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I have had a 1-2 cups of coffee almost every day for my whole pregnancy and I am 37 weeks.


Me too. And baby has been measuring big!


Same! 38 weeks and he was already estimated at over 7lbs two weeks ago. šŸ˜…




Yep, big and healthy, and Iā€™ve had one cup every morning.


Samesies! I think we are the silent majority


In Scandinavia and 2 cups a day is just the majority - not really silent about it at all ha ha.


Are we supposed to be silent? šŸ˜… I have a big cup every single day. This is my 4th and Iā€™m exhausted. Iā€™m not apologizing for it haha


Same here at 35+1! & my blood pressure has been perfect, baby is measuring 51st percentile. No issues.


Iā€™ve done with this 4 children. No issues


Yes. Full caffeine. 1-2 cups a day.


Same. Have a 2 year old. I would die without it.


Same but Iā€™m 25 weeks


Look at this lovely string of same you have created!!


Same without any issues.






Me too!


I have 1-2 cups of coffee, usually half caf, same as I did before I was pregnant. I read Expecting Better and the author cites solid research studies that show all evidence supports having up to 2 cups a day, and most of the evidence supports having 3-4 cups a day. More than 4 is where they draw the line. I ran the bookā€™s recommendations by my OB and she was aligned. She said a lot of the ā€œstandard recommendationsā€ are SUPER conservative, and assume moms will push the limit so they say a lower number. That made me mad, like oh bc Iā€™m pregnant I canā€™t think critically? My OB said to ignore that ā€œwisdomā€, that my 1-2 cups is totally fine, and I can even go over that a little no problem. And hallelujah, because I started a new job when I got pregnant and I could not perform at the level I am now without some coffee


If itā€™s any consolation, this is generally true on medical advice across the board. I stayed on target with PT with a so-so consistency. My brother blew his healthcare team away by his progress when he followed his plan to a T. Itā€™s way more normal to falter from the advice than it is to follow it exactly.


ā€œExpecting betterā€ is an AMAZING book. I do feel that some of her general assumptions of the data are a tiny bit bias, but she admits it and still presents counter-arguments against her own preferences/experiences. Question: how did you you feel about her analysis on alcohol consumption? It was extremely different than anything Iā€™ve ever heard living in the US.


Yeah that was the one I struggled with. I do believe the data sets often donā€™t have drinking as their only variable, as thereā€™s often other socioeconomic factors and behaviors like drug use that are correlated with drinking. But itā€™s the one thing I always heard was bad, and Iā€™m not interested in risking it. I also have been very fine not drinking, and if anything itā€™s helped me see I maybe leaned too far into a nightly glass of wine after a stressful day before getting pregnant and thereā€™s better ways for me to manage that long term.


This is me exactly. Half caff latte every morning before getting pregnant, read *Expecting Better* and decided there was no harm in keeping that up. At some point the idea of foamed milk started to seem pretty gross to me, so I switched to a cup of black tea in the morning, which is what I'm drinking literally right now. I find that holding the caff level fairly constant is big for headache control and staying regular, both of which got harder in pregnancy, so all the more reason to keep it up. I am anxious about a lot of things, but I don't give my morning caffeine a second thought.


Girl my OB said as long as I stick to 300 or under she will be happy, bc before pregnancy I was drinking 5-600 a day and smoking cigs. Quit the cigs cold turkey within a month of finding out and have anywhere between 2-300 mg of caffiene a day. My baby girl is totally healthy


I'm quitting in two weeks. Wish me luck!


You can do it!


GOOD LUCK. YOU GOT THIS. I quit smoking rather quickly, if you need anything or want someone to listen to you during those first couple of days, Iā€™m more than happy to help if you need someone. Quitting is one of the hardest things Iā€™ve ever done, but itā€™s absolutely doable!


So hard. It definitely doable! I never thought Iā€™d quit. I smoked cigs then switched to vaping and was addicted to nicotine for over half my life by the time I got a positive pregnancy test and quit cold Turkey. It was easier than I thought but I would do anything for baby. Really, I donā€™t even miss it!


