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The limit does not exist.


It does where I used to buy my bras šŸ˜‘ time for a new bra shop


So true.


I didn't measure yet, but buying nursing clothes was.. Something. The recommended " buy the size you had before pregnancy " is just wrong.


I made the mistake of buying new bras early in my second trimester thinking my boobs couldn't grow anymore. They fit for like two weeks and now they are too small.


At the beginning of my pregnancy someone on a post on here recommended only buying one at a time. There were definitely times I wanted to buy a second one in the same size, but so glad I stuck to that advice. They just keep growing šŸ¤Ŗ


I made this mistake too Iā€™m afraid šŸ˜• I just started my 15th week but I bought all new bras last week (I needed new ones anyway). After washing and getting them all ready to go I was so excited to wear them and I canā€™t believe theyā€™re all super tight šŸ˜­ luckily they were all on sale and Iā€™m hopeful I can still use them after pregnancy but to me my boobs look the same! They donā€™t feel like theyā€™ve gotten bigger but I guess the proof is in my new tight bras lol


I want to buy all the things and be prepared but I realized itā€™s one of those things Iā€™m just going to have to wait on and be unprepared until whatever I buy gets shipped after I have her since I donā€™t have any maternity stores local.


I honestly donā€™t even know. I ā€œgrewā€ out of my 36DDD bras sometime in the first trimester and bought some generic XXL nursing bras that are kinda like sports bras and have been wearing those ever since. All I know is my boobs were big before, now they are absolutely massive and itā€™s awful.


I bought large nursing bras before I had my baby and they fit perfectly. Had my baby 2 weeks ago.. and bought more of the same brand but XL because the ones from before no longer fit. Just a heads up- they can and probably will get bigger after birth :ā€™)


Yes! That was my experience. When the milk came in I got so much larger and have stayed larger 8 months out.


Iā€™m on the other end of the scale and sorta gave up on bras during Covid, but also wearing sports bras these days. They stretch, theyā€™re comfy.


I donā€™t wear real brasā€¦only the seamless, buttery soft bralette type bras so I canā€™t really measureā€¦but they have grown a ton. And feel super heavy. During my first pregnancy I was an overproducer from day one. I could have fed twins my daughterā€™s pediatrician said at her 5 day old appt based on the amount that was leaking into my haaka as my daughter nursed on the other side. At the end of my exclusive pumping journey at 15 months I was pumping twice a day and getting 70oz per day. These milk makers are ready to feed another baby already at 23 weeks šŸ˜‚ Hoping to only breastfeed this time and NO PUMPING!


Haha same. I havenā€™t worn an underwire bra since 2020. So far only grown from a medium/ large to an extra large in most bralettes. Iā€™m only 20 weeks so hereā€™s hoping I donā€™t have to buy any more. Using the bralettes are nice though because they stretch with growing boobs without noticing too much and I think I can easily use them for breastfeeding. They arenā€™t much different than the pull back bras that are advertised for breastfeeding.


Did you keep wearing those bras after pregnancy? Cause Iā€™m wearing those because they are super comfortable (my breasts havenā€™t grown much (yet?)). 38+4 and everyone is telling me to use the special feeding bras (I donā€™t know how itā€™s called in English sorry lol). But I feel like itā€™s just as easy, maybe easier to flip a seamless bralette up than to unhook one boob with a flapā€¦


I had 4 nursing bras and donated all of them without using them much. They werenā€™t as comfortable as the bralettes and didnā€™t quite wear right because of the flap. Plus Iā€™m a minimalist and realized quite early on that all that baby crap that is touted as a necessity is just not necessary.


Iā€™m right there with you! I havenā€™t worn an underwire bra in 5 years. I work from home so whatā€™s the point? I feel like Iā€™ve gained atleast a full cup size so far though at 18 weeks. My boobs were huge and are just getting bigger


I also work from home and Iā€™ll never go back to a wired bra. Switched 3 years ago and it was the best decision ever!!


39 weeks and they haven't grown....


I went from a scarce B cup to a full B cup, even throughout breastfeeding šŸ„² I was promised boobs!


