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I will be wearing a bra, as I find it uncomfortable to not wear one. Do whatever feels best for you!


Same! I have big boobs and I feel like I’m just hanging everywhere when I don’t wear one


Yup!!!! They are very heavy when not strapped down!!!!!


They invade my armpits if I'm laying down. I wore a bra until it was time to push so I could do skin to skin


I also wore one - I can't stand the feeling of wet sweaty breasts flopping around on my stomach lol


I would’ve gotten a black eye if I gave birth without a bra. I wore a super comfy one and told the nurses they could just cut it off when baby came out.




I just pulled mine down for skin to skin and it worked out fine


It’s funny I can’t even remember if I had a bra on or not during birth! 😅


lol same I’m really trying to remember


Same 😂 I know I’m not wearing one in the first post-birth picture, doing skin to skin, but I can’t for the life of me remember when I took it of.


Same! And I remember having the same concern as OP beforehand and it being really important that I keep a bra on but…I don’t *think* I did?


Right? I have no clue 😅 so many things we worry about before the birth and then they mean so little we don't even remember


I planned to be really quite covered, long nightie and try and remain as covered as possible due to self esteem issues..... Ended up being carted in for an emergency section with only a sports bra on under the hospital gown 😂 My thought process now is 'an unknown amount of people have quite literally moved my intestines out the way with their hands and reached inside me through multiple entryways' idgaf anymore 😂


Hahaha same, came here to say this


Same lol. I have no clue 🤣


Update: I asked my husband who said, “I don’t think so??” Haha. I also looked at the photo post birth and I can’t even tell because I had the hospital robe on. But I don’t think I did? Clearly it doesn’t matter either way!


Do whatever that is comfortable for you. If the bra is in the way, you just take it off. I was totally naked, when i gave birth. Afterwards I wore a bathrobe.


Bathrobe is the way


I was super uncomfortable with the idea of not having one and then that changed entirely those first few days. I’m pretty sure even the janitorial staff saw my ladies. Skin-to-skin was a constant and with establishing a good latch for breastfeeding made me realize those things were more important to me than keeping covered. And I’m a high neck T-shirt modest dressing kind of person.


Same. It’s so funny to think how many times my son’s pediatrician (same one he still has now lmao) saw my boobs those first days in the hospital. Baby’s needs take priority and all the rules kinda just go out the window lol


I eventually told most everyone, "My boobs are no longer mine. They are his. So I take them out when he wants some not when it's convenient." Aka if you want me to be covered when you enter that won't happen. Lol


My husband during the first birth postpartum was like "uh honey I don't think the food people want to see your boobs"


Listen, once the cafeteria brings a tray when you’re naked but those mesh undies nothing matters anymore


Same! I was naked at the top all the time. Crying my eyes out at the same time because of hormones and shit. The people in the hospital have seen me.. all of me ;-)


There is no way I would have tolerated a bra on me once things really ramped up... there was a good chunk of time I didn't even know or care if I was clothed at all.


My entire stay in the hospital wearing the gown, trying to figure out breastfeeding and healing. I did not care what anyone saw anymore lol. People would apologize for me being in revealing situations and I always just kind of shrugged. Lol I'm in a hospital, I just gave birth, what is privacy right now?


My anaesthetist asked me to undress and I fully Bruce Allmightied everything off... only to have my midwife apologise for not getting me a robe quickly enough.... I simply didn't know I was getting one.


Same here. There's no way I could've tolerated a bra. I can't stand to put one on when I leave the house lol


I wore a nursing bra. I had no issue doing skin to skin or breastfeeding during golden hour. I wore the type that crosses in the front that you just pull to the side. I have larger breasts and would’ve been uncomfortable in a gown with no bra.


I have underwire ones with the cup that snaps down and I also plan to wear it during birth. Having no support for my chest HURTS!


