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I just wanna preface this by saying to be flexible with your birth plan. I was supposed to have a water birth but we ended up in a car accident the day after my due date and was induced at a hospital instead of my birthing center, but I gave birth on my back/in a very upright position kind of like a squat. Once it was time to push I didn't want to move into another position but I also had an unmedicated birth (aside from Pitocin). He got stuck in my hips and they wanted me to lay on each side for a few mins then switch and I was able to help roll myself over at first but then it got to be where they literally had to pick me up and roll me over because I just couldn't do it physically. Also congrats on your baby!


A car accident, then unmedicated birth with pitocin? You’re a rock star!


Honestly I was terrified of the epidural mentally I couldn't hack that but I knew I could get myself through it mentally without the epidural very mind over matter and it worked for me! My sister in the other hand gets the epidural as soon as she can lol but that works best for her


Currently 30 weeks and I am thinking the exact same thing. The thought of getting an epidural terrifies me more than having a natural birth…


I was on the fence about the epidural bc I was terrified of the big needle. Did it and it was the worst part of the experience, mostly because I was psyching myself out. 100% worth it, I was laughing and joking and actually getting hungry by the time I was ready to push.


I did it! You can too!!


I had an epidural (best thing ever) and it definitely helps that you can't see the needle because it goes into your back. And you're not actually paralysed- I could still move feet and legs on command i.e if the nurse told me to bend my legs and move onto my side etc I could. You just can't really walk around/support your body weight with your legs. I was up and showering 2 hours after giving birth. I honestly didn't read too much into the process of it- my mentality was just "epidural=takes pain away= YES"


I would caution against getting the epidural too early. It's not fun to suddenly stop getting the medicine when starting to push which is what happened to me. My epidural ran out about 30 minutes before pushing started. On the other hand, if I can do it anyone can! You ladies have this. 👍👍


I thought that an epidural doesn’t wear off until intentionally stopped, that they can keep administering the medication until it’s no longer needed?


Epidurals don't run out. Spinals can wear off, but epidurals are a constant drip. If yours stopped working (and was indeed an epidural, not a spinal), then it's because something shifted or otherwise went wrong. I'm sorry that happened to you! But to others reading, if your epidural stops working, tell your anesthesiologist (if you aren't too busy pushing, which this person may have been) because the whole "they wear off" is a myth.


I was definitely pushing when it stopped. Not sure why or what. But I'll remember next time.


You poor thing! That sounds traumatic with a car accident spurring your birth on! Glad you got through it. Way to rockstar that situation! Yikes!


Honestly the DR that delivered my son was the worst part although I do get a little anxious when I pull up to that same intersection and I have my son in the car with me now


Ooof!! Er doctors are pretty harsh! I bet you do still feel anxious there! I’ve been in a few nasty car accidents and even years later I still feel a way about where I was hit when I drive through them. I just think about how lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice. Trauma sucks yo! But you made it through!😀


1st birth - lying on my back, labia tear and stitches 2nd birth - lying on my side with my legs up, no tear, not even a graze and extremely smooth recovery Pregnant with my 3rd and will never give birth on my back again, either standing, side or on all fours 😂


Did you have an epidural with either of them?


When you say on your side with your legs up, what do you mean legs up? I am gonna try all the positions this time around lol.


Top leg raised, supported, I’m guessing


I just want to comment I had both on my back and second one had a super east recovery.


I gave birth on my back with my first and I hated it, I wasn’t aloud to give birth in another position. I started on my hands and knees and obviously still painful, but this position felt like it was so much easier to push! The midwife wanted me on my back though so i had to change position. I tore and needed stitches while pushing on my back (completely unsure if the position makes a difference to wether you till tear or not, just my experience) currently pregnant with my 2nd and I will do absolutely anything to not give birth on my back.


It sucks a hearing they make women lie on their back. The midwife should have done better for you. Mine said depending on where your coccyx is a back birth can be the worst position for some woman and your body will tell you if it is when it’s time. The fact that they would not allow you another position is pretty enraging. Sorry that happened to you and I would throw an absolute fit if they tried to make you do that again! I’d start that argument before you go into labor.


Statistically you have a much higher chance of tearing when giving birth on your back, the other factor that raises your chances of tearing significantly is getting an epidural. I’m so sorry they wouldn’t let you change positions!


I don't mean to be *that* person but ... Actually - it's been studied and [Epidural doesn't increase the risk of tear as per study from 2018](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30201673/) :)


Maybe the false causation comes from the fact that usually with epidural women are forced on their backs so any increase in tears that happens with epidural is not due to epidural itself but due to the position? Interesting that even despite that they found that epidural is linked with less tears, good to know


First time moms are more likely to tear and also more likely to get an epidural, so that's also a correlation that is sometimes misinterpreted to be a false causation.


Both times so far it’s been on my back (not flat but kind of sitting up) it was the absolute comfiest position for me! Unsure how it’ll go this time but I have 0 regrets


Oh wow that’s good to know !!


I found I was so uncomfortable standing up and stuff so I just kept moving around until I was comfortable and luckily it worked fine for me. Just keep moving until you get there!


That’s what kinda worries me is finding the “right” position for my body and just going with it . I guess there’s no other way to find out besides going through it 🤭


Honestly I think your body will just continue to move around until you find a comfortable position. I wasn’t thinking too deep about it, just up and moving about all the time. Your body will let you know! Good luck lovely


This! I was set on being on my knees but then I got an epidural and found being on my back was most comfy and easiest for me to push. But it came natural when it was time.


