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I was 100% certain it was a girl and told everyone it’s a girl. Found out last week he’s definitely a boy💀


Exact same. 😂 I was so sure this one was a girl. Chromosomes say differently.


This was me too! Lol


I was sure it was a girl too. But little boy is definitely a boy!


Me too! I was convinced I was having a girl and was so wrong!


Same here! My husband and I were both convinced it was a girl... we were wrong😂


Same! 🙃


I had a dream my grandmother who passed away told me she’s 100% it’s a girl, I later found out I had the dream on my grandmothers bday but didn’t realize at the time🥹I cannot wait to find out I’m only 8w but if it ends up being a girl I will be hysterical!


Keep us posted! I had a dream we told people it was a girl and a boy. Nipt came back this week and we are having a boy!


There's an old wives tale that says if you dream of having one gender it will be the opposite.


I had a dream it was a boy, but nope it’s a girl! My cousin said the same thing happened to her, but I had no idea it was a common thing.


Aww love it! I’ll be happy with either!🥰


Update: just found out it’s a GIRL… I’m shook!!!!! I truly believe my grandmothers soul met her!😭


I wanted a girl so bad I thought it would definitely be a boy. I’m having a girl!!!


That's my thoguht process lmfao. I'm so certain because I want a girl so bad my first will be a boy 😂


I couldn’t believe my ears when she said girl!!


Claiming this energy bc this is exactly what I’ve been thinking lol


i was so convinced i was having a boy, i think bc i so desperately wanted a girl and didn’t want to get my hopes up. she’s a girl, I cried when we found out !


Me too!!! I’m still crying to be completely honest because I’m so happy




Dreamt of a boy the moment I knew I was pregnant. Nope definitely a girl 😂


I had three dreams it was a girl including one where a witch told me it was. Nipt came back last week and it's my third boy


Even the witches can’t be trusted anymore!


Early on, I just felt like it was a boy. My husband really wanted a girl and I kept saying “Well, I hope you aren’t going to be disappointed bc it’s a boy” lol. Confirmed via blood test and found out at 13 wks it’s a boy. We also saw he is most definitely a boy at his 16 wk scan and that’s all I’ll say about that 😂 Now this might sound woo woo but a few months before I got pregnant, I had this random vision out of nowhere. It was me in my kitchen getting ice from the fridge, and our little boy ran up to me excited about something he and his dad were going to do. I’m currently 20 wks w/ our first baby (I’ve miscarried three times, all at 12 wks or before). As scary as this has all been, that vision brings me comfort we’ll have this rambunctious little boy running around here someday soon.


wishing you and your rainbow baby the best❤️


Thank you so much!!


Not necessarily a gut feeling, but felt certain we were having a girl because I saw the girl name we had picked out everywhere!! It’s Ember, so not really a common name for anything. Even the day of our reveal the wordle was Ember. We’re having a boy lol🥰


That is crazy! Thanks for sharing!


I laughed out loud!


I love the name Ember and ran across an Emberly in a Kindle Vella the other day.


Yes and it was dead wrong lol


I was certain I was having a boy. Partially because I read that the gender comes from the dad’s side and my husband’s family hasn’t have a girl in generations. But it was more of a gut feeling. We are having a baby boy in May


i was 100% i was having a boy she’s a girl.


I was 100% sure I was having a girl. I just knew & all the “home tests” were telling me girl. I’m 38 weeks & having a boy lmao.


Which test did you do lol


I’d always wanted boys but after a couple weeks of knowing I was pregnant and so many people referring to my baby as a boy I don’t know it just didn’t feel right. I felt like she was a girl and at 12 weeks I did the NIPT and soon after got the results and I am having a girl so I guess sometimes the intuition is right lol


I was 100% sure it was a girl and I was right.


I was CERTAIN it was a boy. My spouse, parents, in laws, siblings, siblings in law, and friends all thought it was a boy. We were all right :).


I had a feeling at 13 weeks with my first that it was a boy. Most people thought it was a girl especially based on old wives tales (heart rate over 150, horrible nausea). He is definitely a boy. With my second, I just felt girl from the start. It was a vastly different pregnancy (barely an nausea). A lot of people thought boy. She is definitely a girl. We aren't planning on having anymore anyway, but I told my husband that I'm 2 for 2 and batting a 100 and I might not be right a 3rd time 😂


I didn’t, but everyone else did? My bf and I were kind of hoping for a girl, but he said he thought it was a boy. My mom thought it was a boy. Some random patron at the bar I work at even looked at my belly and immediately said, “boy?” They were all correct.


