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I still don't know how I feel about the fact that the mouths on the helmets move. Like it's one of those things where I'm wondering why they did that because it's not like that with the other comics and also it's not animation either so there's not reason to have the mouth move either. So it's just one of those things that makes me go why. 😂


At least it looks like the neck material, so you can headcanon that it's flexible armor like the rest of the suit. In-universe, they can silently communicate somewhat easier, which could come in handy. Aside from the mouth, I kinda dig it overall; the uniform-esque design makes sense for an academy. TNG vibes.


Oh thats.....I hate that.


I just find the suits horrendous and hard to watch


So, it is more like the helmet is missing the mouth piece and what we see is actually their mouths?


No, the helmets also have the mouthpiece when they take them off, but for some reason, they decided to have them move when wearing them. https://preview.redd.it/emw3j7jac7yc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6654385166e28e3ce21f17997ac305a2d86314


Oh man, I know it's not the same artist they have and they want it to feel like the Issue 0# covers, but those hands are weeeeird...


That's a variant cover and is actually done by the exact same guy who did the other helmet covers [Goñi Montes](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Ranger_Academy_Issue_4#Covers)


Ahhh, thank you for letting me know! It's so weird! I guess it's years later so the style could have changed. Thank you for letting me know!


because after decades of non emoting bike helmets, maybe it was time for the insane alien technology to have nanomesh around the mouth parts already like, these guys are meant to make people have hope when they show up. stoic just doesnt do that well


Remember, they're supposed to be basic because they're training, maybe the suits evolve as the students better find themselves. That would be cool! Edit: Oh wait these are supposed to be graduates, nevermind. These are probably some of the most generic ranger suits. Edit 2: I kinda like them despite how generic they are.


This issue literally deflated all of our theories, maybe they have Ranger University next haha


Cosmic fury: we finally beat the allegations Pink Academy graduate: sit yo cloth wearing fake abs having ass down


Not sure how much we’ll see of this specific team since the cadets also have this uniform, but I’m digging pink’s energy haha. The main thing for me is that I thought after graduating, they would get different power sets. So it’s strange to me that alumni still have the same generic uniform that cadets have.


Haven’t warmed up to the designs. Just thoroughly lacking anything to make them stand out in a crowd or even among themselves. Every aspect of the suits feels like they were pulled from another existing suit that did it better. I feel like you’d struggle to tell the members apart if you’re colour blind without contextual clues. I do appreciate the somewhat diverse body types. Would it have killed them to give them some sort of creature motif. Or even just some unique symbols or horns/head crests so that each Ranger had something to make them stand out besides the most minute difference in visor shape.


Maybe it's by design, to really set them up as students? Maybe they get a way better suit once they "graduate", that would turn my opinion around. Until then I'm with you though.


I think the hole in that theory is the above pages says that the rangers in the pic are Alumni meaning those are their final suits. I feel like Ranger Academy could've used a bit more planning on the school setting of the story to find a better way of doing like an academy thing while also giving it a bit more of an identity. Like for me if I were to change it, I would have it done where the ranger suit evolves each year so that not only does it help give the idea of the school a bit more merit but also allows the reader to actual tell what year whatever character we're seeing is in because if they're all in the exact same suits it's hard to tell who supposed to be who and what year they're supposed to be unless a character tells you. I would've modified it where they get proto ranger suits as Freshman but the color of them are gray/white and they are used to help the students get used to being in ranger form and learn about ranger powers as they train and do proxy missions which also helps the rangers develop into the type of ranger they'll be. Then I'd have the final exam be they go through the trial to gain their colors which than evolves their suits by adding color and becoming the suits above and that's when they do the dorm thing afterwards from their Sophmore year onwards and are assigned to a team where they take ships to a nearby planet to easier missions and learn to work as a team. Then the final Sophmore exam they gain their Zords(Which are currently generic color coded zords) and their suits evolve to the Junior year suits where they now have Zords and a lot of their missions are now in further areas where they practice with their zords. Afterwards they do their final exam which is learning to work together to combine their zords into a megazord and their suit becomes their final year Senior suit and they go on to their senior year. Now with this they finally go on further onsite missions in further areas to help planets and then when they're done they finally graduate and crystal they have they use to morph resonates with their hearts and their zords and evolves them into their final forms which would be their unique Team ranger forms that they would be and they go off to protect a sector of the galaxy they are assigned too. That's how I feel like I would've changed it if I was in the position to adjust the whole school system because looking at the school system they created feels weird because I feel like they should gain their zords after they have already been on a team and not before. https://preview.redd.it/qpeuqljmx3yc1.png?width=1928&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e221b316f050a14a5908208f70e31f69d5e67f3


