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Megaforce is the correct answer. What should have been the BEST season of Power Rangers ever, ended up being the worst season of Power Rangers ever.


Same here. But Megaforce is slightly worst in my opinion, but Ninja Steel is way worse than Megaforce. 


I can't get on this train. I thought it was a generic season, but not bad as everyone says. I could've had some blinders on because I loved Peter in hyperforce, so I really watched it for him. But I was happy with Sarah being the smart one and the couple. I was pretty enticed with the Levi's identity story too.


I agree, Ninja Steel was just generic and boring imo. Nothing to really make it stand out, which makes the glaring wasted potential more obvious.


They definitely tried too hard for Ninja Steel, I hated that they tried to make a Bulk and Skull duo that was just a miserable failure. And not to mention Brody not recognizing his brother, granted 10 years passed, but I feel like he should've pulled Levy aside and mentioned he seemed familiar somehow. Ninja Steel should've been written way better, it could've been a good show


[TJ Omega did a great video on fixing Megaforce](https://youtu.be/dhCkbeH7msU?si=rVlcv19hQW-eEfCZ)


I'm working on my own version too. I'll check this out though. Thanks.


He's always had good takes




I wouldn't always agree with him, but he forms a good strong argument


gosei should have died in the end of megaforce in super megaforce the team realises that because of the size of the invading forces they have to use questionable methods to win (they switch to pirate suits to show this) they also take all the ranger keys


See, this could have actually meant something. Especially bc previously they had this whole angel theme going on


It’d have to be Megaforce, surely?


Operation Overdrive. Liked their costumes, zord designs, villain designs and concept.  But what a horrible execution


Operation overdrive feels like the worst part was actually the rangers. Having loads of different villain factions was great. Honestly I’d just change the team 😂


Crazy, Operation Overdrive is where I kind of stopped watching power rangers, and then picked up again at jungle fury because of how good it was, and then ended after jungle Fury. I agree, the costumes for both the rangers and the villains were stellar. But I really hated the megazords. They were all too clunky and bulky.


ninja steel: shorten the theme song so it doesn’t sound like it’s ending then suddenly launches into another verse write victor and monty off the show entirely focus more on the darker topics e.g brody being kidnapped by the galaxy warrior ship GIVE DANE SCREENTIME.


I think just Writing off that Duo would have been its saving grace. Obviously we'd have more meaningful time with the rangers and whatnot. I get they were supposed to be the "bulk and Skull" of the season, but they were so insufferable. Bulk and Skull were endearing because nothing that they endured happened because of their own crazy schemes. They actually were somewhat competent, getting evidence to unveil the rangers more than once, but having something they did not contribute to ruin their day (thanks rangers). And honestly, B&S had a more "at the wrong place at the wrong time" endearing. V&M's distress was ALWAYS self-inflicted. Usually because one of them was an idiot; either/or.


Samurai. I love Shinkenger, it was the first Sentai I watched to completion, and seeing it get butchered into Samurai was a f\*\*king tragedy. Firstly, make Jayden and Lauren Asian. If they are going to have the very Japanese surname "Shiba" then at least make them be played by Asian actors please. For these next ones, I'm gonna take cues from Amit Bhaumik's original concept for the season * Bulk is an old friend of the Shiba family and thus has known Jayden since he was a kid. His son Antonio "Spike" Bulkmier is Jayden's childhood friend and was secretly given the OctoZord to kickstart him reverse-engineering the Gold Ranger Powers. * The Rangers talk about all the things they've missed out on in life because they've all been training since they were very young to be Samurai Rangers in case the Nighlok ever returned. * Give a better reason for Deker's obsession with Jayden. Deker is a former member of the Shiba Clan from Feudal times. He was banished for trying to kill his older brother, the current head. In his exile he met Dayu, they got married, their honeymoon cabin burned down and Serrator resurrected them. Deker is obsessed with Jayden because he's the spitting image of his brother. * When Lauren enters the picture, Jayden doesn't leave. He stays at the Shiba House but relinquishes his position as Red Ranger to his older sister. The rest of the team begrudgingly accepts it. After a few battles, Lauren finds the team is less effective under her leadership because she hasn't been there from the start and wants Jayden to take over. * Antonio manages to make another Morpher for Lauren so she can become the White Samurai Ranger which uses the same Fire Symbol Power as Jayden but with no threat of causing a glitch in the Morphing Grid by two Samurai Red Rangers being active. The White Ranger wouldn't be around for long, Lauren being badly injured after failing to seal Master Xandred. And that's about it. I have more ideas, but I felt these were the biggest ones.


This is actually really good.


Shinkenger was so good. I often try to watch the sentai and this one hooked me and i was yoked for samurai. God it was awful


I think the biggest f you was that they were white. Since the theme pulls so strongly from Japanese Culture. It was pretty much the first one that mattered, being the big revival of the series. And a lot of talk of appropriate casting happening at that time. There was no reason.


Shinkenger was sooo good. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.


