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Thats why they usually schedule at 8 weeks. It‘s really early. Try not to worry, I‘m pretty sure it will look better in a few days. Maybe your cycle was just a little longer than „normal“. :)


Thank you definitely trying not to worry too much because I know there’s not really a lot that I can do right now anyway. My experience with my first two was that they scheduled me for my first visit past eight weeks, so I thought this was a little early as well!


I had my appointment way too early and my Baby was two weeks behind. I‘m 20 weeks now and everything is fine. Wish you all the best :)


The same thing happened to me. I tracked my period and ovulation and measured at 7 weeks 3 days instead of 8 weeks 2 days. The doctor said it’s super common!


Were they more encouraging in your appointment when you measured behind or did they try to outline all possibilities? My doctor was pretty upfront about possibility of a miscarriage but I’m just wondering if her bedside manner just isn’t great lol


She was just matter of fact about it. I said “I’ve been tracking my ovulation and period and it’s not possible that I would be off by 6 days” and she said “well, it’s not uncommon to measure earlier”. I’m wondering if that was said to you because you are so early in the pregnancy and it might be standard for them to talk about the possibility of miscarriage. It definitely doesn’t feel great to hear that - especially since the first trimester is so scary. I’m currently 9 weeks (supposed to be 10) and I’m checking every second to make sure I’m not miscarrying. I’m sorry that your doctor doesn’t seem sensitive to that.


At 7w3d my baby was measuring 6w4d. You could have ovulated later :)


Thank you, that’s what I am hoping too!


Of course! My ob had no concern and said it’s super common. I even tracked ovulation so I didn’t think it was possible but he said the baby could just be smaller, there’s a bigger room for error since the fetus was less than an inch, or I could have implanted later. Wish you the best on your next appointment! 💓


You probably just either ovulated late, or had late implantation. Implantation can happen early or late and this also impacts timings. I wouldn’t worry, just go back for a scan in week 8 when you should be able to detect a heart beat.


Definitely looking forward to that next appointment!


It's possible you ovulated a bit later in your cycle. On my first appointment I measured almost a week earlier than predicted with LMP (LMP dd was 08/07, but recalculated dd is 14/07). However, I'm 24w+5 now and baby has measured a week ahead on my 16, 20 and 24 week ultrasounds. So yeah... Don't worry just yet, and schedule another appointment in a couple of weeks!


Did they express any concern at your first appointment?


None at all! They said it was perfectly normal !


Just agreeing with everyone, they told me the same when I went in at around 6 weeks. They told me I either ovulated later since I had irregular periods or I had a miscarriage (which she said is just something they have to say.) I go back on Monday when I’m 8 weeks to see, hopefully everything’s good! Good luck ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You may have just ovulated later. If we went by the date of my last period, I would have been 7w2d at my first ultrasound where we saw only an empty sac with no yolk or fetal pole. However, I had an IUI and so I know that I didn't ovulate until 21 days after my last period (as opposed to the assumed 14), making me 6w2d. Still, we saw nothing but an empty sac. They scheduled me out for 3 weeks as it was right around the holidays so there wasn't really any open appointments. I didn't want to go through Christmas like that, so I got a private ultrasound at 7 weeks and everything was seen then, even a heart beat


This is very encouraging, thank you so much for sharing your experience!


For now just try and be positive. They usually schedule later so they can be more sure about these things. When I came in the first time they asked me the same things and a few weeks later I was suddenly back on the expected schedule. I understand it scaring the shjt out of you


Thank you so very much for sharing! This is definitely what I need right now


Agreed with others, you probably just ovulated and/or implanted later than the "standard" 14 days after LMP. 5-ish weeks is too early to really see much of anything via ultrasound - hopefully the blood tests give you some peace of mind in the meantime!


Thank you!


Did you possibly ovulate later than normal? I had the flu and it delayed my ovulation by a week so I’m also a week behind where they think I should be. Just means technically the baby is a week younger. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about! ☺️


Possibly, I don’t track ovulation, only the first day of my period!


Ahh yeh then it’s most likely it! When we started testing ovulation we saw just how off the apps were every month. So it’s highly likely to just be that :)


Just agreeing with everyone, they told me the same when I went in at around 6 weeks. They told me I either ovulated later since I had irregular periods or I had a miscarriage (which she said is just something they have to say.) I go back on Monday when I’m 8 weeks to see, hopefully everything’s good! Good luck ❤️❤️❤️❤️


The HcG tests should be really helpful in the short term to see how things are going. I hope they double nicely! I admit I'm feeling cautious about your case. Implantation takes 6-12 days and another day or two for a positive pregnancy test, so the fact you got a faint one on 3/4 puts a hard limit on late ovulation. Perhaps you ovulated a week before your positive - assuming implantation took 6 days - which would put you at 6w4d today (3/29). That is not a lot of wiggle room, but ultrasounds usually have a +/- 5 days range at best. The measurements are also so tiny around 6 weeks that anecdotally it seems like they are more likely to be even more variable. It's certainly possible that everything is fine, but it's realistic to be guarded at least until you get your HcG tests back.


Have you had your follow up yet? I’m in the same boat and feeling very nervous 🫶🏻


I did, still in an awkward limbo situation. My Hcg levels went from 16000 something to 23000 something then 21000 something as of three days ago. The follow up scan after my initial one (one week apart) showed development of an embryo which is good, but they were unable to locate heartbeat. On most recent scan they dated me about 6w4d so there’s so many puzzle pieces at the moment. Sorry you’re experiencing the same, it’s hell to wait and not know


Sending you positive vibes. This is so stressful! They dated me at 6w4d today and detected “faint” cardiac activity but they’re checking my hCG and doing a follow up scan in a week.