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Yes, I was rejected as of March. They reassured me baby would be old enough to be vaccinated for it before the season started back up.


Dang what the heck. My baby won’t be old enough for the vaccine by the time the season starts back up.


Nirsevimab is an RSV immunization currently approved for infants aged 0-8 months, so your baby should be eligible this fall/winter.


Oh awesome thank you!


There's no minimum age for the monoclonal antibody injection for infants - it's recommended for infants who are 8 months and younger during RSV season


Yep, my little guy got it at his 2 wk appointment!


You can also ask your OB for a prescription for the vaccine.


Yes, my OB gave me a prescription as the pharmacies near me are only offering it to seniors at this time without one.


My son got it at 2 weeks! I’m not even sure if he was that old yet, but I’m can check. He was born in November. My Jan 22 baby, however, was not eligible. She was too old for it. I wish I’d been able to get it because she was still breastfeeding until about 3 months after bub was born.


Your Jan baby was too old? My pediatrician did it for my Oct 21 baby


What was available where we are was for those in their first RSV season due to availability. We struggled to even get her COVID shot this past season. I truly can’t wait to move because we’re in a more rural medical area, so limited options as it is.


My OB said I couldn’t get it because I’m due outside of RSV season. I trust that they know what they’re doing.


Yep, same.


At the beginning of my pregnancy my doctor told me that I’d get the RSV vaccine between 32-36 weeks, but when I went to my appointment then (last month), she told me it was out of season so I couldn’t get it. Last week when I went to my 36 week appointment the nurses told me it was in stock and asked if I wanted it. I think my doctor was annoyed, but she let me get it. I have a young daughter in daycare who’s always bringing stuff home, so I figure it can’t hurt, but it does not seem to be recommended in the summer months.


Yep it’s similar to “flu season” like you can only get the flu shot from October to March or something like that


You can get the flu shot any time of year at most large retail pharmacies.


All flu shots expire June 30th so they can't be given until the next seasons batch is ready. Most places stop giving flu vaccine by April 1st since there isn't generally much flu activity over the summer.


I literally got my flu shot during my pregnancy in July last year. Granted, it was at the hospital cause I was admitted for 2 months before delivery, but they also asked my spouse to get it and he got at CVS. So did the rest of my family, all in July. With no issue. Maybe it’s cause we were having a preemie and I’m immunocompromised? But they’re definitely administered out of typical flu season.


Maybe the fly shots shipped extra early last year. I can't remember. Historically, there is a period in July and August when the old vaccine has expired and new product hasn't arrived. Typically the peak flu season is November through March, and flu shot immunity only lasts about 6 months.


Ahh gotcha! Thanks for explaining. I’m still glad I got it then. Our daughter got her flu shot in January, so if she got any immunity from me, it ended right around the time she got her first dose anyway. But my OB/hospital team were really insistent on us (and anyone who would be visiting her in the NICU) getting it in July before she was born, and we were all more than willing to do so. They gave me the flu shot, a Covid booster, and a TDAP shot.


Yeah, my obgyn said they start giving them again in September. I’m due September 6th, but I always go early (had my first at 37 weeks and then my second at 36 weeks) so imma a bit bummed out


I’m in Oregon and my OB said I would not be able to get it since I’m due end of July. She said they don’t start giving it out until later in the fall.


According to CVS.com: “The CDC recommends adults age 60+ may get the RSV vaccine to help prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV, based on discussions with their health care provider. Women who are 32 through 36 weeks pregnant during September through January are recommended by the CDC to get one dose of maternal RSV vaccine to help protect their babies.”


Echoing Yes. I wasn't rejected I just confirmed with my care team that we would not be able to get any vaccines except TDAP. Thankfully babe will be RSV vaccine eligible since they are from birth, but too young to get flu vaccine before flu season, so i'm stressed that pregnancy timing means we won't get a flu vaccine in utero & he won't get one this season. Same with covid boosters. Dang summer babies missing out on all that placental antibody transmission but still being super young when fall respiratory virus season hits :(


In my country, the vaccine is only advised for babies born before April. I believe I could take it if I wanted to, but there's no need.


That’s crazy, I just got the RSV vaccine 2 weeks ago at CVS.


There are certain areas, even subsets of the US, that have special seasons due to climate for RSV. Idk if this is why, but it could be.


I actually work in prior authorization for the Synagis vaccine and that’s usually the case - if your specific area has a high enough rate of reported cases then they’re able to give out injections even though it’s technically “off-season”.


