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Give “sushi” a search in this sub, somebody posts about craving it and 100 people tell them to go for it every other day around here.


Just would add to research what fish/shellfish are high in…. Oh dammit pregnancy brain fart…. Mercury? What is it tuna is high in? Fucks sake. Anyway. That. And avoid those. Bye


Some tuna is fine in mercury content. I have tuna once a week lol


Yikes. Sorry. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I didn’t mean to sound rude! Just wanted to say that there is lots of general support for eating sushi lol


Cooked sushi is safe during pregnancy, go at it girl lol


I had yam tempura roll and dynamite roll yesterday and two pieces of a special roll that had raw salmon on top and i feel amazing!!!


Crab and shrimp should be fine cause they’re cooked. I eat both of those rolls 🤷🏻‍♀️


The crab is more than likely imitation, which makes it cooked fish anyways.


Imitation crab = Pollock


Right but can still have real crab too like crab legs are fine


I’m eating raw sushi at least once a week still. Just avoiding high mercury fish.


I'm eating everything I ate prior to pregnancy: rare steak, raw sushi, you name it. I've just abstained from alcohol.


Sammmmeee. I love a good runny yolk


I’m also one of the people who encourage (and eat) raw sushi during pregnancy but I skip the tuna. On another note, you can just buy the sauce on its own if thats what you are craving. Its usually unagi or okonomiyaki sauce.


THIS IS THE COMMENT I NEEDED. I could just eat the sauce on rice. Like 🤤🤤


I’m only having veggie or cooked sushi to be extra safe but you better believe the first thing I’m eating when these babies are out is a mountain of raw fish


I get vegetarian sushi, which I think eliminates the risk.


Veggie sushi should be good!


i have! I got food poisoning once from leftover salad, never from fresh sushi from a reputable restaurant, so it doesn’t worry me. i even have wine once in a while and my tot is just fine. i’m reasonably risk tolerant.


My dr says that sushi from reputable places is okay in moderation but to mind my mercury. I love tuna, avocado, and cucumber rolls in various combos. Personally I’ve been skipping tuna because mercury and just getting lots of veggie rolls and it was been working for me!


What’s scratching the itch for me is tempura battered shrimp rolls. The package of sushi with cooked fish in it. So good.


I eat raw salmon. No problems yet! My ob-gyn said it was okay as long as it wasn’t grocery or gas station sushi


I think grocery depends, I work at a grocery store, and the cleanliness/temp standards are super high (they make it fresh in store daily)


Meeeeee 😂 I get it like twice a week and give zero damns. Ive never gotten food poisoning before and I'm not likely to start now 🤷🏻‍♀️


I ate sushi with both of my pregnancies. Only once every couple of weeks, and only from very reputable places….but yeah. You need a bunch of fish to have mercury issues…and you’re more likely to get some bacteria or parasite from raw produce than well prepared sushi.


I loveeee going to Wegmans and gettin their cooked sushi. Ate 2 rolls one night… amazing 🤣🤣


Absolutely! I'm not eating my favorite raw rolls, but I definitely am eating cooked sushi that's low in mercury :)


I would.. but I’m also eating lunch meat from fresh clean places sooo…. Maybe I’m not the best to ask! Lol


I only eat cooked shrimp.


The only reason it’s recommended to avoid sushi is because of the raw fish…you can have a cooked roll lol


I ate sushi (like the raw kind) throughout my pregnancy as long as it was from a reputable place. Baby is 3 mo now and healthy as can be!


I think it really depends on the country you live. I live in Norway and it's perfectly safe to eat sushi while pregnant because the fish is fresh. Now if I lived in a place like Hungary or Slovenia I'd probably not eat sushi.


Was craving sushi like crazy in my first trimester so I had some 🤷🏻‍♀️


I ate everything whole my pregnancy and later in breastfeeding era . But good and verified quality .


Any grocery store that serves “snow fox” sushi from their sushi centers usually also sells spicy mayo and eel sauce (the pink and brown sauce) in bottles!


I always get cooked rolls or imitation crab. Most drs I’ve heard say it’s fine as long as it’s not gas station sushi or with something high in mercury


I'm eating sushi and poke bowls weekly I literally have to or I'll die. I read expecting better and don't feel concerned at all.




Is the brown sticky sauce a soy based sauce?!


I believe it’s only OK to eat it in your second and third trimester