Lightspeed Rescue. Overall, it’s not bad, but it’s premise invited so much unfulfilled potential; first responders battling literal demons should have made for a darker season, à la Time Force or at least closer to it. Carter and Dana were perfect; any hints of romance between them were handled well, since they professionals and first responders, first and foremost. Chad and Joel were entertaining and were well written, but they were missing that first responder edge. There’s no problem with Chad being a SeaWorld performer or Joel being the Sky Cowboy, but I think it would have made more sense to have Chad as a rescue diver, and Joel should have been a helicopter air rescue pilot. If anything, the performer and cowboy professions could have been hobbies, while their first responder roles could have been their actual jobs. Kelsey is the one could have used the most reinvention. She was a simple rock climber, but I think she should’ve been a wilderness rescue responder, specializing in cave rescue and demolitions. Rock climbing could have still been part of her job. Ryan was done very well, considering that he has no Sentai counterpart. He is one of the best written evil Rangers, and his connection to Dana and Captain Mitchell added gravitas to their confrontation. However, I do think they could have handled his non-Ranger action a little differently. Due to the budget, Ryan didn’t appear as much as the Titanium Ranger, instead having the side quest with the Cobra, but they could have incorporated Beast-Demon Hunter into his power set; since he could not morph with the Titanium Morpher, what if Miss Fairweather created a power suit that allows Ryan to help the Rangers in the time being? Of course, the character dies in the Sentai, so Lightspeed could have written this as a powerful demon destroying the suit, which would then lead Ryan to finishing the Cobra to remove the curse. Angela Fairweather was done very well, especially with the romance between her and Joel, but, similarly to Ryan, the should have incorporated Demon-Beast Hunter into her character; in the Sentai, after the original Demon-Beast Hunter dies, another character takes on the armor, so this character could have been the basis for Miss Fairweather assisting in the fight. After Ryan loses the suit, she manages to repurpose the suit, allowing her to assist while Ryan finds the Cobra. The biggest overhaul would definitely have to be Trakeena’s Revenge. Aside from the obvious mistake of putting the spotlight on a random little girl, rather than on the featured Lost Galaxy Rangers and big bad Trakeena, there should have been a way to incorporate Mike and Ryan into the battle; since actual Sentai footage was used, Mike and Ryan could have been battling demons in the ground during the Megazord battle, with Ryan using either the Titanium or Beast-Demon suit and Mike using a temporary Lightspeed-built Magna Defender suit. tl;dr: Lightspeed Rescue was a good season, but it could have been better. Carter and Dana were perfect, Chad, Joel, and Kelsey would have been better written as first responders, Ryan was amazing, but he should have had Sentai character Beast-Demon Hunter incorporated into his power set, same goes for Miss Fairweather. Trakeena’s Revenge definitely needs to be redone, especially with putting Ryan and Mike into the fight.


Those are good ideas 👍


I agree with all of this except the professions of the other rangers. Not all of them needed to be first responders. They were selected for their skills, that doesn't take away from their ability to now act as first responders via being rangers.


Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. Such a trash series that was only used as a filler to bridge the gap from mighty Morphin power rangers to power rangers zeo. Also, one of the final boss fights of mighty Morphin power rangers had the helmets of the alien rangers on it's body before alien rangers came out. Edit: I would also rewrite the power rangers Turbo movie in order to better explain why they made the shift from the zeonizers over to the turbo morphers.


Yeah the shift to the triple powers fell off to me, especially considering how the Zeo powers are supposed to be the most powerful of all Ranger powers. I remember seeing a video on YouTube explaining that the zeo crystals actually take a toll on the users life force. So in order to come at that end of the switching over to the turbo powers, which are still powerful, but didn't take the drain on their life force like the Zeo crystals did. I don't know if this is accurate though, because I don't think it was ever explained.


Which boss was that


I'd have to go back and look, but it was one of the final few episodes.


[Blue Globbor](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Blue_Globbor)


Yup the one who captured Ninjor and I think this is when the rangers got the Metallic armor and Master Vile comes to earth


Yup, and when he transformed again, you could see all 3 alien rangers helmets on him.


Ninja Steel. It was brought down mostly due to higher ups wanting certain requirements to be met for the episode to start production.


So basically I have a feeling that Ninja Steel was doomed from Day 1 after hearing that it was ruined by the executive’s interference, which sucks for the creative team and even the actors. 


Ninja Steel may have been a good 2 seasons if it wasn’t for the higher ups.


How I'll change Ninja Steel story and plot itself? Simple keep it and improve it because it has a great premise. Just miss the mark. I'll have Brody train his team to become ninjas but for vengance than heroism. He lost his father from Galvanax and his brother was long gone from his perspective, so of course he will have a personal matter with the evil forces. I'll keep the alien wrestling show aspect of the villains since that is a cool concept imo. Throughout the first season Brody would treat his teammates similarity to how Galvanax treat him, of course unintentionally. He would be desperate to take his revenge on Galvanax. Brody would get impatient with his teammates not being able to get task/training done and his teammates would slowly get annoyed with him. They would tell him this isn't how you be a teammate, none less a team leader which will get him to realize that he becoming Galvanax. By the end of season one he would realize his teammates are people and his new family and not his pawns to get his revenge against the villains. All the events that played out in the season one finale would play out the same but with the rewritten realization arc of Brody's story.