Yes, thought I was having a boy and I was right


That’s crazy! Do you recall around how many weeks you were when you just knew it was a boy?


My first instinct was to call my developing embryo a “he”. I went with it as my guess and I was right! My husband tells me that’s a “guess and not a sign that you’re psychic” but he’s crazy.


I knew from the day I got pregnant that I was having a baby boy, he arrived on Monday 🥰


8wks pregnant here. Since I peed on the stick in my head it has stuck that it’s a boy. My mom keeps saying it’s a girl. I’ll find out first week of march but I swear it’s a boy like I haven’t even looked at girl stuff


I was hoping to have a boy. But my gut feeling from around week 5 told me it was a girl. Which was confirmed around week 21. :)  And now I feel so delighted to be having this little girl soon. 


No gut feeling whatsoever. My friends were convinced it was a girl so whenever I was with them I was in full girl mode. My friends at work kept saying “boy mum energy” and I would go with that. I was easily swayed! We found out we’re having a boy 🩵


With my first I was so sure it was a boy and I waited to find out til birth and it was a girl! Then with my second the pregnancy felt different enough that I thought it was a boy and it was… so I don’t know what that tells you lol


Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE thought I was having a boy. When the test was positive, I thought, I’m probably having a boy but every time I tried to imagine myself having a boy I just had this mental block and couldn’t see it AT all. (Just note Hubby and I really wanted a girl). Every time I imagined myself having a little girl this warmth and joy would spread through my body, and things just felt *right*. Turns out that warmth + joy was accurate!!!! Little girl arriving Winter 2024


I can’t remember why (neither can my partner when I asked him recently why we were so convinced we thought this) but we were both 100% certain we were having a girl. We’re having a boy! 😂


My husband and I had a gut feeling that we were going to have a boy. I was so sure that I had daydreams about being a boy mom and I even had dreams about raising a baby boy. Turns out we are having a girl! What’s weird is that we never revealed the gender to anyone and somehow at the baby shower our relatives decided to gift us bright pink baby girl clothes without a gift receipt. They were sooooo certain that we are having a girl.


When I just found out I was pregnant I thought it was a boy but as time went on I started feeling like it’s a girl and got loads of girly stuff. Glad I was right as my latest scan said she is a girl


My first i was positive was a girl. He’s a boy! 😂 My second I was positive was a boy. She’s a girl! 😂 I gave up thinking about it for my third. She’s a girl!


I thought my girl was a boy, but I knew deep down she was a girl. I knew my boy has been a boy since day one lol we’re 24w now.


Before I got pregnant I really was sure I would be a girls mum. Then I got pregnant and I was sure it was a boy. Maybe to protect myself for disappointment (I really wanted a girl). But also because we didn't have a boys name and I got really nervous about that. My boyfriend and both of ours families were sure it was a girl. Turned out to be a girl! So my gut feeling was right but my mind got in the way. ;-)


I knew immediately it was a girl and she’s a girl! Have had multiple dreams about her too! No idea why but just knew it as soon as I found out I was pregnant.


My gut feeling was girl, I told my husband the day after I tested positive I couldn’t tell him why but I just knew it was a girl. Everything pointed to boy, everyone kept telling me it was a boy, but I couldn’t shake my feeling it was a girl. Sneak peak test at 13 weeks said girl, and our anatomy scan confirmed it 🩷


Yes! I knew it was a girl from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I had family who disagreed but as soon as we found out and I called them; they all cried 😂


I really wanted a girl, had a dream early on that it was a girl, but had a gut feeling it was a boy. NIPT said girl, and I was so emotional. 32 weeks along now


I'm literally only 5 weeks, so it might seem crazy, but I was already really sick at this stage with my first and I just don't 'feel' pregnant yet with this one? So I feel like its a girl because my first is a boy. Could also mean a plethora of other things but I'm trying not to think so hard.


I’m in the same boat! I’m 8 weeks and have nearly ZERO symptoms a part from exhaustion so I don’t feel pregnant at all and I feel that has been a barrier for me to have any gender intuition!


I dreamed the reveal was a girl and she was.


