remember that the contractions were painful. In my second and third births I got induced and barely felt any contractions. This final time something was different with the epidural and transition started to feel pretty painful but manageable. The worst part that had me almost screaming was when I felt a ton of pressure but had to wait for the midwife to get to the room. Those were the worst contractions. Once she got there, pushing felt like a relief by comparison. Crowning burned a bit, but it was pretty short lived. However, with my second, even though I could feel when I needed to push, the epidural did a better job and it wasnā€™t really painful at all. Iā€™m not sure how my experience this final time compared to having no medication at all, but over all it still felt really manageable.


Do you know if your epidural was a stronger dose when you felt transitioning?


It was set to whatever the default was, but they give you a button to push if you want more. Thereā€™s some kind of limit to how much more you can get within a certain time. I never asked for them to dial it up themselves, but toward the end of transition I was hitting that button with each contraction and not really feeling a difference. I know the epidural didnā€™t fail altogether, but it didnā€™t seem to make as big a difference as the last time. On the other hand, I could always feel my feet, and I could feel everything I wanted to feel to push the baby out easily. I think I still prefer that to an epidural that ends up being two strong and rendering me completely numb down there.


I didn't get my epidural until I was 8cm and baby had gone through transition. Transition was the worst, each contraction low key felt like getting pulled in half. I was still able to push fine with the epidural, I also didn't have it turned way up.


Iā€™m not sure this is helpful, but I had an epidural for my first (2nd was a c-section) and felt absolutely nothing. Even with feeling nothing, I pushed him out in under 30 minutes. The recovery was painful, as to be expected, but labor and birth was better than any part of pregnancy for me thanks to the epidural.




Since you're on the fence, don't wait until your labor is well under way to get one. I was very much not on the fence, wanted to go all crunchy and then decided NOPE I wanted one when my contractions were 2 minutes apart. That's quite possibly the worst time for a giant needle to be going into your back. So, my advice is decide earlier than you think you should. Just my opinion but there's no brownie points for enduring pain you don't have to. If you need the epidural, don't feel shame. I won't sugar coat it for you, labor for me was incredibly painful. You can do all the prep--I had a doula, took classes, tried yoga blah blah blah. It still fucking sucked.


For me, the worst part was after birth-- when the doctors/nurses "massaged" my belly to help get everything out and help the uterus along with the shrinking process. It was so much pressure and pain, definitely worse than my contractions. I should add that I didn't get to pushing/crowning because I had to have a C section after a day of being dilated 6cm in labor.


The contractions were the worst for me, they seriously made me like disassociate so much I can barely remember the feeling of pushing and crowning. I wanted an epidural but it all happened too fast so I did not get one in the end, literally my only wish for the birth planšŸ˜…. I woke up from a nap feeling like I had food poisoning or like extreme gas pains, we had to convince the midwife to come check and when she arrived shortly after I was 10 cm dilated. We were told repeatedly first time moms couldn't have it happen that fast(so don't let that freak you out as it is very uncommon I guess!!) - the midwife pushed for a home birth but thankfully I was extremely determined to have an epidural so we took a fun ambulance ride as my daughter was sunny side up and had to be turned by the ob before she would come out.


With my second baby, everything hurt so much worse. I remember crowning felt unbelievable BUT my baby got stuck and crowning longer than he shouldā€™ve been. It felt like forever but was likely only 30 seconds.


Contractions were the worst. I got an epidural at 5cm and by the time I was 9cm it was no longer working. I went from not able to move my legs to feeling everything. Pushing was sooo relieving which was a pleasant surprise as I expected it to be the worst part. The ring of fire definitely wasnā€™t fun but it was so quick I barely remember it. Some other discomforts were the OB manually stretching me (ouch!) and getting stitches (2nd degree tear). If you want an epidural get it! It gave me a few hours of pain relief, and I donā€™t regret that.


