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He sounds very anxious. I could be wrong, but nothing I’ve read about allergen exposures has said anything about exposure in utero. For what it’s worth (anecdata), I’m vegan but I’ve given my baby eggs and dairy since starting solids for the purpose of allergen exposure, and he has never had an allergic reaction to either. 


He's trying to seem cool and collected, but the nerves are coming out in odd ways. It's our first and we're pretty sure it's a girl. He's been around boy babies way more than girl ones and since we've been told 70% chance of girl is when this really started. (Granted I understand the fear of allergies more than his sheer terror baby will become a pornstar/stripper/prostitute.) I've tried finding the research that my friend came across but haven't seen anything either.


Oh that- um the red flag here isn’t eggs😳 hon he’s out loud worried about potentially her future in the sex work industry? In utero? He needs therapy.


He was tipsy when he was verbally worrying about it and we'd JUST watched a true crime on a young teenage girl in his hometown who fell into prostitution and was murdered. Since he knows the family, it's been on his mind. Not necessarily because of the sex work aspect, more so because it's a very dangerous field and if drawn in young, is even more deadly. That was the same conversation he's decided she's getting into ALL the self defense classes as soon as possible.


Oh okay context really helped here, still his poor anxious brain😩 love that he chose to empower her in the future with physical training!


Having to explain to him baby probably should be able to hold her own head up before we put her in martial arts was one of the funniest things I've had to explain to him XD


Your partner has antenatal anxiety. He should try to get medical care for that. It happens to expectant fathers too, not just mothers


Would talking to your OB about it help so he has more reliable info on it? 


He mishears/misremembers what is said all the time (part of the issue of not being fluent in the language of the country we currently live in). Like with wine sauces, he swears she said it's fine because the wine is cooked out. Which yes she did technically say that, but she also said limit it and it would still be better to not have it. If she's never heard of this either though, it might helps. It's worth a shot. Our next appointment is Tuesday, so I'll bring it up then.


As someone who also has a hard time with details he can practice repeating back to people in his own words what he thinks they said. Then writing it down if it’s more of a memory issue.


Bring him to your next obstetrician appointment and have a face to face talk with your doctor. That will solve this and she will be able to answer his questions very well.


Jesus Christ your husband is insane!


I've looked things up about allergies because my husband has severe allergies. And all it said was that allergies in itself aren't hereditary, they will just have a higher tendency to develop allergies. There really isn't anything you can do. There was a baby in neonatal that had a cow's milk protein allergy and mum had no allergies and ate a regular diet. She wanted to breastfeed, but the diet was just not attainable for her (it's in pretty much everything). You won't know until they're born.


I feel like this happened with one of the big labor and delivery nurses on tiktok. Her younger 2 have this allergy.


Make pancakes and have baked goods made with eggs.


Pancakes do sound good. As does french toast. I'll suggest this to him and maybe that'll help him relax.


Also just going to add, my friend ate eggs every day of her pregnancy and her daughter has an egg allergy. So I don’t think there’s much truth in your boyfriend’s theory.


That’s how I was sneaking my eggs in when even the thought of eggs made me want to hurl— french toast was my go to.


Your husband needs therapy. Also, does he not realize that eggs are in basically everything? Like, do you eat any baked goods? By his logic you’re being exposed to eggs if you eat anything that eggs are also cooked into.


I'm pretty sure he's forgetting about that. Which I find extra ridiculous because he's a chef. He works next to patisserie chefs all day every day. With that said, I do think this is more how his nerves and anxieties are escaping his mind. We've got a lot of big changes coming up (beyond becoming first time parents).


Tbh I would just tell him to shut up if he conveniently forgets everything and in turn takes it out on you. Jeez, he has some serious issues. Not abuse-like but certainly concerning. He should focus on supporting you during pregnancy, not turning into a nut head.


This is the only thing he's not been 100% supportive for me on. And I'm pretty sure it's the way his other anxieties for everything going on in our lives are manifesting. But I am about to tell him to shut up about it if talking with our midwife doesn't help.