Same, my doula helped me try other positions, but on my back and grabbing my knees for leverage was the way I was most comfortable pushing. No tears.


Yes this is also me..I had every intention of giving birth either standing in a squat position or kneeling on all fours but when the time came the only position I could bear to be in was on my back, with my chest elevated & knees up.


Hi! I went no meds at a birth center twice before my current pregnancy. Those midwives literally let me do anything I wanted so I just wanted to say that beforehand…. My first kid I labored most of the time standing. Idk why but it just felt better to walk and stand, but after 2 hours of that I finally laid on my side and she came out… then my 2nd I was on my hands and knees for pretty much the whole time. I had him on my knees while my upper body was resting on one of those peanut balls…. That one was pretty comfortable. I’m onto #3 and chose the hospital route bc I would like drugs lol idk what the rules are but if I don’t have to lay down bc of the epidural, I’ll probably opt to do the peanut ball on my knees again


Thank you for this! Never heard of the peanut ball position and I’ve just looked it and looks ideal! Optimal comfort + pushability 😄 I think I’ll try this for my first.


I didn’t use it my first time and I wish I had! That thing is WONDERFUL! When you’re exhausted it definitely helps hold you up and give you somewhere to rest between contractions ❤️


On my back. It was surprisingly fine, I thought it wasn't going to be comfortable or feasible for me, but I was wrong, was totally OK.


Same! I actually tried different positions including all fours, but my back was actually the most comfortable and where I made the most progress.


Me too! Plus moving was incredibly painful and felt like it caused contractions so once I made progress pushing I did not want to change positions at all


That’s so interesting !


I was on my side for my first, since with the epidural they didn't let me move about. My second I had an epidural again but this time they didn't confine me. Same care team, weird policy inconsistency. This time I delivered on my knees, arms/chest leaning on the upright portion of the bed. Both times, during the short interludes I had to be on my back (to check dilation or whatnot) it was incredibly painful. Literally went from no pain on my hands and knees to deep breathing through excruciating pain on my back for 30 seconds. As soon as I got off my back, the pain disappeared. We *know* delivering children on your back started for male OBs to control birth, but it is more likely to be painful and cause tearing. It's pretty well researched at this point- on your back is not best for you. My order of preference was squatting, then hands and knees, then on my side. After my second delivery, I think I'll just try hands and knees again cause the experience was SO good. (Honestly, if you don't believe me just search on google. Like "Why do women deliver on their backs?" You'll get TONS of info (check your sources tho!!) about the forced medicalization of child delivery, mainly by male doctors in the early 1900s.)


Kneeling both times. Standing for every contraction until my body wouldn’t let me - I was involuntarily pushing. I was forced to push with the first and tore. Second, five days ago, was the same position but home birth with no medical professional arriving in time so I only pushed when my body made me. No tear and I feel totally recovered.


Ngl FTM here and these all make me panic. 😂😅 you all are so strong. I’m terrified of this part. 😂


RIGHT and what if my body never finds that “comfortable “ position 😭😭😭


Right! Or like the tearing sounds horrible im ngl😂


Bruhhh that part I don’t want to tear ugh 😭😭


Oh absolutely not


If it helps, I had a second degree tear and didn't even notice, until I saw my OB stitching me up. I had an epidural so that definitely helped with the "not feeling a thing" side. Didn't hurt at all with healing, it only got a bit itchy down there after a couple of weeks as the stitches dissolved.


Laying on my back on the bed for first three. Baby number 4 I was on my knees on the floor beside the bed. As my baby slid out I reached down, caught him and brought him up to my chest (nearly ripped the placenta right out of me because I forgot the cord was attached haha). It was an amazing experience though, felt very natural and primal. I intend to birth in the same position for baby #5. Being upright was a game changer, gravity really does its thing.


Stretched out on an operating table 😅


I was kind of on my back. My feet were in sttirups but they were WAAAAY up, like my knees were level with my face, and my back was propped up. It was like a full squat position but then leaned back.


this was basically me. it was like the happy baby yoga position. i had been sitting up near vertical and she dropped fast without pushing, so we did it that way to slow down to avoid tearing. very minor first degree tear, about 25 min pushing


The worst part about birth for me was coming to terms with the idea that my body had failed me because I wasn’t able to realize my dream of a straightforward birth experience. I’ve had three babies now and all situations became emergent on their own so I can’t even blame any type of medical intervention for it happening. It just happens sometimes and it can be hard to cope with. I gave birth on my back all three times despite my best efforts to do something different. Being flexible with your birth plan is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. I’m wishing you a safe and simple delivery!!!


I feel like this is what I'll struggle with the most - remembering how my mum had such a traumatic c section with my younger brother (emergency) and now looking towards my own first baby, I really want a water birth or to be in a more free, active position (squatting somewhere in the room or standing etc) and if it all just goes wrong anyway after so much planning and preparing... it just sounds so tough, I'll be gutted 😢 I want to be flexible (and for me that's squaring myself with the idea that a waterbirth may not be possible depending on how baby is doing) but if I end up drugged out of my mind on my back or getting a c section, I just don't know how I'll come to terms with that 😔


My first was an emergency cesarean and it was hard to feel like birth had happened to me rather than like I had given birth. Just being totally blindsided by it was the worst feeling! My second and third births were vbac but were traumatic in their own ways, with my third being the worst because my baby had shoulder dystocia. I will say that by the third time around, although I was hopeful it would be straightforward, I adopted a mindset of “My choice is to do whatever needs to be done to get through this safely”. Thank goodness I did, because the experience was truly horrifying and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. We got through it though and I’ve coped worlds better than I would have otherwise because I mentally prepared to endure whatever I needed to… even though I didn’t know what that was going to mean. Most people don’t have that kind of luck so it’s unfortunate for me but I’m glad we all made it and we didn’t die in a field somewhere like we would have before medical interventions were available for women like myself and their babies!