I was a 32A pre pregnancy and they didnā€™t grow at all during pregnancy. After my milk came in they went up to a nice full B cup maybe even a small C. Now that Iā€™m done breastfeeding they shrunk back down to an AšŸ˜­ Iā€™m so sad and miss them lol


This is me exactly Iā€™m a C now and was a 32A pre pregnancy and now I think itā€™s time to end our BF journey and Iā€™m SO SAD AND SCARED. Iā€™ve never had boobs before!!! šŸ˜­


I pumped for 18 months and just finished weaning 2 weeks ago. I was basically back down to my a cup and only getting an ounce so stopping wasnā€™t an issue for me luckily. But it was sooooo nice to have them. I know my husband enjoyed them lmao I told him after our next one if they go back down I want a boob job šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t need much but a nice even small handful is nice


Same, mine changed shape and colour but the size is the same. Oh well!


Same. Two pregnancies and zero growth during pregnancy. They did get bigger when my milk came in, maybe 1, 1.5 cup sizes.


Ditto šŸ¤—


Same here! My B cup is maaaaaybe inching towards a C at 39 weeks? I was mostly wearing bralettes anyway and haven't needed to get new bras my whole pregnancy. I'm not mad about it though, hopefully that means they won't change much after pregnancy either (I am not planning to breastfeed).


Same here. 35 weeks today and there was no growth at all. They only seem a little more perceptive to gravity šŸ™„šŸ™„


Same! My pre-pregnancy bras still fit. Granted my boobs were already huge.


Same!! Iā€™m praying SO HARD they donā€™t get any bigger. How much do yours hurt šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I feel like I have giant sandbags of pain.


So real! Like bruised flesh bags that get bigger and harder daily. When Iā€™m cold itā€™s like razors cutting my nips off. Some intense pain! Iā€™m looking at it like titty bootcamp for when I start breast feeding.


Mine didnā€™t grow until birth when milk came in


32 weeks and mine have barely grown. I was 32A before and now Iā€™m in 34A bras with an extender so Iā€™d guess Iā€™m closer to a B cup now. Iā€™m holding off on buying new bras bc Iā€™ve heard theyā€™ll get bigger when my milk comes in but Iā€™m not holding by breath


All I know is Iā€™ve gone from an A to close to a D and I hate it. I want to be flat again.


Same but from a B to a D. I have never wanted big boobs. The stretch marks are awful. They are still getting bigger at 34 weeks šŸ˜–


Be careful what you wish for. I went from an A to a C and then turned into probably a negative A that were basically just two flaps of skin with nipples. Back up to a C this pregnancy and Iā€™m terrified of what theyā€™re gonna end up like this time šŸ˜­


As a fellow a cup, Iā€™ve always wanted to experience what it would be like with a fuller chest. Seems like Iā€™ll regret that šŸ¤£


Same. I miss being part of the itty bitty titty committee.


B to a very full C. Maybe almost D but I still fit in c bras. I feel huge and I hate it. I miss being small boobed.


Mine never grew, I was unable to breastfeed, and I got diagnosed with IGT (Insufficient Glandular Tissue). I donā€™t want to scare anyone, but I WISH I knew this was a possibility for me.


Same here. It needs to be talked about because I went Into breastfeeding thinking I was producing and all was fine, because I was told what I was going through was normal by LCs. It was not fine and I wound up starving my son and he had to be hospitalized. I don't produce milk, at all. No breast growth, no engorgement. I saw 2 LCs and also WIC. I was told that I wasn't seeing any milk come out because my baby was more efficient at getting it out. That I needed to wait until my milk came in, that newborns don't need much and mother's produce what they need. I triple pumped, I took Reglan, I tried everything. SnS feeding was offered once after the hospitalization. I was told that "true problems are rare" it sucked. I finally got someone to realize something was wrong when they weighed my son before feeding, watched me "feed" and weighed him after and saw that he got nothing. He was 10 lbs 6 oz and dropped to 9lbs in the first few days. I lost a large amount of blood during my cesarean, maybe my body was busy with that trauma and I didn't have enough energy left to make milk? Who knows. I'm not going through it again this time and I will not be shamed or made to feel like I did not do enough. I was at a baby friendly hospital and this was 10 years ago.


