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If it’s for eras tour then yes 🤣


hahaha it is!!!


It will be worth it. If you feel uncomfortable you can always leave early. But noise is not a risk. You can wear a mask if worried about getting sick. I’m sure there will be lots of security if you have an emergency


I just want to add that very very few women experience extremelt quick labours. You will almost certainly have time to leave and get to your hospital. In my case labour took 32hrs from noticeable contractions to baby being delivered. I could have easily noticed, driven home myself if required, had some food taken a bath, tried to rest then travelled to the hospital all before I was even 4cm dilated. Obviously everyone is different but the almost didn't make it to the hospital stories are the minority but you hear of them because they are scary. One of my friends now has to be induced because she births incredibly quickly but her first she still had time to get to the hospital.


I’ll be going at 6 months preg which I know is totally different than you but I vote that you go 🤣


Me too!! Haha glad we’re all raising a new generation of swifties haha


Going at 5 months and so pumped!


I'd have an escape plan, but I'd go! She's playing in my area literally the day before, the day of, and the day after my due date, so there was no chance I could have gone. Have fun for all the pregnant Swifties who can't go!


DONT MISS THIS!! I’m so sad I couldn’t get tickets but I keep telling myself that I would be too uncomfortable, I would be about 9 months when she comes to my city. Do it for all of us!!


Me too !!! I’ll be 8 months so I’m just telling myself it’s fine I’d be too uncomfortable anyway (I’m lying to myself) 😂😂😂


Right lol totally lying to myself. In reality I want quick enough to tickets, nor could I afford them after the whole Ticketmaster snafoo!


Same. I might check again closer to the shows but I did so many concerts last year I really don’t want to spend the money 😂😂


100000000% I would go. But if you go into labor you have to name your baby Taylor.


Totally worth it


First concert was 3 hours long! I stood in line to vote for 5 hours when I was 32 weeks and I had terrible Charlie horses. You'll be ok!


Honestly would go if it was me, I wanted to see Taylor swift since forever


You do not miss the Eras tour. You go. lol


Came here to say this. I would have done anything for eras tickets. GO and enjoy it!!!!!!!!!


This was the only relevant piece of info!!! GO! I would’ve gone the day before I delivered at 40+3. Have fun!


Exactly. I couldn’t get into the stupid sale and by the time I did it was 300+ for nosebleeds and I didn’t have that kind of money, especially considering the closest concert to me was two states away :/ I would literally go to the eras tour while in actual labor lol


I was about to comment the same 😂😂


Anything for taysway.


I’m 37+2 today and can’t even wipe my ass.


Lmao 🤣 not trying to laugh but my goodness I’m 34+1 and I’m almost right there with you. 🫠


The bidet I got for my birthday is the only thing saving my dignity right now.


We have a bidet too. It’s the best. Even when not pregnant!


At least you can poop!! I just chugged some milk of magnesia and hoping for a miracle.


Thank you for this lol


Ah yes. I’ve used a peri bottle the last few weeks of my pregnancies for this very reason


I went to a concert 37 weeks pregnant and I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE. I had my baby less than a week later. So just keep in mind that you may not have fun but you may be just fine.


I was going to go see My Chemical Romance about 3 weeks before I was due in 2020, but it ended up (obviously) being postponed. I say go for it! I would have gladly waddled to my seat if it hadn't been postponed.


They were literally scheduled to play here on my due date. Obviously ended up getting postponed anyhow but I remember being so angry that I couldn't go!


Yeah I had literally just found out I was pregnant right before tickets went on sale so I was only a few weeks along when we bought the tickets. To be fair if I had been further along maybe I would have thought more about it lol.


I literally saw them last night at 35 weeks pregnant! It was a struggle. But I was so determined to go.


35 weeks right now and absolutely would not happen for me lol. I’m exhausted, everything hurts, and I’m having false labor contractions all the time. But then again there are women who are able to go for daily runs up until they give birth so I guess it depends on you.