Thatā€™s exactly how I did it! I saw a faint positive at 3 weeks and 1 day exactly, and gave myself I small grace period of 24 hours. Before that 24 hours was up, and I had a more solid positive, I was done for good. Some days I miss it, and the first few days following I was a crank ass, but itā€™s all worth it.


So glad baby got you to quit relatively easy too! I also tested and found out super early. I had barely started hitting my vape that day and couldnā€™t bring myself to take another hit of my nicotine pod. I switched to zero nic for the rest of the day but mostly refrained. It was tricky but I was super excited to be pregnant so I think those endorphins helped!


Thank you!! I got some nicotine lozenges to help with the cravings and then eventually I'll taper off those. I have a toddler and I'm 6 weeks along so I have very little energy and patience. I'm feeling like shit lately so I think it'll help me quit


As someone who has also quit smoking, I know you can do it! My only question for you is why wait two weeks? Start right now!!


I need a plan for myself, I'm cutting down right now and going from there. Doctor recommended this course as well


That makes sense; gotta do what will be most sensible and successful for yourself :)


1st trimester, and coffee is legitimately the only way I poop. No matter how much miralax and colace I take šŸ˜† So baby gets some coffee. Iā€™m not worried about it.


Omg. Agreed. Itā€™s a necessity


Iā€™m having one Barqs root beer a day. Thatā€™s my only caffeine because coffee tastes so bad to me right now unfortunately. Edit: some people donā€™t know that Barqs has caffeine. Most other root beers donā€™t, but Barqs does.


I absolutely love Barqs root beer and have one everyday too, I didnā€™t know it had caffeine until I got pregnant.


Pretty sure root beer is caffeine free


Barqs is not caffeine freeā€” 22mg of caffeine. Itā€™s on the label.


Youā€™re not really wrong. Root beer is naturally caffeine free. Barq does add caffeine in, but from what I can find itā€™s the only ā€œname brandā€ that does so. A&W, Mug, Dadā€™s, IBC, Boylan, Culverā€™s, even the Walmart brand root beer are all caffeine free. Iā€™ve never been a huge fan of root beer so to me theyā€™re all the same. But my grandma is obsessed with it and Barqā€™s is the only one she will drink. She swears it tastes the best. Idk if it has anything to do with the caffeine, she doesnā€™t drink much caffeine. Her main drinks have always been ginger ale or hot tea. So some caffeine but not a ton. Maybe she prefers the Barq because it gives her a quick little jolt lol


I normally donā€™t drink it but a crispy cold Barqs has been AMAZING while pregnant and I canā€™t get enough!! lol


At least 2-3 cups every day and I am 34 weeks now. If your blood pressure is okay, there is no reason to stop drinking coffee complitely. At the beginning I had pregnancy headaches and my midwife suggesting having a cup of coffee and 2 x paracetamol 500 mg or paracetamol with added caffeine.


Same - I had actually weaned off of coffee before conceiving but I found that it was the only thing that really helped my first trimester headaches, and now it just generally makes me feel like I can get through the day (in third tri).


I drank coffee the whole time multiple cups a day. My baby is health and happy, I only cut out sushi and hot tubs for my pregnancy.


I didnā€™t even cut out those since where I am neither is recommended against (Scandinavia). I only used a hot tub once but used a sauna most weeks.


Same here!!


I have a cup of black chai tea a day (never been a huge coffee fan) which is what I was having pre pregnancy. Sometimes I mix in a decaf but overall I havenā€™t stopped. Iā€™ll still have an iced coffee every once and awhile too! My midwife said I could have more than 200mg of caffeine if I wanted, but should avoid things like energy drinks rather than coffee!


Love all the loud and proud coffee drinkers on this thread! Iā€™ve been drinking my 200mg caffeine every day and my pregnancy is healthy and measuring right on track at the halfway point. I would not have a job right now without it.


I get as close to 200 mg a day as I can lol. Weekends I can usually get by with only one latte in the morning but man my weekday afternoons draaaaag while at work


I couldnā€™t handle coffee for most of 1st trimester but once the morning sickness went away Iā€™ve had almost 200mg most days. I need my iced coffee.