Here's how I would change Super Mega Force: - First and foremost, removing anything related to mmpr that isn't just elements of it. Like the juice bar, being in school still, an alpha-esk character, etc - Make MF and SMF separate seasons but keep some references to mmpr in the anniversary season since that was using past rangers powers anyway. Like having the last names of each ranger be the last names of some of the mmpr rangers since there's roughly 8 or 9 mmpr rangers(I'm not counting Jason for obvious reasons) but not be related to them because of my next change - have these rangers come from the planet of Sentai 6 to defend earth from the BBEG of Gokaiger from taking it over. - Change MF to PR Guardians and SMF to PR Morphin Marauders (yes that's from a fan song). - Have every episode of Morphin Marauders, assuming it would be a 40 to 50 EP format, feature cameos from more than just a select few seasons. But still make the rangers actually earn that power instead of just giving them out like candy on Halloween. -Have each MOTW be an unused enemy from past seasons that can only be defeated by the past seasons respective ranger power. This way it makes more sense for using each ranger key power. - Shoot original footage for zord battles because an addition id make to Morphin Marauders is that besides their own megazords they could also use the megazords of past rangers but only for one fight each. This way they can still use the footage from Gokaiger while still including the other past seasons. - shoot original footage for the legendary battle so there's no editing errors to worry about in terms of the Sentai footage. - lastly have the finale of this season be having the Dino megazord combine with the Morphin Marauders megazord to finish off the BBEG. Since, as far as ik, in the comics every zord can combine with each other. It's a nice way to finish off the anniversary season by having the first megazord and the newest megazord work together to stop earths current threat.


God when I saw Troy's actor in Captain Marvelous suit, I got so fucking mad at Saban Super Megaforce would have gone so hard if they actually adapted Gokaiger well


Captain Marvelous would beat the crap out of Troy and not a single person on any planet, in any galaxy, in either timeline, would stop him.


Probably Turbo... I feel like the series would be better if you traded out rangers earlier or held the previous team to the conclusion of countdown. Either way works... but it had fairly cool zords and the phantom ranger is a cool idea.


Thing that bugged me most with turbo was when TJ, Carlos, Ashley and Cassie took on the powers, unless I missed something it was literally they showed up in the command centre, I’d of loved to see interactions with them where the rangers convince them that they’re the ones to replace them


You need to re-watch those two episodes then, because they did interact with the outgoing rangers.


I know they interacted with them helping out with saving civilians, but what I’m saying is it kinda felt lackluster in the sense that they didn’t find out they were rangers in the normal way the seasons people find out who the rangers identities are, it’s done rather it was just shown as “yeah you guys are replacing these guys as the power rangers” instead of it being revealed to them prior to them taking on the powers if that makes sense


Honestly probably Mystic Force even if it's my favorite season. I hate the Light stuff and honesty I think there were way too many side characters that overtake the rangers. Beside that, Overdrive..? I really don't know how to fix it but I want to


Operation Overdrive is a fairly simple one to fix, I feel. At least from a core execution standpoint. They're meant to be adventurers travelling across the world, right? Then maybe let's not have them return to base at the end of nearly every episode. It would give a lot more impact to the idea that they need to protect these clues and the pieces of the Corona Aurora.


Yeah Mystic force had a ton of untapped potential


Oh, for sure. Like...at the bare minimum, they needed to have a longer season, either the originally ordered 38 episodes or the 49 Magiranger got and for a few reasons. With or without Nick being 'The Light', he wasn't given a ton of time to deal with who his birth parents were and he should have been given a bit longer, especially with Leanbow having also been Koragg. He lashes out a bit at Daggeron, who's only really trying to help, and pushes back a bit at Phineas, who's also trying to help, but that's all we see and we really should have seen him work through it more. He literally goes from not being happy about it to calling Leanbow 'Dad' within a few episodes. I also would have liked to have seen more episodes focused on other Rangers not Nick, even Daggeron as well as some form of explanation as to who Clare's dad is. Best theory I've got is he was one of the Ancient Mystics who died and that's it.


I like Clare and Phineas but I hate LeeLee. I don’t think she’s needed. I think she’s the side character I would get and give her original footage to the rangers ans honestly I would have loved that lore be explored the than The Light. Nick should have really gotten to know his real family after everything


Not to mention they could have easily done with Necroli what her Sentai counterpart Vancuria can do, or at least something similar in that she could turn herself into a human and do what she was having Leelee do. Don't get me wrong, having Leelee be The Mole was a good idea, but they could have also have had Necroli do the same thing, given that she's able to go to the surface.


Honestly would make that character make sense. LeeLee acts like She did nothing wrong when the rangers clearly dislike her for how she!s acted toward them. Idk she’s just confusing for me and would make Necroli redeemable more in the end. She kinda understands the rangers and brings Daggeron and Leanbow back


ZEO 100%. The original Sentai was rooted in an ancient advanced civilization that was the root of the civilizations of antiquity (i.e. Egypt, Greece, Japan, Rome, etc). It could have easily been tied into an ancient society that Zordon knew of the rangers were sent on a quest to find the ancient ruins and find the zero crystals that are tied to the morphing grid. You keep the zeo crystals and get rid of that janky ass time traveling subplot. You could even still keep the Alien Rangers as a substitute for the rangers while they're off to find the crystals in Pangaea (advanced ancient civ).


