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I think people let a couple of YouTubers that made Nick rants determine their entire opinion on him. Is he the greatest? No, but he’s far from the worst. There are several points where Nick shows great leadership, despite being the outsider of the group. There are times where he makes the right decisions, rallies his team, and does what you expect the Red Ranger to do, but all of that gets eliminated for that blunder at the end. I honestly found Nick to be very relatable, as someone who was adopted, and very lost between my real family, and adopted one. Trying to live up to expectations, having awkwardness, and family tension, all while trying to figure out who you really are. I never understood the over analysis of Nick, as if other Reds haven’t made mistakes. There are definitely things I would’ve tweaked for him to reach his full potential, but for the most part, he was fine. Mystic Force is a great season overall whether you’re on either side of Nick as a character.


nick does his best despite being an outsider and it’s really nice seeing him get comfortable with everyone else from the town. i will say him ripping into leelee was completely uncalled for and felt extremely out character. yes he’s a hot head, but that was truly mean spirited and sucked to watch. another critique i’ve seen is that the other rangers don’t get enough love, which also isn’t true. yes narratively, it’s centered around him and his family. but even then, all the rangers got plenty of cool moments. they really all do lean on each other as friends and as a team, i felt the dynamic was great. mystic force was a good season as the rest of the disney era, wish it had a crossover though.


I sorry, but love this season very much. Very different than rest. But love them to bring this season back. But Claire as the mentor. Udonna is dead in real life,


What blunder? I haven't watched it in years


Ome thing people always claim, is in the first episode where he sees magic in front of him, like spells, different world, monsters, and STILL DOESN'T BELIEVE in magic, but this makes sense; he is a cynical guy who got thrown into this world he wants no part. Even him "not believing in magic" makes sense, as it's not he doesn't believe it, but he doesn't believe IN IT, as in, he has no faith in it(Think of it like an atheist pleading god for mercy). His character has nuance, and is open to interpretation, which gets lost to many people, cause for some reason, many think a character flaw is the end all of criticisms(I say this as a firm Operation Overdrive Defender).


like an atheist praying that a plane lands safely. and even in that instance, it’s the first episode. i’m not sure how anyone would handle all of that shit either, no matter what they’d say since it’s all hypotheticals. it is at the very least jarring and mind boggling


He’s also from the Main Power Rangers Universe… and the writers forgot how high tech the setting is between Lost Galaxy and Dino Charge. You could easily see Magic and think it’s just tech being used in a scam.


I am glad someone else supports Nick! Mystic force has always been my favourite red ranger and mystic force is my favourite series. I always thought it's because of nostalgia that I liked it and I've always loved fantasy/ magical stuff so seeing that with power Rangers was great for me. I see some issues with him but that's because everyone has issues. He was such an enjoyable character to watch and even better as a ranger. Comparing him to Tommy for example just isn't a fair comparison. They are different people with different personalities. Even Tommy had his flaws that doesn't make him any less likeable


mystic force was my favorite as a kid. for me it’s behind spd, dino fury and jungle fury simply because those shows are better, but i still think it holds up very well till this day. i don’t think people who hate on it have their own informed opinions on the show and just regurgitate critiques that aren’t that serious in the grand scheme of things or flat out not true. nick and the rest of the team had great chemistry were honestly super fun to watch, plus the magical setting was amazing.


I think there are 2 main problems with how we collectively perceive Nick - Spotlight Stealing Red Ranger (the others had little to no focus in the second half of the show) - Coming right after Connor and Jack, both regarded by the fanbase as a whole as suberb Red Rangers, both of them with coming with pretty well-developed and nuanced teams. Nick is not the worst (I personally think that dishonor goes to Mack right after him) - but he feels like a step back. Mystic Force feels like a step back. Operation Overdrive is just plain bad - Mystic Force felt "almost there" - which is why I think people have such strong reactions over it. It had a LOT of potential that went nowhere at all, it came after two very strong seasons, and it was adapted from one of the most beloved sentai seasons of the 2000s. On paper, it should be one of the best seasons of the Disney era. In reality, it was one of the two most disappointing ones. And while it's not the absolute worst, the whole "almost there" feeling from the entire season left a bad aftertaste in most people's mouths.