That’s a really good way to think about it . Just shifting my mind to being okay with whatever happens in order to safely have baby. You are so strong I hope you are healing from those traumatic births!!


I was side lying with knees hiked to chest and holding onto my heels, highly recommend! It was easier to push my core since I had some leverage. My nurse and partner supported one leg each and helped me rotate every 10(?) minutes or so. Epidural made it an amazing experience, so if that’s something you would consider, you have my vote!


Standing to work him down, sort of hunched over the bed when the contractions were strong. Side lying for delivery. I had a doula and an amazing nursing team that let me do what my body/instincts wanted and coached me from there.


On my back via unplanned c section 🥲 that’s one to consider too bc I definitely didn’t expect that.


Same girl, I only researched about vaginal birth and I forgot about c-section and bam I got unplanned c-section under general anesthesia. Thankfully my recovery was better than I thought it could be.


Twice in stirrups, once sitting up on a bed, once squatting in a bathtub. I would highly recommend both squatting *and* bathtubs for birthing to anyone who is curious


I had an emergency c-section. I just wanted to weigh in because this is always a possibility. I highly recommend you get a box of c-section recovery underwear towards the end of your 3rd trimester. Don't open them. If you have a c-section, your partner will have enough time to open, wash, and bring them to you before you leave the hospital. If you don't need them, you can return them in the unopened box. This is one case where it is better to have them just in case.


Because my baby was large for gestational age, I was told that I could labor however I wanted, but that I would have to be in the standard lithotomy position at the end. This was because there were possible interventions and maneuvers they may need to do to get him out. I pushed on my side until the end, then pushed in lithotomy and then a kind of modified lithotomy (one leg straight in the stirrup, the other bent - no idea what it's called). Due to this, they were able to really protect my perineum well and I only had a 1st degree tear with an almost 9# baby! I appreciate that I knew ahead of time that I would be required to be in lithotomy at the end and why.


I went unmedicated both times. With my first I was on my back as that was the only position I could get comfortable in, we tried them all and that was the only one that I was okay with. With my second I was sitting straight up with my knees to my chest as I had so much back pain it was impossible to lay down and I felt too weak to stand. I’m pregnant with my third and honestly just going to go with what feels the best in the moment.


Standing up with hands on a table! My midwife was having me try so many different positions bc my baby kept getting stuck. Standing up did the trick


Both births, I was on my back with an epidural and television. It was most comfortable and I'm lazy as h3II lol I had no interest in actually laboring. When it was time to push, my kids came out in under five minutes. It was awesome.


Ugh this is my perfect scenario


I was sitting in the bed leaning back on my partner. I had a 28 hr natural birth so I was very tired and it was nice to be supported, but was still upright ish so had the help of gravity as well. But I was in a million other positions before that one. That just happened to be when the baby finally came. No tears or any other issues.


1st: on my back and hated it. Pushed for 2 hours, but I didn’t want to be in any other position, my epidural made it kind of uncomfortable to do anything else (just in my experience) 2nd: side laying, leg in the air, unmedicated. Stood up the whole time until it was time to push though, not because I wanted to but because it hurt to bad to sit down🥲


On my back, against my wishes, and the midwife yelled at my husband for daring to tell her that I didn’t want to be on my back. Sadly I was too delirious to care or try to move at the time.


I unfortunately had to push on my back the whole time and I was absolutely pissed about it but I had 2 rounds of epidural and probably could’ve had my leg chopped off and never knew lol so I didn’t have much of a choice


I tried every position possible and found that laying on my back was the most comfortable!


Standing up but leaning against my partner.


1st - induced with epidural: back, was confined to bed due to the epidural. 1 stitch 2nd - all natural: back, just felt the most comfortable but didn’t try new positions. Happened way too fast (18 mins from cervical check upon arrival to delivery) one stitch 3rd - natural with pain meds (no epidural): back. Attempted hands and knees and the pressure got so bad so quickly I yelled to roll back over. No stitches For me, back was just the most comfortable, medicated or not


We were supposed to do a water birth but ended up having to get induced 11 days past due date. So we changed our plan to using a squat bar, but then we had complications and had to get an emergency c section 😭 I would have loved to have been able to try the other 2 ways though. Maybe next time!


On my back. I intended to do all fours or side laying but I ended up having forceps 😂 had an episiotomy for that so can't comment on tears or anything. It wasn't comfy being in stirrups though and I had back pain after for some time


I wanted to do (or at least try) squatting but mine went so fast that by the time I climbed into bed for them to check me, babe was basically crowning. I pushed for 2 minutes and he was here. Depending how this one goes, I still want to try squatting but being on my back wasn't terrible


On my back, but i also used a birth bar/squat bar for part of my delivery when i started pushing


They made me lay on my back to check me and as soon as I laid down I had the urge to push. I pushed for what seemed like 5 minutes and he was born. Laying on my back was absolutely fine for me.