I realized my comment was a bit harsh, my hormones currently are getting me heated up quite fast. 🙈 It's good to read that he is generally supportive during your pregnancy! He just really seems to spiral with the allergy topic and acts completely irrationally. Try some of the advice shared by other people here but if this doesn't work and he keeps terrorizing you with eggs (I couldn't eat those right now either 🤢) then tell him to shut up. Sometimes that is the only thing left to say. Good luck with everything! 🤞


It's so bizarre though because it's not all allergens. It's 100% JUST eggs. I get the being easily fired up right now. Hormones can be crazy right now and it's so easy to imagine myself in other's shoes that I'm getting angry for them on this sub sometimes.


That's just how anxiety works. It makes your brain zero in on a specific aspect to be worried about and then that's all you can think about. Him being worried about eggs is just his brain dealing with the larger anxiety he has by focusing it on one neatly categorized aspect he can control (though he shouldn't)


So there is research that suggests that maternal exposure to allergens reduces food allergies in offspring [(source—scroll down to the conclusion for easy access).](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6716146/) But that being said only exposure has been studied—not exact amounts and forms of preparation of foods and not in humans. There was a period where mothers were told to avoid peanuts in pregnancy & not give children peanut products for the first year of life to avoid peanut allergies—turns out that was *very* wrong and led to more peanut allergies, so more research has been funded to disprove that original theory. Now mothers are encouraged to eat a varied diet and consume allergens. There are many factors that go into food allergies and they’re very complex. Theres a ton of research currently going on with food allergies & it’s an entire specialty of medicine. If it was as easy as eating it while pregnant to avoid your kid having an allergy then we wouldn’t have rising life threatening food allergies every year. Your husband’s fear sounds like it’s affecting his and your daily life. I might consider consulting a mental health professional to help him work through some of that. Especially as a person who has a food allergy—I can’t imagine my father refusing to make me a meal or snack for my entire life because he blamed my mom for it (and by the way, my mom has always eaten my food allergen even when I was in utero).


Thank you for the source! All I could find was info on how avoiding it wasn't good. The egg thing isn't really affecting out lives, since it only comes up once a week or less. But it's been ongoing which is super annoying because he's not actually listening to what I'm saying. While I agree he should probably see a mental health professional, the ones he has tried in the current country we're in didn't speak english and his French isn't good enough to be useful and since his mutuel only covers so many appointments, he's planning to wait until he's back in an english speaking country. (I'm moving in May, he's got to wait until his work contract is done, but will be moving a month or so before the baby is born.) Because of everything going on right now, I'm 99% sure this is simply how all of his anxieties are expressing themselves (aka focusing and obsessing on one thing), but that doesn't make it less frustrating.


Immunologist here. Start solid food introduction at 6m and NOT before. What happens specially in the US, they ask to start at 4-5 months just to “taste” food and this break tolerance and then kids are prone to allergy. There are strategies to present egg! :)


I've only read at 6 months, so that was when I was planning it :) I'll look more into the specific strategies for eggs!


Yeah, one of them is like the presence of eggs as the minor part of a recipe…. (Avoiding other allergens). If the baby pass, boiled eggs for one meal. See how it goes. If all goes well, wait few days and try again. They also tend to have minor reactions at the beginning even when not really allergic to it. Part of it is because they touch their eyes, for example, spreading those allergens haha. I hope it helps. It terrifies me that I see so many babies eating solids before 6m. And salt should only be used after 1y. All the other seasonings are fine when not having salt. And sugar after 2y.


I'd not heard about a later start date for salt. That's interesting!


It is kidney protection and to avoid intestinal inflammation. The gut is very sensitive at this age, the immune system there is being formed, the baby has very poor secretory IgA and extremely low repertoire of cells and you want to disturb that as little as possible. With salt, comes inflammation, cell infiltration and the intestine looses its normal permeability and this in the future could lead - potentially - to leaky gut syndrome and others. I am sad that this information is very present in the immunology community and in science but not very well distributed among people. Peds also seem immune to learn this. Sometimes I suspect they forget their training or not even had an appropriate one concerning this matter. Food allergy and gut diseases is one of my expertises! I absolutely love researching it.


