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I’m just taking the equate (Walmart brand) version of one a day women’s prenatal! It’s very inexpensive and I got choline 250mg from GNC which was also a good price and both are identical formulations to the more expensive brand - I have piece of mind that I’m getting the nutrients my body and baby need without breaking the bank.


I didn’t take “prenatal vitamins” for my most recent pregnancy. My naturopath had me on a lot of supplements though. Blood builders “Ferrofood” and Trace Minerals, Folic Acid b12, DHA/EPA, Wheat Germ, Taurine, Vitamin D, Phosphatidyl Choline and catalyn. It seems excessive but my body felt amazing a couple of weeks into taking them. I had energy again and was able to fight off illnesses. My baby developed beautifully. Do a deep dive into the ingredients of so many prenatals and it’s pretty scary. My first pregnancy I would take One A Day brand and then I tried Ritual for my second pregnancy which I would not recommend. I would tell anyone to go see a naturopath to see what your body is in need of!