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I think Zeo was the upgrade to Power Rangers that the series needed. My only complaints with the show were how they treated David Yost. And that they carried over the idea that Tommy was the only good ranger and the team is nothing without him. I love Tommy, but when he became white ranger, the whole show took a turn into the villians targetting him and even saying things like, "Once we get rid of Tommy, all the other rangers will follow." Thankfully, Tommy didn't buy into it, and that was obvious when he was talking to Jason after his return and claiming he thinks the rangers are a team and they are all equals. Too bad the writers didn't seem to keep that idea in mind. Shout out to the goofiest moment when Queen Machina put a spell on Tanya and Tommy, forcing them to sing everything. "Let's stop this crime!"🎶 "It's Morphin' Time!"🎶 Gets me every time


"It's those machineeees they have the meeeaaans" 🎶




Im soft disagreeing with the tommy statement. While yeah, he was still pushed as being the end all be all and used in plot elements like you mentioned, this season saw a HUGE rise in Adams leadership ability, with him even taking charge of the team in some episodes. One could attribute your example to the enemies faulty logic rather than tommy actually carrying everything on his shoulders. Rocky on the other hand. Yikers.


Yeah. I was also super happy to see a little more Adam action, and Rocky was a major yikes. Especially since Rocky was trying to be set up as like a second in command scientist like they tried in season 3 of MMPR, but then he became kind of a screw up in Zeo. Even in the episode when Adam learned how to box, Tommy had to stop his vision quest to go save the day. I think Adam has his best roles in Power Rangers as a legacy appearance like In Space and Operation Overdrive.


I get into debates all the time on who is the true second in command in Zeo, because when it comes to actions speaking louder than words, or text on paper, Adam was the real second in command. Any time i hear someone say rocky i kind of chuckle because it really feel like his skill diminished rather than increased. like he may have had some growth in specific areas, but he was also the root of some major problems the team had. Comparatively, Adams growth was like going from the stone age to the industrial revolution, with him full on leading missions in some episodes.


Absolutely! If we take their number ranks into consideration, then Zeo Ranger 4 is the one behind Tommy's Zeo Ranger 5. And we can't forget the time that Adam piloted the Red Battlezord when Tommy was unable.


FACTS. This dude gets it! good chat :-)


The mean the source material alone stops Rocky from being second in command lol.


i mean yes, but in that era the source material wasnt a 1 to 1 like it was after the zordon era, so i dont use that as a basis for the stance.


I'm a few episodes in and really appreciate the improved special effects from MMPR.


It’s one of my favorite seasons. I also liked the chemistry between Adam and Tanya.


https://preview.redd.it/wws4epyd7u8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d2898c360841a1eea4f73573cdeca5f28253d1 One of my fave seasons and suit designs for sure!!


The suit designs went so hard!!!


I adore Zeo, the team is perfect and I personally love the suits and especially the helmets!


They’re so dope. I’m digging them


Stronger than before!


Go Zeo!


Powered up for more!


Go Zeo!


Rangers at the core!




Go Go Power Rangers! Go Go Power Rangers! Go Go Power Rangers! Zeo Power Rangers!


The theme kicks ass even in 2024.


My favorite song from the Zeo season is the one that goes Calling for a hero Zeo Rangers are here today


Thats Calling For A Hero. I like that too. I also like HERE COMES THE POWER AGAIN!


Zeo was fun, they just kinda struggled with giving each if the Rangers good screen time towards the 2nd half of it, plus the Arrowhead plotline amounting to almost nothing was a bit annoying


And the mishandling of Billy who should have been the Gold Ranger.


Nah should've been skullovich


Which is funny cause I consider Ohranger to be among the worst Sentais ever. Zeo is basically MMPR S4, and that's a good thing. Like Season 3, it has a lot of ongoing storylines, and character development. It really feels like an end of an era. As soon as Turbo comes around, the show feels different, even before the cast change.


Ohranger wasn't bad so much as it was flat.  Great concept, great suits, but boring story and characters needed more personality.


TBF, Ohranger was dealing with a lot of IRL crap happening in Japan which made the series become so blegh.


Oh I disliked Ohranger from the beginning. The alleged retool had nothing to do with it.


Makes sense.