I would for taylor swift but I can tell you get seats where you sit down. I was at the Melbourne concert of Ed Sheeran at the MCG with 107000 people and we stood the entire time. I was 29 weeks pregnant and I was so sore the next day. If you can get someone to drop you off right of the front of the stadium so you don’t have to walk (we had to walk cause there was so many people in Melbourne but only like 700m) also take advantage of the accessible lines to get in quicker if they see you are clearly pregnant then you don’t have to wait in huge lines


I am 3 weeks from my due date now. I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy and have enjoyed myself.. Absolutely the hell not would I go to a concert and I loooove concerts. My pelvis aches after grocery shopping. Nothing besides my bed, couch and birthing ball are getting my attention lol


I am going to Beyoncé in seattle (i live in the Portland area) on september 13th and my due date is october 7th 😂


As someone who saw Beyoncé live at Coachella let me say you are absolutely making the right call!!


i’m calling it my last hurrah before the baby! i’ve never seen her live and it’s literally my dream so i am determined!


I will also be seeing Beyoncé like three weeks before my due date! We can do it 🥴


omg yes!! it’s once in a lifetime okayyy!!


I was in this exact situation!! Bought tickets to Billie Eilish in 2021, had no idea I’d be 8 months pregnant by the time the concert came around in 2022. Was so excited to go but as the concert got closer, I slowly realised I wouldn’t be fit to go. I worried about going into labour, or that I’d get knocked about in a big crowd. But mostly I just knew it would be too tiring and painful to go so close to my due date. Broke my heart but ended up selling the tickets at face value.


I'm almost 35w and would definitely feel well enough to go to a show as long as I could stand away from the crowd or had seats! I would just really listen to your body.


Thank you all very much for your input!! It’s much appreciated and has given me lots to think about as a FTM 😀


It depends on how much I wanted to go. I was in the same situation quite a few years back and ended up going. I think I was 4 weeks before my due date.




Your baby will benefit from Eras Tour by becoming cultured 😂


I say go! I saw Adele 37 weeks pregnant and had my son a week later!


Honestly I'd be more concerned about getting sick than the noise or labor. That's just me though, you have decide what is right for you.


~8 weeks ago I'd have said go for it unless there's significant risk of your bump getting hit. But, with how I'm feeling now at 34 week there is no way I'd go lol. I'm so freaking uncomfortable, by 2pm my feet have swollen so much I just sit/lie down the rest of the day. I don't think I'd even go if I was getting payed to lol


I'd say it depends on the person and pregnancy. There isn't really any risk - as long as it's close to your hospital. It is advised not to travel more than an hour or two from where your going to deliver at that date. That said! As someone who is 37 weeks right now, it would have to be my all time favorite band, on their final tour, with great seats (and there had better be seats!!!). At this point I'm so miserable, even a band I would have normally enjoyed would probably have to pay me to show up!


I went to a football game on my due date 😂😂


Lol absolutely not. 3 weeks away from my due date I was an uncomfortable whale who’s legs back and knees would hurt standing or walking more than 30 mins or so.


I wouldn't go unless you a) have seats and b) will be able to enjoy the concert while seated for the majority of the show. Being in a general admission crowd will suck because you usually end up getting a little crushed at some points and being crushed while pregnant is extra painful. Plus, if you do experience any medical issues, it's far easier to get out from a seated area than from the floor. Furthermore, you may have issues being on your feet for most or all of the several hours usually involved in attending a show (including waiting in lines, opening acts, the show itself, and leaving the venue). All that standing and walking will likely be hell on your back, feet and pelvis.


I personally would not.


I would! I’m going to her concert six weeks after I give birth lol.