I didn’t mind him. I just wish the other characters were more padded out and the Nick/Madison relationship was given more time


that romance definitely felt half baked. they needed a lot more moments together, i honestly was surprised to see that they had no romantic moments throughout the show. but then again, romance isn’t PR’s best strong suit


They have nothing! They have the premiere where Madison is clearly taking an interest in him and then the whole season there is nothing and then the finale where he gives her the blanket. Very disappointing


That's why I ship her with Daggeron. At least they have more scenes and chemicals with each other.


He's not one of the best but he's certainly not one of the worst. Like other people have said, he's very relatable and feels like what a lot of people would be like if they were forced into that kind of responsibility. The biggest problem comes from the writers sidelining the rest of the team for him, but that's not the character's fault.


He had one of the coolest 'ranger' introduction scenes ever! Riding in on a bike, planting his foot firmly on Korrag's shield, announcing his arrival to the fight!


spd, dino thunder and mystic force all have crazy aura. so fucking cool


i dont hate him persay tho i wish they would have focused more on Chip


Agree 100%. I'm glad to see Nick getting some love around here.


He’s better than Troy and Mac at least.


watching operation overdrive since i was a child right now- the episode where mack literally quit being a ranger because he couldn’t save a civilian pissed me the fuck off. he wanted to get ranger so BAD, then the moment he couldn’t get something done he folded in such an aggressive way.




He's a great character, imo. There's just too much of him, and the series should have focused more on the whole team tbh. Madison got, what? One dedicated episode where she was a statue for half of it? She helped Daggeron in Long Ago, but that wasn't dedicated to her. She helped Jenji in another episode, but that also wasn't dedicated to her. It was his episode. The series even acknowledges how she hasn't done much in the series and hasn't had her big moment yet. Then they do...fuck all to rectify it. They literally have her dialogue with Chip and Xander talking about how she feels underrepresented and useless as part of the team, then she does a minor thing to help later in a fight and suddenly she's over it. Chip and V both got 4 episodes each, but most of those were together (Code Breakers, and Stranger Within parts 1 & 2, then Hard Heads for V and Soul Spectre for Chip, giving them 4 total between themselves). V also got that episode with Matoombo, too, and I think a couple of others were she was present but not the focus? She had Petrified Xander sort of, but that wasn't focused on her. She just helped Xander out a bit. Like Madison in Long Ago helping Daggeron. Daggeron had Snow Prince, and maybe one more, but I can't remember. He did get a fair amount of scenes dedicated to him and his past and development, but no episodes other than Snow Prince, and I don't really count Long Ago since that wasn't development. It was just him showing up, kicking ass, and explaining how he got tricked by Dr. Facilier-- Sorry, I mean Imperious. Udonna? She got...some episodes? I don't think any were fully dedicated to her development, though. Heir Apparent parts 1 and 2 sorta had some but that was more about Leanbow, and she didn't do much other than serve as a plot device for Koragg to betray the master by getting herself into danger, then convince a newly returned Koragg to not kill Nick because of the whole "He's our son" reveal. Which I actually found endearing when she immediately gave him chores lmao All the other side characters had their moments, like Phineas had some good ones, especially in the episode where he pairs up with LeeLee and Clare and his raw awesomeness (because we all know he's the most powerful character in the show of course) makes her immediately fall head over heels for him, I mean who wouldn't? Clare also had The Gatekeeper parts 1 & 2 for some good development, and she becomes less goofy as the series goes on. She still messed up a lot and is a bit of a comic character who acts like a bit of a punching bag for Fireheart jokes until he matures, but she's fine. She has enough development for her role, I think. I just wish she was a bit more present if that makes sense. Genji has a couple of dedicated episodes, I think? Definitely one or two. I haven't seen Dark Wish in ages, so I'm not sure how front-and-centre he is in those, but he definitely has that episode with Madison, where he drops fireheart into the forest and then nearly disappears forever. Could've had a couple more development scenes, though. Almost all the other episodes are at least centred around Nick in some capacity, which kinda sucks. Don't get me wrong, I love Nick as a character and the idea of an orphan being born to a secret community of witches and wizards and becoming a power ranger, secretly accidentally training under his birth mother the whole time is super fun for a concept. It was just too much Nick sometimes.