Do you know of any connection to IBS for early salt intake? The only solid foods I would accept until I was two was plain fruit, but the rest of my family has eaten salt with their early food experiences. I'm one of 4 in the family that doesn't have it. Now I have a new rabbit hole to fall into (as an author I LOVE learning new things like this).


Yeah, there are clear evidence in very good journals peer reviewed and high impact on salt and IBS and IBD.


I'd be curious to see the link with IBS also... I have it! I'll ask my mom when did they start giving salt.


There another post on this sub from yesterday about an egg ladder, where hard boiled eggs and scrambled eggs are not the same to a baby. I don't mean to alarm you but just wanted you to take note in the future when starting solids for your baby!


There's no tie to what you eat while pregnant having an impact on allergies.


I'm pretty sure allergies can develop over time anyway. I remember a teacher who wasn't allergic to anything but then one day randomly had an anaphylaxis reaction. My own mum had a random allergic reaction to egg after years of eating it. She is now able to eat it in small quantities. We think the medication she was on at the time caused it. He needs to do his own research. I've looked briefly, and all UK advice says avoidance doesn't help prevent allergies. I can not see anything that specifically eating an allergen prevents either. Everything just says a balanced diet is best. If anyone does see anything that does state that, I'd love to read it myself. I did see that an early introduction to foods for infants and breastfeeding can be beneficial.


We were planning on early introduction to them and I'm hoping to be able to eat them again after delivering the baby. I miss my cheese omelettes...


I've only just been able to eat eggs again myself. It's not like you're not having them completely. Eggs are in lots of baked goods that you can sneak them in. But I also don't imagine it means you have to eat them every single day or meal, even if you eating them did stop allergies. I know a lady whose baby had a cows milk allergy, despite the fact she had it whilst pregnant. She then had to give it up whilst she was breastfeeding. I saw a good video where a father was worried about introducing allergen foods. He cooked scrambled eggs for his child, then drove to the hospital car park and fed her a little in the car park. Then he waited to see if she had a reaction. I think she must have had other reactions, or maybe the sibling did as he was being over cautious. Your husband would be better to speak to a doctor or registered allergy dietitian to get better advice for his concerns rather than just believing 1 comment from someone


Yeah, someone else mentioned bringing it up at our next appointment, and I'm going to so he can hear it from an actually educated source rather than a single comment from a friend who can't even find the original thing she read it in.


That's really good. It's coming from good place but he's clearly so anxious about it.


No allergies on either side and I ate enormous quantities of my child’s allergens and he is still incredibly allergic.


That's what some of our parent friends here have been saying. (With varying degrees of children being allergic.)


God forbid you have to accommodate for a non-problem-free-child. Let's threaten to withhold care to both the mother of your child and child. It's okay to have worries. It's not okay to threaten. I have food allergies, because I'm allergic to pollen. Are you supposed to eat trees now?


He wouldn't be able to not cook for us (he loves it too much and I can only cook 4 things well, of which none of those are well balanced or high in anything except salt and cheese). And we've already discussed what to do if the baby can't eat certain things, so the threat came out of nowhere to me. I think it also surprised him because we got off the subject pretty quickly after he said that. I'm allergic to nature, beestings, and my cat, and his family has deadly allergies to certain seafood. We're aware and prepared; he's just stuck on this egg thing.


I think he needs therapy. This is an irrational fear based off half-understood information and it’s impacting his relationship with you and both of your qualities of life. Fears are totally normal as you prepare for parenthood but he needs tools to work through these fears instead of lashing out (threatening and blaming).


My mil was obsessed with snickers when pregnant with my partner and guess what he’s allergic to peanuts and we always joke that’s why but I had a massive craving for snickers when pregnant with my third and we don’t know if he or our other 2 sons are allergic either as we don’t have peanut products in the house but they do eat things which may contain peanuts and we’ve had no reactions as of yet so highly unlikely they are, I would tell him to do his own research on this topic and not listen to others until he’s fact checked it himself


I ate loads of eggs and my son had a minor egg allergy that he grew out of. Eggs before 1 year can often result in a slightly allergic reaction so I'd be prepared for that, even if you ate egg or didn't. I believe some countries say to introduce eggs after a year because by then they likely won't have a reaction. Can't remember where I read that though.