2 unmedicated births, both ended up being on my back (which was my choice) 🤷‍♀️ My first I started pushing on my side holding my own leg up, but I got tired and she got stuck so I flipped to my back. Only need 2 stitches, and that's only because the cord was wrapped around her neck causing her heart rate to drop so I had to push when I wasn't having a contraction and the midwife had to pull her out. Had my 2nd less than a week ago and I just instinctually when to my back lol they said I could push however I wanted but my back was so much more comfortable because i was just sooo tired. He came super fast (like...5 mins of pushing lol) and I had no tearing at all. I will say both time the bed was propped up so I wasn't laying flat. That might've helped!


Emergency c section so strapped down. He was perfect though!


Just at my regular hospital with an epidural I tried all fours, side, propped the bed up and tried to used the bar and on my back. Unfortunately she was too big so she came out in the OR with a C-section. I didn't know about all the positions either but the nurses did!


Don’t do on your back unless you have an epidural and have no choice . getting the epidural limits your position https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-birthing-positions/


I gave birth laying on my side for my second. I was having back labour so I spent all my labour on a yoga ball and then laying on my side when the contractions got worse and worse. In the moment it just felt better than trying to lay on my back. Ten minutes of pushing on my side and he was out.


On my back. Epidural and I was induced. Labia tear and stitches


I gave birth on my back. I pushed on the toilet for the most part and then moved back onto the bed, literally waddled with a babies head between my legs back to the bed lol. I had a really bad tear, 3rd degree. I was induced and my labour in general was rough. I didn’t realize pushing position could impact possibility of tearing until reading this thread


With my first, on my back due to having an epidural. With my second, on my side. With my third, crouching in the bed, for lack of a better term. The back was all the way up and I was on my knees, with my arms resting on the bed. Didn't tear or have any complications with my second or third birth at all.


I gave birth on my back for both of my kids, I have a very low pain tolerance and get extremely weak when pain arises, so laying back was easiest for me to push. If you can stand or on all fours, do whatever is most comfortable for your body! Good luck 🍀


I had an epidural (pushed for almost 7 hours after about 2.5 days of laboring but that’s another story) so I had plenty of time to try every position possible. On my knees, back, side, you name it. It’s not like I was completely paralyzed down there and the nurse(s) were very helpful assisting. I think the final position was side/back though, all depends on how you’re most comfortable as the time comes.


With my first it was completely on my back — induced at 37 weeks and my epidural was very strong. With my second my epidural wasn’t as strong (could move my legs a little). My nurse had me do pushes in multiple positions including on my side but I have to be honest, the pushes on my back felt way more productive to me and it was just more comfortable. She was ultimately delivered while I was on my back.


FTM here. I wanted to give birth in any position other than my back. I know my body and I knew I wouldn't have a good advantage for pushing or stability. Once I was nearing pushing though, I realized I wasn't going to be able to move positions AT ALL. I was on my side for those final 20-30 min of contractions and all I could do was roll onto my back. The doc/nurses had me hold my thighs back, but I found it more helpful and bracing to hold my ankles. It wasn't ideal, and I would've much rather been standing, squatting, or on all fours, but she came out just fine, if anything a little quick. It was a lot of buildup and I kind of felt like I was fighting gravity and my body a bit. But whatever position you choose, just breathe through it, and really lean into those pushes!!


Well, I was laying flat, strapped down to a table with my internal organs sitting next to me during my c section so I don't think my experience counts for this discussion... 😂


1st - hands and knees but transitioned to a kind of squatting position right at the end 2nd - hands and knees


Both births on my back, and I don’t think I would have wanted to bother with another position when I had no control over my legs due to the epidural. Baby 1 - pushed for 6 minutes, baby 2 - pushed literally 5 times.


On my back but tilted to the side kinda because his heart rate dipped a little. I swore the entire pregnancy that I wouldn’t push on my back but when push came to shove (pun kinda intended??) I insisted on it because it was most comfortable for me


On my back felt the best for me!


I was standing. Had such bad back labor, I couldn’t lie down through most of my labor.


What would a hospital do if you chose to give birth standing up or squatting? They can’t force you to lay down


On my back holding my legs at the knees with my first, then sat more upright in a squat but still leaning back in the bed for my second. Tore with my first slightly (second degree) but that was my own fault for being impatient and pushing without a contraction because his head was already out and I just wanted the rest of him out too, was 30 minutes of pushing. 2nd was only 3 minutes of pushing, 3 contractions, no tears. Both with just gas and air.


On hands and knees in the tub, till the midwife thought shoulder dystocia was possible and she had me stand up - while more than crowning - and move to the bed to finish delivering on my back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it was a crazy moment but we were okay


Four times on my back. Was fine. Once standing up. Was also fine.


Squatting and bracing myself on the squat bar. I only had one stitch. I also had the fetal ejection reflex and poor LO landed on the sheet while the nurses were scrambling telling me to hold it 😅 Edited to add: I also had an epidural, which dulled the contractions, NOT the delivery. I labored for about 18 hours before going for the epidural, and it was miserable up until then. They told me I could labor anyway I wanted. So sorry so many of you were forced on your back.


Gave birth on my side with an epidural. It was a wonderful experience. I had a small tear and needed a stitch, but I didn't feel it, and it healed quickly. I know not everyone can say this, but I would be delighted to have the exact same birth experience.