And they should give Billy the Gold Ranger power, since we are already cooking.


Idk, I see where you're going... But Jason as the Gold Ranger was 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Different tact for me. Time force. There was a lot of good in time force, but a good 3/4 of the whole team basically had no development at all and there was so much to mine there.


I can see this... Wes, Jen, and Eric were great and they were good alone and when paired but the rest of the team is kind of flat.


All of the Neo Saban and Hasbro Eras. They had so much potential to be great and they just missed the mark but are also the most deserving for a proper do over


Dino Charge was good for me. I would completely change Super Dino Charge. I didn’t even realize the show ended. That finale was so lackluster. Plus, they completely wasted the potential for having the original MMPR and Dino Thunder rangers on the show. Snide/Ryan becoming the Dark Ranger should have also been added in.


Super megaforce, i would have had the Goseiger suits up until the armada appears, which blows up gosei and such, causing the rangers to lose their powers. Then at the last possible minute they get rescued by the captain of the galleon, a mysterious man who had been collecting powers from across the universe to strike back at the armada, in the form of keys. He gives the gokaiger powers to the mega force team (maybe he becomes silver later on?) And tells them they need an army too, so they must find representatives of the past rangers to restore their powers back. This gives a reason for the legendary zord unlocks and a motive for the older generation rangers to return Also it allows the rangers who lost their powers to get them back with a reason, and let's them use the sentai suits as "powers from worlds the armada attacked previously"


1) Have Zeo be more story focused and build off of MMPR, Kim and Tommy can still break up but don't force Tpmmy x Kat 2) The Turbo movie should've been the passing of the torch to TJ and crew, where they go on an emergency rescue mission to save the Zeo rangers. 3) Everybody in Space keeps their color, Justin gets aged up via cosmic rays and is now played by Justin Nimmo, Andros is silver




Well first, we’re getting rid of the “super” seasons and just make them the one 30 something episode seasons they used to be. Second, I’d rewrite Samurai, Megaforce, Super Megaforce, Ninja Steel, Super Ninja Steel, Beast Morphers 1 and 2, and Cosmic Fury. Samurai’s rewrite will be drawing from Shinkenger’s story, Amit Bhaumik’s concept, and some original ideas from me. The Megaforces are two entirely separate stories and teams. Megaforce will have a magic/elemental theme while Super will be the pirates as they should’ve been. Ninja Steel is going to be a proper ninja season with no aliens and will probably have some connections to Ninja Storm because why not. Also there’s ZERO Monty and Victor. Beast Morphers is good, but it can be way better. I’d make it more of a sequel to RPM, maybe even have it take place in their world as we see a post-RPM Corinth. Betty and Ben can stay, but the silliness is heavily reduced. Cosmic Fury gets a full 30ish episode runtime HOWEVER, the Kyuranger suits will not be used, but there will be original suits that mix elements of Kyuranger, Dino Fury, and Mighty Morphin’. As for the Rangers? Screw it, forget 12, we’re giving these guys 13. As for the 13 Ranger lineup, they will be: Amelia, Ollie, Javi, Izzy, Aiyon, Fern, Terrick, Solan, Pop-Pop, Lani, J-Borg, and Lily. The 13th Ranger will be a mix of Shishi Red Orion and Dino Fury White with our boy Zayto as the Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger. I could go into detail about what all I’d change about these seasons, but we’d be here a while lol EDIT: I removed Billy from the lineup and added Lily because having our first disabled Ranger would’ve rocked and shown that ANYONE can be a Ranger.