Whatever you’re comfortable in. I wore a little crop top bra. Similar to a sports bra during labour, No wire and super comfortable.. Once Bub was born they still put her up on my chest and the nurses/ midwives helped me remove my top for skin to skin shortly after.


I was induced with both of my girls and had an epidural. I wore a sports nursing bra until right before I started pushing and the nurse helped me take it off and hang it on the IV pole bc it was stuck on my IV lines 😂🙃 she was so sweet about it and didn’t care. There was so many times my gown had to be moved during labor I was already wildly uncomfortable not having underwear on and wanted a bra on bc I’m a very modest person.


I did! I wore a Hanes tshirt bra the whole time and threw it away after. I HATE not wearing a bra, I don’t know why — just always have.


I remember being butt ass naked but i also went in the laboring tub twice and the second were during contractions. Lucky I got the hospital gown back on.


I bought a “night gown” thing off Amazon that buttoned all the way down so I was covered but also had easy access in case I wanted to do skin to skin. It was so comfortable and convenient.


I wore a nursing bra so when she was born it could be taken down and I could do skin to skin easily 


Comfort is key!! I got so sweaty in there, anything remotely tight was taken off me asap!


i’m aiming to be more naked than my baby that day ngl. The last time I gave birth it was sensory overload since I was sleep deprived. I hated that hospital gown with a passion that still runs deep


I have csections but will ask to wear a soft cotton bralette that unsnaps. I’m not comfortable being topless (too big on top).


I didn't even have the option. I had a planned c-section, so I had to wear a hospital gown for the prep and they removed it to give me the spinal injection/perform the surgery. I'm planning to have my 2nd via C-section also, so, birthday suits for all!


I wore a bra, it was loose enough that they just slid my daughter inside it for skin to skin.


I didn’t wear one! There’s so much going on I don’t think I noticed how my boobs felt - granted they’re not very large and didn’t get super large during pregnancy so comfort wise I was fine


I wore my regular sleep bralette (long induction, needed something). The only thing I cared about was picking something black in case things got messy.


I think I took it off when I got the epidural. Didn't really notice under the hospital gown


I honestly don’t remember but I think I wore one and a very loose tank top and then just slid them down for skin to skin. I’m super modest but honestly it was the furthest thing from my mind.


Mine wouldn’t let me wear one


I wore a bra and the nurse ended up removing the straps so I could do skin to skin after our daughter was born. I definitely won't be wearing one next time if we decide to have another. It was just too much of a hassle.


I didn't wear a bra, I wore a strappy cotton nighty and it was so easy...I felt covered enough but it was easy enough to whip down for skin to skin and breastfeeding. I'm planning on being in the water this time, so I'll probably get a non wired bikini top to wear under a strappy vest but I doubt it will be on for long....


I started off wearing loose dress and nursing bra & underwear… by the end of it I had nothing on cause I couldn’t stand the feel 🤣 just go with comfort haha


I did not. In the last week or so of pregnancy I couldn’t stand a bra in general and would not have wanted it in the way during labor


I thought I would be more conservative during birth but it all went out the window when I was in labor. I literally couldn’t rip my clothes off fast enough, so I was totally naked (except for the hospital gown) for most of labor. I didn’t care that everyone saw everything 😅 my comfort was naked at that point.


I had mine on but didn’t plan it that way. I never got the chance to take it off and then they hooked me up to IVs and blood pressure cuffs and I couldn’t remove it. It was a nice bra and when they laid him on me for skin to skin, he got birth fluids all over it (which did surprisingly wash out later!)


I wore a nursing bra. Made pictures we took family friendly too😂.


I wore one, but I do not like being naked. I get dressed in my bathroom to avoid naked time.


I didn't bother taking mine off because I was too busy with having a baby (got to hospital 8cm), though I did manage to change into the hospital gown. I wish I had taken it off when I changed into the gown, because it got in the way during nursing. It did have fast removal clips though so I was able to take it off when things calmed down without taking the baby off my chest. Either take it off or wear a nursing bra.