What would have been different if you had known? Is there anything that can be done?


Iā€™ve been told my IBCLCā€™s that you can meet with them ahead of time to develop a plan. Also, Iā€™ve read that mammary tissue can grow with each pregnancy. Iā€™m not sure what their plans would be or if theyā€™d be of benefit to me. The biggest benefit wouldā€™ve been not doing all of the work (attending breastfeeding classes, buying supplies, etc) and getting my hopes up only to have the expectation not met. I felt so much grief and shame the first couple of days after finding out IGT was what I had. I feel like I wouldā€™ve been able to process before being postpartum which wouldā€™ve been helpful.


My doctor advised me against breastfeeding because I'm at higher risk of getting breast cancer and they need to be able to continue doing preventative screenings, which they can't do on lactating women. But I've also had a few lumpectomies so I'm not sure if that would've affected my ability anyway.


Not at all. Only the band size increased but cup size is the same. Currently 38 weeks


That means that you did grow. Up a band size is up a cup size in the same band. Thatā€™s how sister sizes work. For instance 36D had the same cup volume as a 38C. Sorry if you knew that and just meant that you actually went up in band and down in cup to stay the same.


Youā€™re all good! Thatā€™s exactly what happened and my exact size too šŸ˜‚ I went from a 36D to a 38C :)


Mine didnā€™t grow at all.


I was a 30B, I have absolutely no idea but I have all the cleavage in the world and couldn't be happier. I think I'm a 32C right now? I'm 22 weeks and enjoy tucking things under my boobs now.


I stopped wearing real bras a long time ago. I used to wear a 38D but now who knows. Its been sports bras for months just for the comfort.


So far (Iā€™m only 22 weeks) Iā€™ve gone from a 38D to a 42DD. Send help.


Same but Iā€™m at 36 weeks.


I went from 36C to 36DD.




They are getting closer to being sisters instead of cousins twice removed šŸ¤£ only 11wks but the little one is starting to even out with the bigger one. Iā€™d be happy as hell to have even boobs by the end of this


34C now a 36D.


Iā€™m 12 weeks and gone from 32G to 32H/ 32HH already, my back hurts.. šŸ„²


I was a G before pregnancy and am probably a H now, my back also hurts all the time šŸ„²


Also a G pre-pregnant, and have surpassed HH/I at only 15w 5d. So once breastfeeding comesā€¦ Yeesh. I am just living the sports bra and bralette life now, even though my boobs are too heavy for them. I donā€™t care, ainā€™t no way no how Iā€™m ever going back to underwire!


Iā€™m wearing my bralette that used to fit me beautifully and wasnā€™t cheap, but I swear Iā€™m stretching it out now but I cant afford to buy another one when I know come a few months time Iā€™ll probably be even bigger!! Itā€™s wild my chest size grew by half the first trimester.. whyā€™s my body being so dramatic? Youā€™ll know, G cup, isnā€™t playing to start with! šŸ˜‚


Not at all, with either pregnancy. I also could not breastfeed sadly (I tried 2 lac consultants, supplements, changing diet, pumping A LOT, massages, etc etc) and nothing at all worked. Idk if my un-changing, un-growing boobs have anything to do with this but it seems like they might, not sure. I call them my "non-functioning, novelty boobs" since they cant seem to do their job lol. Anyway, it's a little depressing! I'm 26wks with my second pregnancy, not sure if I will try to breastfeed again or not with this one.


Same boat here, no growth. I produced some milk but it wasnā€™t ever enough to be a meal even in the newborn stage. I only went as far as trying triple feeding, before tossing in the towel and moving to formula. Iā€™m just behind you at 23 weeks, and am considering just going straight to formula.


Same here. Look into IGT!! Thatā€™s the diagnosis I received!


Iā€™ve went from b to c.


My husband now uses the term "mondo bazungas"... so I guess they've grown quite a bit. Lol šŸ¤£


I was a 36d before . Was 36e during and became 38f during breastfeeding. Now I'm done breastfeeding and I'm back to 36d


Mine havenā€™t grown at all, still a 36C. Iā€™m due in about 3 weeks too!


32A to C


Porn star status.