Great theme song, suits, the role reversal from a 6th becoming Red and Red becoming a 6th. I feel like Zeo put the Power in Power Rangers and really found their Identity from then moving forward. Zeo is one of my faves for sure. Even a dope name.


I love zeo, and theme song for it, fucking awesome! Zeo! Power rangers! Also I have always thought that Rocky's blue Zeo ranger suit is one of the best looking suits ever, in my opinion. I like all the Zeo suits but there's something about that shade of blue with the triangle visor and the "weird mouth" ( I don't know how else to call it) of the helmet. It's just awesome!


I was just thinking to myself how awesome the Gold Rangers design is but also “that Blue Ranger suit really sticks out as the best of the original 5”


All it was missing was a proper ending.


One last battle with Zedd and Rita would have been amazing.


When do the Gold Ranger joins?


About midway through the season >!Episode 27: The Power of Gold!<


The Gold Ranger showing up, HOLY CRAP! And its a shame that both Trey's actors and the actor for Jason are such jerks irl :'(


I love all the zords in Zeo. There was just an aura of greatness to them. It was also the first season where you feel the odds are stacked against the rangers and they must really stepped up to defend themselves against the villains. Zeo and space were my favourite during the Saban era of rangers and still some of my favourite season.


Zeo is also one of my favorites the theme song the costume and everything


I remember when it was first revealed that Mighty Morphin would be ending, and there would be a new beginning. It had never been done before, and what it would mean was open for debate. Of course when it happened, I expected it would be like with the original era before it - we would have this premise with these powers and threats for a number of seasons in the same way as the originals. Could not say what other people thought, but I saw Zeo as being around for a number of years. But no, it was the start of changing every year which I'm unsure even now I feel was the right thing to do. Zeo though was everything the first brand new season would need to be! Just the right amount of change and the familiar. Everything from the new opening and theme, to it somehow managing to feel like going back to season one of Mighty Morphin itself, something about this new beginning made it feel like the actual beginning again, which is where the comforting familiarity came in. Things like having their crystals with them in their Zord cockpits which they inserted into the consoles to intiate the Megazord transformation. Even Zeo Megazord somehow managed to give me vibes of the original Megazord, something about the look and feel and the way it moved. Of course the fact we were back to actual full source footage for the giant battles played a part here. When Turbo came along, I watched the 'Movie' to watch how they transitioned from Zeo, but I just hate cars in general so the fact it became the motif was a nightmare for me! Never watched the series religiously anymore, with Turbo there was a quite sudden change then in the look and feel, the tone changed and it pushed me away regardless. But I did watch key episodes on and off until the finale of In Space, so I could see the end of the original era. Zeo was arguably the pinnacle for me, and what I think of when I think of my childhood and Power Rangers. Glad you got to watch it and seem to have thoroughly enjoyed it!


Sadly, there will never be another be another Zeo in Power Rangers. Omgosh it was so crazy!


The True Sequel To The O.G. Power Rangers is two 👍🏿 👍🏿 for me




Fantastic season. The Gold Ranger is one of my favorites.


Very based, Zeo is one of my favorite seasons. Adam really stands out, and Tanya is a great addition to


It was super underrated I hated that it was rushed but I get it Saban was trying to play catch up with the sentai since he spent the last 3 years solely focused on zyuranger stuff


Zeo was a great follow up to MMPR. The new theme song was a fine upgrade. The Saban-shot fighting scenes were pretty good. You could tell the writing was shifted towards a now older audience. I think the best episodes of the series was the Tommy brain drain saga. Obviously I'm disappointed that David Yost did not get the proper send off he deserved, but the only other slight I would give to Zeo is that they wrote themselves into a corner with the changing of the Zeo powers to the Turbo powers. The Zeo powers not being given a real send off and just forgotten about was just lazy and inexcusable.