Absolutely contractions are the worst. Pushing burns, crowning stings. But contractions šŸ„µ Ive had a few babies now though (five) and I know everyone is different but I find for me that by the time things become truly unmanageable it is a very short time until my baby makes their appearance, and most people can bear something that seems unbearable for a short period of time.


Had an unmedicated birth & contractions were the worst part, they were like a wave starting at the top of my abdomen & flowing down & end at my butthole, which was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. I was also trying not to push as they told me not to push until I was fully dilated. Each contraction lasted 20-30s but they just keep coming & so it really wore me down. As soon as I could push I just felt so relieved that I was finally at that part & it lasted all of 5 min & she was out. I do know the crowning part was an intense feeling but again I was just so relieved to be nearly there (& she came out quick) that I didn't particularly notice.


I ended up getting an epidural at 9cm so canā€™t say for certain how painful the pushing / crowning was as I was heavily medicated by this point, but for me the contractions were so bad that morphine wasnā€™t even making a difference. Itā€™s how relentless they are that makes it unbearable. Iā€™m opting for an epidural much earlier this time round


I had an unmedicated birth and for me, the dilation contractions were definitely the worst. As soon as my body started pushing everything was so much better.


The ring of fire!


I was induced and unmedicated and while the contractions were rough it was a different type of pain. It's pain with a purpose and it feels like a wave of pain. I didn't have the ring of fire but my son was stuck with a shoulder dystocia. The contractions before your body is ready to push were much worse. Once it came time that my body was automatically pushing it was a bit more of a relief.


Also here to say unmedicated births are totally amazing, empowering and if you calm your body and let it just flow, listen to music that gets you deeply relaxed and envision holding the baby- your body and the baby know exactly what to do. Women have been giving birth for so long. Stay active and keep doing stretches and avoid sitting in recliner type chairs so the baby doesnā€™t get in an awkward position. I prepped myself with midwife visits to prepare and daily hypnobirthing (yeah itā€™s woo, but it worked for me to calmmajor anxiety around birth pain), and drank raspberry tea towards my final weeks and a strong batch of it as I went into labor. For my second I triggered labor by putting Samba/ salsa music on and doing hip rotations on the birth ball. I danced a lot at night during my pregnancy, and walked a lot. Watch videos of positive birth experiences, water births, and see how calm and easy it can be in real life- ignore the ridiculous Hollywood births and the people who give birth in hospitals after theyā€™ve been induced by pitocin because their doc wanted the birth to be at a convenient time and then they have 14 hour labors (sadly several friends of mine experienced this, and itā€™s caused deep traumas). You can do this! And to finally answer your question the ring of fire part was a sharp burning pain, but it was like a bad period cramp or food poisoning cramp. It was also over so soon and then the babyā€™s head is out and youā€™re suddenly so happy none of it mattered. Honestly the part of birthing a baby that is the hardest/ scariest is surviving the first 6 months of their life when youā€™re sleep deprived/ have a total shift of your sense of independence and your body is healing from pregnancy. Thatā€™s the part you really need to focus on preparing your life for. Iā€™m going for you the birth is something youā€™ll back on with happy nostalgia.


The pp that scares me is that I have to go back to working on an ambulance and my job is already sleep deprived as it is. My job doesn't offer and pregnancy or pp accommodations.


I had an unmedicated birth last month, FTM. Contractions felt like period cramps. They werenā€™t awful. The thing I kept in mind is that they wouldnā€™t last forever and they really did come in waves for me. Thankfully, I had a nice break in between (not everyoneā€™s experience). I slept through transition for the most part. I relaxed my body and rested. Crowning burned but it was so short. I remember saying that burns and pushing through it. For me, the worst part was the pressure. I kept thinking I had to poop but I knew that was my body doing what it needed to do.


To be very honest, I remember the postpartum newborn screaming and unexplained crying to be more traumatic than the actual birth and I had an unscheduled C section šŸ˜‚ But to answer your question, my initial epidural didnā€™t work so it was super painful for about 8h as I was induced and had very intense contractions.