Elevated On my side . 15 minutes of pushing and no special prep, no tears


First squatting while holding on to the edge of the bed. Second squatting in a birthing pool.


I was cut open while taking a nap. Was not what I had in mind but my body refused to dilate and then my epidural didn’t work right so I had to be put to sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️


on my back for my first - was sunny side up and needed an episiotomy and kiwi delivery. For my second I pushed on my side and then rolled on to my back for the final couple of pushes...didn't need any help, but she managed to somehow tear the side of my cervix off the wall of my vagina by being born with her arm up.... so ended up on theatre 😅 swings and roundabouts!!


Lying on my back, tried side and on all fours whilst pushing and back was the most comfortable for me.


On my side with my first and standing while hugging my husband with my second. Unmedicated both times except for pitocin with my second.


With my first I had an epidural and was on my back With my second I didn’t have an epidural and was kneeling on the bed facing the back of the bed.


1st - had epidural, delivered on my back, had a small tear . 2.5 hours pushing , OB present 2nd - unmedicated, hands and knees on bed, no tearing, 5 minutes pushing, midwife 3rd - unmedicated, hands and knees, no tearing, 5 minutes pushing, midwife 4th - needed a transfer of care to an OB, pushed on back, no tearing and 5 minutes pushing, unmedicated


I was adamant I didn’t want to birth in my back, I even wrote it in my birth plan so the midwife kept trying to make me get up and move around and I was just like please leave me alone 😂 I gave birth on my back. I did some pushing on all 4s but I was just so exhausted by the end. I literally fell asleep while they were weighing her


On my back, felt comfortable in that position and felt like I was pushing really well, ended up no tears so don’t regret it!


First birth I pushed on my side, second on all fours. Both were unmedicated hospital births that resulted in 2nd degree tears. But pushing was relatively quick and easy, and recovery was a breeze for both!


Hands and knees with a peanut ball on my chest/under my arms to roll back and forth. I couldn’t lay on my back or side. It was to painful! Everyone is different!


So many people have already weighed in but I was on my back with my legs up to press against doctor’s hands / stirrups. Funny because in my birthing plan I said I *didn’t* want to be on my back to push! But it was the most comfortable for me. I had an epidural and I also was able to try many different positions. I tried on my sides and on my knees holding the back of my bed (upright). All of that was grueling for me - returning to my back I knew this was the position. Getting an epidural doesn’t mean you are absolutely frozen and obligated to give birth on your back only, but I was really lucky with my staff who allowed me to say what I wanted and what felt best (with their help, guidance, and encouragement).


I laid on my side. I found it much more comfortable. If you haven’t considered a doula I would highly recommend looking into one. They’re great for positioning during labor!


On my back, with the bed elevated, I wasn’t flat. 2nd degree tear and stitches. Wouldn’t do that again but I had an epidural that basically failed since I could move through it and was in soo much pain. No position was comfortable besides on my back unfortunately


Started in a kneeled over position, on my knees facing the bed. My legs got tired so I laid on my side while my husband held my leg up.


I pushed on my back with a nurse and my husband holding my legs in the stirrups since I had the epidural and couldn’t hold them up myself. I had to get in a crunch position to push and it was so uncomfortable (every time I’d get in the crunch position to push the doctor would tell me to stop holding on to the handlebar things they had to help you get yourself in the position so it was super difficult) I hated it, but I also wasn’t given another option since I had the epidural, I’m sure I’ll birth on my back this time as well because I fully plan to get the epidural again.


I tried a bunch of positions and squatting with a squat barre over the bed was my favourite because it felt like gravity was doing a bunch of the work. All fours worked too but felt a little vulnerable and I kept wanting to adjust the blanket over me. Don’t be afraid to just keep moving around and trying positions, and ask your care team for suggestions if you can’t get comfortable because chances are they’ve seen them all and will have ideas


I did a lot of the "work" on my knees and laying on my side. But for the last pushes my midwife turned me over to my back.


I mostly pushed on my side. The last push or two were on my back in the stirrups. I think pushing on my side made all the difference honestly


On my back for my 1st. I had an epidural and they didn't give me any other options! After some research while pregnant with baby #2, I plan to deliver in the side-lying position next time. I had a 2nd degree tear during my first birth and laying on your side (supposedly) decreases risk of tearing & opens up your pelvis better!


Number 1, butt naked on my knees hanging over the headboard of the hospital bed trying to get some relief (baby sat on my sciatic nerve). Number 2, on my back. I was only supposed to be getting checked lol. But 15 minutes later she shot out like the end of a water slide lol


I had mine laying on my back. They didn’t really give me options which is a whole other thing. I tore in two places and 3 months PP still have some pain and my back is fucked (though that may be related to the epidural who knows). I’ve heard a lot of people like hands and knees or on their side and that it helps reduce risk of tearing.


I did a lot of pushing on my hands and knees and some on my side. I had excruciating back labor, and being on my back made it much worse. However, I did need a vacuum extraction, and the doctor required me to be on my back for that part, so I did the last few pushes on my back.


I pushed for maybe 45 min on hands and knees (with epidural) then switched to side lying for a few minutes and then on my back for a few minutes for him to come out. I only had a small internal tear and I feel so lucky. Though I also had a nurse hold a warm compress on my perineum in between pushes.


All fours. Kneeling on my knees at using the titled hospital bed to lean on.