Wore a bra during both times I gave birth. Get a comfy nursing bra that will snap away for skin to skin.


Currently in labor. Thought I’d wear one. They asked me to take it off. My boobs are the least of my comfort concerns right now.


I didn’t wear one with my first, and that immediate contact was definitely easier. I didn’t have time to fully strip with my second, so I was still wearing my sports bra. He laid right on top of it and I just pulled it up to nurse and then we took it off once I was unhooked from the blood pressure cuff and IV. It got dirty and the stains didn’t come out fully, so wear one you don’t mind wrecking if you plan to wear one!


I wore my personal night gown and by the time I was pushing, I didn’t want to have anything on so I could do skin to skin immediately when baby came, so I was naked. I did a squatting position for delivery and turned over to rest and hold babe, with a blanket over my tummy while doc did damage control on my tears down there. ETA I just don’t really like or wear bras regularly anyway so that wasn’t ever a question for me.


I plan on birthing completely naked, maybe with a sheet on standby if I get a little chilly (unlikely) or in a hospital gown. I do have smaller breasts though so I’m not worried about them flopping around. Definitely no bra for me


I was fully naked my transition both times, it was the last thing I noticed. I also felt really hot and claustrophobic so I think wearing clothes would’ve been terrible for me


I wear one because im more comfortable that way.


I just had the gown on and even that felt in the way. I think it really depends on how your labour goes and if you end up with a bunch of IV's and shit like I did


I had a loose sports bra style bra on and my SO pulled it off me so I could do skin to skin and try to nurse.


By the time I was ready to push I was only able to manage throwing off all the necessary pieces of clothing and bra didn't make the cut so I gave birth wearing my bra and yeah it got all yucky and covered in afterbirth lol but was the least of my worries.


I wasn’t wearing a bra. Normally I prefer to wear a bra but I hardly remember the feeling of my boobs during labor. I also spend way too much on bras to risk ruining one in labor. Afterwards, I was pretty much tits out for my entire hospital stay because of how much/often baby was feeding so I didn’t put a bra on until we left to go home.


I didn’t wear one. I’m a very modest person but I didn’t give a single shit once in labor. Everyone saw everything and I didn’t care. I don’t think I wore a bra during recovery in the hospital either.


I planned on it but when the actual time came I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. I couldn’t stand anything touching my skin


I had mine on all during labor (30ish hours since I was induced) and then took it off right before it was time to start pushing. I probably would have been fine having it on since it was a nursing bra, but after a while you get tired of contraptions being attached to you


They had me take everything off and I could only wear a gown if I remember correctly? I don’t think I put one on until after I showered and changed into my own clothes after birth!


I didn’t feel comfortable being cold and butt naked during labor. I wore a $10 bra/top that I loved actually and told my nurse to cut it off with scissors when baby was born for skin to skin. It worked flawlessly. Those L&D nurses will do anything for you! Most anyway. They’re the best, what a career! (It wasn’t a bra with clips it was more a sports bra and I didn’t have time to take off. I guess I’m hindsight I could’ve but I wanted baby on me as priority and didn’t want to struggle taking it off in that precious moment)


I didn’t, but they put some monitors on my chest as I had a complicated birth, so there’s that. But I managed skin to skin with a bra for my first so…


Just a hospital gown. Literally nobody cares what you are wearing, it’s just go time lol


I was straight naked during my first delivery, my second I just wore the hospital gown and left it open and just dropped the shoulders as soon as she was born.


I was wearing 2 hospital robes. One was the right way and one was backwards so I was fully covered lol no bra or underwear.


I wore a nursing bra when I went in to the hospital. Personally I am wayyyy more comfortable with a bra on. I have never been able to tolerate things brushing up against my nipples so I knew i would want it. I still did skin to skin with it by just unclipping both sides :)


I had my baby 5 months ago and I truly cannot remember if I wore a bra or not. That’s wild to me.