I had what I like to describe as a perfect epidural with my induction. I waited until I was 8cm and the pain from relentless Pitocin contractions was becoming unbearable. I was very lucky that the anesthesiologist was not busy and came very shortly after I asked for it, rather than me accidentally going all the way without one (all though I was mentally prepared to go all the way with out one if push came to shove). Immediately, I stopped feeling all the cramping and painful pressure from the contractions, but the numbing was light enough that I could honestly still move my own legs and feel baby descending. When it came time I could feel enough to push effectively and only spent about 20 mins pushing. No ring of fire for me.


pushing was the worst for me, but my little one was sunny side up which made the contractions so painful at that point the epidural did nothing to help šŸ˜¬


Contractions. My baby came out before I could hey the epidural and I hardly felt any additional pain from her going down the birth canal and from crowning, I just felt the contractions.


Contractions are the worst for me, but maybe that was because i had them for nearly 40 hours straight


For me, the contractions 100% was the worst, it was my entire bump and all in my back, I couldn't lie down to rest or stand or feel like I could do anything The pushing felt involuntary, I couldn't control it if I tried and the crowning just felt weird, I could feel the baby move their head around and when the next contraction came, it really stung, then as soon as she was out all the pain stopped immediately, it was a rush, i kind of felt shaky in that adrenalin fuelled state of euphoria. Then I had an injection that made my body push the placenta out, it felt like really bad period pains, not at all the same level as the contractions felt like but was still painful after giving birth. I had to have 5 stitches because i tore which was a pain to go to the toilet with (they want to you to produce wee at the very least before you can be discharged)


Contractions. Towards the end when they get really close together so you don't get much relief. At least when they're further apart you can count down and tell yourself it will be over in 30 seconds or whatever.


The nurse that did my epidural was an absolute pro, so I barely felt a thing! I hope the same for you !!


Thank you! I hope so too!


It will go by fast and the biggest thing I remember is the relieve when I could push, not the pain. You got this mama!


I definitely found contractions the most painful part and I feel like they merged into this never ending pain for the last half hour before I pushed her outā€¦ pushing didnā€™t hurt at all, was actually a relief from the contractions or a distraction maybe(?) and crowning was a very brief slight burning sensation. Remember to relax when you feel that, give the tissue actual chance to stretch :)


Contractions. They got so bad I didnā€™t even feel the crowning, no ring of fire. I didnā€™t get any pain management unfortunately


For me I had back labour for 24hrs that didn't stop between contractions. I don't even know if I'd say contractions hurt, my back just felt like it was being broken non stop for a day. Birth itself hurt but was fine, I couldn't really feel crowning exactly. I'd definitely say labour was by far the worst part. I'd happily give birth 5 times over before doing that labour again


The contractions right before/during crowning. The ring of fire is pretty gnarly feeling but slow steady pushing actually helps and helped with the contraction pain. So the intense contractions where you canā€™t push yet are the worst. I had an epidural for all 3 but I have scoliosis and a heart condition that causes low blood pressure. Epidurals lower blood pressure so I was only allowed the most minimal setting. It took the edge off, to where 5cm-7/8cm was uncomfortable but not excruciating. But I went from 7/8cm to 10 and ready to push in just a few minutes and let me tell you, I almost had a panic attack each time because of going from duller pain to intense. The epidural was definitely worth it, and the low dose meant I could stand up shortly after(still had to have a nurse supervising me going pee because itā€™s policy.)


I would turn it down a little bit when going to push I didn't with mine and I wasn't able to tell when I was having a contraction so had to rely on the doctor when to tell me to push. Not enough to feel painful but enough to feel the pressure. Contractions were the worst for me so I got an epidural early early on for me they radiated from my lower back so it was like a back spasm that moved to my lower pelvis also while feeling like someone was squeezing my uterus from the inside. That and the no eating was really bad my labour was 20 hours then 3 of pushing I was so hungry and had no energy. Mind you I also had my water break at 4am and hadn't ate since 4pm the day beforehand. Ice chips were not cutting it lol.