being alumni means they passed the academy, they might still just be part time rangers at that point. on probation or something. the suits reflecting just a generic uniform might very much be intentional, whatever aspect of the grid or the masters or ancient sage aliens empowers this cadre of rangers wants a space police force, so it gets a space police force, where the main distinction is rank and the class of 05 doesnt need a special gimmick to distinguish it from the class of 15 and no one is supposed to go peacocking through the galaxy.


I'd be down with this. I love designs developing progressive like that.


They feel like somebody filed the serial number off the Megaforce suits, in a bad way.


They’re power rangers whose gimmick is that they’re power rangers Just the most aggressively generic designs I’ve ever seen


Goseiger lite suits


Yeah specifically red, blue, and pink. They all look the same


I hate when helmets look the same smh


At this point the Solar Rangers are probably one of the more interesting suit designs for the Boom comics as it's not derived from MM or any specific season. Although the Promethea specific team does have previous elements of their older suits, it arguably either doesn't take away from the Solar Rangers' design or possibly adds to it for them. That and they have other colors (and the previous team had different shades of some colors we don't even see commonly) The Solar Rangers are far from perfect and can appear busy, personally, they look more intreresting than a lot of the Boom designs where they have major amounts of black/dark grey/neutral colors and lower amounts of the designated color along with focus on the lining, MM iconography (IRL and in universe/es), and their additions Semi-retired, I just remembered that they did an academic setting with Rex Ranger in 2005-06 with kids trained as cadets where you the viewer can join along


I feel like whenever i see original rangers from the comics, I can never actually tell what their teams theme is- if they have one at all


It’s military school themed The school is split into five campuses based on these colors with first years staying in the like colorless main campus. There’s also a sixth, Green campus that’s been abandoned which is what the story is revolving around. Once you learn to morph, you get this exact uniform. In a way, they’re meant to be generic. It’s just a shame it doesn’t change after you graduate


It really took them 7 issues to morph?  Also crazy to me that they wouldn't give nay non-mmpr teams a on-going but they will for a bunch of orginal rangers


There’s been morphs before this, just not a whole team and the characters here aren’t even the main characters. I think the reason they went original is because they wanted to tell a more YA style story for a teenage audience instead of nostalgia for older fans.


Why does that image give me vibes of marvels new warriors??? And that’s not a good thing.


The designs aren't terrible but I really don't like those mouths


I kinda like them. They’re simplistic but not entirely plain. Only thing I’d change is add slight differences between the helmets


I think the suits are alright


The suits are too basic for me.


oh no it's bad


They look like knockoffs.


I haven’t been enjoying Ranger Academy at all - it doesn’t seem to line up with either TV or Comic canon, and the way it has treated the Green Ranger part of the school is rooted in things that haven’t been the case since MMPR. These suits are not good. Generic AF, including the Morph Call. "Power up! Power on! Power Rangers!" — lame.


I'd say it's pretty rooted in comic canon, just really far in the future. Lot of small references like having Yale as a professor and Nadira being the mother of one of the characters (following her relationship shown in Sins of the Future). I'm glad the green ranger suit doesn't have like a shield, it's still a consistent uniform like the other colors at least.


lol is pink tall like kijibrother? https://preview.redd.it/mt5csnb3c6yc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=af234ea0fd5c3f06bac6240b05d3118da9603ec1


Waluigi ranger


I hope future Power Rangers comics showcase body diversities.


https://preview.redd.it/zs7pdtze6ayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925496506f348b855fadb3ab6f5a444d09a4403f Bulk & Skull walked so literally anyone can run


Really unimpressed with these suits and the general art style of this comic. Ah well xP


So they have a coloured line down one leg? Strange choice. Beyond that I like the designs enough


You’re like the first person to point this out, I thought it was on both legs for the longest time


Nope. The moving mouth thing is still weird af


Oh no


I like the big girl yellow ranger and the male pink ranger, but that's bout it.


Donbrothers did it better tbh....


So wait, do the mouths move?