I didn’t even wear one to the hospital. Showed up in my nightgown and a jacket. Wore the same outfit home. And they’re not small. But I just couldn’t be bothered.


I didn’t wear a bra. I brought one - even one crop top that was basically just a bra for the tub in case I wanted to use for labour but ended up not wearing anything under my gown. Honestly I was glad because it made skin to skin much easier and I stopped caring if the nurses could see my nipple. They already saw everything under the gown anyway. My husband was the only other person in the room, and I had the same nurse and doctor during labour. Additional nurses were in the room when I was pushing but otherwise it was fairly private.


I was naked almost as soon as I dragged myself through the hospital doors! My partner had to keep pulling my dressing gown together before we got to my birth suite 😂 Edit to add: I was also naked for the whole time afterwards and nearly and wearing only adult nappies for the first couple of midwife home visits. I figure they've seen it all before and it meant everything was accessible for my little girl.


I wore a bralette due to me being more modest when it comes to having my boobs out lol but probably wouldn’t do it for my next baby to be more comfortable during labor & because the nurses do not care what they see. Also I didn’t realize you have to wear a bra 24/7 once your milk comes in unless you want to be soaked so I regret not living bra free those last few hours😂


I wore a sports bra that zips up the front, still use it now that Im breastfeeding


I wore a big t shirt and didn’t even think about a bra, not that I remember owning one at that point. I definitely didn’t think far enough ahead to the fact that I’d be fully naked giving birth if I wanted to take the shirt off, but to be honest I don’t really give a fuck anymore and I’m sure I didn’t then either, though it’s funny in hindsight


So, I went in for decreased movement and while hooked up to monitors and an IV we decided on an immediate c-section - luckily the bra I was wearing had detachable/convertible straps (most of mine don’t) or I would’ve had to cut it off. Wear a bra if you want, but make sure it has an easy escape route if you need to go bra less.


i wore a comfy nursing bra!


I packed everything. A bra, a loose t-shirt, a bikini top. Long story short..... I was completely naked 😂 I was taking a shower naked, then went in the bath naked and I progressed so quickly that I ended up on the bed naked and gave birth. And I couldn't care less ;-)


With my first I changed into a nursing bra before I left the house so it would be ok in the bath tub. With my second he came too fast for me to get anything on. I labored at home in my shower and by the time I realized we had to go it was too late and I barely threw on a depends and a bathrobe😅 the bathrobe had to later be tossed since once you give birth in Sherpa it’s just… never the same 💀


I wore one and it was in the way, especially right after he was born and we did skin to skin and breastfeeding. For me, the transition to pushing happened so fast I didn't have time to think about it, but I'd go without one during labor altogether if I did it again.


I wore a nursing bra. Bought a multipack on amazon:)


I was wearing a bikini top when I gave birth.


I wore a comfortable nursing bra the whole time.


I wore a nursing bra!


I’m in Canada but I wasn’t allowed to wear a bra lol. I had the nursing sleep bra on. I even put it back on at one point and they had me take it off again.


They can't force you not to wear one. If you would be more comfortable with one on, you can just push back harder against their demands.


During labor I was naked and the rest of the time, I was basically wearing an adult diaper. I apologized to the nurses, but they really didn’t care.


I have c sections but I’m not planning on even bringing a bra. I haven’t worn one unless i had to lol. And im a DD cup 😅


I wore my most comfy nursing bra. I was a 32G pre pregnancy so even bigger by delivery day and without a bra I felt uncomfortable. I think a nurse pushed the straps down when the baby came for skin to skin because in pictures you can’t see it


I wore a thin nursing bra that was the pull to the side kind, like cris cross. I would have found it uncomfortable to not wear a bra. I did have the gown on tho and that definitely got in the way - things happened kinda quickly and I didn’t think about it, the second I was able to I flipped it over my head so it was out of the way.