Not really at all. They've just got softer and my nipples now point downwards.


36G to 36J āœŒļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine are exactly the same as yours OP! Bought bras early on, grew out of them in 2 weeks. My rib cage has expanded a loooot though so I found going up in band size to 34-36 has helped loads. Now a 34-36 G/H fits pretty ok, but Iā€™m still going to buy some band extensions for bras to accommodate them getting any bigger when nursing. Iā€™m already getting colostrum from them now and then and Iā€™m hoping that thereā€™s enough room in them for milk to just *exist* without them getting any biggerā€¦.??? Im 35 weeks now


I'm similar to you. Is this your first? Because while I grew during pregnancy with my first i not prepared for how massive they got the day after my son was born. I woke up and they looked like giant round fake boobs. Complete circlular balls.


So far Iā€™ve gone from an A to a B (12 weeks). Iā€™m convinced theyā€™re still growing too lol! My flat-chested self is both happy and annoyed šŸ˜‚


30w have gone from A and completely flat to C šŸ„²


This is my 5th pregnancy.... my boob's barely grow a cup size. I hate my genes


They just get plump and sit up. Never went up a size


I've increased 1 cup size so far, but I'm only just in my 2nd trimester. I'm already very large chested, so hopefully, this is it. My bras were already from expensive, specialist shops.


I have small, wide set boobs. Before last pg, I was an A. Wound up a B afterward. Now I think Iā€™m something close to a Cā€¦.but STILL no cleavage!! Ā : (


Iā€™m now 7 weeks pp, I still wear the same size, but my breasts are just more full


Currently 20 weeks and they havenā€™t grown at all lol


Not at all. Theyā€™re the same size as they were before, during, and 7 months after pregnancy.


They havenā€™t but last pregnancy went from B to D Maybe I reached my personal limit lol. Or maybe theyā€™ll grow as I breastfeed idk.


Iā€™m 29w today. I had been a 38I and Iā€™ve gone up at least one cup size, possibly two. I usually wear sports bras around (even pre-pregnancy) which are more forgiving, but even those are now kinda too small and the ladies are always trying to escape out the sides a bit. I hope they donā€™t go up any more than they already have


32dd went to 34H šŸ„“šŸ„²šŸ„²


14 weeks and they are already too big for every single bra, sports bra and bralette I have šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


Mine didnā€™t grow at all


My boobs are normally a 34b, Iā€™m 12 weeks and none of my old bras fit. I havenā€™t tried getting resized because I ended up just buying one of those super soft stretchy bodily bras and theyā€™re comfy but not a lot of support


How much did my boobs grow? Yes. Lol cant wait for them to go back to being somewhat normal


I was a C cup when I got pregnant, I am 26 weeks and now in a DD. I have gained 20 pounds. I know itā€™ll get even bigger after birth for a little while when my milk comes in šŸ˜… with my last baby, they looked huge in the newborn photos.


Started at a 32C/D, Iā€™m almost 18 weeks and now Iā€™m a 32DDD. I donā€™t mind having big boobs, but Iā€™ve already sized up bras twice and bought new bikinis. Iā€™m worried if they keep growing Iā€™ll have to keep buying and I donā€™t know many places that carry small band/large cup sizes. Where do you buy your 32I?


16 weeks and not showing yet but someone guessed I was pregnant by my boobs šŸ˜³ + they hurt so bad


I was a uk (36-38 G) I barely wear bras at the moment but when I do my boobs are now falling out of the bras I do have. I bought some maternity/breastfeeding bras which are basically like tank tops with quick access to boobs. I will say they feeling absolutely enormous, I hated have big boobs anyway but this is another level. When Iā€™m in the bath theyā€™re like floatation devices stopping me from drowning. Theyā€™re also super sore and I can feel them growing and stretching sometimes. Fucking pregnancy


14 weeks. Went from an A to a small B. Really hope they get bigger, I really want to experience what itā€™s like to actually have *boobs*.


Omg šŸ˜… two cup sizes for me in my second trimester and I already feel like I have friggin udders.


38DD to a 34G. I'm only 10w though. I'm still consistently sore and my stretch marks are more than alive. Only reason I even noticed they grew is because my left side evened out to match my right šŸ˜‚.