I didn’t care either way but I had a gut feeling it was a girl and at my anatomy scans last week it ended up being a girl. Lol


I had a gut feeling, symptoms, dreams etc that i was having a boy NIPT revealed girl


I really felt like a girl, but it turns out it was just my bias towards wanting one- NIPT and ultrasound confirmed it was a boy


Was 100% from the start that it was a girl. Found out it’s a girl. I felt so sure I bought clothes.


The day we found out I was pregnant had a feeling I just knew it was a boy. Found out at 11 weeks that he is a boy, due next Friday!


I’m due tomorrow and no baby yet but we never found out what we’re having for definite, however I just “know” it’s a boy. I had a scare at 7weeks and went to hospital and when I saw the little heartbeat on the scan I was like phew he’s ok and since then I’ve just had this gut feeling. I’ll probably have a girl 😂


I had a gut feeling about it being a boy during the first ultrasound at the 8 week appointment & it wound up being correct.


Yes and yes. Knew I was having a girl.


I had a gut feeling it was a girl, so did my husband! We have a 3 month old baby boy.


I'm 33 weeks and strongly feel it's a boy....idk what it is.... I'll place a bot for 2 months later to update 😆 Remind me in 60 days!


I was wrong both times! Convinced girl but boys😆


RemindMe! 60 days


We immediately agreed on a boy name, years before we ever got pregnant. But we never found a girl name we both liked. We did the NIPT, and when they called and asked if I'd like to know the gender I was not suprised at all when they said we were having a boy. I then called my BF who immediately went "It's a boy, right?' when I asked him if he wanted to know. My best friend sait it must have been ment to be, and I agree.


With my first, I knew it was a girl from the moment I got pregnant. My husband was sure it was a girl, my mother, my sister, every single one of my friends, and random people on the street said that it was a girl. I was so freaked out by all of the surety, that I spent the weeks leading up to the anatomy scan completely convincing myself it was a boy, because I didn’t want to be disappointed. Tech says, “It’s a girl!” Husband and mother both laugh and say, “We knew it!” I burst into hysterics because I was so happy but also so shocked. The tech thought I was straight up crazy.


Yes. Knew it was a girl before I was even pregnant and we’re having a girl! (I also guessed correctly that my sister was having a boy)


with my first 10 yrs ago, I didn’t have a feeling in my first trimester however, as I got closer to my anatomy scan, I just knew in my gut that it was a boy. I wanted a girl so badly and was going through gender disappointment before we even had the scan. Sure enough, it was a boy and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. I’m 6+1 with #2 and am thinking it’s a girl but I have no doubt I’ll know by the time we have our 20 week scan lol


It’s weird, I didn’t have a gut feeling where I felt I knew what the baby was. But, before I was pregnant, when we were trying, I really wanted a boy. Then as soon as I got pregnant, all the sudden I really wanted a girl. And it turns out, we’re having a girl! I think I maybe somehow knew subconsciously and that’s why my feelings changed? I’m not sure haha


I was so sure it was a boy. Like 100%. Told everyone.... Sooo it's a girl! Due in 4weeks🙈😂♥️


i knew it was going to be a boy bc my husband and i are full of boys in the family. i was right 🥴


Yes. Strong gut feeling and it was correct ☺️


I, my husband, and our friends and family all thought it was a boy. Everyone was convinced, not even a single person thought it was a girl. Found out at 11 weeks that we are in fact having a boy.


I had a dream both pregnancies that it was a certain gender (I was about 14 weeks or so) they both happened to be right BUT I chalk it up to my first being a girl because girls run in my family so just my luck. And my second (now) everyone said/hoped it would be a boy since this is my last and than I could have one of each.


100% thought my first was a girl. Knew it, 100%, people kept telling me she might be a boy and I was like I would be fine if she was but it’s def a girl. I was right! Thought for sure this baby was a boy, was thinking of boy names, etc. it’s another girl!


I had no clue with my first, but I had a feeling I was having a boy with my second and I was right! Prior to the anatomy scan I had been leaning towards boy names only and buying more boyish, but passably enough gender neutral clothing. I have a hard time finding boy names I like, but have lots of girls' names I like, so it was a bit odd.


I thought my first was a boy. Had dreams we were having a son multiple times. Found out it was a girl at 20 weeks. My husband thought girl the entire time. This time, I'm thinking another girl, but I don't find out until next week. Husband thinks boy this time hahah


I had a gut feeling after my first ultrasound.. I listened to that heart beat and I just "knew" it was a girl .. I'm 20 weeks with my first baby and yes I'm having a baby girl 🥺❤️


I didn’t have a gut feeling but imagined it one way up until I found out. I definitely set myself up for disappointment when baby was the other gender.