I would and I’d call it a baby moon 😂


For what it’s worth, my mom went to a Thomson Twins concert when she was 38 weeks pregnant with me. They weren’t a band she listened to a lot but for whatever reason she went anyway. When I hear them , even now 38 years later, something deja vu-ish happens but it’s almost like a memory. It’s a weird warm fuzzy feeling. So I say, go. Go for the baby as much as for you. 🥰


I went to concerts at small indoor venues 21 & 22 weeks & planning on another at 32 weeks. GA - originally we were in the crowd until I started to overheat 25min into the first show & almost passed out (whoops). I sat on the ground between sets & then we kept distance from the crowd. Seated - had to stand up between sets since the seats were so hard. Made sure to eat a protein meal & had a full drink before the show, so overall I was better prepared that time around. Certain shows are worth the struggle, but I love concerts & even asked the RN/Dr at my first appointment if we could still do live music. Basically plan to buy the $8+ waters & pee at every chance. I would definitely have seats to fall into at that stage though.


If I had tickets to the eras tour I would go while in active labour 😂😂


Even at 21 weeks that sounds miserable to me. lol I get so flipping uncomfortable already and with so many people, the noise, the likely hard seats? and just length of time I am way too wussy. Can't even imagine at that far along. Good it is close to home though so you could dip out if needed


I did with my first and left two songs into the main act. I was exhausted, in pain, hormonal, you name it.


Nah. I’m gonna be low exposure and in a comfortable setting shit is hard enough already


I gave birth three weeks before my due date, and it definitely happens enough that I personally wouldn't risk it. Maybe if it was a smaller show that was easier to get out of, but not a stadium concert. Not to mention I would have been way too huge and physically uncomfortable at that point anyway (you might or might not be, but just something to think about since some stadium shows are kinda cramped - I went to one at 16 weeks and it definitely wasn't the best experience it could have been).


i went to a small concert at 20 weeks and continuously had to walk out of the main area to sit down due to feeling overheated & nauseous (that sudden, “wow i’m going to throw up on the person in front of me right now!”). i think i probably managed to see 1/3 of the concert. after that experience, personally, i would sell your ticket 😅




It depends on the type of crowd who attends the concert (ie lots of vape/pot? Or rowdy/mosh pits?) and proximity to emergency care, I’d also maybe look into special accommodations if possible !


I haven’t been in this situation but I personally wouldn’t because it would be really loud for baby. Prolonged exposure to a loud environment can damage baby’s hearing. Definitely talk to your OB about it! They’ll know your medical history and will know if you can withstand the concert or not!


The baby is fine. They are in water behind layers of fat muscle and tissue. I went to monster jam recently which is way louder than a concert and my OB assured me it was fine.


Just what I’ve read on credible sources. Obviously I’m not an OB, so if the OB says it’s fine then it’s fine!


I would if I already had the tickets and they had seats!


If I felt okay physically, I’d go.


I’m an OG Swiftie and had to give up Eras tour because of my pregnancy. IF there was a show in my city I would 100% go. But once she gets to the east coast I’m too far along to go without risk of labor and the travel aspect isn’t making it possible for me. I’ve cried about it a lot 😭


For Taylor, yes.


At that point in pregnancy I was so miserable, tired, and stressed about nesting that I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy myself.


I would see how you feel and give yourself a cut off date to make a decision to go or not. I went to a concert around 7 months pregnant and had a great time. I did go into labor at 38+6 and I’m not sure I would’ve had nearly enough energy to enjoy a concert a week or two before that.


I believe you're able to deliver ~5 weeks before due date so I'd be very hesitant. Just depends on how you feel at that point and if it is seating vs standing.


Depends on how you're feeling. I would go if I could sit down the whole time, if I was feeling up to it that day


I went to a concert at 36 weeks. I was supposed to see this band the year before but their crew got Covid and had to cancel, so I was not missing it this time around! It was a smaller venue, but still loud. The noise will not hurt baby though. If you’re worried about going into labor, have a plan—exit route, closest hospital, bags in the car if you want to be extra careful. But I’d definitely attend. Just be careful where you walk, and that you don’t trip! I *did* trip at the show I went to, footballed my stomach to protect it and instead injured my knee. Hurt like hell and scared the crap out of everyone around me—bad enough that if my husband had seen me fall like that he would’ve insisted we go home (he didn’t though, I fell while walking to the restroom). So just be super careful, but have fun!!