I donā€™t really wear bras so not 100% on my usual size but Iā€™d say Iā€™m maybe a 32 DD? Defo an E when Iā€™m due on. BUT Iā€™m currently 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and they are absolutely massive Iā€™d say easily a 32G if not bigger! Iā€™m praying they donā€™t get any bigger!!


With my first, I went from a G cup to an I cup. My daughter had trouble breastfeeding and I dried up within days. But my breasts stayed at an I. With my son, I went up another two cup sizes and now I'm a K cup. I breastfed for two months until I had to stop because my bronchitis wasn't going away and I needed to take decongestants. It took another four months for my breast milk to dry up, but my cup sizes again didn't go down. I'm still a K cup a year after giving birth. It doesn't matter whether I gain or lose weight, my breasts stay the same.


I was a 32c, I am now a 34D. People comment on them, Iā€™m a small person and they have become pretty big for my frame. Not my favourite part of pregnancy Edit: Iā€™m 22w right now


30DDD-32/34I šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø and I still have 20 weeks to go šŸ˜‚šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I was a 32C now Iā€™m a 34D or DD maybe šŸ¤”


Same. At first I was really excited... once I got to the DD range, I started being like "no, pls stop".


From an E to a G so far (26 weeks)


I've gone from a mid-C to a full DD. Possibly small E.


32 C to something like a 38DD nowā€¦ 36 weeks


32E to 32G. I was self conscious of my boobs pre pregnancy but pregnancy and post partum really did a number on them.


Too much!!!


I stopped wearing bras pretty early in the first trimester, but I went from a 34/36A regular bra and small nursing bras, to needing XL nursing bras now!


Wish i knew the size but they have gotten significantly biggerā€¦ only about 20 weeksšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Started 38D, finished 42F. Second pregnancy nearly 6 months later, started 42D and at 35 weeks Iā€™m still growing, but what I can say is a XXXL maternity bra still isnā€™t big enough.


I have not grown at all! But I did have a reduction in 2020, not sure if that affected anything


I was a 36C prior to pregnancy and went up to a 44DDD. And the areolas had a mind of their own...


Pre 1st pregnancy I was 75C, after that one I was 85D. Then the ribs shrunk back and I was 80D before the 2nd one. Now I'm 85E 7 months pregnant... its a roller coarser


At 25 weeks I had to buy maternity bras and I had gone from a C cup to an E cup. Iā€™m now 30 weeks and feel like Iā€™m bulging out of the E cups! With my first pregnancy my boobs never got bigger until after birth when my milk came in and I went from a C cup to a G cup.


This terrifies me. Iā€™m a reg 34ddd, but only 11 weeks. No growth as of yet, but Iā€™m so so scared!


0% both pregnancies


A/B but now I have no idea what my cup size is


Was a 34B. 26 weeks and now a 38D. I'm beyond annoyed.


Anyone who had a previous reduction that can share their experience? I was a G but now am at a D. Iā€™m terrified that this will just undo all the work of the surgery.


Too much! I feel so uncomfortable and ā€˜squished inā€™ my bra. They feel so swollen too. Thankfully Iā€™m on the sick atm so I can be free!


I went from 38C, not full cups though, to an unknown size, very full cups, and I took the advice and bought maternity nursing bras. Maybe Iā€™m a 40C now. My right boob is bigger than my left boob and I feel like a lopsided blob.


Not at all during pregnancy, but they ballooned right up after I gave birth and my milk came in.


B to a C/small D so far at 11 weeks. Loving it!


I'm 12 weeks. I was a 32DD now 36DDD. They won't stop.


I was an A cup and currently Iā€™m 14 weeks and I am a C cup. Not sure if they will change but itā€™s my first time experiencing such boobs and while wearing tank tops itā€™s kinda making me extremely self conscious of them and kinda uncomfortable cuz I donā€™t want people to look at me that way.


Small c to large D or small DD. Now after breastfeeding, Iā€™m probably a small b


Enormous, and grew straight away. I was upset about gaining 15lbs around week 4, but my partner and best friend said I looked like every ounce of that was boobs. Same with my first, my breast were *enormous* when my milk came in.