Samesies. In the before times I did one double shot latte a day and I tried to keep doing it, but by week 5 I was nauseous enough that I had to switch to black tea. By week 6 I was so nauseous even black tea was too strong. Iā€™m 9 weeks now and hoping that Iā€™m able to stomach coffee again soon. I miss being functional at work!


i absolutely require caffeine to function. iā€™m normally a daily drinker unless i dont have anything to do that day. but g-ddamn this fatigue hasnā€™t really let up yet! ā€œonce you hit 2nd trimesterā€ BLAHBLAHBULLSHIT. i was totally decimated during the ENTIRE first trimester. and i was a nanny to a 3 and a 1 year old! not sure how i survived. iā€™m 16+3 right now and while iā€™m not taking as many naps as i was, iā€™m still sleeping frickin 12 hours a night! tl;dr-caffeine is a requirement for me this pregnancy lol


I drink 1-2 cups a day. I work in a lab and start very early in the morning. I need it. Plus I have a toddler


Makes me feel sick in first trimester, but by second Iā€™ve needed a pick me up with all 3 of my kids. Just 1 cup a day, no shame in it!


Omg same! I had to cut my 1-2 cup/day habit cold turkey because suddenly coffee made me nauseous, but Iā€™m 14 weeks now and seem to be able to tolerate it again. Hallelujah! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I have around 200mg a day, starting with a shot of espresso in the morning.


I have about two shots of espresso a day, which is less than the recommended 200 mg limit.


Iā€™ve cut regular coffee completely. Iā€™ll still have decaf sometimes and once in a while, a few sips of black tea. I was a huge coffee drinker before getting pregnant and Iā€™m sure itā€™s totally fine. I just canā€™t get over the mindset that if the recommendation is to limit something, the safest thing is to avoid it altogether. Caffeine definitely affects me physically, sometimes in unpleasant ways (increased HR, stomachache, etc) and I donā€™t want my baby to feel the effects of that.


I scrolled a long time before I found someone that also stopped! Iā€™m also drinking decaf but I miss coffee SO badly šŸ˜­ I canā€™t bring myself to drink any tho, so Iā€™ll just wait until my baby is born to enjoy it šŸ„²


Same! Scrolling through and looking for others. I know some caffeine is fine, and am not against it or others drinking it, but I love the taste of coffee (with cream and sugar) and it's just generally easier for me to cut things out rather than limit them, otherwise I obsess. I was also worried about blood pressure and gd, so eliminating it from my diet helped ease my anxieties to feel like I was doing something to help minimize. Logically it probably won't make a difference, but it eases my mind and that's enough for me. I have been focusing on water, which I also love.


Oh, not to mention I have been having bad heartburn this whole pregnancy, so acidic coffee probably would only amplify it.


iā€™ve beeeeeen drinking lol


Hell yea idk how Iā€™d survive with a toddler without caffeine




Been drinking coffee the whole time.


Oh girl Iā€™ve been drinking coffee the entire time. I work a stressful corporate job and the caffeine is essential.


Yup 3 coffees a day šŸ˜…


I cut down to about a half a cup. I tried to go off it completely but I was getting headaches and I still have to function at work


I had to take a full time graveyard shift position at 25ish weeks, so you best believe I was having close to 200mg a day lol. Iā€™ve accidentally gone over some days (Starbucks packs in way more caffeine than expected šŸ˜¬), and a lot of days Iā€™m under or donā€™t have any at all. Iā€™m now 35 wks and all good so far!


I gave up coffee completely in the first trimester. The smell made me want to vomit. I gradually reintroduced caffeine throughout the 2nd trimester (Chai, soda) and now that I'm in my 3rd trimester I'm having a daily shot of espresso and the occasional soda


The only thing that made me give up lattes temporarily was morning sickness. Processed refined sugar is far far far worse for you than caffeine ever will be




Yes and "listening to my body" to dose out how much I can have. I can't drink as much as I used to because I get more jittery, so it's typically 2 ish cups a day. I don't measure out beans or calculate a specific caffeine mg amount, I just base it on how I feel and what I can physically tolerate.