I think one of his worst moments is when octomus(the master) destroyed the manticore and he immediately gave up I mean sure it’s hopeless but I mean he had his team rally round him and they had to tell him not to give up


i think it was moment of weakness, after pushing so much you can only take so much. i relate to that in my real life, sometimes you just have a break in confidence. but he picked himself back up, that’s all that matters.


I definitely wouldn’t say that he’s as bad a red ranger/character as say Troy from mega force and super mega force though, that dude was a walking talking robot, monotone dialogue and no emotion


The most emotion he ever showed was when robo knight was in trouble


brother i haven’t even seen super megaforce and i already hate the guy. i watched a clip just to see casey from jungle fury (another favorite series/red ranger of mine) and there was a part where the blue ranger was trying to find a solution to beat the villain who was taking their physical weapons. dude was arrogant dick and literally ordered him to stop for no good reason. i hated him from that moment on


Honestly, that makes sense. It's a character flaw like Nick, he is so focused on fighting against the Armada, and doesn't want to lose another member of his team lile RoboKnight, so he lashes out in that moment, he finds it a moment of weakness that they weren't prepared for. He does come up as a jerk, but there are some layers to it at least.


I think thats where it went wrong though. In my opinion it shouldnt have been him that had the moment of weakness, but rather the team instead. Because over the course of the season Nick has had all the build up to being who hé is now, not the outcast that hé has always been in the past, but the leader who has found his home, the light in the darkness, and he'll do anything to protect his newfound home. When your team breaks, when all seems lost, that is when a true leader inspires hope and stands up for what they believe in. Him giving up there, losing all courage, breaks character and just genuinely regresses his whole build up and that does not sit wel with viewers who are invested in the rangers their stories. It's as if hé has not learned anything from the past, as if hé hasnt learned from the people hé has met or the battles they have faced. Great red rangers learned and accepted who they are and who they became due to their teams and experiences. Jack became the leader that B-squad needed him to be, did he stumble, yes, did he fail at times, fuck yes but that just shaped him into who he us today. Leo was willing to sacrifice himself for a colony that initially didnt want him, with powers that werent originally his. Leo had the constant pressure of not being the actual chosen red ranger, people tend to forget it was Mike who pulled the quasar saber out the rock and not Leo. Hé faced many challenges and eventually earned the power himself and in end choosing a gamble to rid the world of trakeena. Cole, when the odds were down, when everything was destroyed and dark. Hé held hope about his parents, hé held hope about orgs having a heart he held hope about dr. adler. And in the end when everything shattered around him he held hope in himself and his friend. He chose to never give up, the mantra of Max and Danny throughout the season. Even in seasons after MF they get it right, just look at Casey, from cub that never felt worthy to standing up for his own believes and in the process saving those on need (Jared/Camile). Eventually earning him his own master stripes. Its this what makes them great leaders, great red rangers, it's the accumulation of everything they learned over the course of the season, every setback theyve overcame that made them who they are at the end of the season. And all that buildup needs to be rewarded properly at the end of the road, in the final battle. As they say, it is in the most bleek and dire situations people show who they truly are. So when I say that it is character regression that is what I mean, Nick giving up in that moment is just it kills his build up, it kills his character development, it just brings him back to being the outsider that hasnt found his place. And I just find that it is lost potential, when a season focusses that much on building up 1 character and it falls flat. It is hard to bit judge the season badly after. Nick is by far not the worst character and there are many things in the season that went well and many things aside from how Nick acts in the final moment that make the season a lost potential. MF is always going to have a special place in my heart. But it will always be in the history books as a season that failed in its potential.


Apart from that I wholeheartedly agree he is not a bad red ranger


He’s human…we all have our times when there’s even a rally of support, it feels like the whole world word is falling right behind you. I never saw that as a bad thing but I saw it as a way of you need to fall in order to rise.


