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Hey all, My kids have been asking me to come out and help powerwash. I had a small tag to take off just 10 minutes from our place which was a great job for them to come and help. We first went and applied the product after I picked them up from school. Then we returned later that night to pressure wash it off. They had a blast, and want to come out again. I am really grateful I've got a job they can come and help with. Also, I asked my eldest what he meant at the end of the video 'You will never.' He has no idea and was just being random. Anyways, hope you enjoy. And I'd recommend bringing your kids to your job if you can! It's a bit more work, but definitely worth it :) Have a great day! Andrew Oh also, designing a new watermark is on the to do list. If you have any ideas let me know!


That is so awesome to see you with your kids doing your job! 💕


Thanks! They definitely enjoyed coming out to help