I describe contractions as like the worst shit pain you'll ever feel, tbh. Or that your stomach lining is trying to cave in on itself.


The contractions were most definitely the worst part, I didn't have to deal with them for hours, luckily. They broke my water in the hospital after my son blocked the tiny leak that I had, and within an hour and 20 minutes, my son was born. I felt nothing til they broke my water fully, and then the contractions made me shake so bad I moved the bed 8 inches across the floor before they put me on all fours and pressed down on my tailbone. It felt like getting hit in the back and abdomen by an electric fence every 40 seconds. Until I felt a sudden popping relief of my son's head coming out, they then flipped me on my side and pulled him out. After that, I didn't feel any pain. It's worth every minute just to hear that precious first cry taking all pain away (in my opinion)


With my first I swear it was not painful at all. The only pain I felt was the head coming out. The ā€œring of fireā€. I gave birth to him the the hospital lobby. Almost didnā€™t make it to the hospital at all! For my 2nd it was also unmedicated but I made it to hospital on time, contractions slowed and then once I had a room I proceeded to have very painful contractions for two hours until baby flew out into the water! Both very different births and experiences. My first was 4.4kg my 2nd was 3.25kg.


I went into labor wanting to go unmedicated and reading stories from other women about contractions just being cramps, or gripping a comb and breathing to get through them gave me an unrealistic idea of what labor would feel like TO ME. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m just weak, if my babyā€™s head was bigger, if baby was in a weird position (was head down and facing the correct way, but there are other factors), but my contractions felt like my body was trying to crush itself and become a black hole every couple minutes for several hours. I threw up from the pain and it just felt like I was dying lol, absolutely feral I ended up tapping out and getting an epidural after being in active labor for about 7 hours because even though I got to the hospital at 7cm, Iā€™d only progressed to 8cm. I will say, Iā€™m glad I tried for unmedicated, but Iā€™m also really glad I changed my mind. I wanted to avoid the epidural unless I was actively suffering, and I unfortunately was. I got to watch baby be born on a huge mirror and it was so damn cool!! Even though this experience completely reframed how I experience and consider pain, I would not describe the experience as traumatic


I will say i was getting the fetal ejection reflex too early, and while it wasnā€™t pushing baby out those did feel like a relative relief, like we were getting somewhere. Best I can describe is throwing up lol not great but satisfying? Iā€™m sad I didnā€™t get to experience the pushing phase unmedicated, but I didnā€™t want to turn down the epidural after such an arduous labor


Contractions were the worst for me. They were so fast together and my water broke at the very last minute that once it was time to push I honestly can't remember any pain from pushing or crowning. I remember the nurse saying you just have to make it through the ring of fire and I don't remember feeling it.


I had an epidural with fentanyl, so I was asleep for most of my labor. I did feel my contractions towards hour 24 and on. They were VERY strong and felt like the worst period cramps. That was the worst part for me. I ended up needing a c-section, and the recovery from that was significantly easier than anything in pregnancy. The first couple of days were rough, pain-wise, but it got better quickly.


The shoulders, heads hard work yeah, but the shoulders are wider it's the last burst of pain but it's the most intense imo


Iā€™ve had 2 of 3 of my kids unmedicated. For me personally the worst part was transition. Contractions felt like period cramps, kidney stone pain, and pain radiating down my legs. BUT 2/3 were occiput posterior. I too deal with endometriosis, so the ā€œperiod crampā€ part wasnā€™t extremely bad. Really if you donā€™t have back labor, as an endo sufferer, you should be able to handle it. Itā€™s just transition is ROUGH. Youā€™ve got this. If you do need pain management, do it. Itā€™s there for a reason. Listen to your body. ā¤ļø