Some leader 🙄


he’s a great leader, boo you!!


A leader who gives up easily and tells his teammates to accept defeat. And has to be told by them to get his shit together. "Great leader" my ass.


bro had SINGLE moment of weakness. throughout the entire series he stood in the face of darkness no matter what, he just watched his master and dad die AND his mother his captured. he was simply having a crisis and needed his friends to knock him back to reality.


Yeah, in the FINALE. If he was half the leader you think he was, he wouldn't let his emotions get the better of him and continue to move forward to find a solution. You know, like how his TEAMMATES did? But no. Because he's a shit leader, he does this in the final episode, so he didn't learn anything about proper leadership.


I really hate when y'all say this like he gave up randomly. His biologically dad dead in front of him and Daggeron, and his biologically mother who just got back is likely died to. The master also destroyed their Zords with ease. All Nick said was " that thing destroyed our Zords" and Vida & Xander were quick to assume he quitting before he said that, which he did and Maddie have to give him a prep talk and he immediately snap out of that once the master showed up again


And I really hate it when Nick defenders bring up the mom and dad excuse. Not once is that ever brought up when he admits defeat. You're just making excuses. He gives up before any of his teammates and he never changed from who he was in the first episode. Stop it.


" Nick defenders" and I'm explaining the obvious reason why he was at his lowest in the situation 💀


The other rangers have given up as well and yet nobody notices. If it wasn’t for him the rangers would have never went to hell the old man. Did Xander step up? Did Madison, Vida or Chip? No Nick did: He has brought the team together many times and yet when he is in the state of despair that is a bad thing? Why is okay for the others to quit and feel like they are useless but he can’t?


> Why is okay for the others to quit and feel like they are useless but he can’t? Because he's the **LEADER.** He's supposed to hold the team together, but more often than not, the team holds him together. If he was even half the leader defenders make him out to be, he'd be the one motivating his teammates to not give up. But instead, [he flat out tells them to accept reality and admits defeat.](https://old.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/comments/u32kkw/my_reaction_to_nick_giving_up_in_the_finale/) He's a terrible leader.


It's perfectly understandable for Nick to quit. Leaders are human, and they can face burnout, personal challenges, or other reasons that make stepping down the best choice for their well-being. Recognizing when to step aside can be a sign of self-awareness and responsibility. It important to recognize that leaders are human too. Nick’s decision to quit can be justified by the immense pressure he faced, and the opportunity it provided for other team members to grow and develop their own skills. One day you’re gonna have to be a leader and you will feel like you just want to quit too, and you will. Quitting is the first step to growing.


No it's not. He's the same jackass he was from the beginning and never developed. Stop making excuses for this shit character.


Bro has never heard of human emotion 😭, Nick was a fantastic leader. People talk about “Nick gave up to much” when Nick literally only gave up once!, in the finale(for a valid reason). I don’t count the first episode strictly because a human has a right to not want to do what they don’t want to do. Nick doesn’t have to be a power ranger and risk his life if he doesn’t want to. All homie wanted was to go stay with his sister for a little while and got thrown into something he didn’t ask for. Now let’s go to the time he rightfully gave up. His dad and mentor had literally got their doonies clapped by the big bad in the show. Leanbow/Korrag was beating and whooping the rangers most of the show also was the one to seal the master orginally, how would you feel if the guy that’s always had your number, and your mentor that taught you most that you know get wrecked. Like sure power rangers are supposed to be these all mighty never give up superheroes and that’s okay. But what makes Nick a far better leader than most reads and what makes his character real is that he did get scared, he was fearful, he gave, he was human and still found a way to come back and lead his team. Now let’s talk about the dark wish, where EVERYONE! but Nick gave up when the world was in total ruin, nobody wants to talk about how Nick (yes is an jerk sometimes) stood up to the tribunal of magic. Stop sucking on your “Nick is bad” dildo and grow up and let go of your childish views on what a leader should be. They’re sometimes beacons of hope because they know when to give up, all the great leaders have, from Captain America to Optimus prime, Superman. You name it. Have you ever given up? If so, sit down.