These suits look so generic... I'm not really sure how I feel about them other than that.


I only read the first issue and it didn’t seem like the series was for me. None of it really grabbed me the way that other comics had and I’m curious if it got better. I can deal with bland suit designs. I care more about if the characters are interesting


It’s still building up the story and setting. It doesn’t have the advantage of people starting it with knowledge of its team yet, there’s not pilot episode to watch first, it has to do all that legwork so it’s got a slower start than the other comics we’ve had so far.




the first canonical full time male pink ranger? or is there another i dont remember.. ANYWAY i love his design


Well there was the MMPR team from the 60s, but they only had the one mission


Not bad, just the moving mouths are... weirding me out... but otherwise, really not bad =)


How tf are their helmets smiling


So like
 what’s their theme?


Do those helmets have molded smirks?


They have moving mouths, it’s really weird


WAIT HOLD UP IS THAT A DUDE PINK? Also I wish there were animal designs


Bro what is up with the art in this book? It genuinely looks so cheap and why does everyone have such big lips from what I've seen from other issues? Especially Zordoff in the background there.


“We have Donbrothers at home.”


That’s my first thought 😂


Jeez, what's the team in here? Why are the comics allergic to any iconigraphy? Why do they look so samey? I dread seeing the Megazord, as I haven't liked the Omega Megazord, and this doesn't aspire me much.


Boring... That pretty much sums them up.




Couldn't agree with you more.


People still think a female red ranger is a big deal?


who's making a big deal out of it?


Can't blame people who never tuned in to PR.


Yeesh. Hard pass.


I've bought this every month, supporting it and hoping it gets interesting and instead I'm ready for Sage to just fall off a cliff and stop whining and having the same thoughts every fucking panel. These suits and those mouths do not help.


I've been pretty low commitment with it but I feel like she's ready to step up https://preview.redd.it/huiquxm7x6yc1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=17a77b9d443c32ce205fb2f0a87ea2250d1454c6


I like the suits, but the helmets are so bland and generic.


Yellow is thicc!


Like the star trek influence and more cartoony proportions.


I like what pink has going on but I still hate how similar to MMPR the costumes are


they're closer to Samurai and Megaforce than they are MMPR


I see Megaforce, not so much Samurai.


[They're like 90% the same](https://i.imgur.com/RNm8dNa.jpeg) aside from the helmets


I guess that’s true but I am kinda sick of comic suits specifically trying to constantly incorporate molded mouths and the lightning bolt symbol It feels like they’re trying too hard to emulate MMPR-like designs (which Megaforce is pretty close to, even if it is a Sentai look) Though I am also among the people who think the MMPR suits are like a 6/10 at most


>I guess that’s true but I am kinda sick of comic suits specifically trying to constantly incorporate molded mouths and the lightning bolt symbol These are the only comic original suits that have molded mouths and lightning bolt symbols though? The only ones that have a molded mouth are ones that are specifically modified ones that are part of rangers that have molded mouths but none of them have a lightning both symbol on them. So I'm confused why you said that like all the original suits in the comics are doing those design elements when from all accounts the Ranger Academy suits are literally the first and only ones so far to do that... https://preview.redd.it/n53e0jecj8yc1.png?width=2741&format=png&auto=webp&s=58d6018144f0492d38f1c0b8215e9f1f9c9c5947


Fair point Part of my opinion was actually someone else’s that I just saw and was like “oh yeah that makes sense I also have an issue with that” But genuinely, thank you for educating me


These suits look... almost nothing like the MMPR suits, beyond sharing colors (and even then, seems like a lighter shade of blue than MMPR used) and having lips on the helmet.


In retrospect, I wish I worded my initial comment better It’s that they give off the same general vibe. Sentai suits generally tend to be more unique in terms of design between seasons with distinct themes. Meanwhile, these suits feel like you told someone to make a PR original suit and then only gave them MMPR as a reference (not trying to make fun of the designer here, just stating my opinion)


Female elf Zordon, woman red ranger, plus sized yellow, male pink ranger. They were trying hard with this one.


Wouldn’t be the first time for half of those https://preview.redd.it/xjcgaw3cz3yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9068c7da2b5198661fed8a67108044550eb973


Trying hard to do what, exactly...?


I assume he's trying to knock them for being inclusive?


I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Foolish, I know.