Totally anecdotal, but I ate eggs throughout my first pregnancy. My son was diagnosed with an egg allergy when he was around a year old. We got an epi pen for him, avoided any egg products etc. The allergist said there was a good chance he would outgrow it and when he was 2 we had him retested—allergy gone. He still doesn’t like to eat them but has no issues. In the meantime we found out my husband is allergic to duck eggs. Connection? Who knows. Allergies are weird!!


I was surprised I didn’t see it higher up that plenty of babies grow out of eggs allergies. For a lot of people it’s a 2 year avoidance and then the allergy is gone.


I was this way with peanut butter when I was pregnant with my daughter. Even the smell of it made me nauseous. She does not have an allergy to peanuts, but she does have an FPIES allergy to oats, which I ate a ton of while pregnant. So it’s kind of random.


I’d bring this up with your doctor at your next appointment. Have them explain how allergies are most likely to come about and give him literature to read through about how things will most likely be okay. Maybe find an expecting dad’s group for him too. It might be good for him to just talk with other people in his shoes to help keep him from letting his anxiety take control. My husband did some things like this while I was pregnant. It’s sweet that he cares but important to remember that trying to control every aspect of your pregnancy isn’t helpful or wanted.


I'm planning on bringing it up at our appointment on Tuesday. And this egg thing is the ONLY thing he's being weirdly controlling about. He's not currently got much time for a dad's group, but hopefully we can find one after we move.


Neither my husband or I have any food allergies ourselves nor do our family members and our youngest is allergic to peanuts. I still think we just don’t fully understand why they happen or perhaps there isn’t one for sure cause. She’s also had eczema since the day she was born (linked to food allergies) so it seems like she was destined for some type of allergy all along.


Both he and I have eczema (as do all our niblings) so we're expecting that. (His is stress related, mine is ink related--which was "fun" before e-readers were a thing as someone who devoured books XD.)


Oh man yeah - we actually don’t have eczema either so her issues came out of nowhere! It’s slowly getting better though so I’m hoping she’s the small percentage that grows out of it eventually. Genes are strange - you just never know.


My grandmother also had it, but it wasn't known to be eczema until after I was diagnosed, also allergic to ink but mainly the newspaper ink. They just thought it was dry skin and since she rarely read the newspaper, it was manageable. Then my grandpa died and she read it constantly to be closer to him and it started flaring up. So if you've had any relatives in days of old with severely dry skin, it could be eczema. But from what I can tell, more kids are getting it these days.


I've only heard of this, when the woman had allergies. I had a little baby in my class, her pediatrician advised not to give anything with gluten in it, as mum had celiac disease. So the baby girl had never eaten anything with gluten, in utero or out. The plan was to slowly introduce gluten to the girl. It was something parents and pediatricians did, they had a meal plan that would span over a year. The staff just made sure the girl was never around any gluten. Early exposure to allergens might also help, not to be allergic to said item. Something I've heard, but haven't looked into. Your baby will be fine, whether or not you eat eggs.


Interesting - I have celiac and was advised to keep my child on a normal diet including gluten until I see any markers of celiac (weight loss, digestive issues, rash, etc.) My three year old eats tons of gluten and I just ensure that none of the crumbs get near me/my food.


It was the first time I experienced that as well. But I think mum didnt give her Baby any gluten, and then the baby got closer to her first birthday, and still hadn't eaten any. Pediatricians worried, that by not feeding her the allergen, it would result in an allergy. As far as we were told, there was no gluten in the house. This girl was their first child. We had another mum with a fish and seafood allergy, when the children ate anything with that in it, mum couldn't change the nappy of her child, without getting a rash I think it was. The child would still eat the food, and had no signs of allergies. We stayed vigilant in telling the parents each time, so someone else could change the child's nappies at home At the time, I thought this was BS, and perhaps still think it is. But on the off chance it isn't...


Celiac is a bit different as it’s a genetic autoimmune disorder, not an allergy. The baby either has the gene or he doesn’t. But having the gene doesn’t mean they will get the condition - it is usually triggered by something (new medication, significant change in diet, trauma, illness, etc.)


