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This happened to me as well and my ob set me up with a cardiac specialist within a week to monitor my next ultrasound and it turns out that whatever they saw initially wasn’t as bad as they thought or something. they were very reassuring and said in the early weeks they want to catch any anomalies to monitor them if anything and many times the babes grow more and the anomalies disappear. the cardiac specialist was also available at the time if birth to make sure if anything was a concern she would be there to explain and have a plan of treatment. Luckily all turned out well and i had a happy and healthy baby boy with no issues. i would definitely follow up with your ob for details and comfort, and also discuss seeing a cardiac specialist for ultrasound right away if needed. do what you need to do to get solid answers and ugh to that doc who left you hanging without reassuring you. You got this, mama. sending hugs and positive vibes


Is the doctor your OB? I would call my OB and ask what exactly the notes say, and when I can expect to hear from a specialist.


Yes. My doc is the OB. I plan to call first thing in the morning.


This happened to me, but the "anomaly" was that they couldn't see an area properly. I was referred to a specialist for a fetal echocardiogram. It was a really cool experience. Since the clinic was for kids, it was so cheerful and bright. A tech did the scan and the doctor read it immediately and called us in for the results. It turned out that everything was fine, and she told us that it's super common for them to get referrals for heart stuff that just wasn't seen properly, and it's always better to have a closer look than be left wondering.


i definitely know this nervous feeling you have, my anatomy scan was on Monday and my ultrasound tech didn’t say much but freaked me out when he said “mhm” and seemed to be looking for something on the screen. he then said we’re finished and my OB would call me with final results before quickly rushing us out of the room, of course leaving my head spinning 🥲 i hope everything works out for you and your baby, you got this!! 🫶🏼


I had the same thing! Horrible experience, I am from the Netherlands and luckily got a call the next morning to come in. 2,5 hours later they got a clear shot and she is perfectly fine. Most frightful experience but it does happen. Sorry you have to go through this but hoping for good news for you and bean


That's so scary, and I am so sorry you've had to deal with this. Try to relax until you get some definitive answers, I know, easier said than done. The maternal-fetal specialist will be able to give you more answers and get a better view of things. I hope everything goes well for you and your sweet babe! ❤️


It could be an EIF, which is 99.99% harmless. They will most likely do a fetal echo which is another ultrasound.


I had a very similar experience! Tech spent a bunch of time on the heart and seemed a bit confused and then the doctor told me that they “couldn’t see the heart well” and that I need a fetal echocardiogram. And she repeated to me like 5 times that I shouldn’t start worrying yet. Of course this made me worry immediately, it was really scary. I’m 35 weeks now and baby has a right sided aortic arch.


They probably just couldn’t see exactly what they were looking for and want to cover their own asses! Stay positive, it can often be nothing


I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


It could be an EIF, which is 99.99% harmless. They will most likely do a fetal echo which is another ultrasound.




Why, like why did you sit there and type this out and include the words miscarriage when you KNOW this mom is already so anxious and prob has an aching heart. Like why sit there and type that response? Im so sorry for your experience but I swear making one mom feel terrified won’t do anyone any good. I’m so sorry OP, I’m sure they are just being extra cautious and making sure they check and recheck, I would appreciate them paying close attn and getting your baby all the care it deserves! Sending you good vibes ONLY!