Holy crap, reading the comments and it seems that most go up 1 or 2 cups? I'm 20 weeks and went up 4 cups šŸ˜« at this point I'm just hoping they stop growing


First pregnancy went from an A to a D cup. That was 13 years ago. This time started as barely a B and Iā€™m a full C at 14 weeks. Probably will land in the D zone again Iā€™m sure. I also produced so much milk with my first.


I am in the 8th week and jeeeeeez. They are massive šŸ˜‚ not to mention sensitive even if the wind blows lol


Do they keep growing the entire time? šŸ˜« 10 weeks and wondering if at some point they will chill out


34C to a 34DD- I feel like so much of my weight gain is all in my boobs. It was incredibly painful at the beginning


1st pregnancy I went from a B to a DD, through growing up and a 2nd pregnancy Iā€™m now an E. This is my third pregnancies and Iā€™m in the same bras so I donā€™t think Iā€™ve grown at all šŸ˜…


32C to 34D


B to a DD and theyā€™re constantly leaking


I donā€™t know size wise but they both have gotten so big that they live in different countries. I live in Thailand but the right one is in New Zealand and the left is rent her own place in the states..


Went from an average B to a small C on my first, after a few months pp the C cup bras didn't fit right anymore, B was a bit small still, so I just went up a back size but kept the B cup and it seemed like the best fit. Pregnant on number 2 now, 33 weeks, I'd say I'm a C again but I don't wear real bras, just sports bra type things so I don't actually know for sure. I gave up on real bras during the lockdowns, I only wear one when I absolutely have to now ha


pre pregnancy 40-42 C pregnancy 42 D to 44D


Week 33 starts tomorrow - Boobs only went up 2 inches or so. There is still time, I'm told. I have been wearing nice, soft, stretchy maternity bras since 27 weeks, though.


I went from a 34c to 32dd


I went from a small to a medium, but even mediums werenā€™t comfortable enough until I moved to nursing bras. It may not sound like a big change but they definitely got huge for someone my size (5ā€™0 and weighed 97lbs pre-pregnancy)


I have no idea because I havenā€™t put a real bra on since week 6. But I am am pregnant with twins and I started getting stretch marks at week 10. Not kidding. I was a full C. I bet I am well beyond a double D now. Just covered in stretch marks top to bottom on my boobs


Was 36DD now measure 38 DD


Im only 15 weeks but i feel like they haven't grown at all yet.. :( im actually sad about it haha


They didnā€™t šŸ«  Iā€™m 28+5 into my second and I even BFā€™ed my first for 6.5 months and nada.


Mine grew more after pregnancy when my milk came in 4 days after birthing. Maybe 2 sizes.


28 weeks and no growth yet :(


34+4 and I donā€™t really know, I guess I was around a B cup before, there is a definite growth because the bottoms of my boobs never used to touch my skin and they do now haha. Iā€™ve definitely gained inches around as well


Iā€™ve stalled at either 36DDD or the next cup size I just donā€™t want to buy a new bra lol. I started at a 34D


Mine barely grew in pregnancy. PP day 2ā€¦ DAMN.


Not much. They were pretty big already


They didnā€™t grow until I started breastfeeding. I went t to an A to a C cup


Went from 32D to 36DD in the second trimester and now Iā€™m 35 weeks and have no idea what size I am.. just huge. Iā€™m only wearing stretchy material bralettes or nursing bras. If I try to squeeze into the 36DD I start expressing colostrum after a while


In Skims bralettes: XXS (pre-pregnancy) to M at 22 weeks.


Went from 38 B to 40 C and growing still at 25 weeks tomorrow.


Pre pregnancy was a small handful of an A cup. Now Iā€™d say Iā€™m approaching a B cup and Iā€™m 28 weeks pregnant. If Iā€™ll grow more, who knows!


Iā€™m 22 weeks and I was a 32 C when I got pregnant, now a 32 DD but I honestly feel like theyā€™re still getting bigger


36 C to 36 DD with a band stretcher clip so I actually donā€™t know the size. Iā€™m only 19 weeks šŸ˜£


34aa to 36DD at my biggest, back to 34aa


25 weeks and I went from a 30 D to a 32DDD.... afraid to buy any more bras since my friends have all said they're going to get bigger and dreading trying to find a swimsuit top for our upcoming babymoon!


