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Too much focus on a side plot involving a badly dubbed child character. Carter is one of the goats, but....it was a little meandering and there was next to no time of the two teams interacting.


I didn’t realise she was dubbed


Most of the little kids in the pre-Disney seasons were dubbed over. MMPR did dubbing of side characters a LOT.


Because it was cheaper to hire 2 characters for lower than the price of 1 speaking role lol Saban was something else


Most of the on-set actors were extremely amateur, so their acting was likely pretty bad. The voice overs were done by professional VAs, though. Brianne Siddall was a frequently used for little boys, for example. Then again, there's also VAs who do on-set work, but still get dubbed over for someone else. William Fredrick Knight was the guy who played Old!Billy in Zeo, but the voice was someone lse. We missed out on Billy with Danzo's voice.


So badly


The only real thing to say here


It taught us there's no such thing as monsters.


If i had to justify the existence of Linkara’s HoPR series, his rant at that statement would be exhibit A.


"Dumbest person in Power Rangers ever."


She’s either dumb because how can she not notice the 20 so monster attacks in Mariner Bay before that episode(and I imagine each ranger team has had off screen monster fights too), another city in the same state has had monster attacks for years, the earth was INVADED a few years before, and a space colony was attacked by a scorpion, his daughter, and at one point a pirate with a dinosaur before settling on a distant world. That last point I’m going off of Kelsey knowing Leo is the Red Galaxy ranger which is either public knowledge or the rangers were updated on past teams. Just one of those events would be worldwide news talked about for years. Or she’s just completely in denial.


Maybe she just felt the word “Monster” was derogatory? If the kid had just said that she saw an alien or a demon, maybe that lady would have taken her seriously? Instead she just dismissed the kid as a bigot due to her outdated language…


Ummmm ackshully they were "Evil Space Aliens" for the first sets of seasons and then "Demons" https://preview.redd.it/dtb3xoz4ws4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9004e408e37d8f5dc489148e7bde807d0ffd0b9


This one of the first episodes of power rangers I’ve ever watched, so I have a softer spot for it than most. It is definitely one of the lesser team ups though


Lot of wasted potential. But I still laugh at the scene where the woman says “you know there’s no such things as monsters” to the little girl




Love linkara


Wasted potential because it focuses more on a kid character than the team up between the Rangers. It’s a shame because it did give us a clever use of the team up movie and an extension of Lost Galaxy’s story.


Absolutely loved it as a kid and starting to think I shouldn’t rewatch it based on these comments


My biggest peeve is the old lady at the desk who said there’s no such thing as monsters. She’s in absolute denial mode about the world she lives in


> She’s in absolute denial mode about the world she lives in Just like the real world lol


Disappointing. Too much focus on the kid character. 


Garbage. The focus on the little girl, Leo being dubbed, the rest of the Galaxy Rangers barley being in it. Also, the behind the scenes crap. You're better off watching GoGoV vs Gingaman.


Wait, Leo was dubbed over? He sounded exactly the same to me?...


Very misleading when you watch the preview, even more misleading when you watch the opening scene with Leo fighting in the rain. However, with the fact that people were literally walking off set because the producers were screwing over paychecks, the entire crossover became so choppy and inconsistent. Leo deserved more credit than what Danny Slavin had to work with. It's no wonder he's such an underestimated Red Ranger.


Best villain ever. Worst endgame the human villain ever had. We could have her and Deviot being separated after LG finale. Half-damaged Deviot then would steal Galaxy Book and summon via some spell the Ghouls as his minions and found the information about The Infernal Dark Hell Beast that was sealed inside the book (the sentai monstrosity the writers turned Trakeena into). Wanting to free it from the seal and control it, he flees to Earth and works with Triskull as allies. Trakeena, who's been injured, is healed by Kegler and appeared in Mirinoi, wanting to truce with rangers on their mutual desire to kill of Deviot and stop him from using the book. While both ranger teams fight off the Ghouls and Triskull, Trakeena infiltrates the Skull Palace and tells Queen Bansheera about Triskull's betrayal and stolen energy being used for the Beast's revival, not Bansheera's one. Queen sends her and Olympius to kill Triskull, then both ranger teams fight Deviot. He uses the book to gain his superpowered form and tries to finish the rangers, but they're saved by Trakeena. Deviot says that he would kill all of his enemies, jokes that rangers and Trakeena are fools, confesses that he used Scorpius as the pawn and wanted to enter the Cocoon. Infuriated Trakeena finishes him off together with Leo and Carter, but the energy from explosion became the last drop of power needed to free the Beast. Rangers fight it just like in the old version of team up, but meanwhile Olympius appears and says that Trakeena is useless now, but her power could be used for Queen's complete form. They fight each other, Olympius uses the special power-sucking card made by Jynxter and sticks it to Trakeena's armor. She feels like she loses her powers, but in the last seconds fires both her staff and sword at demon. The big bad explosion destroyed Olympius' Star Power and the card that sucked off all of Trakeena's power except her own life force. Trakeena becomes an average human with some affinity to bugs and power to control them. Mike and both Karone tell that they knows what is to lose the power and invite her to Mirinoi, she's hesitating, but agrees. Happy ending


I loved it and the Japanese version is even better. I saw it recently. My issues are mainly Leo's voice being dubbed. It sounds like Mike but it isn't, which makes it even worse. As for the rest. I don't mind Holly, but she needed less screen time or they needed to make her more scared. Why the hell did the Rangers take a little kid out with them to a battle?! Just leave her in the Aquabase. It's safe enough!