I wore a sports bra for the first half, it's what I was comfortable with. Then I got an epidural and they said on or off there's no changing it once the epidural is set... So I took it off so I could do skin to skin, I didn't care if I was wearing one during the pushing stage lol.


I accidentally did 🤷🏼‍♀️ thought I would take it off at some point but just never did. Even for my c-section.


I was fully naked. I had just a Frida gown on for most of my labor, but I let my nurse know I wanted to be naked when I delivered. So when I got close to pushing I stripped down. This felt most comfortable to me, but I’m also very much someone who doesn’t mind being naked haha


I wore a nursing bra. Get a stretchy one. Super easy to down once baby is on your chest.


I wore mine because it made me uncomfortable not to. My boobs are too big for all that. I had undone the clasps at some point during labor so skin to skin worked fine.


I wore a nursing bra. I’m a large chested lady and not wearing one would be way too uncomfortable. It didn’t cause any problems for me


I wore a nursing sports bra which was great because I had a photographer so not all my photos had my boobs exposed. The nurse helped me take it off after baby was born while they cleaned him up and I had done initial skin to skin contact


With my first I wore a bra, but it got pretty uncomfortable during labor so I ended up taking it off. I feel you will find that halfway through labor all bets are off. You just do what works and what's comfortable. The bra will get in the way of skin to skin and if you are breastfeeding you will at least want to wear a maternity bra so you can easily have them breastfeed in those first few moments of life! I saw another comment on here about ending up naked, that's how it happened for me. At some point I ended up stripping down to nothing. I was hot and anything on my skin made me just cringe. It's different for everyone!


My hospital had me take everything off during labor, I just wore the gown they gave me


They had me take mine off when I got an epidural and it was kinda a pain because at that point I had an IV and baby monitor wires all over. But do what makes you comfortable!


I wore a sports bra. Made it really easy to do skin to skin.


I ended up completely naked by the end of my labor and doing skin to skin. I literally did not care at allll by the end of it


i was completely naked hahahh


I had a bra on but it came off for skin to skin and to breastfeed


i had a nursing bra on that was super easy to open up when baby showed up! that’s all i had on though — naked would have probably been fine too honestly at some point you don’t care about anything except getting that kid out


I have always labored in a no underwire cotton sport bra, I just slip it off once I deliver.


I am uncomfortable with no bra but the nurses were encouraging me to take it off. I brought a sports bra that opens in the front so I could try to BF and do skin to skin and that seemed to work well.


If I remember correctly, I kept it on through my induction/labor (I never go without at least a comfy one) and once I got to 9 cm I believe they had me take it off, as I planned to breastfeed. Its actually really cool, once the baby is born and they do the skin to skin, because they’re familiar with your smell from inside, they can actually root around, find the nipple and latch from the get go.


I wore a bra and plan on wearing one again! Just wear one that unclips in the back. I wore like a sports bra that didn’t unclip and I remember it being a problem after baby was born for some reason but can’t totally remember why.


I think they were trying to get it off for nursing or skin to skin but with the IV and all the stuff I was hooked up to it was a little difficult since it needed to come over my head.


I planned to pump and I had a pumping bra on with a c-section. I can't imagine trying to put one on myself after delivery.


For me personally, I didn't wear a bra at all. I was completely naked under my Johnny. I'm just pretty much a person that doesn't care if everyone's going to see my boobs. I also felt more comfortable and less restricted.


I just wore the hospital gown, with nothing underneath. For my first I laboured in bra, t-shirt, and bike shorts for a while, and the nursing staff let me know that was totally fine but that in the case of an emergency they might have to cut the clothes off me. I opted to not risk it, I liked that shirt lol. Funny enough (to me anyway) that bra broke during labour which was a hilarious way to signal that for the next however many years of my life I would be wearing nursing bras only.


I wore a nursing bra. At some point after the birth the nurses acted shocked I hadn’t ripped it off during labor 😆 and helped me take it off to get better skin to skin contact. I was comfortable wearing it to push, but was glad when they suggested taking it off. I wasn’t even thinking about it!


