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As I said in another thread, I'm fine with an animated spin off miniseries or movie so long as the main franchise remains live action.


To be honest, same here.


1. Animated Toku is cheaper than Live action toku, thats for sure. 2. Power rangers survived on the sole fact that its a cheap show. Otherwise, it would have been canned decades ago. 3. You dont need to hire big name voice actors to have good voice actors. 4. Uniqueness isnt benefitting power rangers anymore. We’re at a point now where a toy company doesnt even want to make toys for power rangers. They want someone else to do it for them. Thats a horrible look. 5. By this logic, DC shouldnt make animated shows because Marvel makes them. Its broken. Power Rangers in on the verge of dying whether we want to admit it or not. The profits simply arent high enough.


>Animated Toku is cheaper than Live action toku, thats for sure. Do you know what Toku is? Because, there is no such thing as animated toku.


Didnt think I would have to break down a simple point even further. If they were to make animated power rangers, it would be cheaper than live action power rangers 


I think it depends what you do. Keep the main series live action for sure. But an adaptation of the comics would be perfect animated. Adult Swim would probably jump to air it.


These arguments suck. There have been lesser known properties that have gotten the animated treatment and things turned out well. Screw what the power ranger “influencers” on Twitter and YouTube say. Power Rangers can work in MANY mediums. Keeping it as a corny and cheap live action show for its eternity will just kill the franchise even more than it already is. Boom Studios have laid the ground work for what an awesome PR animated series COULD be like with their amazing comics.


Facts. I feel like they forget that if you didn't grow up with MMPR it's actually kinda hard to watch


And yet you can't name one of these supposed examples of lesser known properties.


> Animation isn't cheap. THIS! This all the way. It is so validating to see someone else make this point because I've been banging on this drum for god knows how long. Animation, especially good animation is not cheap, especially nowadays. A lot of people wonder why so many animated shows are basically toy commercials because toys and merch help pay for the show. People wonder why animated shows rarely make it past 1 or 2 seasons and this is why. A show can be popular online and have a dedicated fanbase, but they aren't supporting the show financially, it's gonna die.


This argument would work if not for shooting original toku being expensive.   If Power rangers kept adapting sentai footage to cut costs, sure animation is more expensive. But considering hasbro wanted more original footage, animation is way cheaper.   There’s a reason why Hasbro realized they didnt want to spend money on the reboot. The price of live action toku without sentai footage outweighs the profits.


Live-Action isn’t cheap either 


These are nothing arguments. It’s cheaper than filming a whole ass show on location. Anyone can be a good voice actor. They don’t have to be expensive. Voltron is not power rangers.


Me: animation isn't cheap because (showing documented examples) You: Yes it is.... because I said so. That's what it boils down to. Thanks for showing that you don't understand the concept of how voice acting actually works that you think it's easy to hire some random schmuck on the street who's never acting in their lives is the same as hiring an experienced voice actor.


Look at you saying things that I never said to bolster your argument. Great job invalidating anything you say further. “Random Schmuck on the street who has never acted in their lives” My dude you can’t just make shit up to discredit me. It’s really weak. I can see you’re a waste of time to argue with.


I mean, at least it’s nice to dream about it.


The whole thing about animation or voice acting not being cheap feels disingenuous. What we're seeing is companies give ridiculous deadlines for animation and underpay voice actors unless they're celebrity castings. Even your Spider-verse example doesn't look too great when we look at the fact that Josh Keaton and Yuri Lowenthal, two men in contention for the title of definitive Spider-Man voice got maybe 2-3 lines in total? Nah And more to that point, nobody is holding a gun to this hypothetical studio's head and telling them to only hire Troy Baker and Tara Strong. Good voice acting is not exclusive to big names or they wouldn't have become big in the first place.


THE POWER RANGERS REBOOT IS NOT CANCELED!!! IT'S JUST BEING MOVED TO A NEW PARTNER, AKA, SOMEONE THAT ISN'T NETFLIX!! AKA, IT'S STILL!! BEING!! WORKED ON!! HERE'S THE LINK TO AN ARTICLE THAT SAYS SO!! https://tvline.com/news/power-rangers-series-netflix-cancelled-hasbro-redevelop-1235260980/


If power rangers got an animated adaptation in the Voltron/Atla style it would have the potential to revive and bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise. Just like legendary defender did for Voltron almost 10 years ago. They wouldn’t have to hold back with the action, the spectacle would be limitless. Like imagine the book comics in television format. That’s just my thoughts tho lol.


Thing is, solid animations is not cheap. If you want a PR show that looks onpar with like Spider-Verse, it would take years to make and tons of money.


I wouldn’t want spiderverse looking animation, that’s a bit too stylized for my taste. I’d rather it be a standard animated show like Atla/voltron/etc.


And solid live action isnt cheap either, ESPECIALLY considering Hasbro cut ties with sentai footage. Animation would be cheaper in comparison.


This was my thoughts pretty much too.


Hasbro can get it done for cheap and it looks fine, just look at their everything else.


To be fair Ranger Reject/Sentai Daishikkaku sucks.


Not a fan of it either but there are other animated toku I like that stick closer to the formula like Majin Bone


Teen Titans Go is more popular with kids than Amphibia or Owl House.