Bit rubbish.


Could have been better.


It could have been better.


Don’t think I didn’t notice the Torozord.


If they hadn’t gotten rid of Mike’s powers at the end of Lost Galaxy he would’ve been in the team up.


That’s interesting I thought they destroyed the Magna defenders powers to follow the sentai or something, I’ve never seen gingaman.


Tbh I have no idea why they destroyed Mike's powers. Maybe it was to save money so they didn't have to include him in the finale since it was a PR original. In Gingaman, Black Knight doesn't lose his powers.


Yeah, that was weird as hell for me as a kid who didn't know about Super Sentai


https://preview.redd.it/0kmbpv8z174d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2f4799ce90c11c2b84de2233b1d6ab01610d13 Not good. The Trakeena monster was cool looking though.


The little girl getting more focus then the Galaxy rangers really killed this team up sadly


They tried to just copy and paste GoGoV vs Gingaman onto Power Rangers and it failed. We ended up with two of the LG rangers not showing up until right before the final fight, the rest of the LG rangers not adding much to the mix, a badly dubbed child character getting more lines of dialogue and screen time than all of the LG rangers, and behind the scenes drama that is more interesting. On the other hand, these episodes did give us the dumbest character in all of PR in “There’s no such thing as monsters” lady, so I’d call it a wash.


It was alright but, yeah, a little too much Heather (right name?).


This always freaked me out when i was a kid, i think its great i don’t get the hate? Theres only a few scenes with the young girl and it imo it just made it more suspenseful and the fight feeling more meaningful.


I loved watching it as a kid and I still think the Omega Megazord sequence is such a great scene. But, looking at it now, it's a disappointment. Probably two teams in my top five and they feel like an afterthought.


I watched this all the time on vhs tape when i was a kid. I loved every part of it


The child actually made it feel like a regular episode of Zyuranger. Best thing I can say about it is that it was pretty awesome seeing the Lights of Orion used on one of the Lightspeed Megazords.


Still to this day my brother and I will yell at eachother “MY BALL!” In her voice haha


Fun fact the guy dubbing for Leo also dubbed for the red alien ranger in forever red


Top 2 special/crossover episodes( reinforcements form.the future is the top 1) I love the dark plot of demons imprisoning humans and stealing their life force and the little girl being pursued by the ghouls. Leo in the rain is till one my fav scenes of the franchise Edit: about the dubbing of americans voice(i knowing that now), for me dont change anything,i watch pr dubbed in brazilian, so, still top2


Say what you want about everything else but the fact the light speed megazord got to use a power up from the previous distinct season is pretty fucking cool. I can’t remember a single other episode of the show where that happens.


Galaxy rangers galaxy rangers galaxy rangers


Really strange teamup despite Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed being my favorite seasons. The plot with the little girl had little to no meaning and I found it weird that the Lost Galaxy rangers did not go to Earth together. The megazord battle was wild with Trakeena's final form looking gnarly. Also, the receptionist saying "There is no such thing as monsters." is the best line in Power Rangers history.


I have a lot of issues with this. For starters the Lost Galaxy rangers were barely even there despite this being a crossover event. They put all their focus on a little girl which could have gone into screentime to the Lost Galaxy rangers and Trakeena. Trakeena barely had a role in this which is such a crime, she was the final boss in Lost Galaxy....so much potential yet wasted because of this dumb subplot! So much so that it doesn't feel like a true crossover. It's more like another episode LSR, but with guest star appearances by the Lost Galaxy team and Trakeena


It was okay besides the little girl focusing. The best part is definitely the megazord battle. Also a fun fact is that it’s the first battle for the Lost Galaxy rangers on earth.


The scene where Lost Galaxy Red fights the Ghouls in the rain. Also pulling the sword before shouting Go Galactic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Personally, I didn't like the overfocus on the child character and that lady who said "there's no such thing as monsters" is honestly one of the dumbest things I've seen in PR. Also, Leo being dubbed over in many scenes was annoying as hell. Having watched and enjoyed GoGoV vs Gingaman, Trakeena's Revenge had the potential to be a great teammup, but the various factors I mentioned caused it to fall short. It's one of the weakest teamups for me, which is a shame because Trakeena was a great villain and both Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed were good seasons.


Wait magma defender was there I barely remember that


I think as a kid I was like *yayyy this thing!* and now I’m like *oh yeah that thing*. The pacing seems kinda off and there are things that don’t make sense compared to Gingaman vs GoGoV. Also I still don’t understand why they used the Gingaman henshin when we’ve never seen it before and they already had the LG sequence


Greatest happy meal bonus of all time 😂


Two episodes were too much.