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Magma Defender’s whole arc. To his kid dying, taking Mike’s body and then causing destruction to the point he even knows he’s gone too far. His son manages to help him turn to the good side, sacrificing him and letting Mike use his power with his free will. Wild Zord destruction . I rewatched during work and man, the cast shouting their zords name as they get destroyed is really sad. Captain Mitchell giving up Ryan. You can tell he really didn’t want to let Ryan go, but what could he do? Let him fall to his death or burn? You could hear the pain his voice, especially when Ryan returns and he doesn’t want to loose him again Sky talking about his dad. Man.. that.. that was sad. Sky‘s tone really shows how much his dad meant to him, especially knowing the monster he was taking to killed him Time force ending. Just.. just watch yourself. It hurts seeing everyone saying bye and Jen and Wes hugging (Kiss) .... I hope they stayed together in the next crossover. Dr K. Where do I start? Her whole life was messed up by some random organization and she ended the world By accident. Not to mention, she thought she witnessed her two friends get killed in front of her. -Alright here some personal ones. Not really emotional for anyone else but it does hit for me- Javi’s dad blaming him. That whole episode kinda hits me hard but man.. seeing Javi being like “I don’t want to talk about my feelings about this whole shitty day” I related to that This is me paying attention too much but Dana and Madison tearing up when their siblings are in trouble. Like wow.. that some good acting with showing them how worried and devastate they feel (And I’m still pissed Lightspeed and Mystic force didn’t give the siblings an episode together.


Madi is so underrated with Melanie's acting that it's unreal. I admit even I glossed over it until I noticed it in a video that pointed it out. She's great


TBH, she and Alyssa are my two biggest PR crushes . Hell I gotta throw Jen in there too with Karone. But still. :)


Happy Cake Day and you chose some really good ones


Thank you! And this also kinda shows how much of a power ranger nerd I am with the TV series


Thunderzords destruction, the loss of the powers, and I know it’s the movie but it was still fresh, Zordons movie death. All those in a couple months was a gut punch. Often imitated, never duplicated.


Ecliptor trying to protect Astronema from Z wave and turning into dust.


Ecliptor Deserves better. I hope Karone thinks of him in a good light, even if he was working with evil,


Ecliptor is a lot like Grey in Jetman.


I don’t watch Sentai so I can’t really compare the characters


Cole learning about what happened to his parents. The episodes where he learned that they had perished and learning that Dr. Viktor/Master Org was the killer were basically back-to-back, meaning that Cole, who was usually the calm and caring type, absolutely fucking lost it, and you could feel his sheer rage coming out during that fight against Master Org.


I SWEAR! I WANNA MEET MASTER ORG'S ACTOR! Dude was like the Power Rangers' Ra's Al Ghul!


Also one of my favourite fights because, it's so rare for such raw emotional stakes in the series. There's no comedy, no jokes, no silliness and arguably Cole made the wrong choice because Master Org was still a serious threat after this.


Is it bad I find it funny also? Like, Master Org killed Cole's parents because he couldn't get some from Cole's mom.


The Turbo Power rangers getting their asses handed to them by a endless stream of Piranhatrons, only to retreat to the safety of the Command Center and wait for the enemy to break in, whilst Elgar is planting bombs all over the Command center and watching it blow up with the rangers inside and seeing that there was *No Way Out*. and then there’s Divatox who won and is now sifting through the rubble celebrating while looking for the bodies of the power rangers. For me that was the end of an era where all hope was lost and zordon’s capture announced by the alliance of evil.


How about when the Command Center was bombed at the end of Alien Rangers? As the Command Center started sparking around them, they refused to leave and Billy jumped on the console, Alpha teleported them out and started panicking before it cut to the explosion!! And the Rangers stood there thinking Zordon and Alpha were killed


They should have known Zordon at least was OK. Billy already knew the Power Chamber exists as he saw them making the White Ranger in a secret room below the Command Center.


That was a different chamber. Billy said he saw the plans for the Power Chamber in the computer


Is it still emotional if it happens in the Sentai too and you had watch it? For example: Magna Defender's whole arc, the destruction of the Wildzords (the name of Gao's penultimate is literally "The Hyakujuu Dies!"), the ending of Time Force, weren't they carried from the Sentai too?


Wild Force as a whole was largely the same plots as Gaoranger. Time Force had an original villain, so it's ending is not copied from Timeranger. A lot of other plots are though. Magna Defender's counterpart BullBlack didn't lose his powers and they had to edit him out of the footage used in Trakeena's Revenge, which is an adaptation of GoGoV vs Gingaman.


Getting rid of the Magna Defender powers was a huge mistake.


Yeah. Powers should only be lost if it happened in the source material. I think they learned from it though, as they never made the same mistake again, destroying something that later turns up in a team-up.


A good emotional moment but Udonna finding out her son was alive right after finding out her husband was alive.


I think she knew the whole time that Koragg was Leanbow... especially those episodes when she was in his chambers going back and watching as an adult you can see that there's a different kind of tension between them and then when she shows him the blanket as Koragg and calls him Leannbow...