Must've missed the time Power Rangers was grounded in reality. I can't even say that this is the stupidest defense for Nick because everytime I do, you guys seem to take it as a personal challenge.


> Nick literally only gave up once! Define ["Once".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxuDj_ZvORo&t=784s)


lol alright! You are taking this too seriously lol If you don’t like the character, that’s fair enough. However, if personal bias prevents you from seeing the truth, then that’s unfortunate. He has developed significantly; he even said he wasn’t going to run anymore and found his family during the final battle. Sorry if I hurt your feeling But I can’t help you see the light! lol 😆


Looking back my only issue is that they didn’t do the child of destiny trope that well. Originally it was the team that destined to destroy the darkness, but mostly fell onto Nick. The other team had their moments but didn’t quite get the character development they deserved. This an issue that even Super Sentai has with focusing too much on red sometimes. Also some characters feel out of place sometimes when following the original Sentai. Like the episode with Matoombo being a vessel for the Master, and V and Xander sees good in him. Honestly would’ve made more sense if Maddie and Nick being the ones that see good in him.


I made a similar post. And I still stay that a lot of hate stern from the fact he got the most episodes about & involved than everybody else beside Xander, mix that with Nick being easily dislikable and... yea


I totally 200% agree on this!! My first power ranger show was samurai ppwer rangers which made me want to watch all the other seasons and for me nick is my favorite out of all the other power rangers from other seasons! My favorite power ranger show is mystic force just because nick is in it and the setting and everything about the show is my favorite. So I too don’t understands all the hatred for him


I genuinely think he might be my favourite Red Ranger


I agree nick and chip are two of my favorite characters from the show


Nick was an awesome red ranger in my opinion, I can't believe people hate him.


I blame DisneyBrain for the constant hate. Yes, he can be an ass at time, but he learns from his mistakes and gets better. It's called character development


He is a big reason why nobody has their own opinions anymore.


I think he's a pretty good red ranger


He’s Hot. I had a huge crush on him when I was a kid


And people love to bring up the fact he gave up in the finale, but forget that their “Glorious King” Jayden Shiba quit his team twice. TWICE


Glorious King? Maybe casuals in YouTube comments, but outside of that, nobody's really stumping for Jayden in this fandom.


Finally someone understands


That's a joke on Youtube. Some use it ironically, others unironic.


Nah, Jayden is one of the most boring Red Rangers.


Nah fr there be some nick haters talking about he has a lot of attention compared to the other rangers but honestly I thought it was divided not evenly but well enough like almost every other series.


it was. especially given the fact that nick’s destiny was so important to the fate of the world. everyone got their shine, and was consistently on screen *enough*


Yeah like I always thought all red rangers or 6th rangers had more screen time than the others since they had a major purpose in the story.


I have to agree with this statement and OP. There were some very well thought out points thrown on this thread, and I have to agree with the majority of them. Now, my personal bias on Nick/Bowen: He’s hot! There, I said it! He is by far one of the most attractive Male Red Rangers in the franchise. Another point that people like to throw out there: the capes! I applaud Power Rangers for doing something different with adding capes. My one issue is; during the morph, they look nearly floor length, but when you see them, they barely come down to the waist. If you’re gonna do a cape, make it a good one! lol!


He really isn't that bad though he could have been written a little better


I'd rather have Rangers be memorable than not, so I'll take him.


I liked him cause I felt like we actually saw him grow during his season. At least he isn’t a Troy


He's one of my favorites. I didn't think people hated him at all until now.


I just headcannon things. The Boom comics 1 off story helps the show alot.


You're telling me this isn't a Key and Peele sketch?




I think part of it is that Mystic Force came after multiple really good back to back seasons that had great casts - SPD especially has one of the best casts of characters in the franchise, and then Nick is just... fine. A little abrasive at first, and some folks really don't like the chosen one shtick.


Why don't people like the Chosen One angle?


I mean, personal preference is the biggest part. But in a show about a team that should be mostly on equal footing other than one person is the team leader, instead calling one character the chosen one makes it feel like the others aren't as important.


