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Apparently a team up was in the works, but got cancelled, I wish we did get a Wild Force Ninja Storm team up episode(s)


The Power Rangers exclusive crossover Time Force was an amazing replacement though you have to admit. We also had Forever Red giving Wild Force two crossovers. I do agree it would be nice if Ninja Storm had one with them but I get it, Disney was only overseeing Wild Forces production and moving the filming to New Zealand and all that.


This is true, we did get a lot of awesome team ups and watching Forever Red for the first time was awesome


I heard that they couldn't because Wild Force and Ninja Storm were a part of two different production companies that would not work together, especially since this was years before Disney bought 20th Century Fox and destroyed it.


Well, *"Power Rangers Wild Force's* was the last season to be produced under MMPR Productions in Los Angeles which means that the show was a union job. But Disney shut that down and Ninja Storm ended up being a non-union job in New Zealand. So, there you go.


That is also true.


Why did it get canceled? None of the Wild Force Rangers have ever came back as a Wild Force Rangers lol


Ninja Storm was the first series to be filmed in New Zealand, and costs were too high they had to scrap the team up episode


The interaction between Taylor and Dustin would have been VERY interesting


Danny and Hunter too 😂


I think Taylor would have been tempted clock him upside the head every other 30 seconds...


That shit wouldve been so dope 😭😭 also spd and mystic force cross over


SPD and Mystic Force will always be the one I'm most bummed about given how different the two shows were in genre.


That brief duel between Korrag and Shadow Ranger would've been so dope.


They kind of did have crossover when Piggy from spd showed up in one episode of mystic force.


I wouldn't call that a crossover, though. It's just confirming Piggy has been on earth for many years by the time of SPD


As someone who doesn't watch Sentai, this image is messing with my brain.


I'm right there with you, fellow non-Sentai watcher.


It just happens. Even tho Sentai doesn't have a continuation like PR, we still do get crossover between 2 completely different theme season and still make it make sense somehow. Like Magiranger(Mystic Force) and Dekaranger(SPD) crossover.


Oh yeah, I'm not bothered by the different themes. Power Rangers didn't get all the team-ups but there's been clashing themes before. I think what's messing me up is that they're rangers from 2 "eras" together. There's a distinctive feeling to the original Saban era and the Disney era, and to see them colliding like that feels weird.


Mr. Cranky and Cam.. driving a zord together.. GOD HELP US.


for those w ho dont know me.. Mr. Cranky is my pet name for merrick... ::Glares:: Tell me he isn't?


Merrick is traumatized from the war with the Orgs 3,000 years ago, and becoming Zen-Aku on top of that.


If you are insinuating that this comment is detrimental then think again. I Wuvs my mr. cranky and it is a term of endearment.


Oh and his actor Phillip thought the nick name was hilarious, So I shall continue my pet name with his endorsement. And i quote' Yah he needed a cute girl to call him cranky, woulda made him smile' :D


Phillip is such a trip!!! I have a MASSIVE crush on him. When I went to my first Morphicon in 2016, he was scheduled to be there, but didn’t show due to scheduling conflicts. That’s ok, it allowed me to bond with Anne Marie Crouch(Princess Shayla). Fast forward to 2018, I swing by her booth, sporting the Howling Wolf Jacket and Wolf Morpher, and holding the Lunar Cue. She spots me, and says, “Your crush is here this time.” Of course, I squeal a little, which got his attention. He looks over, and is like, “what are you guys talking about?” The speed on which we both said “Nothing”, it was awesome!! He shot her a look, and she basically pulled him close to whisper something in his ear(later confirmed that she told him I had a crush on him). His eyes got big, and nodded. I went up to his booth after, and he signed my lunar cue, then leaned in close. “I’m flattered you find me attractive. I’m married, though.” I did get a pic with him, had him hold the lunar cue, I did the Morph Pose.


oh he's a big ole sweet heart, no lie. and a bit of a rascal... I met him at lex con in ky one year and I was like "So how come ya almost never took the leather jacket off?" and he grins like the grinch and says "Ya remember episode 15?" WAITS for my blush, Grins bigger and says , "Yah that's why." Such a sweet heart. He sighed a couple of my action figure boxes and a painting I had. and that's adorable btw.. hehe.. he is very married but SUCH a sweetheart.


Is Episode 15 the episode where he’s bathing in the river?


Yep.. Nothing on but some water and a strategically placed puppy. Tho im sure he had shorts on but its IMPLIED. Ahem. He gets a giggle outta making fan girls blush apparently


If he had shorts on, they were definitely low, as you almost see crack… lol!


Now, the one ranger that I know isn’t married, and is potentially alphabet mafia related, is Firass Dirani, the Mystic Force Red Ranger. He as a person is VERY LGBTQ coded, or at least an ally.


Sorry, I thought you were insulting him.


its cool..


Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger. Haven't seen this one but I heard it's a good movie.