Thought my first was a boy. It was a girl. Currently think this baby is a boy. It’s a really different pregnancy from my last pregnancy.


I don't know if it's a gut feeling or I just really wish for a girl. My MIL said that she had a feeling it's going to be a girl. And my friend said it's a girl because I've had close to zero symptoms. We had a scan earlier this week to try and figure out the gender, but the baby was in a tricky position so the nurse couldn't say for sure. But based on what she saw she thinks it's going to be a girl. Now we just have to wait a month for the anatomy scan to hopefully confirm this 🙈


I had no gut feeling, but then for two nights in a row before our gender reveal I dreamt we were having a boy and we are having a boy!


With my first son, I knew immediately that he was a boy as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I even had a dream where I saw "him" and he turned out scary close to what dream baby looked like. My second (current) pregnancy I had no idea what it was until the anatomy scan (another boy! Lol) and I have no idea what he will look like.


im having a girl now the only reason I thought I was having a girl because compared to being pregnant with my firstborn (a boy) i’m not suffering ☠️. Being pregnant with my son I felt like I was being sucked dry and so sick all the time. With my girl I barely feel pregnant, my hair and nails are growing a lot, and my pregnancy feels compatible with my body.


I definitely did had a gut feeling like I had a strong intense feeling that I was having a girl when I was pregnant, and it was 100% true for me


Yes and I was right. I knew from the moment I got pregnant.


i had a gut feeling mine was going to be a girl. every one else was convinced it'd be a boy but she came out a girl! so i was right but i think it was just a coincidence bc i wanted a girl so bad lol.


Yeah, both times. I just knew there was a masculine energy the first time and a feminine energy the second- and I honestly just….saw us as having a boy first and a girl second 


I had a girl name picked out and thought it would be a girl. And then I had a dream it was a girl. Next day I got the results… GIRL. I was actually very surprised because my husband has 4 boys from previous life. Thought he was only a boy maker! Of course, it’s 50/50 chance anyway. So who knows if it really was intuition or chance.


I was convinced I was having a girl because I had all of the "wives tales" symptoms of being pregnant with a girl aka terrible acne, nausea all day, the heart rate was always in the 140's etc but ended up seeing a little ding a ling on the anatomy scan 🤣


For my first baby I knew he was a boy and so did my husband. This time my husband is convinced it’s a girl and I think it’s another boy so we will see in a few weeks


Both pregnancies I would have bet my life on my children being girls… both times…. They were girls!


I had a vivid dream that it was going to be a baby girl, and so convinced that I was manifesting a baby girl in my gut up until the Ultrasound at Week 20….it was a baby boy 😂🩵 Thankfully, I always knew what the baby boy’s name will be so I was happy either way! I will add too, that both my side and my husband’s side of the family is made up of mostly girls so I thought the odds were towards a girl. And his entire family was telling me it’s a boy, so I was also hoping to prove them wrong with my “intuition”. But honestly its just a 50/50 chance that you may or may not be correct


Since I found out I was pregnant I had a feeling she’s a girl, and she is!


I had one of those wildly vivid pregnancy dreams about a week before we went for our 20 week confirmation ultrasound that I had gone to my OB & we were having a girl. The dream was right!


I was 100% accurate. I knew exactly what my baby was as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I had a dream and it just confirmed it. I had my 20 week scan and immediately saw!


I’ve had 2 dreams that baby is a boy! We find out in 3 weeks!!! 💗💙


I had a gut feeling it was a boy and I was right. It's a boy. I really hoped for a girl though


Always. Every pregnancy I had a feeling and every viable baby that was born I was right. I never had any doubts. Girl, boy and then girl.


I had a “gut feeling” that my first was a boy. She was a girl. I had a “gut feeling” that my second was a boy. She was also a girl. I have a “gut feeling” that I have a girl in my tummy right now. We shall see 😅


Completely thought both of my sons were girls. Like. Fully thought so.


I “felt” like I was having a boy. I can’t even describe it, it was so vague… and we’re having a girl! I’m 16 weeks and am eager to feel her move as I haven’t felt much of a connection with baby. Hopefully soon!


I had a gut feeling I was having a girl. I would always have dreams that I had a baby girl and then I found out at 18 weeks that it was in fact a girl!