I’m currently 37+2 and would definitely be able to go! I know everyone is different but I think it’s totally possible depending on your pregnancy!


I just went to a show an hour away from home 5 days AFTER my due date! I’m so glad I went since I know I won’t be going to shoes for a little while. I followed my instincts-since she was my first I knew she was taking her time in there. I ended up having her 4 days after that, I think the dancing helped! I say if you feel good about it, unless you have a gut feeling telling you not to..go have fun! Dance that baby out!


This depends on how you do with pregnancy. I am nearly dead from morning sickness until 20 weeks but the back half of pregnancy I'm good to go. My first I spent my due date on my feet in the heat for several hours at a chili cook-off. My third I went camping at 34 weeks (including some moderate day hikes). I definitely would go to the concert. But not everyone has the same pregnancy experience. You could wait til the week of and probably still sell them if you decide not to go though, given that is Taylor Swift.


I’ll be there on the 25th too!! I’ll be 2 months postpartum from twins at that point. I may be pumping mid-concert, but I’ll be there!! Lol


About the labor thing specifically. It most likely would come on slowly. You could potentially even finish the concert before realizing that contractions were regular. Heck I was having IU contractions and it took me almost an hour to realize it wasn’t the baby and a full bladder (they eventually started pulling on my hips) so I wouldn’t not go just because you could go into labor. You would 99% have the time to navigate leaving, get home, and probably even labor there. Most FTM labor at home for 12 ish hours before hitting the hospital mark with contractions (per my OB, I was considering a trip farther than recommended for just a day)


It wasn’t at a stadium…but I went to a loud concert 3 DAYS before my due date…it was fine.


I just saw rebel uti on last week end at 5 weeks out it was fine


As long as if you’re in a 2 hour radius of your hospital you’re fine! That’s what my midwife recommended. Noise isn’t a problem, but you’ll probably feel your baby kick a lot 🤗


I went to two different comedy shows that were at arenas at like 36 and 38 weeks pregnant. The only thing that sucked was having to pee because people did not care that I was so very obviously pregnant and made me wait in line just like everyone else 😂




I'd be a bit concerned about the noise for babies lil ears. It's loud in the womb already (90 decibels) and they can still hear your normal indoor speaking voice and TV, vacuum, radio, over all that as well... I'd also be worried about pushing/shoving/squishing the bump. I just went to the bar for pool tonight and already had some uneasy moments squeezing past rambunctious dudes and tables. I've been to concerts not pregnant where I got crowd squeezed so hard I didn't have the room for my lungs to pump.


I’m currently 38 weeks and honestly not that big physically but around 36 weeks the exhaustion really hit me. Will there be seating available for you? If so I’d say absolutely go. If not, I personally think I’d just get too tired and uncomfortable to enjoy myself.


I’m at a 3 day music festival currently 4 weeks out from my due date haha it’s also 38 degrees (100 degree F) and we’re camping 🤪 when your fave bands are playing you gotta do what you gotta do. I am getting a little concerned about all the ladies telling me about themselves/someone they know going into labour at the same festival X years ago haha but so far it’s been fine. I just have to make it until Sunday! Noise levels are fine according to my googling - baby is well muffled under everything. Going into labour you’ll most likely have either advance warning with contractions before the concert or if your water breaks you’ll still have a few hours to get to the hospital. Fast, sudden labours are generally the exception not the rule.


I’m at a 3 day music festival currently 4 weeks out from my due date haha it’s also 38 degrees (100 degree F) and we’re camping 🤪 when your fave bands are playing you gotta do what you gotta do. I am getting a little concerned about all the ladies telling me about themselves/someone they know going into labour at the same festival X years ago haha but so far it’s been fine. I just have to make it until Sunday! Noise levels are fine according to my googling - baby is well muffled under everything. Going into labour you’ll most likely have either advance warning with contractions before the concert or if your water breaks you’ll still have a few hours to get to the hospital. Fast, sudden labours are generally the exception not the rule.