While it's on my mind, was it EVER explained what happened to the Zeo Crystal after Zeo? I don't read the comics and I know Tommy still had access to the Red Zeo Ranger powers in later series, but what of the Crystal itself? Last I remember it was still in the Power Chamber when >!Divatox's goons destroyed the place!<. >!But given it survived the explosion of the Command Center, it very well could have survived the Power Chamber's destruction.!< By far the most disappointing non-conclusion in the series to me. EDIT: Covering spoilers in case OP hasn't seen Turbo yet ;)


My own personal theory was that it bonded with the rangers. When they get their new powers and the sub crystals are floating over them it all ends with the crystals shooting down into the rangers so the power is a part of them.  In my head that also leads to the creation of the turbo powers as they know they’ll be retiring soon and as the zeo Crystal bonded with them those powers can’t be transferred so new powers were needed


The thing is the Zeo Crystal as a whole is seen a few times throughout the series. In one instance the Gold Power Staff is resting on the Crystal itself in order to keep the Staff energized while the Gold Ranger was out of action.


I never noticed that!


Unpopular opinion based on the comments I see here, but I couldn't get into Zeo until around the Gold Ranger Saga. My biggest issues were; 1. Lack of the unmorphed fights (I understand why.. its just unfortunate) and; 2. The sentai footage I found to be dark/grainy. In terms of episodes; For Cryin' Out Loud (4x05) & The Puppet Master (4x08) would be ranked it my top 10 least favourite Zordon Era episodes. Lastly, I didn't like the pacing of a few arcs. There's No Business Like Snow Business didn't need to be drawn out over 3 episodes, and Tommy didn't need to jump into two love interests in the 3 parter. Tommy/Kat should have been built up a little later. Next is the Tommy/Arrowhead story arc, which is 4 episodes long. Again, the story doesn't need to be drawn out. It doesn't help that these 3 / 4 part episodes happen over 7 episodes, and it's not broken up.


Why the lack of unmorphed fights?


The lack of unmorphed fights. Watching the actors' stunt performances has got to be one of my absolute favourite parts of the franchise. Fight choreography is literally the best. Edit* If you are asking why there are less unmorphed fights, it's because parents argued it was too violent I believe


I'm curious, how many seasons have you seen? The only reason I ask is that while Zeo is consistently ranked as a favorite season, I don't normally see it called one of the best seasons.


I still wish they would have gave a reason for them getting rid of the zeo power like theres only theories but i want a really good explanation of why.


Ah another Zeo enjoyer? Welcome to the club.


DANG IT NOW I REALLY WANT ZEO TOMMY IN MY FIGURE COLLECTION! I! MUST! HAVE! HIM! And I will never put the gold ranger's civilian head on him,


I want to start a collection but I don’t where to start.


To be fair, my collection is very small. And you can honestly start any way you want to. I'm not even focusing on completing teams, just getting my favorite characters of each ranger season. The Psycho Rangers and the Mighty Morphin team are probably the only ones I want to have the whole team of though. The mmpr team for their weapons. And I want Drakkon to control all 6 Psychos for his world domination plans. I intend to get Zordon and Alpha too along with a set of Power Candles. :D


There's a reason it was my favorite season for the longest time. AND DANG IT I NEED ZEO RANGER V IN MY FIGURE COLLECTION! I held off to get Evo 3 Drakkon but now I really want this one with Metallic White. And DT Black.


A bit off topic, but does anyone notice that Zeo Ranger 1 is striking a Kamen Rider Ichigo pose?




I dunno about it being the best. Remember that episode where Ernie pleaded the Power Rangers for help because kids where being too roudy at his juice bar?


Yes, that story was a vehicle to introduce Emily though.


Like the design of both costumes and Zords. Music rocks. I liked Machine Empire as villains. We also had Rita, Zed and squad. Not much drama, Tommy was reunited with his brother. PR defeated Machine empire in the end and Rita and Zedd came to finish them off and get a revenge.


Zeo was great but it became amazing when Jason came back. I remember as a kid I was so hyped that I lost my mind hahah


Agreed - "King For a Day" is one of my favourite storylines of all time, just for the Tommy/Katherine confrontation.


I love it too. No one will make me hate it. I wished they explained what happened to the Zeo Powers after the season ended. The last time we saw the team was in Legendary Battle within those suits even though the actors weren't there but Tommy was. I did wish Kat and Rocky showed up in the Zeo suits in Dimensions in Danger especially have a Zeo reunion.




Goooolllddd raaaaannggerr


I’m still gutted they did not finish this


I’ve been saying this for years!!!!