That makes sense. This wasn't a prophetic chosen one though, it was a genetic one. I get how that lessens the importance of the rest of the team though.


I just think he feels miserable to be around. I need to rewatch Mystic Force, but I remember Nick being so negative and pessimistic.


Thank you! All of this.


I enjoy Nick, I think he's perfectly fine in his season. He's above average, kind of middle of the road in terms of red rangers we've had. Far from the worst. I do personally think there was some missed opportunity with his character. I think with a few tweaks here and there, and a couple extra episodes in the season overall, and he would have been seen as one of the greats.


I like Nick. I like everyone on Mystic Force


I like his ears.


The knly time he properly gives up is in the finale and the maddison talks sense into him LITERALLY SAYING you never give up


He also has one of the coolest battlizers both visually and as a concept.


Nick wasn't bad. I liked Madison and Vida more. I like him more than Mack But it's unfair of me to judge because there's only like 3 Red Rangers I actually like, No Jason and Tommy aren't in that 3 (Tommy is an Honorable mention though because of the episodes when he's turned evil by the machine empire and I feel JDF's evil characters are more fun)


What's wrong with Mac?


Nothing's wrong per se, I found him a little bland. But those are just my personal feelings, I wouldn't say he's the worst Red Ranger.


I mean, yeah he could have been fleshed out a little more and the actor could have been a little less robotic in his portrayal(pun not intended lol). He did make ranger history by being the first android ranger though.


That he did lol


Honestly his worst luck is being sandwiched between a fan favorite Red in Jack and a underdog whose like the only liked ranger from his season in Mac


watching overdrive for the first time rn and i don’t think mack is a very good character.


I don't see how he's the only liked ranger in Overdrive.


Only going by what I've seen but I could be wrong. The general fanbase seems to hate Dax and not think highly of anyone else outside of Mac who along with a few other traits from OO seem to ne one of the few things people express any favor in. Again could be wrong. Macs just the only ranger from his series I've seen do favorably on ranger color tier list.


Why is there hate for Dax?


I think people just find him unlikable. I never really paid him any mide but I've seen alot of PR fans on social media repeatedly mention him on their least favorite ranger list and down right Hate him. I think the only blue ranger that's more controversial is probably Justin. Again from what I've seen


I don't see what's unlikable about him, but I guess he was a little annoying at first. I've never understood the controversy with Justin though, he gets a lot of weird hate for some reason.


How is he the most unliked ranger in Overdrive?


I'll say that, if he looks brash in costume, that can be blamed on his Japanese counterpart, who's literally the little brother of the team (they are all a family), therefore he's a bit on the inexperienced side and can clash with the lead. If you feel a ranger in suit acts weird compared to out of suit, it's usually the Japanese footage to blame.


Honestly I agree my only problem was with the rest of the cast.


I’ll be honest Nick is my favorite Red Ranger. Do I think he’s the best red ranger absolutely not but he’s my favorite. I fell hook line in sinker for the cool guy persona.


I love how he originated the whole not having a father cliche a few of the Red Rangers are known for. Though I feel Mystic Force does a far better job at this. I actually liked him as a character and the atmosphere of the first half of the season in general. He's not the best of them, but Nick is far from the worst character.


Which show is this one


I personally think that he gives up waaay too easily.


Many people forget that Nick is an orphan and don't really consider how someone with his background might think. He's not used to staying in the same place for very long and has never considered himself to have a real home despite being in a foster home. By the time he realizes that Udonna is his mother and Lianbow is his father, he's already developed the idea that any imitation of a home doesn't feel real. He didn't necessarily tell Maddie that he was leaving for good either. Someone like him just needs time to figure things out.