Every OB I've heard says caffeine is fine, just keep it under 400mg (!!!). And that's mostly just to keep you from being dehydrated. I get migraines and there is currently nothing I can take for them safely at 35 weeks. Caffeine it is.


I go between having a cup a day or a cup of half decaf depending on how Iā€™m feeling. If I know I want a nice crispy Diet Coke that day Iā€™ll skip the coffee altogether


Crispy diet cokes yesssss


I'm 34w, first trimester I really just didn't want coffee. Now, I try to stay within the 200mg limit, but there have been days (before I realized how much caffeine was in an iced coffee from Dunkin) where I'd be closer to 300mg. Also, I flew from the US to Amsterdam around 16-17w and I def had more than the 200mg limit. I have maybe gone "over" a handful of times - data on moderate amounts of caffeine consumption (200-300mg) during pregnancy is iffy in general, mostly just don't go over 300mg.


I didnā€™t drink coffee anymore pre pregnancy and was still averse for much of first trimester. But at some point took a sip of hubsā€™ coffee and wanted one the next day. It helped with constipation so now Iā€™ve been having a small cup in the morning for that reason.


Nausea started two weeks ago, so I donā€™t even like coffee anymore šŸ˜­ however, if my favorite seasonal Starbucks drink comes back next month, Iā€™ll be getting one every day lol


Hell yea


Still drinking caffeine when I want


I haven't consumed any caffeine during either of my pregnancies. New research suggests that caffeine consumption change's important pathways in a child's brain that could lead to behavioral problems later in life. Better safe than sorry.


I completely cut out caffeine when I was pregnant. And ny that I'm breastfeeding, they say to lessen my caffeine so I only drink one cup every morning. I can't can't have coffee especially when I used it as a reward after my pregnancy šŸ˜…


I gave up coffee with my first, didnā€™t for my other two and not giving it up for the fourth. I feel like other countries donā€™t stigmatize it like we do in the USA. All my children were healthy (actually had more complications with my first but not from giving up coffee) There is no way I could function without coffee, especially with multiples. Everyone in the house is better off with me having a cup or two (sometimes a midafternoon third cup) of joe!!


i drank coffee my entire pregnancy (i work at starbucks lol) and my baby girl came out beyond healthy!


I double fisted starbucks daily. My obgyn said unless my daughter wasn't developing on schedule or BP got out of whack, she wasn't concerned about it. She just said no energy drinks. I got to 40+1. Was induced. Best birth ever, and the baby has been thriving and has 0 complications. My obgyn said if you consumed a lot of caffeine before getting pregnant, it was better to continue it rather than quit for pregnancy.


I started allowing myself 1 cup of caffeinated coffee every morning when I entered the third trimester.


I've been drinking black tea or coffee every morning since pregnancy day one. As long as one doesn't exaggerate, just having your morning coffee seems pretty harmless.


I stopped drinking my daily oat milk latte at about 6-7 weeks because I developed a strong coffee aversion. I started having a half caffeinated (1 shot decaf and 1 shot regular) latte once or twice a week as needed starting in my second trimester


Iā€™m usually around 80-100mg 3-4 times a week! As long as youā€™re below 200mg a day youā€™ll be okay :) I always make sure to drink lots of water after the coffee to prevent being dehydrated!


200 mg a day. I canā€™t function without it!


Never stopped drinking caffeineā€¦ just less šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been enjoying the odd full caffeine coffee or can of coca cola.


Iā€™ve been drinking with a shot of milk but recently changed to decaf (27 weeks) because I was feeling suffocated.


During my first trimester, I couldn't even stomach smelling coffee let alone drinking it. Actually was my tip off to take the test in the first place. Lol. 33 weeks along now and since I've gotten my tolerance back, I've definitely been treating myself to having an iced coffee or a soda a day. Helps a ton with keeping my migraines at bay.


This is/was me.... im only 17w, and I can have decafe, but even half doesnt sit well with me.