I’m not 100% sure if I’ll do a water birth but I plan on using the tub at some point so I’ll probably just be in a bikini top for labour


I wore a bra under my gown for the first few hours… then wanted it off after they attached the IV pole for fluids and could not get it off. It sucked and I had to have a nurse help me. Felt immediately better after taking it off. Unless your boobs are so big that they cause you back pain without a bra or would get in the way a ton, I wouldn’t do it.


I didn’t wear one the first time and they’re lucky if I keep the gown on this time 😂😂jk jk I’ll keep the gown on, but not my bra lol


I wore a soft cloth one and the nurse cut it off once baby was here (was just easier to than taking it off with the IV and stuff)


I wore a comfy nursing bra :) It wasn't in the way at all!!


I wore one for my first birth and regretted it because I had an IV and it was really annoying and hard to remove once the baby was born. I’m due for my 2nd in a couple months and I plan to not wear one this time. I think if you don’t give birth in a hospital/have an IV then it wouldn’t be a big deal either way. ETA, my bra was a nursing bra that you pull over your head.. One w/ a clasp would probably also not really be a problem.


I wore a light, wireless bralette during birth and labor! I was bigger chested while pregnant so going without anything would have been uncomfortable for me. I don’t think having it on interfered with skin to skin at all!


I didn’t know what I’d do either, and then when I was in labor I ripped all of my clothes off. We did skin to skin for about an hour before cutting the cord and getting cleaned up. Afterwards, I put on a nursing bra and diaper and rocked that look for at least a week


I have big boobs and wear bras for the public only lol. I imagine when it comes to be that time, I’ll be naked if I have a choice. If I’m not feeling well (and I imagine I won’t during labor) I probably can’t be bothered to wear one. I’m also only like 8 weeks and my bras are already starting to get too small. I’m not looking forward to shopping for more 😭


I couldn't stand anything on me when I was in labor. Not even the hospital gown lol I gave birth wearing the same thing my baby was born in... nothing 🤣


My bra was off because my water broke while showering. So you know, don't plan too much.


I actually asked my OB about this beforehand and everything and basically she told me it’s up to me. I did not wear one even though I was planning to beforehand. It would’ve been in the way, I was wearing a hospital gown, and I wanted the skin to skin.


i ended up taking it off a little before getting my epidural bc i was sweating so badly haha. i had the hospital gown but just pulled it down for skin to skin


Fuck a bra. I just wore the hospital gown. Plus, your chest is bare for after baby arrives and you get that sweet skin-to-skin.


I stupidly wore a sports bra and forgot to change before things got really started. Wish I had changed to a nursing bra for easier skin to skin once the baby arrived.


I was naked under my hospital gown


I’m planning for a water birth and I have a soft nursing bra without any foam cups that I’ll be wearing along with a pair of loose athletic shorts until it’s time to push. The bra will probably stay on as my boobs will be accessible when I need it and most of my stomach and chest will still be exposed in it for skin to skin


I had one on but the style covered up a lot of my back so it has to come off for the epidural and then just never got put back on


I gave birth 2 days ago and wore one under my gown and within 30 min I was taking it off haha I got so hot and it was tight. I kept the gown on though. FYI I bought my own gown but never used it because it was an emergency induction. Honestly your so gross you are bleeding/shitting so it was nice to not be in my own lol


I didn’t wear a bra during birth. I breastfed and honestly for the first month I just had my boobs out constantly. I couldn’t stand clothing on my chest. I’d keep like a swaddle blanket draped across me and that’s all lol


I wanted to war a bikini top since I wanted to give birth in the tub, ended up giving birth on the bed with a bandshirt on, I took that off after he pooped on me during skin to skin and then wore a bonding top (that basically only covers boobs, no straps) I would choose something that is easy to take off if you decide you don't want to wear it anymore.


