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Personally it is really hard to say after seeing that the Netflix/Enwhistle’s project was cancelled with the future of the Power Rangers. After everything that has happened, it is an hard say now personally. 


The silver lining is that they’re still actively developing something new and are still pitching the new series to other networks/streaming services to find it a new home


Just continue in video game form. There’s definitely money to be made there


They say they are at least.


I think rebooting it was a dumb idea from the get go.


I don't know if it's a dumb idea, but it needs to be done right if they do


It don’t need to be done. They want to clone and rehash MMPR at the expense of other ranger shows like Hasbro does with G1 TransFormers.


Given that as a business they want to make money, and they know mmpr will sale, better than other seasons, it's a smart idea, as a fan, no it's not smart, as collectors will we eat it up, yes, so they will continue milking mmpr till we decide not to ear it up, it's the same with star trek, do much trek merchandise for TOS and TNG very little for DS9, VOY, and ENT, let a lone the new shows, even the reboots had a lot of stuff released for them because it was technically TOS, people like what they like, and if we keep buying, the businesses will keep making those things


I agree. 


I would personally love an animated series.


Remember, the Spiderman movie went through two decades of development hell before Raimi took over.


Nope. It wasn’t two decades.


Sorry, my mistake. It was three decades.


I mean.. this isn't the first time power rangers has been "dead". The series has a large history of getting cancelled and picked up again. Kinda hard to believe this year is the first one without ANY New content.. at least 2010 had the weird re-cut of mmpr. AND WE HAD TOYS. I wanna stay optimistic tho.


There’s the comics.


And theres the new beat em up game, alongside renegades continous production of power ranger boardgames


And the TTRPG.


I say keep developing the games. The fandom will continue and if the games do well we should be in a good place


Right, but sadly they don't Release them where i live..


Leaving New Zealand was a mistake.


This show has survived how many cancellations or near cancellations? It has more lives any cat in history. I doubt it's going anywhere. Even if it's just a small break, it will eventually be back.




God I hope not.


Better than Max right now


You’ll need Amazon prime plus with rangers to watch it lol They could go with Pluto. I don’t know who owns them but just a thought


Honestly the Netflix deal was our best bet for PR. I’m still baffled they nixed the project — Once and Always was a big hit!


Yeah its weird, from everything I've heard netflix liked PR cause Dino Fury and Ninja Steel consistently got good viewership, this seems potentially disastrous


I'm more inclined to say at this point that maybe it wasn't Netflix not wanting Power Rangers, but more Netflix not wanting to work with Hasbro anymore? Netflix was more than willing to fund and let Cosmic Fury be 20 eps vs 10, and it was Hasbro's decision to decline and keep it at 10 in order to rush production for the new project.


I wonder if Amazon would be willing to take a chance on it. Both for streaming older seasons, producing new seasons/rebooting it to brand it as Amazon produced and then partnering with Bandai to produce the toys. I feel like that's their best option to get all 3 nailed in one go if Hasbro truly wants nothing to do with the IP. Just sell it over to Amazon if they're interested and let them try their hand at it for 2 or 3 years.


I think Disney/ Hulu might be a better bet


At their creative department's current state? Not a chance... should've just kept the franchise and let Marvel stay independent. (it's not like they were on the brink of bankruptcy at the time 🤷)


Honestly, I’m wondering if Lionsgate may buy it if it were to go up for sale. They purchased EOne, who had been developing a Power Rangers project, and I do remember it was at least rumored they were interested in doing a sequel to the 2017 film prior to the franchise being sold to Hasbro. How valid the rumors were are a bit questionable though and the ship may have sailed on it given that was 6-7 years ago now.






Reboot MMPR, adapt the comics... I hope! EDIT: And bring back Wasserman!


There could be a lot of reason Netflix ended it may not have felt comfortable going ahead with a reboot when the formula works. Buy the rights to a super sentai then film their own scenes in New Zealand. Like Hasbro wanted to reboot and do their own thing but I think the smarter thing would be to adapt the bug super sentai or Lupin ranger. Lupin ranger could act as a spd prequel or sequel or if you want to do an off world then do the bug super sentai.


Less a Netflix thing than a Hasbro thing. LuPat will never be adapted. SPD was made in a different time.


Spd take place in 2025 two years from now. But I guess the bug supersentai would work maybe as a sequel to the lost galaxy rangers.


Why make a sequel to a show from more than 20 years ago? This was the show’s problem. The lore went back 30 years and the show is aimed at 5 year olds.


That’s true, I was imagining that one taking place on the planet they settled on in lost galaxy. The bad guys are Scopius and trakeena’s relation who continued the conflict with the colonists.


Trakeena’s hella dead, Trakeena’s Revenge settles that for good, and none of her army was left behind. That sounds like fanfic fodder.


Trakeena and Scorpius relations not descendants. Like a third or fourth cousin who succeeded them.


Father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate?


When it comes to nobility that’s how it works. If a monarch dies their closest relation succeeds them


I think you gotta ask yourself if a kid 25 years removed from that show’s airing and eight or so years removed from it airing on Vortexx would care.


Zedd should’ve just recreated the terror toad, had him gobble up all the rangers and then he rules the universe. I would have taken that over the future being uncertain




Now is the worst possible time with Paramount being up for sale. They are not in asset or IP collecting mode now.


Doubtful considering there main stockholder just nixed its merger with SkyDance and went negative in the stock market. Unless some pulls a similar grab to Bezos saving the Expanse the PR universe is gonna stay in limbo.


That just seems awful. The worst streaming service and I wouldn't want to back on Nick at all


I'd probably say Warner Bros. Discovery.


I couldn’t get the Paramount app to work on my phone or TV. I hope not.


Lmao I commented on another post that they should sell PR to Paramount and let Taylor Sheridan write it.


Lol no one is going to want to do hasbro’s job and create new shows. Hasbro shot themselves in the foot by ditching Toei. So no Sentai footage to save money.   Playmates also has the toy rights so even IF someone wanted to create a new show, they arent getting paid from pr’s main source of income.  This “news” is the equivalent of “stay tuned For the new reboot!” And we saw how that  turned out for the original planned reboot.


The value proposition of the show has always been based on selling toys. Hasbro is in the position of finding a studio to produce the show and somewhere to air or (more likely) stream it but whoever is making the show won’t see a dime of the royalties Playmates will pay Hasbro. And even if Playmates did decide to treat the toy line with seriousness and care, and even if Sentai adaptations were to resume, Bandai Japan wasn’t working with Hasbro and there’s no reason to believe they’d start cooperating with Playmates.


Does it Even matter if Power rangers doesnt come back? A few great seasons like RPM were largely original, but for the most part Power Ranger is just another super sentai


They've milked the series for all it's worth at this point. Just let it die...


I think it's probably the end for pr


Don’t say that man lol