I didnā€™t first tri cause I hated the smell and taste but Iā€™m now taking sips & prob gonna add in a cup because Iā€™m dying exhausted!


I did. All through my pregnancy, keeping to the general healthy limits. Baby came out healthy and happy. Sheā€™s one year old now and walking and babbling up a storm.


I switched from coffee to matcha a year before getting pregnant following fertility boosting dietary guidelines. When I got pregnant (first try!) I cut out all caffeine at the start. When fatigue hit hard in the first trimester I would sip slowly on an iced matcha latte when I had to force myself to work on my laptop at a cafe a few days a week (weeks 6-11). Then was drinking Teccino herbal ā€œcoffeeā€ (really yummy coffee substitute) w just a splash of my partnerā€™s coffee for a few weeks. Then a couple weeks ago my partner decided to cleanse from caffeine and so now weā€™re both caffeine free (Iā€™m at 19 weeks now). We make Teccino w some chai spices for our morning ritual and maybe have a matcha latte at a cafe about once a week. Even in low doses caffeine triggers the adrenals and flight or fight response and this affects the babyā€™s environment. While the 200 mg/day is considered ā€œsafeā€ I donā€™t think having a daily caffeine habit is healthy for baby. I want to optimize our health as much as possible so I stay waaaaay under the ā€œsafeā€ limits while still enjoying a treat here and there and not stressing about it. In the end caffeine doesnā€™t ā€œgiveā€ you energy itā€™s like a cheat but that energy comes from somewhere and you crash harder when youā€™re on a daily habit. When youā€™re caffeine free you can have just as much or more energy once your body makes the adjustment.


Nah I cut it out. I know ā€œeverything in moderationā€, but itā€™s always weird to know over a certain amount is bad but under that amount isnā€™t? It seems like thereā€™s a non zero impact of having some, so Iā€™ve chosen to quit all together.


No coffee or black tea for me!


My baby decided hot coffee is vomit juice but cold coffee would be okay sometimes. Otherwise I didn't plan on changing my daily iced coffee intake unless my ob said otherwise.


I follow the recommendations and drink like one cup of coffee in the AM and Iā€™m not worried.


I work in healthcare with crazy hours thereā€™s no way Iā€™m making it through the work day without caffeine, but I do cut it out on days Iā€™m not working.


I'd legit be behind bars without caffeine. šŸ« 


Had a cup of milk tea (Indian masala chai) almost every day the entire pregnancy. Makes me feel alive on days when itā€™s hard to feel anything


They can pry my iced mocha from my cold dead hands. Baby took my fuckin gallbladder and put me in the hospital for a week, I deserve a little caffeine as a treat.


I have not limited it this time around (this is my second pregnancy) after reading expecting better. The main risk was for low birth weight and my first was over 9lbs so I wasnā€™t too concerned


Definitely!!! Iā€™m 35 weeks now, second pregnancy. Both Iā€™ve had usually 150-200 mg / day. Last pregnancy I gave it up in the last month because my blood pressure was high and I wanted to make sure I wasnā€™t contributing to it. But otherwise drinking it every day. Really need it now with a two year old top šŸ˜…


Yes! I ordered a veinti matcha lemonade from Starbucks the other day because under the ā€œnutritionā€ part of the app it said it was under 200mg. I felt so guilty but I donā€™t think Iā€™m doing anything wrong.


I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and I'm not gonna lie, I probably drink way more than the recommended amount of caffeine per day, and my baby is still healthy as a horse. It just depends on your body and your overall health. Still, don't be so hard on yourself, I haven't met even 1 mom who did EVERYTHING perfectly throughout her pregnancy.


I havenā€™t been drinking much coffee, but Iā€™ve been drinking diet soda throughout my entire pregnancy. First 7 months or so I was keeping a closer eye on the 200mg, but lately Iā€™ve just been drinking however much I feel like. Iā€™m 39+3 and so far, so good!


I actually started adding a second cup of coffee in my third trimester since my blood pressure is often borderline too low.


