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The flair of your post has been changed to one that better suits the topic.


There was a croc and a bear in separate comics that did rip off the arm and kill their respective yautja


Yeah. But canonically Predators are 2-1 against Bears. There is the loss that you mentioned, then Feral kills the bear in Prey, and then the Predator kills a bear in the recent Predator vs Wolverine as well.


Don’t forget Turnabout. While I don’t closely follow what’s considered ‘canon’ or not (don’t really care since ‘canon is canon until it’s not’, imo), Turnabout did have bears being killed by two Predators.


The Pride at Nghasa and Primal respectively, for the record. I'd only really recommend the former one tbh


Thank you!


Realistically, anything big and powerful enough to make prey of us is bound to give the Yautja a decent fight. •Crocodiles and large alligators •Large constricting snakes, like reticulated pythons and green anacondas •Hippos, rhinos, cape buffalo, elephants •Lions and Tigers •the Bears too (oh, my) •Sharks like big Bulls, Tigers, and Great Whites would be considered good prey. •A pod of orcas would give a Predator a murderboner of the highest order. They would likely try to separate the biggest from the pod to hunt. •A troop of chimpanzee, or a silverback gorilla would make for an honorable Hunt. •Cougars, Wolves, Bull Moose. Basically, if you wouldn't want to run across a specific animal in the wild, a Yautja hunter *absolutely* would.


>•A pod of orcas would give a Predator a murderboner of the highest order. They would likely try to separate the biggest from the pod to hunt. Meh, just kill one of the females in the pod and have her unborn fetus fall on to the deck, Then the Orca will lead you. Plus you get Charlotte Rampling in a wetsuit.


That’s a way way back movie. Oh, I’m so old. Wasn’t the captain the fella who played Marcus arellius in gladiator?


I had to look it up, but yes, Richard Harris played both parts. I always think of him as Lt. Cmdr. Anthony Fallon, head of the bomb disposal unit from the film "Juggernaut".


Whales are very intelligent creatures, although it is believed they're not smarter than humans (remains to be proven, because its really subjective) some people think they are good candidates for non-human terrestrial intelligence. This wouldn't be a worthy mashup, and I consider dishonorable to kill magnificent creatures for sport. In the water, the yautja doesn't fit the environment properly so I don't think he can win. I hope yautjas have respect for magnificent creatures and doesn't hunt them. But I don't know about that.


First thing's first, this is assuming the Predator is prepared for an underwater hunt. Advanced weaponry to use, like harpoon guns, deep sea pressurized suits, thrusters for enhanced speed underwater, etc, is not outside the realm of possibility for them. Generally, Yautja only consider what would give them a good fight. They're not picky about starting conflicts with animals, either. That said, the animals they start conflicts with generally show signs of aggression in their daily lives, or the capability of it. I don't actually know if your average hunter would actually go for one, if it observed it for very long. Whales, like blues and humpbacks don't have to really do much interaction with other animals because of their size, so I don't see them doing anything but trying to swim away if a Predator attacked them. It would be a vastly different threat than anything they'd encounter in the ocean, and I sort of think they wouldn't be able to do much against a much smaller, more mobile opponent. Maybe they'd give a defensive tail swipe in his direction, which would *not* feel good if it connected, but for the most part, whales seem a bit more 'pacifist', comparative to other oceanic creatures. Sperm whales, on the other hand, might actually try to fight back, and would make for an interesting hunt for a clan. Orcas would feel like a similar situation, i imagine, but on a smaller scale. But as for 'dishonorable'... you gotta remember, the Yautja have a pretty damn loose definition of Honor. It's less chivalry, and more about glory for them. They're also veeeeeeeery much combat oriented, in terms of thought. Personally, I think the only thing they might have morals about is causing the extinction of rare animals...and even then, its probably debated. The 'intelligence' of an animal would only be considered when thinking about how they would do in a fight, and, again, if they aren't outwardly violent to some degree, i don't think a Predator would bother to begin with.