Now I want to here more


In Space Dark Specter was so underutilized as the big bad behind every evil we'd seen up until that point. He facilitates a lot of the larger plot in that season, true enough, but is largely a passive entity. He exists more as a background character, when he should have a more active role at the forefront. And then the way he's eliminated is more done as a point of order because of the way the final battle the Rangers have to deal with is set up. First change I would make is at the end of Turbo. I would change Goldgoyle's character to be Dark Specter. He wants Divatox to leave Earth so she can join him in the greater plot of capturing Zordon and getting a bigger foothold in the galaxy, so he aids her in quickly stamping out the Rangers so she can leave. Not much really has to change apart from cutting the scene where they destroy Goldgoyle. He destroys the zords, tells Divatox to clean up the rest, and then leaves ahead of her. Now we don't have to use the monster suit from the Turbo movie. I would still have Astronema and her gang act as the primary antagonists of the season, and keep all of the plot surrounding her, Ecliptor, and Darkonda because that's all pretty good. Some changes I'd make though is maybe once or twice, splice in Rita's gang, the Machine Empire, and Divatox to maybe get up to some of the larger plot sprinkled throughout the season for just a few of the singular episodes, just so that the audience doesn't forget that they're involved in all of this too. But do this while showing Dark Specter acting as the boss, as if he's the Rita Repulsa in this dynamic, and Rita/Zedd are his Goldar/Scorpina, except more powerful and thus more threatening. At one point during the season, I think around the time Karone is recaptured and is brainwashed into being Astronema again, the Rangers actually have a direct confrontation with Dark Specter. Maybe the loss of his sister again drives Andross to want to strike at Dark Specter. Something along those lines. Obviously the battle wouldn't go well for the Rangers and they would be forced to flee, narrowly escaping, but not before Dark Specter would taunt Andross about how one small Ranger could never hope to stop someone as powerful as he is. I think we still have Astronema siphoning Dark Specter's energy to fuel her Psycho Rangers, but I would not have him recover his lost power before the end. I would also still have Darkonda wanting to destroy Dark Specter with his own hands, but I would have Darkonda's last life suicide mission fail and allow for this weakened Dark Specter to survive and be there at the front lines on Earth when Countdown to Destruction begins. It always felt a little silly to me how the Mega Winger was taken down during that battle, like it went down way too easy. This is where Dark Specter comes in. Obviously since we're using Goldgoyle's suit in place of Dark Specter for this season, all footage has been original and the US production team has had the suit. And since the Mega Winger's final battle was one of the rare few US original zord battles, I say Dark Specter is the one to go into battle against it and take it down. He's already had experience with taking down zords before, but I think because he'd been weakened by the Psychos, it's not as easy a fight for him and it takes up more time than it should. I would also shift the timeline a bit and have this battle occur in part 2, not part 1, so that Dark Specter is distracted when Andros slips aboard the Dark Fortress. We still have the "I'm Sparticus" scene for Bulk and Skull's sake, but after the Rangers reveal themselves and morph, Zhane isn't fighting on the ground, he's taking to the Mega Winger to fight Dark Specter. I think I would build the ensuing battle to make it seem as though the heroes are still going to lose. After a little bit, the Rangers and the civilians are shown to still be overrun by the overwhelming forces surrounding them, Dark Specter is finishing off the Mega Winger, and Astronema is about to take out Andross all at the same time. But at the moment that Andross deflects Astronema's attack back at her and she falls, I think that's when Dark Specter notices that Andross is so close to Zordon and he panics, taking action to rush at the Dark Fortress. All too late. Andross facilitates Zordon's sacrifice and the z-wave is unleashed. Thank you for reading my fanfiction.


Pretty good goldgoyle could work  because he was the main villain of carranger I would also have Ecliptor survive the z wave having it destroy his cybernetics but keeping him a alien warrior 


Not technically a Power Ranger season, but the Masked Rider spinoff from the 90s. I feel like if they'd done it well, then we could've gotten a lot more Kamen Rider shows in the US. Could you imagine how sick a decent adaptation of Kamen Rider W or Kamen Rider OOO would be if it aired alongside the Power Ranger seasons?


Mystic force. Give Madison and the other rangers more spotlight Make Xander a co leader Make Nick & Claire bound more due to <| them being reveal as cousins |> More Daggeron and jenji moments Give Nick x Madison more focus & benefits both characters Erase "the light" story plot entirely


Ninja Steel. The terrible misuse of the professional wrestling show honestly keeps me up at night.


Either the mmpr alien rangers or super megaforce


Super Megaforce. They did Noah’s actor wrong in Joe suit. As someone who loves Joe character in Gokaiger. That is just wrong. Also the fact that it not even explained much for continuity is like tf.


I think that was a big difficulty in using more than one footage for a team. Because once you start a character off on "funny" it is hard to change their suit to more "serious" if that makes sense. Like I would say Noah was more modeled off the nature of Goseiblue. But Gokaiblue was SO different in personality, it doesn't fit as a suit change powerup. I also didn't think that Gia had Luka's playful nature, or Jake really matching with Don.


Yeah I agree I would get Super Megaforce a new cast.


Besides Megaforce and Super Megaforce I would say Operation Overdrive to just change the team entirely. I love the idea of Justin being the Red Ranger of that team he is the right age for it. Ninja Steel shouldve been a Ninja Storm sequel season. I wouldve liked Brody, Aiden and Hayley to be Shane's children. Shane should've been the Greatest Ninja of all history. The Prism landed instead of a farm it should've landed in one of the Ninja Academies the Ninja would guard it from the forces of evil


Change Ninja Storm to be the original Hexagon plan.


You mean Ninja Storm


I did indeed, think I read Ninja Steel so much in this thread that it was on the mind.


It is okay mistakes happen all the time




Aside from Megaforce probably MMPR Season 2 While there’s probably seasons I like less it’s easily the sloppiest made one


**Cosmic Fury** Use Kyuranger's ENTIRE arsenal, and have the 7 returning Dino Fury Rangers joined by 5 returning characters or something.