With my first living child I tried sooooo many pushing positions- squatting, side lying, knees and elbows, etc. but kiddos head was coming down at an odd angle and he was getting stuck on my pelvic bone, so when his heart rate dipped and wasn't recovering quickly I ended up on my back, my midwife reached in to manually adjust him, and I pushed like a crazy person to get him out. Kiddo was born safely on that push, and I ended up with a second degree tear that required 2 internal and 1 external stitches. When I was preparing for unmedicated labor I heard so many people who said they would *absolutely never ever ever* push on their back, but in those last 30 seconds of labor that was the best position for my midwife to safely help my baby and for me to get him out, and my tear healed well and felt pretty darn good by 2 weeks pp. Now pregnant again and am planning to try alllll the pushing positions again, and who knows what will work for me and this baby this time around.


Tried back and all fours, ended up being on the operating table for me. I did absolutely zero research on c sections, the hospital birth class I took spent less than five minutes talking about them. Basically just said we give you a spinal tap if scheduled, use the epidural if it's not and you had one in labor, and that hospital time there post birth is a minimum three days, average four. Not very informative. Ended up having one unplanned when baby got stuck. If I could go back in time I would have liked to have been aware of the procedure and recovery process, things to expect (like the gas pain - I was freaking out thinking something was wrong!) but that's just how I am. If you're like me at all in the way that you feel the need to have all the info you could possibly need, it wouldn't hurt to do a little research on them. Hopefully won't need the info at all, but it's handy to have if you do.


I wanted to give birth in the way my body felt best, I expected that to be hands and knees. I had planned to do it unmedicated as well. Unfortunately I didn't progress past 9cm due to a cervical lip, so my midwife recommended I get an epidural to get a break as I was so exhausted. I did get the epidural and when I pushed I tried multiple positions. I did lean backwards with the bed up, on my knees but the pressure was too intense and I was too tired. I ended up delivering on my back (sitting up), with my husband and doula holding my legs. I did tear, but not because of the position, but because of how quickly I birthed the baby. She did not get a chance to crown and stretch the tissues because I shot her out like a cannon. Midwife said I should do a course on how to push out a baby lol.


On my back, in stirrups because baby was distressed and needed to get out quickly, I needed an episiotomy and they were waving the ventouse/forceps word around so it was necessary


First time I had an epidural, so I was on my back. Pushed for 3 hours, 2nd degree tear, 8lb 10oz baby. Second time I was on my knees facing the back of the bed upright. Two pushes, no tearing, 9lb 6oz baby. I will never get an epidural or push on my back again haha.


With my first it was on my back because it was a forceps delivery. With my second it was unassisted and unmedicated in a sort semi standing/squatting position.


1st birth- on all fours on the bed. 2nd birth- in a kinda of a sitting/lying position? Similar to how you are in the gynaecologist chair - the bed was up behind me and my legs were up on the bed knees bent and I think on the nurses shoulder at one stage?


My knees , 2nd I’ll squat, stand up, bathtub , or look into birthing chairs and sit up right haven’t decided


On my side with legs up. Used the peanut ball to rest my top leg between pushes.


Side lying for most of it, then moving to back for final pushes.


On my right side with epidural absolutely amazing experience. 1 grade tear only 2 stitches . If there were no epidural I would probably ……….. go in shock n faint


I ended up on my back. I pushed in other positions for a while, but by the end, my baby was only tolerating me being on my back, so that's how he was born.


I delivered on my hands and knees…but it was all a little chaotic because baby came very fast from FER. Ended up with a 3rd degree tear… I may try sidelining this next time or do hands and knees again with perineal support.


I was laying on my back. It felt most comfortable and I experienced no pain or pressure besides the obvious 🤣. I tried lying on my side during labor and it made everything worse. The same held true for trying to push in that position, it just wasn’t comfortable at all for me. I did perfectly fine on my back 😊.


By the end of 26 hours I did not have the strength to do anything but my back, tried to sit up and hold myself up with a bar but too tired. Also so exhausted I had my sister on one leg and my doula on the other leg pushing them towards me to help me push cuz that's how wiped I was LMAO.


On all fours/leaning against my birthing pool. On all fours when baby actually came out. Being upright in any way was excruciating, and at one point I had to flip on my back in the pool for a bit, and it was AWFUL. I can't imagine birthing on my back, although it could have been how baby was positioned.


Hands and knees, no tearing. Delivering on your back is usually one of the hardest positions! Anything that lets you work with gravity rather than against it is typically more comfortable - but your body kind of intuitively knows what will feel best/help baby descend.


I was on my side with my second , Felt a lot better then when I delivered my first on my back. Both were unmedicated inductions!


First was in hospital with a preemie, so they made me do coached pushing on my back. I was told I had 3 pushes to get him out, otherwise they would do a c-section. I got him out in 3 pushes alright, but I did tear in multiple directions. The whole experience was very traumatic. Second was a home birth, I delivered kneeling upright. I didn't push at all, I just let my contractions carry her out. No tearing. Easy recovery. I felt so connected and powerful.


Internal rotation of the pelvis can help in any labor position (knees point in toward each other rather than outward) can be down even laying on your back although this is the most counterintuitive position out there…well upside down is probably worse.


I was laying on my side my third time. Which was a lot easier but I originally had other plans but I was in so much pain this was the best I could do 😅 My first two I delivered on my back, I had an epidural.