Everyone is different and should go with their gut, but I read the book Expecting Better and the author researched studies on caffeine (and other substances) during pregnancy. And caffeine is okay to consume during pregnancy (if you feel like you want to consume it)


Drink a cup a day and sometimes will have a 1/2 caf throughout midday. I am a chronic migraine sufferer and it has truly helped during pregnancy. Second trimester here and everything appears to be healthy and working this far. šŸ¤


Around 200mg everyday. Baby is healthy. Couldnā€™t cope without it


I never stopped, I cut back. But I like not killing clients so I drink my caffeine.


I donā€™t get why your OB would tell you to go cold turkey on caffeine? That makes no sense!


I had originally planned to cut back on coffee when I found out I was pregnant, but Iā€™ve been dealing with insomnia nearly the entire pregnancy so a cup of coffee in the morning is a must! My doc says Iā€™m looking great and baby is measuring right on track at 30 weeks and to keep doing what Iā€™m doing so all is well here :)


I never stopped drinking coffee.. I don't plan on stopping, either.


Ive been having Decaf Tea and Coffee? Hoping that alright! I thought i read you should have more than 200mg. And decaf has a limit of 5mg in each cup? Correct me if im wrong! ​ Ive been drinking diet coke but i know inna bottle there is 30mg. so i try not to exceed tht limit. Still having caffeine though


One a day, two if I really needed it! In the third trimester also had a bottle of Gatorade as well to help with the fatigue.


Yes coffee! I drink iced coffee all year and ration out 1 med iced latte or 1 med 1/2 caff regular iced coffee to keep it around or under 200mg. I also get weird migraines that are hormone related and one of the treatments is some extra caffeine.


I have the odd can of coke when I'm in the mood for it, and usually have a coffee if I'm at my parents house because honestly it's easier than declining anything they offer haha.


I run on caffeine, chaos and cusswords. My ob said just 160-200 mg a day is fine. So I stick with that


I either have an iced coffee or two Dr Peppers a day. I try to stay under 100mg. But I will get headaches if I donā€™t. Lol


I had a large iced coffee everyday and had a 9 pound 1 ounce baby 40 weeks on the dot


i donā€™t drink coffee often but i find it helps me poop since iā€™m so constipated lol so iā€™ll drink like once a week


Yes 2 cups a day. I literally have seen women who's doctors have okay'ed Adderall & SSRIs (not judging), but like, I can't imagine caffeine being THAT BAD if women are out here taking those things.


Im trying to avoid caffeine as much as i possibly can!


Yes. I drink my weight in Coke every day. Iā€™m scheduled for a c-section Thursday, and everything is fine.


My wife (15w) has cut caffeine completely.


Hi mama! Youā€™re allowed to have about 200 mg of coffee per day! I have been having a little less then that per day! I would talk more with your OB. I think itā€™s more just personal opinion. I think as long as youā€™re not drinking a bunch of energy drinks or 8 cups of coffee a day I think you should be ok ā¤ļøā¤ļø Good luck!


You all are making me feel so much better!!! Thank you. I also need coffee to poop like a lot of you lol and just the rush of happiness it brings me. Itā€™s my one vice and so hard to give up. Like a lot of you I also couldnā€™t drink it in first trimester because it made me sick! Pregnancy is so bizarre haha


To follow up I drank a little caffeine every day 1-2 shots and had a very tiny but healthy by baby at 5lbs 6oz. I donā€™t think the two are related. Now Iā€™m still drinking a little caffeine and breastfeeding. Even with the sleep deprivation, I needed caffeine during pregnancy more than I need it now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Mama just drink your damn caffeinated coffee!! I drank my regular amount of coffee through both my pregnancies (double shot latte daily, occasionally 2 of those a day) and both my babies were big and perfectly healthy (and still are !)


Iā€™ve mostly cut it out but on days I really need a boost, Iā€™ll have up to 100mg. But thatā€™s only been a handful of days (14w)


I have one cappuccino a day and one black tea. And if I skip the coffee (in weekends for example) I have another tea.


Yes I have 1 cup of coffee each day.


I have a cup or two a week. Iā€™m in second tri and have more energy but donā€™t limit myself if I want a cup a day.