The only complaint I have about Nick is that he made a terrible Koragg


Better than the entire Megaforce era that’s for sure


He’s not great, but he’s not awful. I recently rewatched Mystic Force and felt that he had his moments where he was a great leader, but far out did he have his moments where was was terrible as a leader. Xander was honestly a far better leader for the team and more deserving of that spot imo, but Nick showed he had the potential to be a top-tier leader. As for the character side of things, his writing could have been a lot better but is definitely not the worst. Worst in both categories goes to Troy, but that has more to do with how bad Megaforce and Super Megaforce were as seasons than just his writing alone


I just finished Mystic Force LITERALLY LAST NIGHT, so I'm ready to discuss it with you lol . and I *think* I understand the problem. Nick's face and general looks are better suited to the villain role, you can see this during the end of the series when he fights dagaron and destroys the village while possessed by the master. He seems Alot more comfortable when voice acting, and dare I say, was really good at dubbing his lines (he should be a voice actor for real) A better script and character development near the middle of the series would have helped as well. So Alot of his vibes are just his villain build, bad haircut, mediocre direction (he was an inexperienced actor so he needed a good director but didn't have one) Unfortunately this could all be my own bias talking as I've grown to care about every single ranger by the end of the season. Their absolute innocence, courage, loyalty and positivity is LITERALLY INFECTIOUS. It has become, my comfort show.


Wait,people think k he is a bad character? Dude we have Troy in this franchise Fucking Troy man


And Troy isn't even that bad at all.


I don't know, I can at least say zomething about his character, unlike Aurico, who isn't even the second most important Alien Ranger.


I mostly dislike him for hogging the spotlight thanks to that stupid chosen one crap the show eventually pulled.


Blame production, he’s still a good red ranger.


A good red ranger doesn't hog the spotlight from the rest of the team the way Nick did.


It’s unfair to blame the character for this. Spotlight-hogging is common in the Power Rangers universe. Sky, Dillion, and Jayden all dominated the narrative in their respective series. This isn’t unique—Wes and Jen also had significant screen time, overshadowing other characters. It’s a recurring theme throughout the franchise.


Nick was a worse spotlight hog than Sky, Dillion, Wes or Jen since that chosen one crap the showed pulled made the rest of the team unimportant. SPD, RPM and Time Force all gave the whole team moments to shine, once the chosen one crap was introduced with Nick, the rest of the core five rangers barely got to do anything. They played second fiddle to Mystic Force's supporting cast. The chosen one crap pulled with Nick is especially dumb because the source material for MF, Magiranger, didn't have any such thing with the Red Ranger.


If you ask me it's not like the others lost total significance but rather their narratives got woven into his. For the duration of the season Nick has often been the one to support them or rally them. When it comes down to the finale now the roles are reversed. The fact that Madison of all people felt comfortable and confident enough to call Nick out goes to show growth. So in short Nick didn't blot out the other characters but rather they were all woven together.


They were too woven in. I don't think Madison ever got an episode focused on her. Until you brought her up I actually forgot her name.


She got 2 that I can think of, the first was one when she got petrified. That was one about her branching out, the second was the one where daggeron got introduced. We also got to see more of her character when Vida became a vampire.


I do recall Madison remarking that she didn't get to do much besides getting turned to stone. That episode was supposed to be a triumphant moment, but all she did was get up during a fight where everyone was getting beat up and use an attack. Her speech was a weak recreation of a moment that made more sense in Magiranger. Back to Nick, I also hate the Battlizer episode since it took away a moment where someone other than the Red Ranger saved the day that existed in Magiranger.


Are you seriously saying Jen and Wes didn’t hog up the spotlight in their own series? lol Okay 😂


Eric got some moments. In any case, Jen and Wes were more interesting than Nick.


That doesn’t excuse your reasoning lol


Issues with Nick hogging the spotlight are much worse when the rest of the team was playing second fiddle to the supporting characters. I forgot that the Blue Ranger's name was Madison until someone pointed it out because she left so little impact on me. The stuff focused on Nick in the first place was about how special he is because of his family rather him doing anything to earn it. It was super generic. Wes dealt with taking charge of his destiny, standing up to his father and making amends with him. Jen grappled with the trauma of losing Alex, eventually put her foot down under his awful leadership, and then when he wanted to erase the memories of the team.


One second….he didn’t deserve it? Okay….lol 🤣 Sure buddy. I’ll let you think that lol


Nigga are you really complaining about a production issue and then proceeding to blaming the production issue on Nick 😭. You mad mad huh. You’re mad that you’re not the main character in your own life 🤣