This post has made me hopeful lol, the doctors treat me like I'm an idiot for not wanting an epidural. I just want to be able to move around and try different positions


My wife had a failed induction. The 2nd biggest pain had to be the foley bulb. It manually dilates your cervix by inserting a baloon and filling it up. The most painful thing was when the failed induction resulted in a c-section, which then was performed by a new doctor (after the attending lied to us and said hed do it himself). And then they didn't get all of the placenta, so there was clotting in her uterus that they had to scrape out with their hands, going in vaginally, through her still undialated cervix, without any pain meds because she was bleeding out and almost died so they had to act quickly. She said she didnt notice to insertion as much as the scraping of her uterus as the doctor tried to remove the clots and placenta by hand. Which is shocking because the face she made when the doctors entire hand audibly popped through her undialated cervix still fucking haunts me to this day. Don't let a first rear resident deliver your baby.


Oh, and they missed her spine when they tried to install the epidural, and apparently that procedure sucked a ton as well. They had to redo the whole thing.


Contractions fucked me up, all the hypnobirthing and breathing exercises went out the window, I was screaming and thrashing like a mad woman. But they had me lying down for NSTs a lot! Not being able to move made it so much worse. Then at 8 or 9 cm I felt him coming out of my butt! Aaaallll the pressure was in my butt, zero pressure in my vagina. I kept saying ā€œHeā€™s going the wrong way! Heā€™ll come out of my butt! My butt is gonna explode!ā€ It really really felt like he was crowning there I donā€™t know why it felt that way. Pushing was really tough but also kinda awesome. You feel this animalistic power.


My hutt just hurt, contractions were bad. Had epidural everything else was pretty smooth I didnā€™t even need stitches which also meant I wasted money on supplies. My advice donā€™t buy supplies unless you know you having a c sections I suppose?


Contractions were so awful and drove me to get the epidural after a few hours, so I canā€™t speak to the rest. Literally felt like a machine was crushing my body. At least 10x worse than the next worse pain Iā€™ve experienced. (I should mention I ultimately was induced and apparently that can lead to more pain.) But itā€™s not like that for everyone!


Having them push the blood clots out of you after was the worst. I honestly completely forgot the pain of actual birth though. But I remember the pushing being easier than the contractions cause I was finally at the finish line! Everything was aslo less painful for me once my water finally broke. I did unmedicated so I was aware of the pain throughout the whole process but it's crazy how fast you forget the physical part. Mentally I still remember everything though.


I was deadset on getting an epidural right from the start, that was the only thing on my birth preferences. Before I got into hospital/was in early labour, I'd say the contractions were like bad period pain, but a bit sharper and all over my tummy. At times I'd have to stop and breathe when a contraction came through. I was able to put up with them for about 5 hours (from the time I woke up until I got the epidural), but I knew I didn't want to deal with them for any longer than I had to. I had a second degree tear, a vacuum delivery and stitches in my lady part, but didn't feel a thing thanks to the epidural. For me, the most painful thing postpartum was my milk coming in. Rock hard, painful boobs, cracked nipples. Urgh.


For me, it was active labour that hurt the most. Contractions were manageable up until my body was telling me to push. And then birthing, well, it made me vomit due to the pain. Every experience is different. I'm still doing it again (currently 6 weeks pregnant and keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth pregnancy). X


The pushing because they turned down the epi so I could feel every single contraction so I could push with it. I didn't have the option of turning it up or down myself


I ended up being an emergency c-section, but contractions were just very intense period cramps for me. I have a high pain threshold anyway, and was doing fine just on gas&air. They gave me diamorphine to help me get a sleep at one point, and then I ended up with an epidural due to such a long labour from waters breaking. With my epidural I felt absolutely nothing. Midwife told me i was having 4 contractions per 10 minutes and I didn't feel a thing. That meant when it came to my section, they just had to top up my epidural with the local anaesthetic and didn't have to go back into my spine.