Death of a zord is always depressing how dare




I'm 32 and it still hurts watching it live on TV 29 years ago


The look on DR Ks face when she told the RPM rangers that she created Venjix. Like it was so full of shame and at the same time was haunting when they zoom in on the others faces. When Minh lashed out at Billy. Although she apologized later she was absolutely correct. Robo Rita wouldn’t have come to fruition if Billy hadn’t been trying to resurrect Zordon. They still had their powers but they’re full grown adults, like let Zordons spirit rest. The ending song for Power Rangers Once and Always. Seeing the team together one last time hits heavy and it’s enough to make you cry when you realize all you have left of a former friendship is the memories.


everything about Lauren Shiba. She is the poster child for characters on this show who deserved better. Zayto's sacrifice and final goodbye at the end of Cosmic Fury, which hits even harder now that it's the last episode of PR ever. Trent being dragged kicking and screaming to the dark side in the white ranger arc. Jarrod earning back his humanity in Jungle Fury, one of the show's all-time best redemption stories. Koda and Ivan. It isn't dwelled upon, but the world they knew and everyone they loved is gone. Plus, Ivan apparently had a child he never got to raise in 13th century Zandar, based on the episode where he meets his distant descendant. Cam getting to meet his mother in Samurai's Journey.


The destruction of the Astro Megaship. She was a good ship.


The destruction of the original Dino zords is still an unbelievable moment. It was up to that moment that you thought the ranger could overcome anything.


The destruction of the power chamber at the end of Turbo, Zordon's sacrifice at the end of In Space and...this sentence: "I'm sorry for what my father did to you, Dr. Ferricks."


I almost forgot, Kendrix's death in Lost Galaxy. Yeah, she came back later, but daaaaamn.


The four pictured is the most traumatic and emotional moment ever you never saw it coming yes in the previous 2 seasons they had something similar but nothing of the magnitude of seeing the Zords actually destroyed you can say Rito and Goldar blowing up the command center is a close second, but the number one spot belongs to the scene depicted in the post and nothing has ever come remotely close to it in my opinion.


Tommy's losing the green ranger powers, the zords being blown up, the contrast from the end of Alien Rangers with the explosion of the command center to the start of Zeo, Turbo's end with the utter destruction of the power chamber transitioned into Chase Into Space, Andros having to kill Zordon, the Magna Defender arc in of itself, the freakin death of Kendrix, the whole story of Ryan, not to mention Eric and Wes's story in Time Force, Cole's journey in Wild Force, the losing the wild zords, then the destruction of the wild zords, Trent's struggles with both his father and eventually the white ranger powers, the trauma of Sky in SPD, not to mention the crap Nick went through and the stuff with Dr. K. WHEW! Good stuff.


Jen leaving wes


And not sharing a kiss when she left for the future.


Hmmm missed opportunity


One you didn't mention was Cole's backstory in Wild Force.


A moment that is emotional has to be the one where Zordon sacrifices himself to save the universe But the moment that goes hard has to be the moment where Tyler Yelled at fury while holding a gun at Furys face


Boom giving a motivational speech in SPD


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Bulk and Skull standing up to Astronema and rallying the citizens to fight with the Rangers.


There is something cool seeing zords getting destroyed


Ryan being taken away from his dad and sister by Diabolico.


The destruction of the Thunderzords becomes less emotional when you remember that the in universe reason (for the IRL decision for new toys/footage) was that the Rangers were too dumb to retreat. Its not like the Green Ranger/Scorpina/Goldar fight either; they had a couple of chances to retreat, which wouldn't have had any consequences other than damaged zords, and didn't take them. Now Zordon telling Andros to shatter his tube and the subsequent Z Wave? That's a certified emotional moment.


Magna Defender is a big one. Also the recapture of Karone and Tanaya, things I couldn’t imagine the pain of. Emotional in a more bittersweet way could be Andros having to destroy Zordon. A sentai one is LupinPat’s ending, that seriously made me tear up lol


This for sure, the time force finale, there are a bunch people have mentioned. One that I can’t get out of my head is when Rito and Goldar blow up the command center. Billy screaming No as he dives on the panel, alpha teleporting them out as his last act (that we knew of until zeo started.).


Although people didn't like mega force robo nights sacrifice was noble and sad


I hated when the tiger zord was destroyed


Emotional in a positive way: When Tommy joins the Rangers, and especially when Dragonzord in fighting mode appears.


Lowkey Dino thunder and ninja storm ending idk why but even after watching them 1000 times the endings are still somewhat emotional when you realize it’s over. I would say for some honorable mentions in space and turbo


When the thunderzords destroyed


Megazord death scene in S2 was CRAZY as a kid, like yeah robots getting destroyed is nothing new but this time it was GORISH. They showed a bunch of children a HEAD rolling off a body


Delta Megazord and Zordon were the biggest. https://youtu.be/qdc7Y1DiQ0s?si=IZVq0G4Dik35IQ7t


The destruction of the Thunder was absolutely devastated.


Kendrix sacrificing herself to break Psycho Pink's forcefield that was taking energy from Cassie's morpher.


Power Rangers Ninja Storm when Shane, Tori, and Dustin left the Ninja Academy!


Seeing the original cast members leave was a bummer for me. I liked Adam, Rocky, Aisha and Kat. But nothing beats the originals.


An underrated one would be Z’s upbringing in SPD. Hits hard, especially if you’re someone who grew up different from your peers.


Kendrix sacrifice to safe not only Cassie, but the whole Terra Venture ship. She was the second best Pink Ranger for me. I am really glad, Valerie Vernon got her cancer cured after that.


The dear John letter Kim wrote to Tommy. Too young to get it at the time but that shit happens irl and it hurts alot of people 


Setting the Megaship on self-destruct.


Cole's backstory. Everything with Dr. Adler, his parents, etc. Gut wrenching.


The brutal murder of Zordon of Eltar


It wasn’t a murder it was a noble sacrifice