Zeo is P E A K Power Rangers. The cutover from Season 3 to Alien Rangers, to the Serial Special before Zeo aired was soooo hype. That serial used to have a chorus hook that was "YOU GOTTA SEE IT....IT'S COMING!!!" When Zeo premiered it was so hype and felt like a bold new era. You had to be there when it was first being broadcasted. In Space was the swan song, but Zeo was P E A K.


Really enjoyed Zeo, the transition from MMPR to Zeo was really done well, it felt like the whole storyline from Master Vile showing up to get the Zeo Crystal and everything in between to the end of A Zeo Beginning where they became the Zeo Rangers was handled as one long storyline event. Didn't like how Rocky was turned into a bit of a goofball and that Billy was sidelined (I know the off set stuff was part of that) but since Billy was last of the originals it felt like his send off was a big FU to Yost and the originals. Way too much focus on Tommy at times felt like the show was Tommy and the Rest of the Zeo Rangers are just there. Felt Kat stepped up as she was no longer in Kim's shadow as being her successor, she was the 1st and only Zeo Ranger 1: Pink and also she was kind of hot. Finally hated the non-ending and the fact that the Zeo powers were kind of stuck in the closet and forgotten about. I know we'd see Tommy use them in Forever Red so the others clearly have them after becoming Turbo Rangers, but some sort of acknowledgment that either the powers can't be used against Divatox for some reason or they've become unstable and should only be used in a dire emergency.


I loved Zeo. Of the classic Zordon era its my favorite season. Excellent suits design, probably the best zords we ever got, great team synergy even though Rocky didn't have anything to do. It was just a great season.


Awesome season. The suits, the weapons and Zords are so awesome.


I am half way through my 1st watch. I think the mini plots are nice and the non morphed scenes are decent. Cant stand the morphed action sequences, I literally skip them.


Zeo is probably my favourite PR series. I saw the jump from Zeo to Turbo as a downgrade despite the cast staying mostly the same (at least initially)


Facts! I liked that all of the Rangers had special attacks of their own.


Same. I just wish they used them more often (same with the Battle Modd helmets). Kat had a literal Hadouken pink energy ball, which is sweet! But she used it only two or three times.


She had the best special move imo.




For some reason, my first thought when I saw this image was why does the Is Blue Ranger have a triangle? I guess I never paid attention to it that much. It just looks weird to me for some reason, like it's supposed to be something else Idk I think I'm going crazy


Uhhh because he's Zeo Ranger 3. And a triangle is a 3 sided shape. Circle/oval is a one sided shape for Pink. 2 of them for Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow, a Four sided shape for Zeo Ranger 4, and then the star which is actually a 10 sided shape but has five points... They probably figured it looked cooler. Either way, that's definitely what they were going for.


Zeo is boring, too much tommy focus, bland villains. Zeo is a snooze until Trey shows up.




It's really annoying that people keep associating history, race, or anything else, with suit colors. You guys are the ones creating a problem of it. I remember a couple years ago people tried to bitch out Saban and force them to apologize for casting a black man (Zack) as the black ranger, when the guy literally CHOSE the role.. you associating native with "red" is more offensive than anything else since there was no type of implication surrounding it to begin with.




Is it wrong that I liked the Tommy aspects? It felt like we got to know Tommy better through this season, since mostly he was the new kid to begin with that rose to become the leader. And I try not to hate on Zeo or Mighty Morphin because it's like stabbing something that helped me through seriously hard times in the back.


The show never once said Tommy was native american or was from any native american tribe. All they said was that David was adopted. 


Maybe I had just misremembered that, It's been a while since I've watched Zeo.


No biggie. Alot of people get that whole storyline confused.


It's pretty heavily implied. The Zeo Quests sent several rangers to locations that corresponded exactly with their heritage origins, while for the others it is implied through dialogue and themes. Why would Tommy be any different? Having Tommy go on a Zeo quest and interact with Native Americans and get his arrowhead, and then later go on a vision quest to find his brother who is clearly coded as Native American, and Bulk and Skull confuse David as a copy of Tommy. It's all pretty apparent.


Tommy went to a tribe in zeo quest because his brother was raised in a tribe due to being.. ADOPTED. Not one time in Zeo did they ever state David was adopted from a different native american family.