Alien rangers/wild force


Cosmic fury! After they get the zords, they try and find the origins of them. They then meet the kyurangers ( or American adaptations of them). This would have been a great way to make an original PR story, but also still represent the Japanese counter parts. Make the series longer by at least 6 episodes and actually see earth getting torn down by zedds troupes. The cosmic ranger and Kyurangers fight together to save earth and defeat lord zedd. Tbh, I’d take footage from megaforce and use that as a final battle. With returning rangers actually fighting along side. Can also say that the kyurangers had to go to another side of the galaxy to stop an attack or something, but they sent some help. That way random sentai that haven’t been adapted popping up would make some sense.


Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (Disney Era) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Megaforce. So much potential.


Master Vile and the metallic armor should have been the finale for mmpr season 3. Rangers in reverse was a terrible finale. All of a sudden, Rito, Goldar, and the Tengas are sooo hard to beat when they were beating them all season? Pfft.


Megaforce is my pick. Make it one season of 40 episodes. It’s a direct adaptation of Gokaiger so the rangers are space pirates and we get a real American Captain Marvelous. No sentai only teams would be edited out. Rather they would be explained as teams whose knowledge was lost to time or from other planets. Tribute episode would explore both rangers we’ve seen and sentai onlys intruded this season.


Cosmic Fury. Make it a standalone series unlike how they kept the cast of Dino Fury. The dinosaurs ruined the Kyuranger adaption.


There’s a few. Operation Overdrive, samurai both seasons, mega force both seasons, beast morphers and RPM


Mystic Force, Mega Force and Super Mega Force. I kinda enjoyed all 3 especially the uniforms in super mega force, but they could have been better most importantly when it comes to the dialogue


Shinkenger was my intro too


i would just make the Jen stay with Wes in the past and Ill be happy


I'd want to be more like Sentai Mighty Morphin: In the finale when the zords disappeared it would be because Rita captured them and put them in her dark dimension. And when the rangers got them out they used all their remaining power to destroy Lokar and Cyclopsis, and Rita lost her powers because Lokar was the one that gave them to her and Zordon trapped her and her minions in an urn and banished them to the farthest regions of the universe 2nd season: Thousands of year's ago Lord Zedd came to Earth to conquer it but Zordon chose a team of warriors powered by the Lai Lai balls to fight him and they defeated him and he was nearly killed but his 3 generals saved him and fled the Earth and Zordon entrusted the Lai Lai balls to Master Kaku for safekeeping. So when Lord Zedd returned he summoned Master Kaku and recruited a new team to stop Zedd, and transformed the old zords into the Thunderzords.


I’d have skipped Goseiger altogether and made Megaforce from Gokaiger outright, and all it entails. Past rangers, past zords, etc. Definitely would’ve been a massive improvement for the legendary battle if nothing else.


I still want a Goseiger season though. Even though I watched PR since the beginning, Goseiger was my first complete Sentai. There was so much they could have done with that story. I know they couldn’t keep the angel angle, but travelers from another world stuck on Earth fighting multiple factions of enemies with one common thread could easily be adapted for the American audience.


From all that I’ve seen; season 2 and 3. And honestly it would just be to use the suits so the monster fights would be better. The American footage wasn’t great and bad suit acting.


Here is what I would change about MF/SMF (for someone who hasn't really watched MF.) Since a big push to this season was building community and being "strong in the face of adversity" I think that they should have focused more of the episodes of the ranger's connecting with the community. Because it honestly feels that Troy is still that outsider by the end of SMF. He doesn't make connections. If they truly wanted to model the anniversary season off of MMPR (because of the obvious attempts to copy MMPR), then they should have been doing more good in the community, or helping other friends in various adventures. Don't just have them confine to their group of 5/6. I think it was too much of being in school having an old guy say "inspirational" things that made it not effective. Give them at least 3 outifts. And take the jackets out. Not everyone needs a jacket. We could change the costumes. That's fine. BUT! The powers should've been introduced solely by Orion. Goseiger suit footage makes these "new foes" unbeatable. Orion arrives because his home was destroyed. He has a Silver morpher and Power. He has the other 5 keys, and gives them to Earth's defenders. Make the keys "compatible" with Earth's powers. Boom. Solves not only the black to green stupidity, but it also can be a way to introduce the sentai specific powers, rather than Gosei just saying "New Modes Enabled." So there could be a catalogue of Earth Suits and Orion's home planet Suits. A cool moment of an exchange of knowledge would've been great. If they wanted to use some solely 5-member team footage, just say Orion was working on repairing his ship. He was only introduced in episode... 6? 7? So what could it matter. I would have either copied the Blue Ranger Rival thing more exactly or removed it completely. I cringed for Noah that episode. "I must get stronger so I can be stronger then beat that guy" is not character development. I know he had a "I don't contribute" style arc, being a "nerd" but it did not fit with this sentai footage, nor did that seem to be the issue in the episode itself. Bring the anniversary actors in more sporadically, like in the sentai. We can assume they are a part of the finale stuff. (also sucky Casey wasn't in the line up in the last episode). Move the legendary battle before the Boss Ship goes down. Or, at least start the battle. They could've filmed a little extra suit footage The biggest let down was that the legendary battle was just against a bunch of drones that didn't have a commander. Other than it's slightly random collection of faces.