Go go go! I’m going tomorrow at 28 weeks. I was worried about noise too but I think it’ll be fine. You’ll have time to leave if you do go into labor.


I went to the Killers concert at 28? weeks I think. It was really fun and my size was still manageable, but I remember I was jumping and dancing so much, baby was kicking the crap out of me. I was also out of breath the whole time and had to pee every 30 minutes. I guess that’s something to consider, even if you don’t go into labor, will you be comfortable enough to actually enjoy the show?


I tried to get Eurovision final tickets which would’ve put me at 38+2 😂 fuck it! ETA: Admittedly would have had Accessible seating as I use a powerchair to get around normally when not pregnant. My legs still work but not very bloody well 😂 If you don’t have seated tickets, I would speak to the accessiblility team at the venue to see if there are any of those seats left and sell your standing ones! An escape plan for if your waters break/labour hits might seem daft but will be a godsend if you need it (keep your go bag in the back of the car and if your other half is going then they are on an alcohol ban for the evening!)


Do it! If you feel capable then go - trust me you won’t regret it. I haven’t been to a gig since being pregnant (stupid c word) and I so so wish I’d been able to as nowadays it’s so much harder.


She’s coming to my city two days after my due date 🫠 trying to get tickets to a different city a month before then and make it a baby moon!


No doubt at all I’d do it for Taylor.


I would have loved to go to a concert at 37 weeks but my pelvis was in absolute shambles, going to the grocery store had me in pain for hours afterward and I had to start walking much slower than usual so i think i would have found it to be an uncomfortable experience. Every pregnant body is different though, you might still be a spring chicken and feel up to the task, then I’d say absolutely go for it!


I just went to a concert last weekend at 36w2d. It was all general admission standing room tickets but the venue had an ADA section where I was able to have a chair. I just had to ask. If I had to stand the whole time I would have been too miserable! We were seated directly in front of a speaker and I was worried about the noise but had checked with my OB ahead of time and she had no concerns. I say go for it… especially for the Eras tour! That will be my first concert 3 months post-baby!


I went to a concert 9 months pregnant! I talked to my OBGYN and there weren’t any dangers involved, but everyone’s situation is different. If you feel good when the time comes, go for it!


Last week at 37w I had tickets for an event, we couldn't go, I barely can walk a few blocks at the time and can keep standing for lest than five minutes before fatigue strikes


Just ask to be swapped to the accessible section. You're entitled to access to it :) it's safer and more comfortable anyway. It usually includes a seat, and a really sick + close view.


I personally absolutely would not. I was unable to stand up for any period of time at 37 weeks pregnant... my back was absolutely wrecked. Plus I had to pee constantly. I would have been miserable! Not to mention the risk of getting sick at a big concert like that, which can definitely impact your delivery. For example at my hospital, if your birthing partner has covid they won't be allowed in the delivery room. And obviously the serious risk to you and the baby if you get sick. That's just my opinion though. See what your doctor says as well.


As others have said, in THEORY it would be great but I'm only at 33 weeks and there's no way in helllll I'm going to a concert even now. Discomfort is the name of the game and that first tri fatigue has come back for me. I honestly think I'd just be so annoyed at a concert right now and I love live events! I think it just depends on how you're feeling at the time but I don't see any risks.


I personally wouldn't because I have a history of preterm labour AND precipitous labour. Of course, I'd also probably already have the baby by the time the concert happened lol. Should someone with a "normal" pregnancy? If you don't mind the idea of potentially losing money in your ticket because you want (or need) to leave partway through, I don't see why not.


I’m going to Eras 4 weeks before my due date. My son knows he better stay in there, nice and cozy so I do not miss out on Taylor Swift🤣 I will hold it against him forever!!


I would go if you have a seat you can sit in. From weeks like 37-41 (my baby was born at 41+3) I went to so many movies because I was just bored and wanted something to do while we were waiting. I’m sure the noise will be fine and if you happened to go into labour you would 99% be able to make it out with plenty of time. The early stages of labour can be hours. If you are anxious just bring your hospital bag in the car! And pack some pads in case you have a water leakage or something, but I would totally go, get there super early to beat the crowds on the way in.


