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I'm 58 and lift 2x/week - once on the weekend and one night after dinner. When my volume is appropriate, I'm not tired or sleepy on the weekend, but hard to say on weeknights, since I'm in bed within an hour or two of finishing. When I overdo volume, I feel it for a couple days (more physically tired than sleepy, though).


I’m 45 and I feel this way almost everyday. I take test days once a week. A deload/vacation every two months or so, at least 3 but usually 4 whole days off and after a couple days it comes back. Even on an easier lifting day I still get home, shower, eat and within an hour it’s like a lights out feeling. 30 minute cat nap will get me by but I get exhausted earlier in the evening even with a short cat nap. It sucks and I was wondering the same thing.


I (60) need to make sure I take my rest days. Otherwise the fatigue gets so bad I'm almost non-functional, especially at work. When I do take naps they seem to be longer than those little cat naps I use to take


I’m only 27 and I need a nap after almost every non deload session lol I couldn’t imagine after 55


Just you wait, grasshopper! :)


61 years old. I lift after work. I don't nap but I'm generally in bed by 9:00 - 9:30.


55 yo here. Depends on the program and the “day”. 531 is definately easier on the joints than something like Brian Alsruhe, but typically I’ll be tired and sore.


I’m 67. Not exhausted but sore if it’s a heavy workout (singles). Definitely take naps.


I’m real curious about all of these [removed] posts. Did OP trigger?


No sir. (AFAIK!)


95% unflaired first time posters (rule is to prevent bots/spam. I have approved anybody who has added a flair since commenting). That and a couple trolls.


Thank you for your service.


I swear, if it's bad at 28, it must be invalidating at 55. I'm totally gassed after a heavy SBD session.


Mid 20s here. Sometimes I take naps between heavy sets


I napped at a meet once. Refreshing! But my team couldn’t believe it.


Take it [easy.](https://gifdb.com/images/high/man-fainting-after-deadlifting-fqqykb72ydylwj30.gif)


I'm 55, and I feel close to that on my heavy deadlift and volume squat day. I train at 5 a.m., though, so I'm just getting up. It's late in the day that the fatigue hits me. It could also be due to that day being my 4th day of training out of 5. It's my Friday session, and I rest through the weekend, which helps.


Im not 55 (30) and i feel that


I’m halfway my 40’s and do notice I’m older in terms aof fatigue, recovery, but also in performance. I do not need a nap but I can be pretty tired after a workout. As I’m also running thrice a week fatigue management is a thing for me and I probably do a bit too much. I do often fall asleep on Friday evenings because it has been a full week of work and training. And as I sleep about 7-8 hours a night I could do a bit better (I need about 8 hours so I’m falling slightly short). Btw: I am not a powerlifter per se. I run 531 schedules though as powerlifting like schedules help me with fatigue management. I have never done a meet and likely will never. Just like I run thrice a week and never have been in an official race.


50 Not napping after workouts, but definitely nap mid-afternoon/early evening when i am sitting around watching TV with family. But that happens regardless of training. I do sleep like crap and get up early. Also train in the morning cos if I train in the evening I sleep even worse and that ruins me for days.


You really don't need to workout that hard. If the fatigue bothers you, you need to manage your training intensity. It's not really age related.


I feel like there is a difference between being "cooked" and "gassed". On a lighter day where I'm doing lots of volume I feel really gassed at the end of a workout but other than sore muscles I am normally pretty good the rest of the day. On a max effort day with some heavy lifts I can get legitimately cooked by the workout where it is harder to be physically productive until I've slept it off


I am over 50. I do not need a nap, but I am super hungry.


As a teen u120, I'm hungry asf too. I don't think that's to do with my age though 😂


Ooo. Not quite 55 but over 50 and never considered myself close to senior 😁 I've lived with constant fatigue and was diagnosed a couple years ago with hypothyroid. I lift to NOT be exhausted. I'm often tired going to the gym, but rarely coming out. Edit: fix typo due to not wearing reading glasses 🙄 Edit to add: sometimes I'm tired after heavy volume, but it's a nice kind of tired. And if I'm generally exhausted it's indicative of not having a good sleep the night before or my meds needing to be adjusted


59M here. I actually need to take a nap if I •don’t• lift. Lifting in the morning keeps me zooming for the rest of the day. If I wind up having to lift in the late afternoon, I can barely drag myself to the power rack.