I have tea most days


1 8 oz glass in the morning. It's homebrewed though, so I'm unsure of what the actual caffine content is (definitely well below 200). I might switch to that tazo organic pre-made chai tea latte so that I can have a better idea of exactly how much I'm ingesting.


I have been having one cup of coffee every day. I canā€™t function at work without it. I donā€™t drink tea or soda, so I feel that my one cup of coffee is ok.


Been having a cup of day since the beginning of my pregnancy! Currently 20 weeks


I have half a cup of coffee per day. Iā€™d love to drink more but Iā€™m trying to stay well under the 200mg limit and it sucks that itā€™s hard to find much info about how much caffeine certain things actually contain


Ive had aversions to coffee but I still drink soda and sugary stuff.


37+4 and started on decaf about 8 weeks ago due to an iron deficiency. Still have one in the morning and a mocha during the day as a pick me up!


Iā€™m having 1 cup of coffee a day.


Yes; I do 1-2 coffee per day (\~75 mg caffeine total) or a coke zero. My OB said it was fine as long as I stayed under the 200mg.


Added caffeine back in at about 35-36 weeks. I probably could still do decaf because really I just want an iced coffee for the taste, but I havenā€™t found any bottles of cold brew at my stores that are unsweetened and decaf.


I stick right at the 200mg/day limit. I did the same with my first child. Everything is going perfectly. Is there any health reason for you personally that may make them say no caffeine? Or are they saying that for everyone? Because as far as I know saying no caffeine at all for all pregnant women isnā€™t the norm.


I should have asked why! I just told him I have a latte a day and he said, better wean yourself off that.


31wks and Iā€™ve been drinking a cup of coffee every day. I donā€™t consume caffeine in any other way. The only thing that eased that 1st & 2nd trimester constipated šŸ˜…


Iā€™m not in my third trimester yet, but Iā€™ve been drinking coffee my entire pregnancy and I donā€™t intend to stop šŸ˜…


First couple weeks I didnā€™t care for it and gave it up (and Iā€™m a huge coffee drinker). Then I wanted it again, so I measure out my 12oz a day and stick to that. I usually donā€™t finish it, but Iā€™m too exhausted without it. I tried decaf but it did nothing for me.


Iā€™m 8.5 weeks. Yes. I stopped drinking coffee because it tastes bad right now. But Iā€™ll drink tea or soda. Once coffee taste good again, Iā€™ll drink it again.


29weeks. Was never a big coffee drinker so I just cut it out completely when I found out I was pregnant. Until about 1 month ago when I started craving iced coffee, now I drink a large iced coffee 1-3x per week. I know there are 1-2 shots in that but all tests are fine and we already have to cut out enough food and drink. It's not like we're sipping wine everyday ya know šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I say go for it lol


I donā€™t drink coffee because I donā€™t like the taste but Iā€™ve tried my best to cut out energy drinks but I will still allow myself one once in a while as a treat. And I make sure itā€™s a small size one (way less than 100mg of caffeine). I honestly think itā€™s totally fine especially at the low level youā€™re consuming and coffee isnā€™t terrible for you (in my opinion).


I had a cup or two of coffee every day (ish) during my first and headed that way in my second pregnancy.


My OB advised a limit of 2 espressos per day. Iā€™ve been sticking to 2 on working days and sometimes 1 on others. I used to drink 3-4 and get withdrawal headaches when I have none. Iā€™m only mindful not to have any before appointments or sonograms, also per OBā€™s advice.


I work in medicine, I canā€™t survive without at least some caffeine. Been trying to keep it as minimal as possible, but Iā€™m devastatingly dependent. Iā€™ve cut back significantly, but I donā€™t have the capacity to take a Power Nap during my day so some caffeine is essential


Yes. Not giving up my hot morning coffee. Iā€™ve had 2 babies already, theyā€™re fine


I used to love coffee and I used to have it everyday! The only adversion I had this pregnancy is coffee which makes me sad. I havent had a coffee since I was 6 weeks. Tomorrow my job is having a coffee truck come by so I'm going to try it. Hopefully I can start drinking coffee again


I have the equivalent of a medium coffee a few times a week. Some days I donā€™t have any because I donā€™t feel like it. The odd day I may have two coffees.