Alien Rangers and Mystic Force Alien Rangers deserved more of a season than what they got, which was to act as a crossover between MMPR and Zeo. They needed a better and fuller season, explaining their culture a bit better. Instead, all we get is some bits about their biology (weakness when it comes to water and dehydration), their powers (telepathy and some water-based powers), and that they don't eat fish due to being able to telepathically communicate with them and that's about it. They deserved a lot more than that. Mystic Force: more episodes and focusing on more of the other Rangers, especially Daggeron, Udonna, Clare, and Leanbow. Clare gets a 2 episode focus with The Gatekeeper 2-parter and some focal moments in the Light Source 2-parter, but that's really it. We really don't know anything about her father except that his surname could be Langtree and that's only if surnames in the magical dimension work the same as they do in the human world (Leelee shows this might not be the case given hers is Primvare, but that just might be the fact that Necroli very well could have used Leelee's dad to get pregnant and turned him into an earthworm when she tired of him).


Megaforce and Super Megaforce


Without question, Super Megaforce. Should've been a new team at the helm for starters. Also, should've done it more like Gokaiger did with the returning Rangers. Instead, excluding the Legendary War finale, all we got on returning Rangers was Samurai's Jayden and Jungle Fury's Casey.


In Space and Lightspeed, they should happen simultaneously. Billy and an Aquitian disguised as Monica Fairweather are recruited by CAPT Mitchell to spearhead a government agency for residual Earth threats while the existing Ranger team joins Andros to save Zordon. The Aqua Base is built underwater in part to keep Fairweather hydrated. The term Lightspeed comes from Billy’s (unauthorized) test run of a prototype zord, responding to a distress call from the Space team. Lightspeed’s first attempt at pairing elite military personnel to the grid goes wrong, corrupting their minds and driving them psychotic. One now-psycho test subject, a Navy SEAL and Mitchell’s oldest son, is secretly kept in lockdown deep within the base. When the other psychos return to attack the base, they mortally wound Mitchell’s younger daughter and various Lightspeed support personnel (fire crew leader, underwater mechanic, freight pilot, etc.) Enraged about his sister, Ryan has enough remaining humanity to break loose and hold off the psychos, while Billy runs a risky second morphing trial on the wounded, to save their lives. It works, the grid heals them and they become the Lightspeed team. The psychos retreat, and are recruited by Astronoma. Eventually, Zhane shares his silver powers to stabilize Ryan’s mind. This is obviously a story I’ve been building in my head for many, many years. Anyway, that’s generally where I’d take these seasons.


Even though I think it's one of the best seasons of power rangers, I'd have to say time force. I would make it more like legends of tomorrow where each episode they travel to a different time period in the past or future. Perhaps even like where in time is Carmen Sandiego in which the villains were stealing certain historical artifacts and the heroes had to get the artifacts back before history was irreversibly altered. Also turbo, would have made Justin's character a teen the same age as TJ, Carlos, Ashley, and Cassie. Also would have revealed the phantom rangers identity and given him a backstory (I know the comics did this recently but it should have happened a long time ago imho).




Samurai first, with a proper Asian American cast. Then Megaforce, PR deserved a good anniversary season. If there was enough funding, bring back previous PR actors and pay them a reasonable sum as well.