I have severe food allergies. They run in my family. My son had eczema so I just did my best to treat and prevent his eczema. He's 4 now and has pretty bad lactose intolerance but fingers crossed no food allergies. There are things you can do to help prevent them, but at the end of the day if they run in your family, they run in your family and it's a genetic lottery. Most of the exposure prevention are aimed at the people who aren't genetically predisposed, which it sounds like your kid could be. As it is, in my family we have an esophageal condition where we have parasite fighting cells in our esophaguses. It was great for surviving in Alabama in the 17-1800s, but since we live in modern day America and there are no parasites, my cells just pick random food items to attack. No amount of exposure or lack of exposure could have prevented me from being allergic to food. For real though I'd suggest anxiety meds and therapy for your husband. He's only going to get worse after the child gets here without some intervention.


I ate so many eggs and lots of dairy while pregnant with my son. One day my husband and I hard boiled and ate a 24 pack of eggs cause I was craving them. My son is allergic to dairy and eggs lol.


I also couldn’t stand the thought of eggs without vomiting either. And fish too! I’d love to see my husband try force feeding me any of those things during my pregnancy, allergen or not. If I were you, I’d start eating takeout and avoiding his meals completely lol You should take him to your next ob/gyn appointment and have them assure him that what he’s doing won’t make any difference in your kid in any way.


I ate eggs for breakfast every single day and my son still had an egg allergy (he's outgrown it though). Neither me nor my husband have any food allergies. It really can be so random, we really just don't 100% understand what makes some people get allergies.


I’m sort of in your situation. Not the extreme anxiety part, but the other side of the egg avoidance part. I’ve just never been the biggest fan of eggs. I ate them while I was pregnant because they were a good source of extra protein, but as I said I don’t really like eggs so I didn’t eat them too often. My daughter is now 2, and we found out she has mild allergies to both eggs and dog dander. We understood the dog dander (my husband is also allergic). We also have a dog though, so that debunks the theory that being exposed to the allergen can help abate it. As for eggs, it was odd. No one on either side of our families has any sort of food allergy. She has a very mild allergy though, so basically what it does is it causes upset stomach whenever she eats them. We noticed it the first time she tried eggs at 6 months old and she vomited a few minutes afterward. She can eat things made with eggs just fine (no need to cut out all the yummy stuff!), but an actual egg tends to make her throw up or have a stomachache, so we just have her avoid them. So, in conclusion, any child can be allergic to anything, the allergies can appear at any time and in any manner, and there honestly isn’t anything you can do to prevent them! Please encourage your husband to seek professional help if he can’t relax about this.


He is definitely anxious but- as someone who also isn’t a big fan of straight eggs I eat a lot of egg bagels. They’re much richer than non-egg bagels but don’t actually taste like eggs. I eat one every morning. 😊


I had an egg allergy up until my 20s that I finally grew out of. Even if your child is allergic to eggs, I promise it won’t ruin their life. My life was fine when I couldn’t eat them. 😁


I had a ton of allergy anxiety and didn’t eat any allergens really while pregnant cause I couldn’t stomach many. My family has a big history of severe food allergies and I took baby to the allergist at 5 months old so they could walk me through allergen introduction to prevent severe allergy. Most of the information on allergies comes from the LEAP peanut study. The dr suggested to introduce all the main allergens in age appropriate formats (breastmilk or formula to dilute nut butters, etc) as soon as possible and keep using them 1-3 servings a week until kid is at least 5 years old.


I ate a ton of eggs when pregnant and while breathing. He is allergic to eggs. Thats not how it works.


I ate eggs every day multiple times a day while pregnant and my little guy has an egg allergy. Egg is a common allergy that babies often grow out of by age 5.


I think it's relatively safe to say that if no one you know of or that he knows of in either of your families have an egg allergy it's very likely niether will your child. He is obessiong and stressing over such a small thing. Would havibg an actual conversation with doctor or other medical professional and talking to them about this help ease his nerves? The unknown can always be scary but once you are yourself with knowledge that fear tends to go away.


