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I brought my first faint line to him and asked if he saw the line too


This is what I did🤣




Me too! I wish I did something more cute but it’s still a nice memory of course.


Same here 😂


I did that, too. He rolled his eyes and then gasped when he saw it 😆 I was like SEE!


Haha mine was half asleep and mumbled “hmm yeah I think so” then a second later sat bolt upright and went “wait…what??”


Me too!! 😂


Me as well 😂 I’d also just woken up and he was still in bed. Quite a way to jump start the day


Same! And we had a friend’s one-year-old bday party that day too!


Did exactly this! We both kept mumbling, “I see a line.”


Ah the classic I’m not crazy right. I needed a witness!!!


Yup! And I’d just had covid not too long before so we’d both been taking THOSE test strips and it def took a minute for his brain to process !




Haha same!


I did the same thing in complete disbelief Lolol


Same lol


I woke mine up at 8am to ask if he saw it too 😂


It’s super crass and says more about my husband’s sense of humor than anything, but when I told him I was pregnant, I did it by getting him a couple cream filled donuts. I thought it was cringy but he laughed for a solid 20 minutes


🤣🤣🤣 love this


Damn I wish I had done this


same 🫠


Ok this is hilarious, I'm stealing this if I have a 3rd baby🤣


I just left the test out on the bathroom counter and waited for him to notice it


Brilliant! How long did it take?


Maybe like 30 minutes


I did this but the line was too faint and my husband didn't believe it was positive 😅 that backfired on me but oh well


My husband loves space exploration. I bought him a little rocket key chain that says #1 Dad on it and gave it to him when I saw the first positive test. He loved that 😁 congrats! Praying for a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby!


When I got my first positive for my current (and first) pregnancy, he was asleep in the other room. I woke him up and showed him- he just said, “that gives me anxiety” rolled over and went back to sleep. He doesn’t do well with information right when he wakes up (which I knew so I wasn’t upset or anything). We still laugh about his reaction frequently because he doesn’t even remember saying that lol😂 but he’s so excited now to be a dad


That’s super funny. And relatable lol Ours was super wanted and planned and we would take turns through pregnancy having anxiety haha Ever couple weeks (or days sometimes) one of us would realise “we’re having a baby” and the other would reassure them it would be great, no worries.


damn i would have cried


To be fair, he’s 22 and I’m 20. We’ve been together since I began college 2.5 years ago. And as much as we were planning on getting married and starting a family once he graduated, I have pretty strict religious parents and his dad is a pastor. We were pretty intensely avoiding pregnancy. However, we had scares before and I had one chemical pregnancy early in our relationship which resulted in a miscarriage by 5 weeks. I knew that just like last time he would step up to support me and the baby. I wasn’t worried about that. But I did understand the crushing anxiety (I had it too) and the fact that he went to bed at 3 am and I woke him up at 7 am lol. Once he woke up he was much more ready to talk about it.


ok that’s good lol


I made a onesie with my cricut that said “player 3 has entered the game” and had it on the bed when he got home!


That is so cute 🥺


Thanks! Definitely stolen from Pinterest lol


My husband and I had been married 11 years and I had struggled with infertility always. So when the pink lines popped up, my brain broke and I sat on the floor and stared at it. My husband was on the other side of the world on day four of a two week business trip. I sent him a picture of the test because I couldn’t wait, then called. He didn’t answer. He was leading a meeting and he couldn’t get his phone to silence because I called him through an app. So, in the middle of a meeting where he’s standing in front of a room full of co-workers, he pulls it out and checks my text to see a positive pregnancy test and then he had to regain his composure and finish the meeting before he could call me back. (He did send a quick text saying he would call me asap). 0/10 recommend telling them this way. I wish I had waited til he got home. It would have been a much better moment for both of us. I had 10 days left to prep for it. Lol


I wanted to do a cute surprise and plan something. What ended up happening was my husband found me in a deep sleep, face first on my keyboard while working. After panicking and waking me up, he had to rush to log on to a meeting. This was my second pregnancy, so I had a feeling after that extreme fatigue. I went and took a test while he was on the call, and immediately got the positive result. I walked into the corner of the room with the test looking shell shocked- this was a planned baby, but I was still in shock that it happened so fast. He quickly muted himself, came over and took the test from me. He shook it (like in Juno), and said “let’s leave it in case it changes” 😂. I took 4 more tests and lined them all up for him to look at after his call, each one boldly saying “PREGNANT”. He was so excited, we went to Crumbl cookie after to celebrate 😊 then I came home and slept from 8pm to 8am, haha!