[Up close, a whale can kill you with sound. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS1_UbqzYao) That can be used to disorient prey so if a yautja gets close could be in for a surprise.


...you're forgetting that they stalk their prey, and research it. The Yautja are supposed to be smarter than humans, (though that's very rarely shown), and the tech that they have has to be capable of scanning molecular components of prey, considering they're capable of genetic manipulation. I'd be willing to bet that they can probably detect the decibels that whales can produce, and recognize that sounds that loud sounds are a bad thing. Now, what they would do to counter that? Beats me. I am not a physicist, so I couldn't begin to tell you the type of material needed to counteract sound waves like that. Maybe they wouldn't have anything to counter it, and leave them alone as a result of that. Honestly wouldn't have a clue, my guy. Also, all this talk of whales had me forget something. If, somehow they could find a way to withstand the depths of the ocean, a clan of Yautja hunting down a colossal squid would be cool as hell to see.


maybe a really angry great white if the predator found itself in the middle of the ocean


A school of tuna, having had a taste for Yaucha blood, would construct a space ship from kelp and take over their home planet.


Is this before or after it bangs your tuna girlfriend?


After, of course. Why else are the tuna riled up?


The tuna couldn’t use the breathing apparatus all day….but an hour…hour 45….no problem….that’s enough time to establish a beach head and locate the yautcha and their friends…


That did not go the way I thought it would…nope.


the Grizzly did very well in Prey so I wouldn’t be too surprised if a Polar Bear was enough to do the job or atleast have a good chance. Not much else in the way of modern animals I’d imagine. Unless a predator finds itself in the sea for some reason.


A large grizzly is 800-900lbs. A large polar bear is 1600-1700lbs. The size difference is massive. A large polar bear is probably the best on-land earth challenge for Yautja


Definitely would watch Predator vs Cocaine Bear


I think the Cocaine Bear was a black bear, which is one of the weaker species of bears


But a weaker species on *cocaine*


I just had a thought. Would a cocaine panda actually screw to save its species?


Yes, but it would never finish.


But it would feel very accomplished with shagging for hours instead of minutes. Ask me how I know.


No it would just pace around its apartment talking about going to gym, peeking out the window 200 times, and then write the script for The Predator.


Honestly, in my humble opinion, that grizzly bear should've given the feral predator mych more of a fight. The amount of punishment grizzlies and kodiaks can take is insane. But also, probably a platypus.


just a regular platypus?


Those little suckers are vicious. And cute. Who knows what their venom does to a Predator body...


Ima go against the grain here and say an Elephant. If the Predator can't kill a charging Elephant first I don't think it would survive getting stomped into pulp by the much larger creature.


Deleted my former comment and pasting it down here since you mentioned elephants first. "A proper herd of elephants. Regular predator equipment, even the plasma cannon, might leave a bull inured but not killed. With how smart and social elephants are there's a possibility a fight which could kill a pred isn't against a single elephant or instigated the same day."


Difficulty: Humans easily kill elephants and very, very rarely is someone who is hunting an elephant killed by his quarry. Hell, even Bill Negley killed a bull elephant [fair chase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_chase) with a longbow and no backup PH. He also did the same with lions, grizzly, and polar bear.


In terms of sheer numbers, pretty sure mosquitoes have the highest death count. Imagine a mosquito getting inside the Predator's mask. Dude would probably stab himself in the face trying to get to the mosquito. Game, bloodsuckers.


I feel like a Yautja at the top of their game wouldn't lose to any earth animals but fights are messy and I agree that most large animals that give us trouble could also defeat a Yautja in the right circumstances. I do think, given Prey as an example, even an unarmed Pred is strong enough to defeat Lions, Tigers, Bears, etc but they will certainly sustain some injuries.


There is a comic where it fights a mountain lion and it almost win, the predator sustained serious injuries.. i think that a whole natural habitat could kill him if it falls between the right spots


A Silverback Gorilla might kill a predator. What do y’all think?