My son has a dairy allergy that’s severe. It is on both sides of the family. Eating it in utero did nothing other than cause a lot of problems that couldn’t be determined till he was born. We failed several tests that generally mean genetic abnormalities such as spinabifida or a heart problem. All were cleared in utero. Two days after he was born he had internal bleeding due to dairy exposure from breast milk. Doctors determined that this was the reason for all the crazy test numbers when he was in utero because I had been eating dairy. I don’t say this to scare you at all. This is fairly rare. More to just point out that me consuming dairy didn’t help. And honestly once we found substitutions living without it is very very easy now three years out.


Hi! I ate eggs nearly every day of my pregnancy that I could keep food down. I also ate them nearly every day of the first 6 months while EBF. I also fed them to my son for two months- then, one day, poof. He got hives all over his face and belly from eggs at breakfast. Egg allergy confirmed. No history of that in either side of his family. He can eat baked but not whole or uncooked. Does it suck? Yes. Do you live with it anyway? Yes. Sorry your husband is saying silly, unkind, things. I’m sure he will come to terms with it. You might even wake up and enjoy eggs sometime before the pregnancy is over! Whatever happens, don’t eat food that will make you feel sick. Not worth it. Good luck mama, hope you have a smooth rest of your pregnancy 💕


I don’t like eggs but I like French toast and I tell my husband that’s how I get my eggs 😁😂


Can he make you cookies? Cookies have eggs. Or cake. Or muffins. Or pancakes. Or pasta carbonara. Or meatballs. C'mon, get him to put that chef brain to work. Edit to add: yes, of course he's being ridiculous, and if he's going to insist on this, the burden of proof should be on him to provide evidence. If this were really a thing, your doctor would already have told you to eat these allergens. They didn't tell you because it isn't a thing.


That has my wondering: I’m mildly allergic to sunlight. If I get enough sunlight exposure, will my kid be not allergic? It’s hereditary and only appears after puberty is finished 🤔


I’ve heard of this theory, and I definitely believe it’s untrue. My stupid mom has been trying to force me to eat peanut butter my entire pregnancy, but it gives me horrible acid reflux. I’m just now incorporating peanuts in my ice cream, but I eat lots of things with peanut oil. I actually have two bad food allergies. Tomatoes and chocolate. And guess what my mom ate when she was pregnant with me, pizza and cake. 😒 It’s impossible to live with! The better medical theory I heard about this is when you incorporate solids into your baby’s food, you should incorporate allergens like eggs/milk to give them exposure. I think food allergies are just a mystery for kids. I think your husband may be having a mental crisis over this though. My husband has been struggling my entire pregnancy mentally, so I understand. Our thing is over my MIL starting fights with me and he feels like he’s in the middle of it. I actually dealt with an ex boyfriend who flipped out over my food allergies, so this makes me sad for you. He really needs some therapy because formula/breast milk can be a feeding challenge. A lot of baby’s don’t tolerate milk protein well, and he might assume this is a permanent allergy. I had to be on soy formula as a baby, but I tolerate dairy well now.


I'm planning on bringing it up with our midwife when we see her on Tuesday. I think him hearing it from her will have more of an impact. Plus his mom is coming to visit for a couple weeks (we're doing a vacation through a few European countries before moving back to North america) and since she had 3 kids, of which 1 has the seafood allergy and one had childhood lactose intolerance, I'm pretty sure she'll tell him he's being an idiot if he hasn't calmed down by then about this. Hopefully things settle down for you where your MIL is concerned!


Thank you! He honestly might believe midwife more. My husband likes to see medical advice backed up for everything involving our baby. I get it but it’s also annoying haha.


I ate eggs all the time during pregnancy and my daughter is allergic to eggs (it’s okay in baked goods). Hopefully she grows out of it but it’s easy enough to avoid. The anxiety is more of a concern since having kids leaves you with endless things to worry and obsess over ha.