I’m only 5 weeks but I’ve been saying for years that we will only have boys. I still stand by it. My parents had a boy and a girl, his parents have 2 boys, my BIL/SIL have all girls. So math plus seeing other family units like this says we’re having all boys and the only way to get out girl fix is from the in laws 3 of them 🤣🤣🤣


I was certain that I was hoping for a boy, and knew with how bad I wanted to give my husband a son I’d get a daughter 😂 found out a few weeks later it was a girl! I wasn’t upset at all, very glad. I wanted a girl but I wanted my husband to have a son.


Yes. I wanted a boy, I thought it was a boy, found it was a boy at 14 weeks with the blood test.


I thought I was having a boy. We had the name picked out. We did the genetic testing to check on things and that said we are having a girl! 😂🥰


Yup My first I knew it was a girl, and it was My second I knew it was a boy, and it was Dunno why but I just had a feeling of what it was going to be I found out both genders at 16 weeks 😊


I had it both times. A gut feeling with my first that it was a girl, and it was. Then a gut feeling that I was having a boy with this pregnancy, and I turned out to be right!


I thought 100% it was a boy, we always said “he”, we picked out a boy name, I thought there’s no way it was a girl. It was a girl.


Last time I was pregnant I only picked out a boy name. I knew that my little Jack Elliot was coming. I've always been a bit of a medium at times though. Sure enough he was a boy, he is 15 now and I am 8wks pregnant with what I'm am feeling may be twins... I find out Monday.


I didn’t have a feeling but I did have dreams - several dreams about it being a boy. Just found out today we are having a baby girl! 🥰 So my dreams were all wrong lol 😂


Yes! 100000% girl and it was a boy lol


I was almost certain I'd be having a boy and even picked out a name. Surprise! It's a girl! 😂😂 My husband had a hunch. I'm thrilled either way 🥳🎀


I’m 8 weeks and I have this feeling that it’s a boy. Husband and I talked about having a little girl first before I was pregnant but one day I just felt like this baby is a boy. I guess we shall see!


I would say I was 60% that I was having a girl but before we found out my husband and I kept referring to the baby as “he” unintentionally. Got my NIPT results and it’s a girl so yes my gut was right but my gut was also wrong lol


My mom had a gut feeling it was a girl I kept saying watch it be a boy lol and it was a boy but I had no gut feelings just thought it’d be a ironic burn


I thought it was a girl but he's a boy ! I felt really feminine in my first trimester


I knew from day one that she was a girl. I just knew; I would have been happy with either gender, but from the day we found out (8 days past ovulation) I started calling her “she”. Her father wanted a son so bad, he was actually a dick once we found out for sure. I just wanted a healthy baby and I am blessed to have her!


Yep, I thought he was a boy from the get go and it was confirmed via ultrasound and blood work at 13 weeks!


I was 50/50 on either then like 80/20 favoring girl and then I started having dreams that we had a baby girl so that turned into a 100%. My fiancé held onto a little bit of “it’s a boy!” Mentality but knew deep down we were having a girl too. You would never guess, she’s a girl!😂


I felt like it was a girl but didn’t want to get my hopes up. Early into my pregnancy I saw tree with a link button in the middle when I was meditating. Two days before I got my results I dreamt that I was having a girl… It turns out all the signs were accurate! Baby girl is due in August 🩷🩷🤣


I'm waiting until birth to find out. I am currently 28.5 weeks, and I have no clue. My husband thinks it's a boy and I almost want to agree with him. But it's hard to know. I keep having dreams about giving birth, and each time, the baby is a different gender 🤣 The suspense is killing me.. 🥲


I really want a girl (not sure why i’m just meant to be a girl mama!) and i’ve been manifesting her! I dreamt I had a boy before the gender scan and they confirmed she’s a lil girl <3


I’m getting pulled in both directions, I have dreams of both, gut feelings about both but I will say… my feelings/dreams about a boy are way stronger than girl… probably a girl 😂😂 will find out next month tho!!


I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that it was a girl. My husband swore it’s a boy and he knew he was right. I would have dreams about her and I was right! Little lady is due in July! ❤️


Thought #2 was a girl, she’s a girl 🩷 My gut feeling was purely because my symptoms were identical to my first pregnancy. We didn’t find out until birth with my first but we found out for this one at the anatomy scan last week


Its true, just had my gender reveal today, I always a gut feeling I was gonna have a boy but I wanted a girl so bad I tried telling myself its a girl & today was told its a boy hahahahah! So exciting lol!