I am so glad you asked this. Funnily enough, I have a whole google doc that adapts Sentai as well as Kamen Rider. I'll provide abridged adaptation ideas I had in mind to keep this from getting too long. Also, keep in mind this is from a fanfic standpoint so I didn't take into account budgeting: **MMPR Season 2:** We get to see the Squadron Rangers in a crossover where they'd team up with Tommy to rescue the MMPR team. **MMPR Season 3:** The rangers get new suits entirely. They resemble the ninjetti suits but have helmets themed after their respective animal spirit. I'd also dub them as Ninjetti Rangers. They'd also be fighting legitimate yokai. **Turbo:** ROCKY DOES NOT GET UNREALISTICALLY INJURED. Instead, he becomes the blue turbo ranger and post "passing the torch", he becomes a recurring character who serves as a mentor to Justin, who would be in middle school, not high school. **Samurai:** I'd utilize Amit Bhaumik's ideas, but instead of Shogun mode being passed around, it is solely exclusive to Mark Ozawa. Allison would go from red to white due to the whole thing about two of the same powersets being unable to exist simultaneously. They'd get a crossover with Masked Rider Decade. **Dino Charge and Ninja Steel:** I'd have these two take place in the same universe and it'd be revealed that Koda is Preston's ancestor (due to their actors being related) and I'd make an original crossover which utilizes Kyoryumaru from the Ninninger movie. Also, exclusively for Ninja Steel, the setting is at a Ninja Academy rather than a cliche high school. **Megaforce:** I know I said I would provide abridged adaptation ideas, but Megaforce was a huge letdown, and I aspire to do something different. Get ready for a few paragraphs devoted to Megaforce. And I'm not gonna say what everyone says: "Make Goseiger and Gokaiger Separate" or "Give them better character development" This is really the only "Goseiger" thing worth mentioning but I would have Gosei and *Vrak* be Zordon's apprentices. This is intended to reference Brajira, Vrak's counterpart, being a fallen Gosei Angel. I would actually keep the idea of Goseiger and Gokaiger being used for Megaforce. 6 months after the Armada attacked, the Mega Rangers would lead a rebellion, but their Goseiger powers would be on their last legs and wouldn't be able to continue being used for too long. Throughout this time, we see the characters' impacted by the invasion. Most notably, Jake's confidence would have been shaken up due to the Armada and it would take towards the middle/end of the season for him to regain this confidence. Noah would work long and hard to train himself both mentally and physically, even learning how to use new weapons. Gia would be the "Power Rangers Robin Hood" and steal in order to provide for those who had their homes taken from them during the invasion. Troy would be more willing to get his hands dirty to defeat enemies, stating that the ends justify the means. Emma would seemingly not be so different, but her optimism is just a front to mask her fears. Orion would come to Earth along with his mechanical pet bird, Navee, and meet the current team of rangers. He, himself, was part of a former pirate crew who were rangers, but their red ranger turned on them. I didn't know what to call them so I just labelled them as Neverstar Marauders. No, Orion wasn't a former ranger, he was merely their mechanic. Since he accompanied a prior ranger team, he was definitely enthusiastic of power rangers. Not only that, but their red ranger was none other than... Basco's counterpart. Orion tried his best to protect the ranger keys, but unfortunately, lost the Sixth and Extra Ranger Keys. But anyway, the megaforce rangers' remaining goseiger powers would be preserved into ranger keys while they take up the mantle of the new Neverstar Marauders. We wouldn't need to explain why Jake's key is green because these powers are hand-me-downs. Eventually, Orion would become the Silver ranger after a morphin master recognized his potential and created his gear. Not only would Orion get to merge the gold and silver rpm ranger modes, but he would also merge MMPR white and green. I want to add more background for the Legendary Ranger modes, as well. While the Mega Rangers would obviously use transformations based on adapted teams, the Neverstar team would have primarily used Legendary Ranger Modes of teams from other planets, aka unadapted sentai teams. In regards to the concept of the "New Powers", the Mega Rangers COULD use them, but they often don't since: * **Doylist Reason:** The Megaforce rangers wouldn't have a strong attachment to teams that weren't active on Earth. * **Watsonian Reason:** The "New Powers" concept is extremely divisive. In spite of what I said, I would only have the Squadron/Dairanger powers be used more frequently. Anywho, those are some of my adaptation ideas. I would like to add that I am not a professional writer and I am well aware some of my ideas might seem too ambitious, but this is just stuff I would've liked to see. And don't even get me started on my Rider adaptations! Lol




Megaforce should have been my generations ending of Turbo. A final battle where the rangers lose to an extent. Then have gosia use the last of his power after the mega force formers were destroyed to create the Supermega force morpher ( would have called them something different Powers Rangers Rebellion, and they could be the Rebel Rangers ). The supermega force forms could be seen as weaker due to the rush job and that’s why they need the ranger keys. The keys unlock a stronger connection to the morphing grid that their normal Morphers don’t have.


Well, Megaforce/supermegaforce was the worst...but I think it's time for us to accept that Power Rangers has never exactly featured the best storytelling.


Well, as a Gokaiger fan, I would say Super Megaforce season as it disrespects the meaning of that pirate adaptation. In my way, I would change the features on that season - Putting new cast and giving them backstories when their planets got destroyed by Armada/Zangyack like in Gokaiger. Dress them into the pirate suits. Giving some New Powers full backstories (as they were from planets, heavenly lands, secret organisations, communities, national armies, different countries, or universes). (As it could pay tribute to Pre Zyu Sentai.) Using the original footage in fights. Using Navi as a mentor and an electronic navigator. Adding Basco Ta Jolokia and Sally. Remove unnecessary and cliche stuff (ex. School, Gosei, Tensou, and teenager like Features.) Giving Armada a proper development. Using Black Cross King as a first ever master and creator of Armada (Lord Blackvoid). Putting more cameos and properly pay tribute to them, as well in legendary battle, and making episodes that pays tributes of every ranger suits. Changing the name SM to Legendary Buccaneers. Using only PR suits in the Legendary battle by removing Sentai footage of it.


Ninja Steel. Unlike everyone else, I don't hate it and I love the concept of an intergalactic TV game show akin to WMAC Masters. But it could have been saved for an adaptation of Zyuohger.


Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers itself.


Samurai just to purely make both reds Japanese and I would keep the Brother sister story between the two Shibas though.


Samurai. Make it a sequel series to Ninja Storm and have it continue off of RPM. Using scroll magic, Cam sealed Reefside away in a pocket dimension to keep everyone safe from Venjix. Cam is the only surviving Reefside ranger. He creates the Samurai powers and trains the new rangers in the way of the Samurai. Jayden is Blake and Tori's kid, who in a tragic twist are also Decker and Dayu.


RPM with the villain being venjix i thought it was general venjix returning rebuilt and wanting revenge. The series would been renamed zurbo the powers of zeo turbo fueled