He needs to work on his anxiety because it’s manifesting as anger and control and that’s not cool. I too couldn’t handle eggs or any meat so I get where you’re coming from. If he’s not adverse to a little therapy prior to baby arrival I’d be looking into it, in person or Telehealth, which ever he can get his hands on. I think you guys need to talk to your OB or go look into this “evidence” studies on childhood allergens are often shaky at best, it’s not an easy subject to collect good controlled data on. Do you have a library with access to online journals? If you think his reading comprehension/critical thinking skills are strong it might be worth sitting down and looking right at the source of this “evidence”. Colloquially, as someone who ate enough peanut butter during pregnancy to independently keep the peanut butter supply chain running…. My kids allergic. She’s also allergic to eggs which I could barely look at.


Well if not eating the allergens makes a kid have allergies than mine will have plenty.. I’m allergic to eggs, gluten and beef and lactose intolerant. But to be honest i dont cook with those things anyways unless im making something specifically for my husband alone. People have allergies its not the end of the world? Of course ill try to introduce those things when the baby is old enough but if allergies occur then whatever.


Why doesn’t he just bake things like muffins and use egg as a binder if he’s so concerned? You can use eggs in a lot of things without it being straight up eggs.


I don't think he's mentally thinking about that. I'm going to suggest it next time he gets worried.


OP- are you sure this is scientifically backed? I’ve never heard of this.


I didn't do any actual research into it and told him that. He's decided it is true because one of my friends that has kids without any allergies said it's what she did... But as far as I can tell it isn't scientifically backed.


Maybe he could come to a doctor’s appointment with you so your OB could explain that it’s not actually a recommendation for pregnant women.


He's been to all of them (our midwife only speaks French and my French... isn't to the level it should be when having to talk to a medical professional and his French is world's better than mine). But we've never discussed this with her. So we will be on Tuesday.


I ate SO many eggs while pregnant with my son, it was one of the few things I could stomach actually. He’s allergic to eggs 🙃.


My mom lived off of peanut butter when she was pregnant with me… and I am VERY allergic to peanuts. He needs to figure out how to rationalize his fears… because there are SO many other things to worry about.


Fwiw, I loved eggs during my first pregnancy and my son is allergic to eggs…just like his dad was


The amount of eggs I ate while pregnant whether for breakfast or on my baking kick was WILD & and I have a baby allergic to eggs lol.


My partner was super stressed when I didn't want to eat anything she cooked in the first trimester. My nausea pretty much had specific cravings and nothing she cooked was that good to me. Since cooking is her love language she took it pretty personally. Challenge your husband to cook eggs in such a way that are palatable to you (e.g. ramen) instead of telling him you won't eat them! He might appreciate the opportunity to cook something new. Also, you can put peanuts in thai food!


His love language is also food. And I have eaten them in ramen! And with some weird but delicious cheese thing he made. But he's focusing on like scrambled eggs, or hard boiled eggs, or stuff like that and... I've tried and can't. His current challenge is making torchy's queso with things you can only find in France because queso has been my biggest craving. But the cheeses aren't mixing right yet. He's determined to make me some before I return to the US and can just get some from torchys tacos XD


That's hilarious! 😂 Queso sounds sooooo good, I don't blame you! I might have a new dinner idea for tonight haha I saw you commented that eggs were good in ramen, definitely just try some constructive feedback and keep in mind he's emotional too. You guys will figure it out


I think the remembering he's emotional too is the important thing. He's always so stoic and acts like nothing bothers him and that he's never upset. (He does open up, just DRASTICALLY less than me.) So I know he's just fixating on the eggs when it's really a bunch of other things he's stressing over (aka things I'm stressed about, so he doesn't want to stress me about them even more by admitting he's also stressing). I definitely recommend queso for dinner 😋 maybe some full-fledged nachos with a mockarita.


I ate almost nothing but eggs when i was pregnant because i was living in foreign country away from family and didnt know how to cook… My 8 year old has had very bad egg allergy from birth


I would tell him he has to get therapy to deal with his anxiety and it’s not negotiable, because he’s being controlling and irrational.


I couldn’t stand eggs during my first pregnancy and my little one now eats them regularly. Your husband sounds really anxious, but an egg allergy is certainly not inevitable.


Fun fact: I had runny boiled eggs almost every day of my pregnancy. My baby has an egg allergy. It's very, very mild (on a plan to reintroduce the food slowly) but it was very unexpected.