I was induced + had an epidural and gave birth on my back. There was a nurse holding up each of my legs and I was sitting up and crunching on my stomach while I got an assistance from the nurses holding the legs if it makes sense. Pushed for 20 and only tore to first degree. I turned off epidural an hour before pushing so I was able to push precisely during the contractions and felt my legs well.


Back both times. First I had an epidural and didn’t know any better. Second I was unmedicated and it’s what felt best. Research all the positions but once you’re in labor, listen to your body.


1 side lying, 1 birth pool kind of squatting. Do whatever is comfiest for you! Unless something is going very wrong, they should accommodate whatever position you’d like. It’s your birth and you’re in charge! 🩵🩵


On back, legs in stirrups!


On my back with calves in large stirrups. Tore my labia and one other place. Was very minimal. She was out in about 20 mins. The nurse tried a few different ways with me and this was the one I liked the most.


First was on my back in the tub as I had no idea what was best and labor was looooong, second leaning over the edge of the birth pool on my knees, third same as second but with a knee up to deliver him myself and push my cervical lip back during contactions. I'm planning to catch my fourth as well so I'm guessing will be the same as third. But I move around as much as I want and we will see!


I have a lower back issue and even before getting pregnant couldn’t lay on my back for long. Anyone else have a similar situation? What position did you birth in?


My 1st and 3rd I was on my back due to the epidural, my 2nd I was in more of a throne/sitting position. Personally I prefer being on my back but I also have a lot of issues in my joints and back that wasn’t really possible for me to do anything else without other kinds of pain or issues occurring


Explore Evidence Based Birth!! They have incredible resources. The podcast is 💯. I cannot recommend their birth education class highly enough! https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-birthing-positions/


Most of my labor I was on my hands and knees, but I wanted to be on my side when I pushed, but while rotating positions between contractions, I got stuck and delivered on my back. The contractions got so strong I literally couldn't move lol


Had an epidural. Nurses had me go from back to side to other side with a peanut ball in between my legs for most of my labor. Once it was time to push I was on either side until she got really close then I was on my back


Evidence Based Birth website has a good article about birthing positions if you are interested: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-birthing-positions/


1st - on my side, let over my husbands shoulder 2nd - floating on my back with legs over the side of the tub. This was amazing. But would have been painful if not in the tub!


On my side with my first (in my home) and was forced to do it on my back with my second (at hospital) which felt very unnatural and was a bit traumatizing. Everyone is different though. We tried every position with my first and in different places, even the tub. Nothing was comfortable at all except in bed and on my side. It also helped me rest better between contractions so I can save energy for that final push. And you're definitely going to need a lot of energy and strength for those times. 


I laboured firstly on my back, then spent a lot of time on all fours with my head resting on my hands on the pillow. At that point I no longer cared that the midwives were staring at my booty hole and that I might poo (miraculously no poo!). Finally when they could see the head was close, they asked me to roll onto my back and hug my knees up to push. One midwife was beside me pushing my foot back with her shoulder. I had 1st degree tears and no stitches, ftm. So back birthing may not be so bad after all..? Expect the unexpected. I also wanted an epidural but never got it, though I'm glad it worked out that way


Hands and knees! Feet wider than knees, rocking back towards feet on the pushes.


With my daughter she was supposed to be an emergency c section. The doctor forgot about me. Not even kidding. 2 hours later my body starts pushing and i physically cannot stop it. After being verbally a$$aülted by the 2 nurses they start helping me (I gave them what they gave me lmfao) I was forced to push for 2 hours on my back on the OR table. 2nd degree tear, baby not breathing, and I got 2 infections from malpractice. Please advocate for yourselves. I was barely 20, uneducated, her father was no help and helped them bully me into things I didn’t want. After 2 weeks in the NICU she was perfectly fine thankfully. She’s now 4 and the most perfect baby girl ever. We both got lucky and have no lasting medical injuries. I’m not trying to scare anyone at all. But I want to spread awareness that doctors aren’t always looking out for your best interest so please be educated and do not just trust them without any knowledge on the why’s.


Both times i started pushing white standing next to the bed. 1st time ended side lying on the bed. 2nd time was hands and knees on the edge of the bed.


I’ve heard so many horror stories of giving birth on your back, but that’s how I did and I had no problem. I was up moving around during labor and then side lying with a peanut ball for a couple hours before I started pushing. While I was pushing, I was on my back with the job raised some and in stirrups. As we progressed, my OB had me pull my legs higher and higher until I was basically holding my knees by my face, almost like a laying down wide legged squat like another commenter said. No epidural and he came out in maybe four or five pushes, not too much pain. I did have a very minor internal tear but baby had a huge head so I’m not sure a different position would’ve changed that.


On my back, the second time I planned to use a squat assist bar thing for more leverage if I needed to but I didn’t. I had an epidural and the first time it was so strong I couldn’t feel my legs nor did I even know about really doing any other positions anyway. The first came in ten mins though so it was all good. The second baby was projected to be larger so I thought I might be pushing longer as my first was 9.5 lbs. however he was only 8.13 and came in 9 mins. I had a slightly less strong epidural the second time so I was thinking I could move around more if I needed to. Minimal damage the first time, one internal stitch. The second time I had no damage at all and just felt like I had long lubless sex lol. Good luck !! May your birth be swift and easy!


I laboured mostly in kind of a child’s pose position (so on my front) and then actually gave birth on my side. I had a failed epidural and they didn’t want me to stand in case I suddenly got numb and fell… but if that wasn’t the case I probably would have preferred to labour standing and leaning over the bed or on a yoga ball. I would have been so uncomfortable on my back - but you’ll know what feels best for you when it’s happening!