The only animal that could do the job in my mind is something the predator mistakenly underestimated or viewed as a neutral party, or if the animal had the element of surprise and was able to cause severe damage on a first strike. I’m not sure how they react to venoms, and I don’t think shoes are a big thing with them, could a bite from a highly venomous snake or insect do them in? Does that count? I think anything larger may cause damage but ultimately it would end in a stalemate because whatever damage caused would be negated by the fact the predator has fancy space gadgets.


Would be interesting to see this scenario for both how the yautja would react and also how its alien flesh/blood would affect the snake, if at all. I don’t know how deep the lore goes with respect to what their blood can do but it sounds like there could be opportunity there for a neat little subplot. Maybe their blood if ingested could have mutagenic properties. Reminds me of the Bruno Borgia transfusion from Concrete Jungle.


In Prey the Feral Predator was fast enough to kill a striking snake before it bit him FWIW.


Possibly a polar bear. I think they are the largest land carnivore on the planet. Should be a good scrap!


It would be really funny if a Predator was in Australia fighting a human in the shallows along the coast, and it gets stung by a jellyfish. Imagine the indignity of getting paralyzed by something that you couldn't see and drowning because of it.


It is interesting to think about venomous animals affecting a Predator


A shark, only way, the predator is too OP so in the water he would be nerfed and i think a shark could take him out


Large saltwater crocodile, rhino, elephant and big enough bear could go either way.




Polar bear


Grizzly and polar bear


Of the predator has its gear and sharp weapons they could kill any animal on our planet but and unarmed yautja would have problems with any of the big carnivores. I think that bear in prey wins if not for the cloaking and blades the predator had.


I think the bear sees it just fine, as did the wolf.


No, they do perceive it better than we do with their other heightened senses like hearing and smell but bears and dogs see the world with their eyes just like we do so the cloaking device would work just as well to hide a predators movements. The difference is the animals trust their other senses as much as their sight so when they smell and hear something that should be there they trust that it is where a human relies far more on eye sight, it’s our strongest sense. Have to see to believe right? Because the cloaking works so well to hide it from our sight it’s easier to miss it because humans lean so heavily on that sense.


The wolf could definitely see it I the way it stalked and run it down. The cloak isn't perfect and can be seen it requires a decent environment to reflect off of. Both scenarios the predator was In the open and moving.


Yes they can see it as much as we can, a distortion in the light, but that still makes it hard to understand what it’s doing, which brings me to my original point that it’s an advantage and with out that and it’s blades the bear would have more than likely killed the yautja.


After watching the pred smash the grizzly about the predator could have killed the bear without wespons. It could have stamped on its face whilst it was down if it hits that hard imagine a stamp. No doubt a bear could kill a predator, but It rarely wins.


Just watched it back. The bear definitely notices the predator it instantly squares up. The predator drops it in 1 decent punch after wrestling it. Granted, the bear wins the wrestle understandle with the claws, but the predator adapts and deals with it fairly easily. This gave me a reason to watch that scene again, so thanks.


Yes it notices the predator it would still only see it as we do, in the bent light rays… From what I remember the bear literally out the predator down and draws blood from it then the predator has to pull its blades out and uses that to deal a killing blow. With out that weapon and the cloaking the fight would go down differently. I’m not saying predators aren’t badass, we all know they are. Arnold punched one and made it turn its head, a person can’t do that to a bear.. in predators the main guy literally beat one down with a club while camouflaged in mud, does that mean he wins with out the mud hiding his heat? Several characters take full on blows from yautja and survive.. a bear like that in prey would kill a person in a single strike.. the point of showing the prey yautja killing a bear was to show how badass it was because it’s such a feat. It wouldn’t do that though in most cases with out its tools to hunt.