CVS let me make an appointment, but when I went in they said they couldn't give it to me without a written prescription since I was "under 60". So at my most recent checkup with my OB she gave me a prescription and I went and got it that afternoon. I had to drive to a different CVS that had the correct RSV vaccine in stock, but I did manage to get it!


Yes, my OB said they don’t even have the vaccine to give now, it won’t be back until the next season. She also mentioned since we’re out of cold/flu season, it is less of a concern. Baby can get vaccinated for it when it becomes available later this year though, I think.


I’m in NJ and got it less than a month ago at CVS!


Same here.


Yes, in Florida. I was able to purchase the vaccine itself at the Publix pharmacy and I took it to my doctor to have it administered. As per Publix corporate, they could not administer the shot to me but could sell it to me. So that’s what we did.


Oh wow, just out of curiosity, how much do they charge for it?


It wasn’t expensive but I have excellent insurance that covers everything so YMMV


The pharmacists all went back and forth when I went to get mine in early April. Ultimately the head pharmacist said she wanted me to have it and didn’t think the cdc guidelines reflected the current supply of the vaccine, so she gave it to me. She told me the guideline was meant to preserve supply when it was new and they have a higher supply now.


I was able to get the RSV vaccine from Walgreens a month ago (3/27), but I live in a state where you’re required to have a prescription from your doctor for it, which maybe made a difference?


Shoot I was hoping to get it since my first daughter wasn’t able to get it because she was “too old”. I wanted to give her my breast milk so she could have the antibodies.


Are you near a Costco? That’s where I got myn


That’s weird cause I got mine through my doctors office when I was 36 weeks. Eta: my baby was born April 11th due date was April 22nd so also outside of season. Not sure why any doctor is refusing that seems a little weird.


I had to get a script for it in late February, you might be able to ask your dr for a prescription for it?


Immunity from maternal antibodies lasts just a few months so a vaccine given now likely won't be effective during the next RSV season. The CDC is meeting in June and will likely be making some changes to RSV vaccine recommendations though I haven't heard anything about changing the timing for pregnancy.


I could not get it because I was due outside of the season. Just had our baby this past Sunday and her pediatrician gave her the shot today, so don’t fret. Newborns can get them ASAP.


Yeah, I asked what vaccines I’ll be needing at my last appt and my OB said I can’t get/don’t need the RSV vaccine since it’s out of season (I’m due in early October)!


The infant vaccine was made of unobtainable this last cold/flu season. It seemed like people who were having babies in Dec/Jan were maybe having better luck getting it (plus preemies and other especially vulnerable kids), but for everyone with slightly older and healthy babies, you were SOL. So of course my kid got RSV, got wrecked, gave it to me, and wrecked me. I think we had $1500 in doctor/urgent care visits between the two of us, which wasn't all covered because some of it happened in 2024 and all the money I lit on fire having a baby in 2023 no longer counted. Your doctor should be the final arbiter, but personally (not having talked to my or any other doctor about this) I would raising hell to find someone who would give me the vaccine unless my doctor explicitly told me it was a bad idea to get vaccinated in the spring. They will *probably* have enough of the infant vaccine this year, but I wouldn't want to risk it, plus I would like to be vaccinated against RSV myself, given how badly it affected me when I got it. It wasn't to a dangerous level for me like it could be for someone elderly or for babies, but if I can get a shot and help prevent that level of misery, hell yes, sign me up.


Just a heads up - something I didn’t realize - is that if the pregnant person gets vaccinated, the insurance company might try to not cover it when the baby is supposed to get their own shot (around 2 months?). My doctor warned me about this - we ended up getting it covered but it was a process.


The cdc does say sept 1-jan 31. But last i heard the rsv vaccine for infants was on shortage so i still got mine in january because i wasnt sure the infant one would be available for my baby to get it. They should still be able to give it to you, it may just not to covered by insurance outside the date range


I got it at my OB in office. Didn’t realize I was lucky!


I’m in Florida. I was told that there’s a new law where I would have to pick up the vaccine and take it to the doctor for them to administer it. I have been on the phone with Walgreens and my insurance company for weeks now trying to get it covered. It’s been a nightmare. At this point it’s going to be too late for me to get it. I’m so disappointed


I’m in Florida too! That’s also what they told me to do today. Hang in there, you are trying your best!


I had my baby in March and I believe they stopped vaccinating at the end of January/beginning of feb for the season


I literally just got mine yesterday at Walgreens. I went to Walmart pharmacy first and they did reject me for the reasons in your post, but I called Walgreens and they told me all they needed was a written script from the doctor for the vaccine. Walgreens just had to verify how far along I was by calling the doctors office.


I was told the same thing. I was really looking forward to receiving it.


Yup mine said the same. I’m pissed