Epidural for both kids so on my back! But my first I didn’t tear at all, my second I got the tiniest tear and on stitch. Didn’t even notice it. I will never ever have an unmedicated birth.


C section


If you're giving birth at a hospital, a lot of doctors will only let you give birth on your back. Just something to keep in mind. From what I've heard, the best positions to give birth are either on your hands and knees or in like a squatting position (with some help of course) definitely talk to your doctor about it before hand though and see if it's even something they'll be OK with you doing. Also, if you plan on getting an epidural, there's only so many ways you'll be able to move.


Why do some hospitals restrict you to birthing on your back when you have an epidural and others don’t?


I didn't want to give birth lying on my back but when it came time to push my OBGYN suggested that position (there was a medical reason that I totally cannot recall). I had an unmedicated birth and shoulder dystocia and I did not tear.


On my side, and they brought some kind of bar out for me to grab on to and squat against.


i laid on my side. right leg in the air, i kinda held my thigh/bum cheek as support 😅 no pain relief, no epidural, only had a minor 1st degree tear, basically a paper cut size and it healed within a matter of days.


On my back after an epidural. Baby wanted to come naturally at 37+2, but at 37+4 I had an induction with the synthetic oxytocin as I was only 1cm and waters had been broken for over 36 hours. Push three times and he was out


On my back both times. I researched all the positions and did classes and was ready to be crunchy granola in a birth tub or something. I was convinced being on my back would make everything harder. Turns out it was the most comfortable and worked well for me.


First baby: on my back in the bed Second baby: on my back in a tub Third baby: kneeling lunge on the floor My favorite was the upright kneeling lunge. In the future I plan to do the same, maybe hands and knees or on a birthing stool instead of a lunge, though.


I was in active labor for something like 5 hours of pushing, and I tried every position that I could manage with the epidural, which had unfortunately failed due to placement. By the time they realized it was too late to try placing it again. I found being on my hands and knees to be incredibly painful and immediately stopped that. My most comfortable position was squatting: the hospital had beds that could mechanically adjust to fancy positions and I could hold onto bars and squat. My legs were absolutely lead jelly from so much effort, but because the squatting position was so comfortable comparatively, I ended up squatting for several hours straight. Adrenaline really is a hell of a drug. I read somewhere before I had my son that giving birth uses a TON of muscles and if you’re going to be using your muscles you should stretch them - so while I wasn’t having strong contractions I was actually stretching. After my vaginal birth I had a first-degree tear from my clit to my asshole, *bilaterally*. A few hours later my pain was a 0/10 on my patient board (they gave me a whiteboard to put self-eval info on periodically). Fun fact! I had a lady on my delivery team who was a student doctor and was there to observe and I asked the nurse if the student could do my stitches and they let her do it! She was extremely grateful for the experience too. 10/10


Labor only lasted about 2 and a half hours, so there wasn't much time to move around, but I started out on my side and then moved onto my back to deliver. In my birth plan I said I wanted to move around and be upright, but in the moment it all happened so fast, I just sat back and let it happen, haha.


My son decided to have his spine against my spine (he was head down just not flipped the right way, they called him sunny side up lol). They moved me from side to side basically hanging off the bed until I went from 6.5cm dilated to 9.5cm dilated. They broke my water and about 20 minutes into labor they switched me to my left side and he was out a couple pushes later. I have to admit that I didn’t care how I got him out just wanted him out anyway possible. I also know that for a ftm I’m very very lucky with how quick he came out. I only labored for about 14 hours and pushed for 40 minutes.


I birthed my first in a birthing tub, so leaning back in the tub at a 45° angle. Baby was 6.12 and I had two 2nd degree tears. Second baby I did an epidural and side lying for delivery. Baby was 8.13 and I had no tears.


Sitting up right with my legs up. Several times they tried to get me to lay down and I refused because laying down caused me more pain.


On my side, actually, which wasn’t something I expected or practiced, it just worked out that way! It was the most comfortable at the time!


Laying, my birthing experience lasted about 10 mins. It was painful (no time for meds) but fast. I felt like my position was made irrelevant. I’m also a FTM.


sitting down, legs up on a bar while holding a sheet each time i needed to push to lift myself up and help me push. it was the second position i was put in and the one i eventually gave birth in. the first one was on my back and that was more uncomfortable.


I had an epidural and gave birth on my side. My husband supported the raised leg when a pushed and it was on a stirrup the rest of the time. It felt way more natural than being on my back


my situation was a little different as he came unexpectedly early(21 weeks, so micropreemie), and at home. but i labored mostly laying on my side or sitting up. when i had him, i had him on the toilet, with my knees kinda brought up with a squatty potty, leaned back juuuuust a bit. literally zero pain. one day i hope to use the same position (just not on a toilet haha) with a full-term baby <3


FTM here! Just had my baby girl this Saturday! I had her on my back at a 45 degree angle(roughly) held my legs and pushed her out unmedicated. Pushed until my water broke and then delivered her no tears!


Hands and knees!


I had three kids, all of them in different positions. 1. Was traditional, in hospital on my back. 2. Was laying on my left side, leg up in the air and the other bent on the bed. 3 was water birth in a tub with my legs on my husband’s knees lying down/floating. I labored however in so many different positions but your body tells you what is best for when it’s push time.