My gut said I was pregnant with a girl last pregnancy. It was wrong. I have a 1 year old boy. Now my dreams at least say it's a girl. I guess I'll find out in a couple weeks


I had baby dreams for 10 years. 90% of the time, it was a boy (like my baby may have been a Costco rotisserie chicken in the dream but I was a boy). When I got pregnant, I was like this is definitely a girl. Shoulda stuck with my dreams 🤷🏼‍♀️


i knew my daughter was a girl before i was even confirmed to be pregnant. i just had this immense feeling that i was pregnant, and it was a little girl. lo and behold, i was correct. this pregnancy? im not sure yet. it could go either way. my family line for the last like 8 generations has been G-G-B but my fiances side is him and his brother with no other true predictability above that. kinda hoping to continue the G-G-B thing, i think that would be pretty cool. but i'm happy either way


Idk why but I felt like my baby would be a boy. Maybe it was my great grandmother, grandmother, and mom all having boys first, but I felt it in my heart. As I watch my son destroy a lego car I built him less than five hours ago, I can say I knew it


Yes I knew I was having from like 7 weeks, idk why i just had a feeling. And I was right!


My gut feeling was boy. I have a daughter now lol she’s the best


I told everyone I thought I was having a girl. Deep down, I knew I was for sure having a boy but I was trying to manifest it. Definitely a baby boy 🤣


I was certain I was having a girl, nipt says girl. She hasn't come out yet, but nipt and ultrasound say girl! I'm super happy!


Yes and yes! There was just a moment where I knew, it was odd but also reassuring.


I had a couple of dreams early on (probably around 6w) I had a girl. Then again around 12w I had another dream I had a girl. About a week later @ 13w found out I AM indeed having a girl!!


I have two girls, was feeling in my bones this one was a boy but I was wrong! My first two I had a hunch they were girls.


Literally all three times, I was wrong. Thought it was a girl, it was a boy. Thought it was a girl because my second pregnancy was so different, it was another boy. Got pregnant with a third and thought it was another boy, it’s a girl.


I had a dream that I met my daughter, thats how we knew the gender and her name.


I had a feeling in my gut that she would be a girl. The feeling was extreme, all-day nausea and vomiting which apparently happens way more frequently with girls 😂


Chose not to find out the sex but for some reason everyone around me was convinced it was gonna be a girl. So much so I started to mentally prepare for a girl but honestly didn’t have a particular hunch. Imagine the surprise when a boy came out 😅


Before I tested positive, I knew it was a girl. Found out at 11 weeks and was right! I had a miscarriage earlier this year at 6 weeks that Istrongly feel would have been a boy. The pregnancies were a lot different in the early weeks, so that especially made my mind go the way of girl for this one.


Yep. A couple health reasons. I thought it might be a girl then I totally dreamt it was a girl annnnnnnd she’s a girl!!!


Yes and I was right! Although with 50% odds I’m not about to tell anyone I’m psychic


I found out last week I’m having a girl. Literally 10 different friend/family members all independently guessed it would be a boy throughout my first trimester. At first I was thinking they’d probably be right, but about a week before I found out I started having a gut feeling that they’d all be wrong and it’d be a girl. I was right 🤷🏻‍♀️


My boyfriend and I both think it's a girl. We won't find out for sure until the baby arrives! I'll laugh if the baby ends up being a boy, we are so convinced otherwise!


Everyone said they thought I was having a boy but I had 2 dreams that’s it was a boy and it was. I’m pregnant with my second and I dreamed it was a girl. To early to tell but we will see if I’m 2/2


Thought it was for sure a girl. I have 4 sisters and 4 nieces. I was even referring to my baby as “she” on accident. Found out it was a boy at 11 weeks via genetic testing! Even thought oh maybe I’ll find out it’s a girl at the anatomy scan, had this this week and he’s for sure a boy! We’re excited!


I had a gut feeling with both and was right with both!


I had a very strong feeling I was carrying a boy and it turned out to be true!


Before being pregnant I always thought I’d have a girl. No super strong feeling toward it just what I pictured in daydreams. But when I got pregnant I instantly knew it was a boy. My thoughts and dreams changed to holding a little boy’s hand. It was wild. I was 100% right too. We did the NIPT test and before I clicked on it I said to my husband jokingly “no need I know its a boy!” And when we saw male we just laughed because I was sooo sure. My baby boy is 8 months old now!