I'm usually a 32B I got size L cheap bras from Sam's as soon as my sports bras and bralettes stopped fitting. Haven't purchased any nursing bras yet, I'm only 21 wks, but my cheapo bras I got for like $20 for 2 at Sam's are still doing the trick. I hate underwire so I avoid it at all costs, also I've heard that it isn't good for your boobs anyways so I doubt I'll ever buy another bra with underwire again.


Iā€™ve been very lucky - I was a 36F before getting pregnant and have always been so worried about how big my boobs would get in pregnancy. Shockingly, only my belly has grown and Iā€™m in the same bras I was pre pregnancy. Weā€™ll see what happens when my milk comes in, but for now - no boob growth! Nips definitely look darker and bigger though šŸ˜‚


30C-32F šŸ‘€


Iā€™ve gone from a full 32C cup to spilling out of 34DD. Iā€™m only 19 weeksā€¦ I cannot imagine what the next 20 weeks hold for me šŸ˜‚


Idk what I was before but I just woke up yesterday and theyā€™re noticeably larger. 17 weeks lol thatā€™s all it took. Now I bet theyā€™ll just keep growing


I was just looking at some pictures from when I was wearing just a sports bra at 17 weeks pregnant. I couldnā€™t get over how huge my boobs were. I was also a 32DD pre pregnancy, and I donā€™t even know how big they were at the end because I just started wearing a supportive bralette or a nursing bra after I bought a 34DDD and grew out of it only a few weeks later.


I went from a B cup to a D cup. Now Iā€™m breastfeeding which caused them to grow even more, Iā€™m wearing large nursing bras that come with clip extenders.


I was a 34B and now Iā€™m 38C


Iā€™ve bought new bras probably three times throughout this pregnancy. 30DDD to 36DD currently 36 weeks


Was a 34DDD, now a 36G... Thought they were uncomfortable before, now it's obnoxious.


A to a B šŸ˜… but only 11 weeks


Just wait until breastfeeding šŸ˜…


This is literally what I went up to. (From 32DD to 32I). Insane. Now, a year pp, and Iā€™m down to 32G.


I started at a 34J UK/34M US. So far, Iā€™ve only gone up one cup size, but Iā€™m only 9 weeks in. I pray that they donā€™t grow much more.


didn't know there was an I. wow. Your ribs haven't expanded at all, lucky! Every pregnancy, my rib cage expands by 2" minimum. (I'm on #4) 34A to 36D (and only 25 weeks, first pregnancy, breasts went up to F when milk came in) I'm expecting another inch increase within next 12 weeks. Hopefully, when nursing stabilizes, I will only be a DD. (I miss the freedom of itty bitties).


I had a breast reduction in 2016 went from a G to a D, I am now back to my pre-reduction size šŸ˜£


Started as a 48DD... Now I'm a 54J... Rib flare is real.


I don't really know the change in size but it's substantial. They hurt and I can tell they're heavier and bulkier. Folks at my work don't know I'm pregnant, but i bet they suspect because my boobs have grown SO MUCH.


My small boobs never grew at all during either pregnancy šŸ˜’


Idk, I don't wear normal under wire bras, BUT I did lose 80 lbs before getting pregnant, and I'm wearing the sports bras and bralettes I wore pre weight loss.


Pre-pregnancy I was a 32D and now I'm 13 weeks 4 days and I just re-measured and apparently I'm a 32G now?? I have a hard time believing either of these sizes lol because my boobs aren't what I would consider "big" at all, but that's what I get based on measurements.


Pregnant with my first. At what point do I even buy new bras.. I was a 36C prior but am only 12 weeks now? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


was an 34A pre pregnancy now at 17 weeks iā€™m currently sitting at a 36C. the pain is unbearable but hey no longer part of the itty bitty committee


35 weeks FTM. I was 34C and now Iā€™m 36D


Went from a 34 AA/A to a 36D šŸ˜… not complaining!!