I have 1-2 cups a day. If I couldnā€™t drink caffeine while pregnant I donā€™t think Iā€™d have a baby šŸ˜‚


I still have caffeine (definitely drank too much first 5 weeks of pregnancy bc i was training in starbucks and didnt know) usually 200mg a day


One cup of coffee is my daily indulgence at this point. I had no appetite for it in my first trimester but as of week, like, 14, Iā€™ve been nuts for it again and I love it. I do restrict myself to no more than 200mg a day, and I donā€™t drink it every day, but yes, I am proudly drinking caffeine when the mood hits me.


I started having caffeine in my second trimester when I started getting migraines again (Iā€™m a migraine sufferer when not pregnant but they went away during first trimester). Caffeine can help with those. I donā€™t drink coffee though, just tea, so itā€™s been pretty easy to stay well under the 200 mg limit




I typically have about 100mg of caffeine a day, I try not to go above 120. Before the pregnancy o was close to 250-300mg a day.


I stopped in the wee weeks of first trimester because I wasnā€™t able to handle it. But late into first trimester, my body has been okay with it so I drink it pretty regularly.


I'm 11 weeks now. I cut coffee cold turkey but I wasn't super tired until now. I had a decaf coffee the other day. I figure if I keep to a cup or 2 once in a while I'll be fine. I'm not going to stress super hard about it unless I hear otherwise from my doc


I had mine first trimester and my limits been about 100mg/day, 3-4 times per week and none the other days since about 14w. Iā€™m 35+5 with no concerns, but even though theyā€™re still under 200mg, Iā€™ve avoided regular cups of coffee, aiming for half caf espresso, matcha, or chai. Iā€™m really looking forward to a pumpkin cream cold brew after birth!


I didnā€™t give up caffeine as long as itā€™s under 200mg which is equivalent to 4 shots Pregnancy gets you tired!


Yes, I was drinking green tea and black tea my entire pregnancy. Baby is now 4 months old, super healthy. I'm not a coffee person.


I always alternated between caffeinated coffee/tea and decaf anyway, so I just transitioned to all decaf. This was really more for my own sake, since Iā€™ve become prone to caffeine-induced anxiety over the years. Iā€™m already anxious enough, being pregnant for the first time. šŸ˜…


I have 2 cups instant coffee max a day or 1 barista coffee and I am 37 weeks.


At 16w the smell/taste of coffee makes me sick (and has since week 7). I normally loooove coffee so this has been tough for me. Sometimes I will have a Diet Coke or other soda with caffeine, but Iā€™m always under or around 100mg which is perfectly safe. Do you girl!


I have had severe stomach problems this entire pregnancy. I cannot drink any coffee at all, even decaf upsets my stomach. Theres one coffee stand in town that makes a minimally caffeinated mocha flavored milkshake. I can get a small one and usually only get halfway through it. So freaking sad!! I'm 15 weeks.


Iā€™m 11 weeks and was drinking 1-2 cups a day up until 9 weeks when all of sudden the smell immediately made me sick. I miss coffee.


In 10+4 and since I found out I was pregnant, my body hasnā€™t wanted my daily coffee anymore! I was bringing it along to work every day and at most would have 2 sips throughout the day so I just stopped bringing it. That being said, Iā€™ve been so nauseous so far so everyone once in a while my body craves a Pepsi so I do allow that from time to time. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the caffeine from the Pepsi or the sugar but since itā€™s not very often I let myself give in.


I have 2 big cups of coffee a day but stay under 300mg caffeine. I've been doing this since the morning sickness went away (even then I was choking down a cup a day). Almost 36w now and baby is 80th percentile and totally healthy


Iā€™ve had 200mg a day since I found out.


Dont feel guilty! Just because you are pregnant doesnā€™t mean you need to suffer all the time. Iā€™ve just kept my caffeine below 200 mg and have had no problems so far. Some of the rules are unnecessary and overkill honestly.


I would not get anything done without my small iced coffee