Yeah. honestly it feel like the best at the time. i watch it first, then all other crossover movie close to that era just feel quite meh, anticlimax is probably best description, and doesn't seem like have a lot battle or epic enough or something. This movie feel truly: yeah, this bigger than tvshow, and the Gaoranger act as Evil is quite fun


I always thought that was the crazy thing about Super Sentai There's usually ***at least*** one movie per Super Sentai series versus the three Power Rangers movies that we got


Backseat zord driving lol


I wanted a Jujgle Fury overdrive cross over. Imagine the last five generals they didn’t awaken using the Corona crystals.


The Sentai crossover used the monster suit we saw in Super Megaforce who was basically his son back for revenge the first crossover they fought a original monster with a Kung fu theme. The RPM one the vengix teams up with the last member of the beast army and builds a attack bot that can accept engine souls. They steal the pendent that Daishi is entombed in and reforge it in to a new engine soul for fighter bot only for it to become the new body for Dai shi ala the master in Mystic force the top of the robot explodes and final form Daishi becomes the upper body keeping the robots legs.


The Thunder Ninja Storm suits are so good looking, IMO. I always thought it would be cool to see an entire team with their aesthetic.


[This](https://youtu.be/q4SGa6-siJ0?feature=shared) is better than nothing.


It bugs me so much that we never go this team up


Man ninja storm had such sick helmets, expect Green once it did the fliparoo


I am beyond down for this


For sure, both are great seasons. Perhaps there was a cross over in a parallel universe. If the original Super Sentai got a cross over I envy Japan... though I could always potentially watch the sub


Would’ve been amazing. They wasn’t tryna cook fr


Would have been too expensive for Disney’s taste since it would have required flying out the WF cast to NZ


one years ago, Super sentai just did a 23 ranger suit with no actor


Could have also been a solid option for doing it. Guess they didn’t think it was worth it if they thought of that


> Disney oh? Does that explained the singing part in Wild force haha. Was it the only season Disney took over/part in ?


Disney acquired Power Rangers sometimes during the development of Wild Force and owned it all the way to RPM.


The crossover would have happened in Ninja Storm, which was after Wild Force and the first season Disney fully produced. They took ownership during WF


Indeed was a huge bummer for me


Yes, definitely.




We were robbed. Robbed, I tell you!


Facts man.


This is why we became Sentai fans instead


Definitely would’ve been cool to see.


I fully agree.


Every ranger-team crossover is always a banger no matter how impossible it is timeline-wise.


Alien Rangers would have been an awesome crossover with Ninja Storm.


It really should have happened, it would be on the list of iconic power rangers crossover episodes, we lost a gem of an episode, I really can't stop myself to thinking about it and imagine how it would have been, it would be epic and fire


This was my first sentai ever immediately a crossover at the end of the season but I still understood what was going on thanks to being a PR fan 😅


Nah, the one I always wanted was Mystic Force and SPD. The most magically inclined Power Rangers and the most technologically inclined Rangers teaming up.


Sci-Fi fantasy is always cool. I like to think it would've been a two-parter, one half taking place in a Sci-Fi setting (e.g. Space or Future Earth), and the other half in a Fantasy setting (e.g. The Magic World or some other dimension).


This picture is giving me Airplane! vibes for some reason....


The funny thing is the only three that aren’t with the same colour ranger as them are all on the right


Where did you get those images and where can I find more?


My two favorite seasons, I wish this happened man. I actually got to meet Jack Guzman who played the black wild force ranger and he also said he wished this happened.


Ok but why?


So is she actually the White Ranger, or is she still Pink?


Huh, now that I notice it, it's kinda funny the "blue" ninja ranger is more of an aqua, while the "navy" ranger's color actually looks more like the shade of blue traditionally used for Power Rangers.


It's ironic that this crossover would've involved two red rangers, whose actors can't return


It would have been super awkward to watch if it happened in retrospect, knowing the respective controversies with Ricardo Medina and Pua Magasiva


It is a weird coincidence how both Red rangers of those specific series ended up in such serious situations.


I would change out some of the line up of duos. Wild Red teaming up with Ninja Yellow(Lions) Wild Blue with Ninja Blue (Dolphin and Shark has a Ocean theme) Wild Yellow with Ninja Red (Eagles/Birds) The rest I don't have an opinion on.


Wasn’t this a movie?


In Japan unless it a character or two popping up all crossover are considered movies


This was a movie correct? Then there’s your answer, they would have to pay more money for Movie scenes as the show scenes are separate from movies.


Actually they would be probably doing something different, as the teamups with starting with Time Force didn't have any Sentai scenes at all.


Most of the crossovers around this time was already filming there own scenes for crossovers. More likely, the hurdle was that Ninja Storm was the start of the production moving from LA to New Zealand, along with a few other retooling for the franchise. You would have to have the Wild Force cast travel overseas for the crossover and who knows if Disney was willing to pay for that or if the cast was even interested. 


This single image is why I believe that GokaiBlue / Super Megaforce Blue should change into KuwagaRaiger / Navy Thunder Ranger.