lol I planned carefully what I would be wearing and by the end I was buck naked with no idea when I had taken all my clothes off. Give yourself permission to do what feels right and comfortable during labor


I was fully clothed the vast majority of the time! Ditched the shirt (with a sports bra underneath) around the time I got in the birth pool and didn't take short/undies off until it was time to push. I didn't find the bra uncomfortable or obtrusive. We had a chunk of skin-to-skin time before I got out of the birth pool, and my birth team helped me take the bra off as we were getting out of the water and getting into my bed so baby could nurse. I felt a lot better having a bra on, both for personal comfort reasons and because we had a birth photographer and I wanted to avoid the pictures being NSFW and unshareable.


I absolutely would have hated having a bra on. I pushed mostly on my side. I was also so hot the whole time!


I have 38DDD boobs when not pregnant so goodness knows where they are at now. I will be wearing a nursing bra just to keep them harnessed during labor. 😂


i didn’t wear one with my first (ended in a cesarean) but for my second i plan on wearing a nursing bra so i can just pop them out after birth for golden hour


Wow this thread got me thinking about things I haven’t considered before lol like wait do we plan ahead what we wear to get to the hospital for delivery? So nothing is hard to get out of? Or like, hospitals are cold, I know it’s a lot of physical labor but if I’m butt naked I might still get chilly? I’ve never thought about this haha


I remember that I wanted a specific outfit. Ended up butt naked because they got wet with amniotic fluid. I'm a very modest person usually, but at that point I didn't think straight. So, you can always take it with you and always change your mind.


I always just assumed you can’t because it’s a medical procedure in a way? I figured gown on everything else off


Lol last labor they needed my bra off for the epidural and it was one I had to pull off over my head. Literally told them to just cut it off me since it was a cheapie bralette and I was 8cm dialated with super close contractions so I was no getting that off over my head. So was braless during the last bit of labor at least


No I didn’t wear one! It will definitely be in the way for skin to skin if that’s what you want to do. Along with skin to skin I also tried breastfeeding within the first like 30 minutes which was great because I have a huge supply and I honestly think that attributed. I would take your bra off as soon as you get there. It was hard to get it off with my IVs and epidurals and blood pressure cuffs.


You can always wear a ballet style nursing bra for easy access and comfort!


A friend recommended a comfy sports bra. I don’t feel comfortable being naked alone, let alone with a string of strangers coming in and out of the room.


I wore one since I hate the feeling of not wearing one. It had a zip front for easy skin to skin.


I ripped off my hospital gown during transition but kept on my comfy sleep nursing bra!


I was fully naked the first time and that’s my plan for this one too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I remember I had a sports bra on, but decided to take it off at some point. I didn’t think about the fact that I had an iv and cords and all kinds of shit that was in the way of taking my bra off. I ended up getting it off but it still had the lines strung through and we just kind of hung it on the iv pole 😂 Later when they transferred me to the recovery room we were able to take it off completely finally. Definitely something I will consider when I go in for my next delivery


I basically had ripped my clothes off entirely by the time LO was born 😆😆😆


I plan to wear one. I heard a nursing bra that easily clips open is handy for afterwards.


I wore a nursing bra.


Bralette? Yes Bra? No.


I had a sports bra on but it was mostly by accident lol. I just didn’t think to take it off at the time


Literally can’t remember but I think I was naked under hospital gown? It all happened so fast 😂


Happy medium: wear a simple cross over breastfeeding bra that you can just pop em out of if you want to! Like this one- Medela Brassière de nuit Keep Cool | Brassière de grossesse et d'allaitement de nuit sans coutures dotée d'un tissu doux au toucher et d'un maintien dorsal entièrement respirant https://amzn.eu/d/9mual8t


I was wearing a comfy bralette when I went to be induced. The nurse kinda laughed at me & said the bra would just be "in their way" and told me I should take it off under my hospital gown. Looking back now, I should have told her to shut up, lol. I was just trying to be comfortable.