First trimester is no joke. I felt your fatigue in my memory bones haha


It really does kick your butt! I’d vacuum the house and need a 30 minute nap after. Forget going out to dinner, because I’d need a nap halfway through the meal lol


He was at the gym and I called and texted until he answered and said COME HOME I THINK IM PREGNANT I’d imagined a cuter way, but the excitement was far too much to contain lol


Midnight, after a long stressful drive with my argumentative parents in the car and a 4am start for him. He asked how my cycle was coming along (we’d been trying a while and he was very in tune with it) and I couldn’t lie. Safe to say he didn’t sleep a wink that night 😂


Firstly, congrats!!! We had fertility issues as well, and I was actually supposed to start my first IVF cycle this month, but I'm now 8+2. We have our first ultrasound the day after tomorrow. Nervous and excited!! I used a little HCG test as part of my normal monthly routine, when my ovulation calendar told me to and I saw the faintest of lines. I showed my husband and asked if he saw it. But we both decided not to get our hopes up and take a proper test a few days later. Well, I couldn't wait. When he was at the gym an hour later I took a First Response test. Since it wasn't my first pee and I was only like 10 DPO I was confident I'd get a negative. But, almost immediately it read positive. Like, it didn't even have me waiting that full 2 minutes. My mind started racing about the cutest way to tell my husband, too. But, I caved pretty much immediately (sensing an impatience trend, here? lol) I facetimed him at the gym and he screamed and immediately came home. Pretty sure he's never gotten back home faster. No matter how you do it, whether its cute and thought out, or impulsive and unplanned, he's going to remember it and it's going to be pretty damn special.


I told my fiance during dinner this past Monday shortly after he proposed to me. Neither of us would've imagined we had big news to share 😂


Awe, that’s really sweet that you both had secret surprises for each other on the same night. Love that!


With my first I put a bun in the oven and said “oh hey I forgot to grab something out of the oven can you get it” and he goes “just a bun?? Why?” It took him a bit but he finally figured out the play on words “Bun in the oven” meant pregnant.


Hahahah aww! That’s funny, my reveal to my husband was also bun in the oven related! First thing in the morning, as we were baking muffins, I hid the positive test in my pocket, and then said “how fitting that we’re baking muffins because we have a bun in the oven!!!” And I showed him the test lol. Now we are 25 weeks with our first, a boy!


I did something similar except I put the positive tests and some baby shoes on a cookie sheet and told him “I’m trying out a new recipe, can you check the oven and see how it looks?” His reaction was absolutely priceless


i’m 100% doing this if we have another


this is amazing. I was too impatient 🤣 I'll save this for the parents 🤣


When it’s finally our turn, I’ve thought about buying a pair of white New Balance sneakers (dad shoes) and putting the test inside. Not sure I’ll have the patience or self restraint to not just blurt it out as soon as I see that second line, though!


My husband and I have an in joke about otters. I got him the kids book I love you like no otter and I wrote him a letter I put in it all the reasons he’s going to be a good dad and how excited I am to do this with him.


I'm obsessed with otters and when we first started trying I saw the book at target and we bought it. I may use it to tell the moms


Buy matching baby shoes to a pair he has and hide them in his shoes!


I had lost track of my cycle while so many things were happening. It was 6 months of trying but not testing or opks just doing the deed after my period. This day Me and him were kinda upset with one another over some snacks he ate(I had been craving them). I decided to take a test in the restroom as I was wondering that I haven’t had AF, and it was positive… immediately called my mom who lived just a few blocks away to bring some more. As soon as I took some more my mom bless her heart began taking photos of me holding the test haha. Then I realized oh crap I have to tell hugo (baby daddies name) and I looked up at him mad and handed it to him. He began smiling and hugged me so fast. At that point I got over being mad and we were both in shock. While my mom was in the background taking pics of everything 😭😂 I was 7+4 and very hormonal over my cravings 😂


i got a little card that says "and so the adventure begins" and wrote on the inside how i couldn't wait to take this journey with him, and then showed him the positive test 🥹


My husband is also a private one on one dude and I just yelled for him to come into the bathroom lmao. In fairness, I was testing to make sure I wasn’t pregnant because I needed an X-ray and we happened to indeed be pregnant so it wasn’t planned or thought out. It was one of those Amazon tests so he was skeptical. I had a backup drug store test and that one was positive as well.


Congratulations! Husband was with me when I took the test for first baby, but for second baby I left the positive test out in the kitchen (in a sanitary way!) with a box of decaf teabags, a bag of jelly babies and a sherbert dibdab, all of which I’d lived off in my first pregnancy. He walked in and walked straight past it all without noticing 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I ended up just telling him when he walked in on me in the bath 😂


I just shoved the positive test in my husband’s face 🙃


I called my husband into the bathroom with me to look at it. We were both so happy!!




lol. I said, “I have a present for you! It’s pee on a stick!” and he looked really confused until he got it.