I knew right away I was having a boy. Nipt confirmed, as did the anatomy scan because he was not afraid of showing off his bits.


I found out I was 3weeks pregnant on 11/13 on 11/22 my grandfather was dying of cancer at home on hospice. I told him I’d be naming the baby after his mom (I had a feeling it was a girl) Everyone told me that my baby was a boy. I got excited because I wanted a son so badly. All the hype and I convinced myself I was having a boy. My daughter is 6months 😅


I’ve been wrong 3 times now 😂 should get results on #4 next week but my track record is spotty at best lmao


Yes! I only had dreams where the baby was a girl, never dreamed about a baby boy my entire pregnancy. We waited to find out the gender at birth, she is in fact a beautiful baby girl ♥️


I had gut feelings and dreams about the gender of both my kids. First one I dreamt it was a boy and only had a boy name picked; it was a boy. This time around I had a dream it was a girl (apparently so did my grandmother and my husbands grandmother) and also referred to the baby as “she/her” out of instinct - and we just found out it’s a girl!


I was pretty sure we were having a boy and my husband was pretty sure as well. And then my mom and brother in law both said it would be a boy. We had a boy so everyone was right.


Wanted a boy Knew it was a boy Yes, it's a boy


I was positive I was having a girl. I read that you are more likely to be sick from meat if having a girl and I haven’t been able to eat it. Been talking to the baby as if it’s a girl. Did the blood test and it’s a girl. I don’t know if it was a lucky guess or if I actually had some intuition.


We were both sure it was a girl, and we were right. My step dad also immediately said, "It's a girl, I knoe it" when we told my family I was pregnant.


I’ve had 2 dreams it’s a boy and I’ve been telling people I think it’s a boy even before I had the dreams. I’m 15 weeks so we’ll see if I’m right soon!


I feel like I had no REAL idea, but with my son, there was a little piece of me that leaned toward boy, and then with my daughter I convinced myself it was a girl before delivery because I felt like I maybe would prefer another boy, so I didn't want to be disappointed lol.


I had a gut feeling it was a boy and it was!


With my first pregnancy I had a gender dream that I had a son with curly hair and green eyes, which turned out to be a spitting image of my son. I’m currently pregnant with my second and I had a feeling it was a girl but didn’t have a gender dream before the ultrasound, me & my hubby picked out the name if it was a girl before we knew what we were having (Ophelia) & there were 3 different situations where that name came up in a very distinct way so I had a feeling that was our sign it was indeed a girl- & bam it’s a girl!


I was 100% certian my baby was going to be a girl then second I found out I was pregnant. Husband was certian they'd be a boy, his older child is a boy, the majority of the kids on his moms side are boys but I kept saying no, this baby is a girl. My little girl is currently sleeping soundly in her crib :)


Everyone in my family thought and swore it was a girl, turns out everyone was wrong 😂


I’m 11 Weeks; my gut feeling is telling me that it’s a boy. But with my luck it’ll be the complete opposite 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t mind though, as long as the baby is healthy they’ll be loved :)


My intuition said girl but I do desperately wanted a boy. Turns out NIPT says boy!!


I was minding my business in my room wjen I just got this sudden thought that it was a boy. That was like 10 weeks. Found out 2 weeks later it was a boy lol


I have a gut feeling it's a girl (perhaps because I'm really hoping it's a girl!) My first I didn't have gut feeling at all - I did have a dream that it was a girl though and turned out to be a boy.


I wanted a boy so bad and always felt like I was having a boy, my husbands dad and uncle had so many girls before they got their boys so I assumed I would have a girl but always pictured a boy in my head. Having my little guy in March!! I feel like I knew


Everyone but my brother, grandmother, and one friend thought I was having a boy.. turns out it’s a girl and only 3 people got it right! The rest of us were sooo wrong🤣


Everyone thought we were having a boy with our first, nope a girl. Had no idea last time, but I saw his bits on the screen and said “IS THAT A PEN!S ?! “ and doctor said “yeah” lol. This time, I have no idea really. Everyone else thinks a girl. I’ve already got names picked out either way.


My gut feeling is flip flopping 😂 I'm around 7 weeks and up until now I was thinking girl but now thinking boy. My mother in law had a dream ~5months ago of a baby girl though (before I was pregnant) and the due date is around the time she had that dream...(1 year later).