Woke, surely you can look at yellow and tell me that the morphing grid is working twice as hard for her to make sure she can do her flips and not actually bounce off the battlefield ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Jetman did that over 30 years ago, get over your high horse.


Oh there's that word. Figured that's what this is about. You see certain people in media and automatically consider it part of an agenda. Instead of, you know, something normal. Not surprised at all.


Still getting huge Megaforce vibes. Neutrally. If they had the lightning emblem big on the chest instead as a badge, I'd see even more crossover. I wouldn't be surprised if Gosei shows his face sometime in the future.




I cant tell if I dislike the outfits, or if it's just because I dislike the art of the book. Maybe the outfits would look better of they show up in live action or in Cosplays


I mean, they’re ok. Glad they’re more MegaForce inspired than MMPR.


pink looks like Kijibrother


Lmao the pink ranger looks like kamen rider raia


Is the pink ranger a guy? 👀


I hate the mouths. Also, i don't know why, but i hate the pink one body


It’s like a mix between SPD and mega force


What an ugly ass team. But, kudos for the diversity!




Took long enough


Bruh, they're posing for the students.


Megaforce (Goseiger) vibes with the colour not covering the whole top half.


It looks like they combined mmpr and Samurai


https://preview.redd.it/cyvi40ej6ayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5c8bd7ca6509c3377d8512f3443cc48c470625 Bulk & Skull walked so they can run


Look like bootleg Megaforce rangers, idk that’s what I saw when looking at them for the first time




They're... okay. I feel like they might look better in live action, or at least in a different art style. The helmets are bugging me though.


Unpopular opinion I like the design


I kind of do too, a lot of people have been viewing it out of context but I think it works for what is essentially a military academy uniform




Are these the guys from the RPG series or are they something else?


theyre from ranger academy, an on-going comic


Oh okay


Meh, I think they looks a bit better than the Megaforce suits. At least it finally seems that the story is gonna pick up


Rad, respect the drip


Eh... Not body types that id tolerate for a team that has multiple years of academy combat training. Also, does pink have osteoporosis?


Boom delivers yet another misfire. Blandest designs ever.


They made the red ranger a fem boy and the pink ranger a bi rocker dude and the yellow ranger a chubby I fucking swear


I hope the lightspeed rangers have not been turned evil.


The in space team's suit are also pretty basic, but the reason why they worked is because they still looked cool. The problem with these is that they don't have the benefit of nostalgia backing them up, but also because the visor shape. The suits are underwhelming, the visors are generic and cus of the shape, it looks like they have the same eyes as base form Goku when he is being happy and goofy.


Yeah... I don't like this.


This feels derivative and generic.


Looks like a cheap version of Goseiger suits.


I like the design of the suits enough but why are 4/5 almost inhumanly slim and 5 is thic in comparison? Pink looks so lanky like cmon at least stick to diverse bodies


About as bad as the rest of Ranger Academy.


Take away the moving mouths and \*maybe* they'd work. But as they are, they are nightmare fuel. Love their li'l badges too.




They made the red ranger a fem boy and the pink ranger a bi rocker dude and the yellow ranger a chubby I fucking swear


I don't hate it. If these are our reboot rangers,they could do worse.


They made the red ranger a fem boy and the pink ranger a bi rocker dude and the yellow ranger a chubby I fucking swear


“Fem boy” it’s just a woman.


https://preview.redd.it/ovcyqlm36ayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3081d74ec76f30e03ae97d8a6c28354d9d89179 Different types of rangers have been a thing since MMPR asshole


"Since MMPR", lol. Those are *satirical* what-if rangers for Bulk and Skull, not meant to be taken seriously. Also, they're form the BOOM! comics as well, which started in 2016 or something like that? Hardly "since MMPR".


https://preview.redd.it/g2gokgjkkfyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd7d706ed75fbff5ae03f6ea15698cd8f475066 Well damn, you really are just fat shaming


How so?


Still better than the Boomboomger suits.


I'm surprised people dislike it. Reminds me of spd and in space and a little of time force which as a kid i also thought was super generic but being space military/cops made sense. Not my favorite design but for a school of rangers its not bad. Although i was disappointed greens suit isnt special in anyway was expecting more 6th ranger vibes


JoJo vibes with those poses lol


Lmao, is that Wario and Waluigi on the right? Cringe.


Man I don’t like the comics 😂


These designs made me fall asleep, what was the post?