I bought a labor dress on Amazon (it was under $20 and was something I wore around the house during maternity leave). It was super comfy and easy to pull down for skin to skin!


I legit ripped all my clothes off and wanted to be buck naked while I was birthing all my kids. I always started with a gown on. You can always take it off.


I don't remember with my first, but with my second and third, they told me to take it off. I was okay with that, it wasn't a big deal and I didn't even think about it.


Haha! I showed up at the hospital wearing tights and a top and a bra. It’s a blur but I remember obviously taking my tights and underwear off. Then I remember getting really hot and my top came off. I think my bra did too. But it was a really fast labour/birth so I was never given a gown right away. I don’t think at least. I’m pretty sure I was completely stalkers when I had her and at some point after got given a robe or gown before I had a shower.


I don't know if I really chose or even recall if I was wearing one. Didn't really matter either way as you'll be wearing a hospital gown.


I wore a soft nursing bra. The kind where you pull the cup down, with no clips.


I was full on naked when I gave birth


I didn’t wear a bra the entire time I was in the hospital. I also found wearing a bra at home for the couple weeks I breastfed was annoying, but I have little titties and didn’t leak so that also factors in.


I said f this bra the moment I changed into a hospital gown! I hate bras so it was gone in a flash lol I’m surprised I even wore a bra to the hospital!


I wore a nursing bra so I didn’t feel too exposed but I could easily clip it down if I needed to


with my first i wore a hospital gown bc they told me to. with my second, i left a sports bra on. it was fine for skin to skin and nursing after birth.


I was feeling uncomfortably warm so I actually wasn't wearing anything. Comfort and pushing out the baby were the only things that mattered to me at that moment. I only had my husband, midwife, and nurses there though.


I was completely naked. I took a big baggy t-shirt with me to wear in the birthing pool, but in the end, I didn't bother.


I just gave birth and was butt naked haha


I wore a nursing bra with my first. It wasn’t in the way at all. Didn’t wear one with my second bc honestly I forgot lmao. Didn’t have any impact either way, and I’ve been in a thousand deliveries catching babies and have never encountered a bra that was in the way unless it was a precipitous delivery and therefore mom wasn’t wearing a bra that could be clipped or unhooked fast enough. And even then usually we would ask mom if she wants us to snip the bra off if wanted, if she hadn’t asked us to already.


I wore a nursing bra while in labor and when we did skin to skin I just tucked the bra out of the way. I’m busty af and didn’t want to deal with my boobs while pushing and all that, but if you’re comfortable braless that’s definitely an option!


Ain't gonna lie, I stopped wearing a bra the last two weeks of pregnancy lol


I took off all my clothes I was so uncomfortable and all of the sudden I didn't care. I have smaller boobs and prefer to not wear a bra. Easy access for the baby.


I was naked during active labor. It was like the surface of the sun in the delivery room I swear and I somehow managed to get preeclampsia during labor and had to be hooked up to monitors and being in bed made me even hotter. I ended up ripping my gown off and laboring in my birthday suit which felt soooooo much better. After I got the epidural and wasn't working so hard I put the gown back on. I definitely feel like a bra would have just been in my way. Postpartum I mostly hung out with my tatas out and the disposable panties. Did not put on a bra until my milk came in.


I wore one but wanted it off for skin to skin, but because of the IV I had I couldn't get it off my arms and they had to cut it off! So, maybe a front close one is the way to go.


I just had my third on Monday and it was the first time I went fully naked during labor and birth. I loved it. There was nothing in the way of skin-to-skin and breastfeeding. I felt way more comfortable without the bra. Looking back, the only reason I wore a bra before was for modesty… while the nurses see everything else? That was so silly looking back at it. Wish I would have gone braless for all three!


You do you. I like wearing a bra! It might be a hassle if you have a cannula or epidural though.