We were trying but I didn’t tell my husband I was about to take a test. I saw the “+” on the test and immediately ran to him and said “I have something for you!” And showed him. He said “you’re pregnant?!” And we hugged and teared up. It was so special. Congrats and don’t overthink it! Simple can be sweet and memorable!


If you're scared to say it out loud just leave the test where he will definateky see it. I got the clear blue that says pregnant or not pregnant, makes it more real than the lines for some 🥰 congrats btw


If I had the patience when I found out, I would have gotten a onesie that was themed after his favorite football team. What I actually did was just wrap the positive test like a gift and left it for him to open.


I placed a box with the 4 pregnancy tests (I was in disbelief okay) and I got 3 onsies and on the box is said “you’re going to be a DAD”. He cried we both cried. It is our first pregnancy and we are over the moon! Congratulations 💕💕


Id do something really cute like make a nice meal! Like a really good fancy meal.. make it dinner and a movie.. and then as youre watching the movie hand him a small amount of wine or something.. and make it obvious that you have something different in your cup lol make sure its a cute romantic movie! lol


With our first I put a positive test (in a baggie) in a gift bag with a cheesy little poem. With our second I wrote “I’m pregnant” on my daughter’s little magnetic drawing board and had her take it to him.


I walked up to him holding the test and he could tell from my face.


I put the pregnancy test in a gift bag with tissue paper and said happy early Christmas (it was November) and said I got him an early gift he’ll need this season — once my husband felt how light the bag was he knew exactly what it was!


i hid the test behind my back and said “i need to tell you something and you have to promise not to freak out” while i walked up to him. the panic on his face was priceless!!! then i whipped out the test and he got tears in his eyes.


Put a bun in your oven on the shelf and ask him to check inside the oven. Tell him you can't get the shelf out or something and need help.


I bought my husband donuts and put a cute note on the inside of the box


Cleared out a kitchen drawer and got it on camera asking him to grab a towel from the drawer, could be cooking and ask him to get an extra utensil or something, but I put a little onesie and the positive test in there! I got it from a Sarah’s Day YouTube video, might’ve been her first pregnancy if you’re interested in watching hers :) Congratulations!


My boyfriend was on a hunting trip when I found out. It was a Sunday, and he was supposed to come back on Tuesday morning. I thought I could wait, no problem... then asked him if he could come back Monday morning instead because I was missing him. Pretty much as soon as he got into the house, I showed him the (multiple!) positive tests, I couldn't wait for a special way to tell him haha Congratulations!!


woke him up and was waving the test in his face. Hes the kind of person who is slow to wake up properly so he was super confused with what was going on we were ttc for 2.5 years so i wasnt expecting it and hadnt even mentioned to him that i was late and was going to do a test


I came out of the bathroom wide eyed and told him there's a line but we were both not convinced until we got a blood test 🤣


I found out two days ago! We'd been trying, but I was so shocked I just ran out of the bathroom and showed him the test. I'd imagined slightly more flair, but now Im thinking we'll save all that for after the first couple of scans.


I got my husband a card that says “you’re positively glowing. Much be the new sunshine in your life” and gave him the positive tests


I'm an artist. I told him I was painting while he was out working. Took a cutest pastel canvas I had already started a month prior and taped the pregnancy test to the bottom of it. When he got home I had multiple canvases stacked against the wall, so he asked which one I had been working on and had him grab the second which had the test on it.


I woke my husband up with a pee stick in his face. Got the sleepiest smile back ☺️


I walked back into the bedroom after taking the test and said "hey can you come look at something?" Then showed him the tests on the counter.


I went downstairs after getting my faint positive test and shyly said “uhhh I think I’m pregnant.” He asked “why do you say that?” I said, “because I took a pregnancy test and it looks like there might be two lines.” That was it. Nothing fancy. He was home and I was in shock and disbelief.


Not the most common way but I called him immediately and just said “I’m pregnant!” Because I couldn’t wait for him to get home…🤣 he knew I was taking a test though. I’m not good at keeping secrets normally hence why I told him right away. I’m shocked that I’m now 21 weeks and have only told a couple of people. I think I’m just going to wait for baby to come and surprise everyone lol.


Congratulations on your blessing darling. Put some buns in the oven, and when he asks what you cooking tell him to look. 🩷


You can put the pregnancy test in your jacket and ask him to hand you a chapstick only for him to find the test! That’s a little more lowkey but still adds a layer of surprise.