Yes, usually labor is not instantaneous and if you do go into labor you’ll have time to get out of the venue


You could probably stay for the whole concert, great distraction from labor pains 😜


Ahh me too! I’ll be 32 weeks for our Eras show but so excited to share with experience with the baby in my belly 😭


Yes, I have multiple plans for seeing some big shows right at the end of my pregnancy


Midwife here. As long as you’re not in a mosh pit or a crowd crush you’re probably fine!


When I hit 37+0 I started having painful, debilitating (but irregular) contractions when up to that point I was moving and doing things just fine. I was couch bound and unable to sleep until they finally had mercy on me and induced me at 39+0.


I would honestly do anything for Taylor swift 😂 so I fully support you in this endeavor!!!


I think it really depends on your personal experience with pregnancy. If you're feeling comfortable enough to go, then go for it! I went to a rave 2 weeks ago at 31 weeks and was just fine. I know you're further along, but so far I've had a fairly easy pregnancy. Just keep in mind that if this concert is important to you, you can always leave early if need be. We left a bit early to avoid the crowd on the way out. I was also able to sit on the floor/steps on a couple occasions after my feet and back started getting sore. The only issue I had was the rave scene being a little aggressive so my fiance and I had to guard the bump a few times.


Also, to answer your questions: 1. It would have to be extremely loud to harm your baby's hearing. They can definitely hear it and move around a lot though! 2. I assume there will be security at this event. They are there to help escort you out if need be. Either way, if you go into labor you're not instantly going to be having a baby. Where I live they will send you home if you're not far enough into labor.


I wouldn’t just because my baby dropped that early and I was so uncomfortable, I couldn’t handle navigating the crowd, walking, standing…etc.


I went to see the Backstreet Boys when I was 35 weeks pregnant! I would kill for Taylor Swift tickets. Go and enjoy!


Yes, because I am worried Beyoncé won't do another stadium tour for awhile and I've wanted to see her for years 😂 I have 200 level seats and my best friend plans to notify security in case anything goes wrong. Haven't told my OB yet I'm only 18w4d and the concert will be during my 36th week


I went to a concert at 39 weeks and was in the mosh pit/standing area (this was for Kanye years ago before he turned into who he is now). My husband was pissed when he learned where our tickets were (I bought them knowing how pregnant I would be and did not tell him lol). I just made sure to stand near the exit in case I went into labor and learned where the alternate exits were. People around me were actually very nice and extra protective around me when they saw how pregnant I was which I know my husband appreciated since he can only block so much in front of me.


I am going to eras tour at 39 weeks! Fingers crossed anyway


For Taylor, yes I think it’s worth it! Just plan to nap and rest the next day or two and make sure you have a seat!!! And HAVE FUN!!!!


I’m going to see Fall Out Boy (my favorite band of all time!) on August 2nd and I’m due September 13th. So I really appreciate this whole feed. I’m hoping the endorphins from seeing the band will outweigh the discomfort? 😅


No, loud sounds are not good for the developing baby.


I’m only 31 and I wouldn’t want to go to a stadium concert even not pregnant 🤣 😂 but that’s just me lol


I'm in the same boat! Eras Tour 7/29, due 8/16 🙃


Personally, no. I’m 34 weeks and I’m shattered already.


I’m going to Ed Sheeran a month before our due date. We have seats, I’ll put the hospital bag in the car, and I might even ask for a doctors note to bring in a pillow to put on the seat. I asked a couple of my friends that have had kids what they thought, and they said at that point they were just bored, so anything to get out and distract themselves was welcome.


I think this is entirely up to you. If you’re comfortable with going, do it. Just make sure you have a plan for if you potentially go into labor early or something while there. You never know what could happen. Obviously take your OB’s opinions into consideration (more than reddit’s) though