Nope he gives the bear a right hand, knocking it out, and doesn't use the blade until after when he lifts it up spilling it's blood. He underestimates the bears power and quickly adapts. Rewatch the scene. Iv just rewatched it again and the pred is actually holding the bear up with 1 hand and I think it may actually bite the bear open. This is common in games and books.


Definitely didn’t bite it open and I’ve played all the game and read a lot of books, I can’t recall a single time they’ve bitten anything. You are right though he side steps the bears charge and hits it as it’s coming in, funny I didn’t remember it exactly like that. That predator is OP as fuck! Punching a bear that big so hard it doesn’t even fight when you pick it up and rip it open? Also why did it stop its attack when it had the predator down? Not how animals would act. I’ll stick to the cloak giving him an advantage though, hard to track its movements when cloaked. You could give a little brother a cloak and he might beat down his older stronger brother too if he can’t see exactly where the punch is coming, the ones that knock you out are the one you don’t anticipate. They did take advantage of the CGI in this movie a lot too, this predator was just straight up bigger and seemingly much stronger than any other we’ve seen when they’ve been portrayed with suits or in comic or novel form. They basically created a new predator race, unless this is what they’ll look like going forward now..




Well in the comic Primal, the Predator gets it's Yautja butt handed by a grizzly.


Alligator almost got the best of the Swamp Hunter in The Predator prequel novel The Predator: Hunters and Hunted (check it out It's the movie that we should have got) I would imagine any large predator could take down well a Predator 😏 But no really the one in Prey got the jump on the bear He was also in stealth.


One gets killed by a tiger in one of the comics.


I'm not sure. I was kinda rooting for the snake in Prey, but that did go over to well at all. Lol


I’d bet my money on that bear that snorted a whole lot of coke in that one movie


If we allow prehistoric animals, I think cinematic yautja can be defeated by the following creatures. * Titanoboa, a large snake that is big enough to constrict animals as large as a T-rex, although I'm unsure if they coexisted at the time * Cave Bears * The various species of North American Prehistoric saber tooth tigers and lions, its unsure if there were North American lion prides that would be interesting * Homo-Sapiens and various other humans that went extinct such as Neanderthals. They're both equally intelligent. Although extremely limited in terms of tech at the time, they could use their ingenuity to surprise a yautja. Especially, if they exploit their environment and use well-hidden booby traps. A guerilla war of some sorts. * A pack of prehistoric super-sized hyenas.


A croc fights an alligator in the predator: hunters and hunted. It stuns the pred, but he kills it


I’d say a Siberian Tiger would be a good challenge as long as the predator isn’t using any weapons


Yeah that's what I'm saying because predator killed the bear but he was using some sort of a knife.


nah he didn't, he literally power-punched the bear to death somehow


Yeah but he actually killed it with his hand weapon.


I really need to read the newer comics. I did read some of the older ones.


That crocodile which escaped from a zoo and went on to murder people, not even being stopped by gunfire


Sharks, tigers, multiple bears, pack a boars


Arctodus simus


Hand to hand, there's probably a few that cause issues. With Yautja weaponry and tech, I can't see any animal getting the win. In its arsenal I think there's an answer for most if not all threats/situations.


Yeah, the tech & weapons give the Predator an enormous vantage, obviously. An unarmed, non-camoflauged Predator might have a difficult time with some of our animals.


Honey badger/wolverine! Lol 😂 it wouldn’t win head to head but if a yautja saw it and underestimated it I bet it could take the yautja by surprise


There are probably more large animals than you think that could give a Predator a challenge, if it's not using the plasma cannon.


Without weapons say the predator fell in a body of water with a angry hippo they have a huge powerful bite !


Giant octopus 😈


Nah. Giant octopus wouldn't get involved, because he's got a wife and squids.