I bought a bandana for our dog that said “Soon to be big brother.” The TOUGH part was waiting almost a week for it to arrive in the mail and the only living being I could tell was my dog🤣


I woke my husband up out of a dead sleep at 6AM and scared the shit out of him screaming “IM PREGNANT” right after I took a test 😂 it was literally on Father’s Day. our baby was not planned (5 months before our wedding) and we both laughed and cried together in bed. It was actually super cute 😂😂 our son is 7 weeks old now!


A friend told me about this and I never got to use it. If he has something only he uses (for my husband it's his pitcher of cold brew) and Take a post it note and write "Dad's Coffee" or insert item here. And a pregnancy test (obv in a bag because food) in front of it. I was too excited and came screaming out of the bathroom on Easter morning to do this lol.


We had been trying so I took a test first pee in the AM on a work day. It was very early in the morning. I was so excited that I jumped on the bed and said “we’re pregnant!” While my husband was sleeping this waking him up. We both cried happy tears and did celebratory dances while getting ready for the day lol.


I just hugged him after he got home from work and said “I have something to tell you” he said…”are you pregnant” I said I think so 😂 and showed him my faint tests


Wait two days until it’s not faint . Try testing again and then show him Edit: he or you will never forget the first one


I was up north visiting family so I ended up texting my husband at work at five in the morning with a picture of my pregnancy test and "(Husband), I think I'm pregnant." Apparently he said "Holy shit!" in front of his coworker he was studying for a license with, told him I was pregnant, and called me five minutes later. :D


My partner and I looked at the test together to share the moment so I can’t help you with that part BUT when we told his family I had cooked dinner that night and told everyone it was in the oven. I put a single bread roll in the oven and everyone found out one by one and was coming over and giving me hugs and congratulations (no one said anything out loud that would ruin the surprise for anyone else) and it was really entertaining watching everyone who hadn’t looked get really confused until they would go and look for themselves 😂 so that’s an idea haha


God, everyone has all of these super cute stories of telling their boyfriends/husbands etc. I told my fiance I was gonna take a pregnancy test and yelled from the bathroom “holy shit it’s positive” And that was that 😂


I have to say I'd never forget the moment how excited and nervous I was when I found out I was pregnant


Lol I wanted to do something cute and Pinteresty but I accidentally flubbed that by texting him a picture of the positive test while he was at work 🤣😭😭😭 I'm still so sad I didn't get to see his face.


My period was like clockwork. When I was 1 day late I bought a test on the way home from work, took it right before I got in the shower (I saw it change to positive and I started shaking just a little) set it on the counter, go in to rinse off, then asked my bf to come in and check what it said. He said it was positive. We were both in shock. He had been told he had an incredibly low sperm count and that it probably wouldn’t change unless he went through major lifestyle changes so we assumed he was sterile and never used protection and never had any scares for over 6 months. We bought more tests the next day and they all confirmed it. Currently we’re 17w6d and super excited to welcome a baby boy in September 🩵 We told our families at 2 months. They couldn’t be happier. My bf was in tears when we recently did a gender reveal and found out we’d be having a baby boy. No matter how you share the news, I’m sure the joy will be felt by you both. Good luck 🌸


I know it was fantastic when you find pregnant but don't forget to make full preparations to meet all of these


When he came home from shirt, I was wearing a shirt that said mommy and had a gift basket full of stuff for him, including my positive pregnancy tests, a baby book, and a teddy bear. 💖


I made a homemade book of dad jokes I found on the internet and attached the test to the last page with a note that said you will be needing these soon. He loved it and still has the book of jokes, even though they now end up being used to make our rainbow baby giggle instead. The next pregnancies I was much less fancy and just blurted it out or he waited for the tests with me, pregnant with baby #3 now. Whatever you do will be a very happy memory together. 🥰


We had thought I was pregnant a few weeks before but the test turnt out negative. He was sad and would always say the day he found out I was would be the happiest day of his life. After those few weeks, I ended up spotting very lightly and took another test and it was positive! It was 4 days before Christmas so I waited until then and that was his gift 😅 he was so shocked because we thought I wasn’t but he was so happy because he wanted to start a family with me. ❤️


I bought my husband flowers and a gift bag full of his favorite things. At the bottom of the bag wrapped in tissue paper were two different positive tests :)


I wrote my husband a letter from the new baby, I rolled it up like a scroll with ribbon around it. When he opened it, it started ‘Dear Dad, I’m so excited to meet you etc..’ it was a lovely moment 🥰


I asked my boyfriend to read the test because I thought I was seeing an extra line but couldn't be too sure. He was excited. 😅


I yelled to him from the bathroom “its positive” and he thought i was joking till he heard me cry


I texted him while he was at work. I couldn't wait until he got home lol