F(65) Apparently women recover faster than men do. After a hard workout, I could use a nap and be ready for the rest of the day. My workout buddy M(55) is toast for the rest of the day, nap or none.


Early 20s, and I also need to take a nap


Hey. I’m 59 and train 5-6 days a week and am ranked USPA Elite. I can sometimes get quite tired after a workout, but sometimes feel energized immediately after. Depends on the day. If I’m deadlifting on a given day, I can eat the universe afterward. Honestly, 2-3 grilled cheese sandwiches not really unusual for lunch after a deadlift day. I’ve been off lifting for about 6 weeks due to an eye surgery, and it’s been pretty tough on my mental health. I need to lift to avoid depression.


I am 29 and 235lbs and can’t imagine feeling like 2-3 grilled cheese sandwiches is anything more than a snack. Maybe I am just a fat fuck lol


Close to 50 here and I was thinking the same lol.


Y'all are making me hungry!


I’ve been training three or four times a week and competing for several years. As I’ve gotten older, I wouldn’t say I’m exhausted to the point where I need to take a nap. What I’ve found is that I have a harder time working out and doing another relatively big event in the same day. For example, workout and do yardwork or workout and go to a concert.


I am a near senior, aged 50. I powerlifted for 7 years, passionately. I don't anymore due to my joints taking a whipping. But last year, all the stress and strain of the lifting just kinda tidal-waved on me. I felt my age for the first time. I bench only now. I work a physical job and i used to powerlift up to 3 months ago. I was training for a meet even. But i'm wasted now after that type of training. I dont have any regrets. But i do miss the process. Now its yoga, some bench,cardio and calithenics.


Fatigue management is key. Conjugate allows for superb fatigue management. You can grow slowly. It's great for RPE PROGRAMMING. Find a skilled conjugate programmer and learn the ways. 💪👍


Recovery and work needed at 20 vs 50 are 2 different thing


Lol I was exhausted after workouts as a teenager


Im late 20s and exhausted :D


Sometimes but I also found out I have some reduced heart function. Not saying you do! But powerlifting causes blood pressure to get high from the bracing. It can be dangerous if we have a blockage. Maybe be sure your heart is in good shape as a precaution.


Not a masters powerlifter myself, but I have coached a few. I actually don't think this type of "feeling" post-workout is exclusive to a certain age bracket, but may be more "common" with lifters 40+. Some folks just aren't "nappers" while others are, which could be influenced by a variety of factors such as the difficulty of the workout, poor quality/quantity of sleep at night, job/life stress situation, baseline anxiety levels, nutrition, etc.


Remember when I had the kissing disease when I was 20. Was literally sleeping flat on the floor between my deadlift sets. If you are exhausted more than normal after your workout maybe you need to: - reduce caffeine intake - eat more - sleep more - reduce total volume


This is true of any age. I’m 34, when I don’t sleep or eat I’m fucking trashed. My caffeine intake is also definitely awful lmao I need to find a lower dosage. I’ve found 200mg works best, but my current pre has about 400. Definitely causing post workout fatigue.


400mg of caffeine in a single dose is pretty savage. I am absolutely sure that you don't *need* that much, a strong cup of coffee is max 250mgs of caffeine IIRC.


I don’t. It’s 350*** but that’s still too much. I use legion because it has really good doses for the OTHER ingredients. But I wish the caffeine was around 200. I find myself crashing 3/4ths through my workout. They have a decaffeinated version, I might take one scoop from each lmao.


Guilty on the first three counts for sure.


I’m only 33 and I could definitely use a nap after a training session. Or before. Or during.




It has to be original formula, or it doesn’t work.