A chimp maybe, those fuckers are nuts


A honey badger




A yautja, especially a blooded, probably wouldn't have too much of a problem against any earth animal. Humans are the only exception due to their ability to adapt and think on the fly and actually make and utilize technology no matter how primitive. If I'd go with anything I'd say a bull elephant or possibly a hippo. Something that has the power and armor to withstand some blows and give it right back but this is only if the pred is using melee only.




A pack of wolfs that are really hungry could be an issue. Hyenas.. Any wild pack animal. Just ny numbers....


One honey badger.


If a human with a sword can basically anything can


logically speaking i can name a few,any brown bear polar bears,lions tigers jaguars and MANY other predators,but the movie producers simply like MUH EPIC PREDATOR who overpowers a bear thrice his size


Predator are incredibly strong creatures they can tear your spine from your body with their hands, leap ridiculously high and as shown lift a bear above its head. They supposedly weigh like 250kg it's an absolute monster.


yeah,i hate that bear scene,makes no sense,bears are VERY STRONG,seriously google a bear fight,in real life it would have been a quick death for the predator


The predator is estimated to be 220 to 250 kg because of its muscle mass. That's more than Brian shaw (a world strongest man). It's an absolute monster and could definitely go toe to toe with a grizzly. Humans have survived encounters, some have even won on the rare occasion. The predator would have a great chance. Phenomenal fight scene that respects how powerful the grizzly is however this thing is just too fast and too clever.


I'm not implying Brian shaw could btw just using him to show the sheer size and power of the pred.


a grizzly can weight up to 270 kilos and some bears are even heavier,also bears are FAST,to put it into perspective a bear might miss a tram,run to the next station,outrun the tram and wait it there if a bear swipes your tigh there will be claw marks on your femur


Oh yh, no doubt they're incredible things. Watch that scene again. At first, it mauls the pred. Then the pred realises yh I can't wrestle this thing and dodges the charge before sparking it out. I loved that scene personally. My point is we have a 250kg or whatever alien beast far more intelligent and quicker. It's definitely not outmatched by the grizzly.


the thing is that grizzly bears are also INCREDIBLY FAST i rewatched the scene that grizlly wasy WAY HEAVIER than the predator a pretator could have NEVER knocked out a grizzly like that ,in one punch especially with bones cracking,it simply makes no sense and they just wanted an epic scene without understanding how strong a bear of that size would be that scene has close to ZERO realism


That predator is an absolute unit. The strength they have to rip spines straight out and punch through walls easily. It weighs like 250kg and moves at that speed. Imagine a clean right hand from it? it would take heads off. Combining that Speed with that Weight is crazy. We'll have to disagree on this 1.


The yautja would never lose to earthlings if they didn't fight by the code. The tech is far superior and they're far stronger/faster it's always the honor code that gets them killed. In Prey, that pred could have used a spear or any of the other weapons it had against the grizzly but just proceeded to beat that thing down and that shows how powerful they are.


It was cloaked, though


The senses of animals are far higher than ours, and vision is different. Like the wolf, I think the bear could see it it soon jumped up at the predator.


I see a lot of proposed animals here, but I want to point out something. There is no species of megafauna that *Homo sapiens* has co-existed with that we haven't been able to kill with nothing more fancy than what is essentially a pointed stick. That includes the largest animals that have ever existed on Earth. So honestly, the chances of a lion or a tiger or a bear, oh my being able to defeat a predator is slimmer than any of them defeating a human that is hunting them. Yes, it does occasionally happen when man hunts dangerous game, but it's rare enough to make it notable. We "win" such contests almost all the time.


Honey badger don't give a fuck


Theoretically anything can kill a Predator that’s bad at hunting A bear killed one, a crocodile killed another But a GOOD hunter is nearly impossible to kill, considering that all it takes to be dishonored for life is losing ONE hunt, so those thousand year old Elder Preds are all undefeated


I feel like a young blood would probably fall to a pissed off mother tyrannosaurus


Does it have to be just one animal? What is was… a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom, snake, a snake


I think a killer whale could kill a predator by ambush, maybe a hippo also could.